#! /bin/sh set -e export LC_ALL=C ( . "${LIVE_BUILD}/scripts/build.sh" > /dev/null 2>&1 || true ) || . /usr/lib/live/build.sh Arguments "${@}" Read_conffiles config/all config/common config/bootstrap config/chroot config/binary config/source Set_defaults if [ -z "${PROJECT:-}" ]; then echo "PROJECT environment variable has to be set" >&2 exit 1 fi . config/functions # New nf_tables-based versions of iptables don't work well on old kernels. # We aren't sure exactly how old is a problem: 4.15 works, but with 4.4 new # rules are added to all chains in the requested table rather than just one, # and the new rules seem to have no useful effect. In such cases, # iptables-legacy works better. # # We can simplify this once livecd-rootfs no longer needs to support running # on Ubuntu 16.04 (that is, once Launchpad's build VMs are upgraded to # Ubuntu 18.04). run_iptables () { local kver kver_major kver_minor kver="$(uname -r)" kver="${kver%%-*}" kver_major="${kver%%.*}" kver="${kver#*.}" kver_minor="${kver%%.*}" # LP: #1917920 # I'm seeing issues after iptables got upgraded from 1.8.5 to # 1.8.7 Somehow installing our nat rule doesn't get activated, and # no networking is happening at all. # But somehow calling both iptables -S makes things start working. # Maybe no default chains are installed in our network namespace?! # Or 1.8.7 is somehow broken? iptables -v -t nat -S iptables-legacy -v -t nat -S if [ "$kver_major" -lt 4 ] || \ ([ "$kver_major" = 4 ] && [ "$kver_minor" -lt 15 ]); then iptables-legacy "$@" else iptables "$@" fi } if [ -n "$REPO_SNAPSHOT_STAMP" ]; then if [ "`whoami`" != "root" ]; then echo "Magic repo snapshots only work when running as root." >&2 exit 1 fi apt-get -qyy install iptables # Redirect all outgoing traffic to port 80 to proxy instead. run_iptables -v -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 \ -m owner ! --uid-owner daemon -j REDIRECT --to 8080 # Run proxy as "daemon" to avoid infinite loop. LB_PARENT_MIRROR_BOOTSTRAP=$LB_PARENT_MIRROR_BOOTSTRAP \ /usr/share/livecd-rootfs/magic-proxy \ --address="" \ --port=8080 \ --run-as=daemon \ --cutoff-time="$REPO_SNAPSHOT_STAMP" \ --log-file=/build/livecd.magic-proxy.log \ --pid-file=config/magic-proxy.pid \ --background \ --setsid # Quick check that magic proxy & iptables chains are working timeout 3m apt-get update fi # Link output files somewhere launchpad-buildd will be able to find them. PREFIX="livecd.$PROJECT${SUBARCH:+-$SUBARCH}" if [ "${IMAGEFORMAT:-}" = "ubuntu-image" ]; then # Use ubuntu-image instead of live-build if [ "$PROJECT" = "ubuntu-core" ]; then env SNAPPY_STORE_NO_CDN=1 \ ubuntu-image snap $UBUNTU_IMAGE_ARGS \ -O output "$PREFIX".model-assertion # XXX: currently we only have one image generated, but really # we should be supporting more than one for models that # define those. mv output/*.img "$PREFIX".img xz -0 -T4 "$PREFIX".img mv output/seed.manifest "$PREFIX".manifest else # First we need to build the gadget tree make -C "config/$PREFIX-gadget" ARCH=$ARCH SERIES=$SUITE ubuntu-image classic $UBUNTU_IMAGE_ARGS \ -s $SUITE -p $PROJECT -a $ARCH --subarch $SUBARCH \ -O output config/$PREFIX-gadget/install # XXX: currently we only have one image generated, but really # we should be supporting more than one for models that # define those. mv output/*.img "$PREFIX".img xz -0 -T4 "$PREFIX".img # Also link the output image to a filename that cdimage expects ln "$PREFIX".img.xz livecd.ubuntu-cpc.disk1.img.xz mv output/filesystem.manifest "$PREFIX".manifest fi exit 0 fi # Setup cleanup function Setup_cleanup preinstall_snaps() { setup_mountpoint chroot snap_prepare chroot for snap in "$@"; do