@ -91,39 +91,6 @@ if [ "${IMAGEFORMAT:-}" = "ubuntu-image" ]; then
snap install --classic --channel=stable ubuntu-image
apt install mtools grub-common
ubuntu-image classic -w workdir $UBUNTU_IMAGE_ARGS --debug \
-O output "$PREFIX".yaml
ls workdir/
cd workdir
chroot chroot snap download snapd
chroot chroot mount -t fuse.snapfuse -o ro,x-gdu.hide,x-gvfs-hide,allow_other snapd_19122.snap mnt/
chroot chroot ls mnt/
echo "Now doing separate chroot tests"
wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-base/daily/current/mantic-base-amd64.tar.gz
mkdir base
tar -C base -zxf mantic-base-amd64.tar.gz
cp /etc/resolv.conf base/etc/
mkdir -p base/sys/kernel/security
mkdir -p base/sys/fs/cgroup
mount --bind /dev base/dev
mount --bind /proc base/proc
mount --bind /sys/kernel/security base/sys/kernel/security
mount --bind /sys/fs/cgroup/ base/sys/fs/cgroup
chroot base apt update
chroot base apt install -y snapd
chroot base snap download snapd
chroot base mount -t fuse.snapfuse -o ro,x-gdu.hide,x-gvfs-hide,allow_other snapd_19122.snap mnt/
chroot base ls mnt/
echo "We got here"
exit 0
# TODO: eventually, this should be handled by a single ubuntu-image
# call without having to do a conditional on ubuntu-core/classic.