livecd-rootfs (0.47) UNRELEASED; urgency=low * Fix versioned dependency to squashfs-tools. "." != "-", silly me. -- Martin Pitt Thu, 20 Dec 2007 14:17:47 +0100 livecd-rootfs (0.46) hardy; urgency=low * Use -nolzma option of mksquashfs, since our current kernel squashfs module does not support it yet (see LP #177634). Bump dependency to squashfs-tools to ensure availability of that option. -- Martin Pitt Thu, 20 Dec 2007 12:03:41 +0100 livecd-rootfs (0.45) hardy; urgency=low [ Colin Watson ] * Vcs-Bzr is now an official field. Use an unauthenticated URL for it. [ Bryce Harrington ] * Leave a token empty xorg.conf in place to let xserver-xorg postinst know it needs to regenerate it. (LP: #174537) -- Timo Aaltonen Wed, 19 Dec 2007 01:23:32 +0200 livecd-rootfs (0.44) hardy; urgency=low * xubuntu seed change - libgoffice-gtk-0-4 --> libgoffice-gtk-0-5 -- Sarah Hobbs Fri, 30 Nov 2007 14:52:29 +1100 livecd-rootfs (0.43) hardy; urgency=low * Add Gobuntu support. -- Colin Watson Mon, 29 Oct 2007 17:57:17 -0400 livecd-rootfs (0.42) hardy; urgency=low * Create /spu directory and spu group for powerpc+ps3 builds. * Add XS-Vcs-Bzr field. -- Colin Watson Wed, 24 Oct 2007 23:20:58 +0100 livecd-rootfs (0.41) gutsy; urgency=low * Log the size of doc directories to stdout. -- Matthias Klose Sun, 07 Oct 2007 14:07:59 +0200 livecd-rootfs (0.40) gutsy; urgency=low * Set CASPER_GENERATE_UUID=1 to tell casper's initramfs hook to generate a UUID which will be checked against the discovered medium (LP: #144800). -- Colin Watson Thu, 04 Oct 2007 14:26:06 +0100 livecd-rootfs (0.39) gutsy; urgency=low * Print the file size in fdupes output as well. -- Matthias Klose Thu, 04 Oct 2007 12:28:27 +0200 livecd-rootfs (0.38) gutsy; urgency=low * Avoid the ${ROOT} prefix in fdupes output, compact and sort the output. -- Matthias Klose Thu, 04 Oct 2007 10:13:48 +0200 livecd-rootfs (0.37) gutsy; urgency=low * Run fdupes on ${ROOT}/usr. -- Matthias Klose Wed, 03 Oct 2007 16:46:14 +0200 livecd-rootfs (0.36) gutsy; urgency=low * Change the names of ia64 kernels to the right (non-SMP since they're merged) ones. -- LaMont Jones Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:50:19 -0600 livecd-rootfs (0.35) gutsy; urgency=low * Use linux-cell rather than linux-ps3. -- Colin Watson Tue, 25 Sep 2007 12:36:20 +0100 livecd-rootfs (0.34) gutsy; urgency=low * Rearrange lpia mirror selection hacks to work properly; FS isn't set until a bit later on. -- Colin Watson Sat, 08 Sep 2007 22:56:32 +0100 livecd-rootfs (0.33) gutsy; urgency=low [ Adam Conrad ] * Implement hideous hacks to build lpia mixed-arch livecds for developers to test with. This should be reverted ASAP once LPIA main is built. * Add missing ${ROOT}sys to $MOUNTS; a bug exposed by a buggy debootstrap. [ Colin Watson ] * Add lupin-casper as well as casper, for installer-for-windows. * Revert most of the lpia hacks now that most of main is built, though we still need a few of them to make the ubuntu-lpia project work. * Move powerpc to -- Colin Watson Fri, 07 Sep 2007 19:11:03 +0100 livecd-rootfs (0.32) gutsy; urgency=low * For Edubuntu images, include the intersection of edubuntu-ship-addon and edubuntu-live in manifest-desktop, so that packages also on the add-on CD aren't removed after installation by ubiquity. -- Colin Watson Sat, 21 Jul 2007 14:43:09 +0100 livecd-rootfs (0.31) gutsy; urgency=low * Remove a duplicate "copyright" from debian/copyright. Typing is hard. * Bump SOVER for libgoffice-gtk