I recently pulled initramfs logic out of the base build hook, and
dropped that into the `replace_kernel` function. Any cloud image that
does not leverage the generic virtual kernel was expected to call
`replace_kernel` to pull in a custom kernel. That function will
disable initramfs boot for images that use a custom kernel.
Minimal cloud images on amd64 use the linux-kvm kernel, but the build
hook does not utilize the `replace_kernel` function. Instead, the
kernel flavor is set in `auto/config`. I pulled that logic out of
`auto/config` and am now calling `replace_kernel` in the build hook.
I also moved a call to generate the package list so that it will pick
up the change to the linux-kvm kernel.
Generic cloud images with the linux-generic kernel are not able to
boot without an initramfs. Previously, these images attempted to boot
without an initramfs, would fail, and then retry with an initramfs.
This slows the boot and is confusing behavior.
commit a993592 introduced an additional call to create_manifest
(and snap-seed-parse) to write binary/boot/filesystem.packages. This
caused duplicate snap lines in the qcow manifest. This is because the
live-build/auto/binary code assumes that after 'lb binary' is run the
filesystem.packages will only have debs and it calls snap-seed-parse to
add them to the file. The commit changed filesystem.packages in the
ubuntu-cpc uefi binary hook to include debs and snaps.
This patch keeps the intent of the prior patch, updating the
filesystem.packages file for the content of the uefi disk image, but
only writes a listing of debian packages to match the expected content
of filesystem.packages. The snaps will still be added in generic code
in live-build/auto/build.
This patch currently only applies to the "ubuntu-cpc" project.
More and more logic has been going into the hook scripts to decide under which conditions they should run or not. As we are moving to parallelized builds of image sets, this will get even more complicated. Base hooks will have to know which image sets they belong to and modification of the dependency chain between scripts will become more complicated and prone to errors, as the number of image sets grows.
This patch introduces explicit ordering and dependency handling for scripts through the use of `series` files and an explicit syntax for dependency specification.