Import patches-unapplied version 2.293 to ubuntu/vivid-proposed

Imported using git-ubuntu import.

Changelog parent: 4825764bf0

New changelog entries:
  [ Michael Vogt ]
  * live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/11-remove-extra-packages.chroot:
    - remove libpython2.7 and friends as welll
  [ Oliver Grawert ]
  * remove all .override files in teh build chroot, else teh buildd machines
    fall over.
Oliver Grawert 10 years ago committed by usd-importer
parent 4825764bf0
commit 74b7fad340

debian/changelog vendored

@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
livecd-rootfs (2.293) vivid; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]
* live-build/ubuntu-core/hooks/11-remove-extra-packages.chroot:
- remove libpython2.7 and friends as welll
[ Oliver Grawert ]
* remove all .override files in teh build chroot, else teh buildd machines
fall over.
-- Oliver Grawert <> Tue, 10 Mar 2015 16:21:36 +0100
livecd-rootfs (2.292) vivid; urgency=low
[ Michael Vogt ]

@ -479,6 +479,8 @@ if [ "$PROJECT" = "ubuntu-touch" ]; then
lb chroot_devpts remove "$@"
lb chroot_sysfs remove "$@"
lb chroot_proc remove "$@"
rm -rf chroot/etc/init/*.override
# LTSP chroot building (only in 32bit and for Edubuntu (DVD))

@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ apt-get purge -y locales
apt-get purge -y libicu52
# no more py2, yay
apt-get purge -y python python-minimal libpython-stdlib python2.7
apt-get purge -y python python-minimal libpython-stdlib python2.* libpython2.*