SNAP_NO_VALIDATE_SEED=1 snap_preseed chroot "${snap}" done snap_validate_seed chroot teardown_mountpoint chroot } rm -f binary.success ( if [ -d config/gnupg ]; then cat << @@EOF > config/gnupg/NEWKEY Key-Type: DSA Key-Length: 1024 Key-Usage: sign Name-Real: Ubuntu Local Archive One-Time Signing Key Name-Email: cdimage@ubuntu.com Expire-Date: 0 @@EOF gpg --home config/gnupg --gen-key --batch < config/gnupg/NEWKEY \ > config/gnupg/generate.log 2>&1 & GPG_PROCESS=$! fi lb bootstrap "$@" case $PROJECT:${SUBPROJECT:-} in ubuntu-server:*|ubuntu-cpc:*|ubuntu:desktop-preinstalled) # Set locale to C.UTF-8 by default. We should # probably do this for all images early in the # 18.10 cycle but for now just do it for # server and cpc products. echo "LANG=C.UTF-8" > chroot/etc/default/locale ;; esac if [ "${SUBPROJECT:-}" = minimized ] \ && ! Chroot chroot dpkg -l tzdata 2>&1 |grep -q ^ii; then # workaround for tzdata purge not removing these files rm -f chroot/etc/localtime chroot/etc/timezone fi if [ "${SUBPROJECT:-}" = minimized ]; then # set up dpkg filters to skip installing docs on minimized system mkdir -p chroot/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d cat > chroot/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes <<EOF # Drop all man pages path-exclude=/usr/share/man/* # Drop all translations path-exclude=/usr/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo # Drop all documentation ... path-exclude=/usr/share/doc/* # ... except copyright files ... path-include=/usr/share/doc/*/copyright # ... and Debian changelogs path-include=/usr/share/doc/*/changelog.Debian.* EOF # Remove docs installed by bootstrap Chroot chroot dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W | Chroot chroot xargs -L1 apt-get install --reinstall # Add unminimizer script which restores default image behavior mkdir -p chroot/usr/local/sbin cat > chroot/usr/local/sbin/unminimize <<'EOF' #!/bin/sh set -e echo "This system has been minimized by removing packages and content that are" echo "not required on a system that users do not log into." echo "" echo "This script restores content and packages that are found on a default" echo "Ubuntu server system in order to make this system more suitable for" echo "interactive use." echo "" echo "Reinstallation of packages may fail due to changes to the system" echo "configuration, the presence of third-party packages, or for other" echo "reasons." echo "" echo "This operation may take some time." echo "" read -p "Would you like to continue? [y/N] " REPLY echo # (optional) move to a new line if [ "$REPLY" != "y" ] && [ "$REPLY" != "Y" ] then exit 1 fi if [ -f /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes ] || [ -f /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes.dpkg-tmp ]; then echo "Re-enabling installation of all documentation in dpkg..." if [ -f /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes ]; then mv /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes.dpkg-tmp fi echo "Updating package list and upgrading packages..." apt-get update # apt-get upgrade asks for confirmation before upgrading packages to let the user stop here apt-get upgrade echo "Restoring system documentation..." echo "Reinstalling packages with files in /usr/share/man/ ..." # Reinstallation takes place in two steps because a single dpkg --verified # command generates very long parameter list for "xargs dpkg -S" and may go # over ARG_MAX. Since many packages have man pages the second download # handles a much smaller amount of packages. dpkg -S /usr/share/man/ |sed 's|, |\n|g;s|: [^:]*$||' | DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive