fix: fix var used before declaration in snap_validate_seed

Fix use of variable declared in conditional branch and used in parent
scope in snap_validate_seed. This would affect binary for images without
kernel and using "set -u". (LP: #2037338)
Simon Poirier 1 year ago
parent 3f0ac95248
commit f3114e7fb5

@ -767,9 +767,10 @@ snap_preseed() {
snap_validate_seed() {
local CHROOT_ROOT=$1
local kern_major_min=undefined
if [ -e ${CHROOT_ROOT}/boot/vmlinuz ]; then
local kern_major_min=$(readlink --canonicalize --no-newline ${CHROOT_ROOT}/boot/vmlinuz | grep --extended-regexp --only-matching --max-count 1 '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+')
kern_major_min=$(readlink --canonicalize --no-newline ${CHROOT_ROOT}/boot/vmlinuz | grep --extended-regexp --only-matching --max-count 1 '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+')
if [ -d /usr/share/livecd-rootfs/live-build/apparmor/${kern_major_min} ]; then
# if an Ubuntu version has different kernel apparmor features between LTS and HWE kernels
# a snap pre-seeding issue can occur, where the incorrect apparmor features are reported
