#!/bin/bash -eux
# vi: ts=4 expandtab
# Generate the compressed root directory for WSL manually.
# Type "plain" unfortunately does not execute lb_binary_* helpers.

case $ARCH in
        echo "WSL root tarballs are not generated for $ARCH."
        exit 0;;

## remove attributes not supported by WSL's tar
setfattr -x system.posix_acl_access chroot/var/log/journal
setfattr -x system.posix_acl_default chroot/var/log/journal

# The reason not using just tar .. -C chroot . is that using '.' was found
# not working once and checking if using the simpler command is safe needs
# verification of the app installation on all Windows 10 builds we support
# with WSL.
cd chroot
tar --xattrs --sort=name -czf ../livecd.ubuntu-wsl.rootfs.tar.gz *
cd ..

# Remove initial ext4-formatted fs
rm -f binary/boot/filesystem.ext4