xargs apt-get install --reinstall -y echo "Reinstalling packages with system documentation in /usr/share/doc/ .." # This step processes the packages which still have missing documentation dpkg --verify --verify-format rpm | awk '/..5...... \/usr\/share\/doc/ {print $2}' | sed 's|/[^/]*$||' | sort |uniq \ | xargs dpkg -S | sed 's|, |\n|g;s|: [^:]*$||' | uniq | DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive xargs apt-get install --reinstall -y echo "Restoring system translations..." # This step processes the packages which still have missing translations dpkg --verify --verify-format rpm | awk '/..5...... \/usr\/share\/locale/ {print $2}' | sed 's|/[^/]*$||' | sort |uniq \ | xargs dpkg -S | sed 's|, |\n|g;s|: [^:]*$||' | uniq | DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive xargs apt-get install --reinstall -y if dpkg --verify --verify-format rpm | awk '/..5...... \/usr\/share\/doc/ {exit 1}'; then echo "Documentation has been restored successfully." rm /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes.dpkg-tmp else echo "There are still files missing from /usr/share/doc/:" dpkg --verify --verify-format rpm | awk '/..5...... \/usr\/share\/doc/ {print " " $2}' echo "You may want to try running this script again or you can remove" echo "/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes.dpkg-tmp and restore the files manually." fi fi if [ "$(dpkg-divert --truename /usr/bin/man)" = "/usr/bin/man.REAL" ]; then # Remove diverted man binary rm -f /usr/bin/man dpkg-divert --quiet --remove --rename /usr/bin/man fi EOF if [ "$PROJECT" != "ubuntu-base" ] && [ "$PROJECT" != "ubuntu-oci" ]; then # ubuntu-minimal is too much for a docker container (it contains # systemd and other things) cat >> chroot/usr/local/sbin/unminimize <<'EOF' if ! dpkg-query --show --showformat='${db:Status-Status}\n' ubuntu-minimal 2> /dev/null | grep -q '^installed$'; then echo "Installing ubuntu-minimal package to provide the familiar Ubuntu minimal system..." DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard fi if dpkg-query --show --showformat='${db:Status-Status}\n' ubuntu-server 2> /dev/null | grep -q '^installed$' \ && ! dpkg-query --show --showformat='${db:Status-Status}\n' landscape-common 2> /dev/null | grep -q '^installed$'; then echo "Installing ubuntu-server recommends..." DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y landscape-common fi EOF fi if [ "$PROJECT" = "ubuntu-cpc" ]; then cat >> chroot/usr/local/sbin/unminimize <<'EOF' echo "Removing lxd installer package..." apt-get purge -y lxd-installer echo "Installing lxd from snap..." snap install lxd EOF fi cat >> chroot/usr/local/sbin/unminimize <<'EOF' # unminimization succeeded, there is no need to mention it in motd rm -f /etc/update-motd.d/60-unminimize EOF chmod +x chroot/usr/local/sbin/unminimize # inform users about the unminimize script cat > "chroot/etc/update-motd.d/60-unminimize" << EOF #!/bin/sh # # This file is not managed by a package. If you no longer want to # see this message you can safely remove the file. echo "" echo "This system has been minimized by removing packages and content that are" echo "not required on a system that users do not log into." echo "" echo "To restore this content, you can run the 'unminimize' command." EOF chmod +x chroot/etc/update-motd.d/60-unminimize Chroot chroot "dpkg-divert --quiet --add \ --divert /usr/bin/man.REAL --rename \ /usr/bin/man" cat > chroot/usr/bin/man << EOF #!