# NB! This is a sample, copy to "network-config" and mofiy to take effect
# NB! Also see user-data.sample and meta-data.sample

# This file contains a netplan-compatible configuration which cloud-init will
# apply on first-boot (note: it will *not* update the config after the first
# boot). Please refer to the cloud-init documentation and the netplan reference
# for full details:
# https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/network-config.html
# https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/network-config-format-v2.html
# https://netplan.io/reference
# Please note that the YAML format employed by this file is sensitive to
# differences in whitespace; if you are editing this file in an editor (like
# Notepad) which uses literal tabs, take care to only use spaces for
# indentation. See the following link for more details:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML
# The image has stock nocloud-net configuration that will attemp dhcp
# v4 on all ethernet devices, similar to zz-all-en / zz-all-eth
# stanzas below. Hence this file is optional.
#version: 2
#  zz-all-en:
#    match:
#      name: "en*"
#    dhcp4: true
#    optional: true
#  zz-all-eth:
#    match:
#      name: "eth*"
#    dhcp4: true
#    optional: true
#  wlan0:
#    dhcp4: true
#    optional: true
#    access-points:
#      myhomewifi:
#        password: "S3kr1t"
#      myworkwifi:
#        password: "correct battery horse staple"
#      workssid:
#        auth:
#          key-management: eap
#          method: peap
#          identity: "me@example.com"
#          password: "passw0rd"
#          ca-certificate: /etc/my_ca.pem