/bin/sh echo "This system has been minimized by removing packages and content that are" echo "not required on a system that users do not log into." echo "" echo "To restore this content, including manpages, you can run the 'unminimize'" echo "command. You will still need to ensure the 'man-db' package is installed." EOF chmod +x chroot/usr/bin/man fi if [ -n "${PASSES}" ]; then PATH="config/:$PATH" lb chroot_layered "$@" else divert_grub chroot divert_update_initramfs lb chroot "$@" undivert_update_initramfs undivert_grub chroot fi if [ -d chroot/etc/apt/preferences.d.save ]; then # https://twitter.com/infinite_scream mv chroot/etc/apt/preferences.d.save/* chroot/etc/apt/preferences.d/ rmdir chroot/etc/apt/preferences.d.save fi # Let all configuration non multi-layered project here. # If those are moving to a multi-layer layout, this needs to be # done in chroot hooks. if [ -z "$PASSES" ]; then if [ "${SUBPROJECT:-}" = minimized ]; then # force removal of initramfs-tools, which we assert is not # required for any minimized images but is still pulled in by # default # also remove landscape-common, which is heavyweight and # in the server seed only to provide /etc/motd content which # would only be seen by humans Chroot chroot "env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \ apt-get -y purge initramfs-tools busybox-initramfs \ landscape-common" # and if initramfs-tools was configured before our kernel, # /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools will have created # an initramfs despite the generic dpkg-divert; so remove it # here. rm -f chroot/boot/initrd.img-* # temporary workaround: don't remove linux-base which # may have no other reverse-depends currently Chroot chroot "env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \ apt-mark manual linux-base" Chroot chroot "env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \ apt-get -y --purge autoremove" fi configure_universe if [ -d chroot/var/lib/preinstalled-pool ]; then cat > config/indices/apt.conf <<-EOF Dir { ArchiveDir "chroot/var/lib/preinstalled-pool"; OverrideDir "config/indices"; CacheDir "config/indices"; } Default { Packages::Compress ". bzip2"; } TreeDefault { Directory "pool"; } Tree "dists/$LB_DISTRIBUTION" { Sections "$LB_PARENT_ARCHIVE_AREAS"; Architectures "$LB_ARCHITECTURES"; BinOverride "override.$LB_DISTRIBUTION.\$(SECTION)"; ExtraOverride "override.$LB_DISTRIBUTION.extra.\$(SECTION)"; Contents " "; } EOF for component in $LB_PARENT_ARCHIVE_AREAS; do mkdir -p chroot/var/lib/preinstalled-pool/dists/$LB_DISTRIBUTION/$component/binary-$LB_ARCHITECTURES done apt-ftparchive generate config/indices/apt.conf cat << @@EOF > chroot/etc/apt/sources.list.preinstall # This is a sources.list entry for a small pool of packages # provided on your preinstalled filesystem for your convenience. # # It is perfectly safe to delete both this entry and the directory # it references, should you want to save disk space and fetch the # packages remotely instead. # deb file:/var/lib/preinstalled-pool/ $LB_DISTRIBUTION $LB_PARENT_ARCHIVE_AREAS # @@EOF cp chroot/etc/apt/sources.list chroot/etc/apt/sources.list.orig cp chroot/etc/apt/sources.list.preinstall chroot/etc/apt/sources.list echo "Waiting on gnupg ("$GPG_PROCESS") to finish generating a key." wait $GPG_PROCESS R_ORIGIN=$(lsb_release -i -s) R_CODENAME=$(lsb_release -c -s) R_VERSION=$(lsb_release -r -s) R_PRETTYNAME=$(echo $R_CODENAME | sed -e 's/^\(.\)/\U\1/') apt-ftparchive -o APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin=$R_ORIGIN \ -o APT::FTPArchive::Release::Label=$R_ORIGIN \ -o APT::FTPArchive::Release::Suite=$R_CODENAME-local \ -o APT::FTPArchive::Release::Version=$R_VERSION \ -o APT::FTPArchive::Release::Codename=$R_CODENAME \ -o APT::FTPArchive::Release::Description="$R_ORIGIN $R_PRETTYNAME Local" \ release chroot/var/lib/preinstalled-pool/dists/$R_CODENAME/ \ > config/gnupg/Release gpg --home config/gnupg --detach-sign --armor config/gnupg/Release mv config/gnupg/Release \ chroot/var/lib/preinstalled-pool/dists/$R_CODENAME/Release mv config/gnupg/Release.asc \ chroot/var/lib/preinstalled-pool/dists/$R_CODENAME/Release.gpg apt-key --keyring chroot/etc/apt/trusted.gpg add config/gnupg/pubring.gpg find chroot/var/lib/preinstalled-pool/ -name Packages | xargs rm Chroot chroot "apt-get update" cat chroot/etc/apt/sources.list.preinstall chroot/etc/apt/sources.list.orig \ > chroot/etc/apt/sources.list rm chroot/etc/apt/sources.list.preinstall chroot/etc/apt/sources.list.orig fi case $PROJECT:$SUBPROJECT in *) if [ -e "config/seeded-snaps" ]; then snap_list=$(cat config/seeded-snaps) preinstall_snaps $snap_list fi ;; esac if [ "$PROJECT" = "ubuntu-cpc" ]; then if [ "${SUBPROJECT:-}" = minimized ]; then BUILD_NAME=minimal else BUILD_NAME=server fi cat > chroot/etc/cloud/build.info << EOF build_name: $BUILD_NAME serial: $BUILDSTAMP EOF fi if [ "$PROJECT" = "ubuntu-oci" ]; then configure_oci chroot fi configure_network_manager echo "===== Checking size of /usr/share/doc =====" echo BEGIN docdirs (cd chroot && find usr/share/doc -maxdepth 1 -type d | xargs du -s | sort -nr) echo END docdirs /usr/share/livecd-rootfs/minimize-manual chroot clean_debian_chroot fi if [ -n "${PASSES}" ]; then PATH="config/:$PATH" lb binary_layered "$@" else lb binary "$@" fi touch binary.success ) 2>&1 | tee binary.log # bash has trouble with the build.sh sourcing arrangement at the top of this # file, so we use this cheap-and-cheerful approach rather than the more # correct 'set -o pipefail'. if [ -e binary.success ]; then rm -f binary.success else # Dump the magic-proxy log to stdout on failure to aid debugging if [ -f /build/livecd.magic-proxy.log ] ; then echo "================= Magic proxy log (start) =================" cat /build/livecd.magic-proxy.log echo "================== Magic proxy log (end) ==================" fi exit 1 fi case $LB_INITRAMFS in casper) INITFS="casper" ;; live-boot) INITFS="live" ;; *) INITFS="boot" ;; esac for OUTPUT in ext2 ext3 ext4 manifest manifest-remove size squashfs; do [ -e "binary/$INITFS/filesystem.$OUTPUT" ] || continue ln "binary/$INITFS/filesystem.$OUTPUT" "$PREFIX.$OUTPUT" chmod 644 "$PREFIX.$OUTPUT" done # we don't need a manifest-remove for a layered-aware installer if [ "$PROJECT" = "ubuntu" ] && [ "$SUBPROJECT" = "canary" ]; then rm -f livecd.${PROJECT}-manifest-remove rm -f config/manifest-minimal-remove fi if [ -e config/manifest-minimal-remove ]; then cp config/manifest-minimal-remove "$PREFIX.manifest-minimal-remove" fi for ISO in binary.iso binary.hybrid.iso; do [ -e "$ISO" ] || continue ln "$ISO" "$PREFIX.iso" chmod 644 "$PREFIX.iso" break done if [ -e "binary/$INITFS/filesystem.dir" ]; then (cd "binary/$INITFS/filesystem.dir/" && tar -c --sort=name --xattrs *) | \ gzip -9 --rsyncable > "$PREFIX.rootfs.tar.gz" chmod 644 "$PREFIX.rootfs.tar.gz" elif [ -e binary-tar.tar.gz ]; then cp -a binary-tar.tar.gz "$PREFIX.rootfs.tar.gz" fi # '--initramfs none' produces different manifest names. if [ -e "binary/$INITFS/filesystem.packages" ]; then ln "binary/$INITFS/filesystem.packages" "$PREFIX.manifest" chmod 644 "$PREFIX.manifest" fi if [ -e "binary/$INITFS/filesystem.packages-remove" ]; then # Not a typo, empty manifest-remove has a single LF in it. :/ if [ $(cat binary/$INITFS/filesystem.packages-remove | wc -c) -gt 1 ]; then ln "binary/$INITFS/filesystem.packages-remove" "$PREFIX.manifest-remove" chmod 644 "$PREFIX.manifest-remove" fi fi # Since snaps are now Ubuntu first-class citizen, so always try fetching the # list of seeded snaps into the manifest. In case of layered images we skip # this step, as we assume they're doing it on their own at some earlier stage. if [ -z "$PASSES" ] && [ -e "$PREFIX.manifest" ]; then ./config/snap-seed-parse "chroot/" "$PREFIX.manifest" fi for FLAVOUR in $LB_LINUX_FLAVOURS; do if [ -z "$LB_LINUX_FLAVOURS" ] || [ "$LB_LINUX_FLAVOURS" = "none" ]; then continue fi case $FLAVOUR in virtual|generic-hwe-*) FLAVOUR="generic" ;; oem-*) FLAVOUR="oem" ;; esac KVERS="$( (cd "binary/$INITFS"; ls vmlinu?-* 2>/dev/null || true) | (fgrep -v .efi || true) | sed -n "s/^vmlinu.-\\([^-]*-[^-]*-$FLAVOUR\\)$/\\1/p" )" if [ -z "$KVERS" ]; then if [ -e "binary/$INITFS/vmlinuz" ]; then # already renamed by ubuntu-defaults-image break fi echo "No kernel output for $FLAVOUR!" >&2 exit 1 fi NUMKVERS="$(set -- $KVERS; echo $#)" if [ "$NUMKVERS" -gt 1 ]; then echo "Cannot handle more than one kernel for $FLAVOUR ($KVERS)!" >&2 exit 1 fi ln "binary/$INITFS/"vmlinu?-"$KVERS" "$PREFIX.kernel-$FLAVOUR" if [ -e "binary/$INITFS/"vmlinu?-"$KVERS.efi.signed" ]; then ln "binary/$INITFS/"vmlinu?-"$KVERS.efi.signed" "$PREFIX.kernel-$FLAVOUR.efi.signed" chmod 644 "$PREFIX.kernel-$FLAVOUR.efi.signed" fi chmod 644 "$PREFIX.kernel-$FLAVOUR" if [ -e "binary/$INITFS/initrd.img-$KVERS" ]; then ln "binary/$INITFS/initrd.img-$KVERS" "$PREFIX.initrd-$FLAVOUR" chmod 644 "$PREFIX.initrd-$FLAVOUR" fi done NUMFLAVOURS="$(set -- $LB_LINUX_FLAVOURS; echo $#)" if [ "$NUMFLAVOURS" = 1 ] && [ "$LB_LINUX_FLAVOURS" != "none" ]; then # only one kernel flavour if [ -f "binary/$INITFS/vmlinuz" ] && ! [ -h "binary/$INITFS/vmlinuz" ]; then ln "binary/$INITFS/vmlinuz" "$PREFIX.kernel" chmod 644 "$PREFIX.kernel" else ln -sf "$PREFIX.kernel-$LB_LINUX_FLAVOURS" "$PREFIX.kernel" fi if [ -f "binary/$INITFS/initrd.lz" ] && ! [ -h "binary/$INITFS/initrd.lz" ]; then ln "binary/$INITFS/initrd.lz" "$PREFIX.initrd" chmod 644 "$PREFIX.initrd" else ln -sf "$PREFIX.initrd-$LB_LINUX_FLAVOURS" "$PREFIX.initrd" fi fi case $SUBARCH in raspi|raspi2) # copy the kernel and initrd to a predictable directory for # ubuntu-image consumption. In some cases, like in pi2/3 # u-boot, the bootloader needs to contain the kernel and initrd, # so during rootfs build we copy it over to a directory that # ubuntu-image looks for and shoves into the bootloader # partition. UBOOT_BOOT="image/boot/uboot" mkdir -p $UBOOT_BOOT cp $PREFIX.initrd $UBOOT_BOOT/initrd.img || true cp $PREFIX.kernel $UBOOT_BOOT/vmlinuz || true ;; esac # LTSP chroot building (only in 32bit and for Edubuntu (DVD)) case $PROJECT in edubuntu-dvd) if [ "$ARCH" = i386 ]; then echo "Building LTSP chroot" ltsp-build-client --base $(pwd) --mirror $LB_PARENT_MIRROR_BOOTSTRAP --arch $ARCH --dist $LB_PARENT_DISTRIBUTION --chroot ltsp-live --late-packages ldm-edubuntu-theme,plymouth-theme-edubuntu --purge-chroot --skipimage mkdir -p images mksquashfs ltsp-live images/ltsp-live.img -e cdrom rm -Rf ltsp-live if [ -f images/ltsp-live.img ]; then mv images/ltsp-live.img livecd.$PROJECT-ltsp.squashfs chmod 0644 livecd.$PROJECT-ltsp.squashfs rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty images else echo "LTSP: Unable to build the chroot, see above for details." fi fi ;; esac if [ -f "config/magic-proxy.pid" ]; then kill -TERM $(cat config/magic-proxy.pid) rm -f config/magic-proxy.pid # Remove previously-inserted iptables rule. run_iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 \ -m owner ! --uid-owner daemon -j REDIRECT --to 8080 fi case $PROJECT in ubuntu-cpc) config/hooks.d/remove-implicit-artifacts esac