to make Xubuntu builds happy again. -- Adam Conrad Wed, 18 Jul 2007 10:39:08 +0100 livecd-rootfs (0.30) gutsy; urgency=low * Relicense under the terms of the GPLv2, in preparation for our first public release of this hideous mess of shell. * Merge in Colin Watson's subarch hacks from the production buildds. * Update copyright again, this time only seven months late! * Change the maintainer in debian/control to me; so long, LaMont. * Install the BuildLiveCD script to doc/examples, so we have a handy place to yank it from, and to provide an example of our SSH trigger. * Remove duplicate debconf cruft from the chroot before building. -- Adam Conrad Tue, 10 Jul 2007 10:48:04 +0100 livecd-rootfs (0.29) UNRELEASED; urgency=low * Update copyright to 2006, 9 months late is better than never, right? * Update kernels for i386 and amd64 to reflect recent renaming. * Remove all cloop-related code, we're now squashfs-only on all arches. * Add mirror information to make things work faster on my network. * Swap out more metapackages for tasks (ubuntu-minimal/ubuntu-standard) -- Adam Conrad Thu, 21 Sep 2006 10:37:09 +1000 livecd-rootfs (0.28) UNRELEASED; urgency=low * Welcome to Edgy... Switch the default i386 kernel to -686, yay! * And when I say "edgy", I really mean it (ie: change the suite too) * Add the use of a sortfile from Tollef to the squashfs invocation. * s/libgoffice-gtk-1-2/libgoffice-gtk-0-3/ for the xubuntu hint. * s/ubuntu-base/ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard/g for seed changes. -- Adam Conrad Mon, 28 Aug 2006 03:40:28 +1000 livecd-rootfs (0.27) UNRELEASED; urgency=low [ Adam Conrad ] * Copy the kernel out of the livefs as well, so we have one that matches. * Enable rudimentary support for squashfs filesystems, initially enabling it on the primary architectures only (powerpc, i386, amd64) * Split the package LIST into LIST and LIVELIST, and generate a manifest before installing LIVELIST, so espresso can calculate the difference. * Use --print-installation-architecture instead of --print-architecture * Special-case kubuntu cloops to be slightly larger, so we don't overflow. * Make sparc use, it's no longer a ports arch. * Add xubuntu support to, including hackish workarounds. * Reset the debconf frontend after we're all done with the chroot. [ LaMont Jones ] * umount /var/{run,lock} * changes for launchpad archive (ftpmaster.internal instead of jackass) -- LaMont Jones Wed, 8 Feb 2006 10:49:27 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.26) hoary-cat; urgency=low [ Adam Conrad ] * Copy the initrd out of the livefs for us in the SimplifiedLiveCD setup [ LaMont Jones ] * linux-image-power{3,4} -> powerpc64-smp * casper needs to be in the livecd image (change base). -- LaMont Jones Fri, 23 Dec 2005 09:37:57 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.25) hoary-cat; urgency=low [ LaMont Jones ] * Really use it needs -w. Comment out partimage. * edubuntu/kubuntu need to use ubuntu-base [ Adam Conrad ] * Make umount the lrm tmpfs during the cleanup process. * Make our sources.list use SECSRCMIRROR instead of SRCMIRROR for security sources, defaulting to SECMIRROR for release arches and SRCMIRROR for ports (since ports don't have security binaries and sources in one place) -- LaMont Jones Thu, 24 Nov 2005 10:13:33 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.24) hoary-cat; urgency=low [ LaMont Jones ] * Incorporate from Paul Sladen: And use it instead of partimage. Suggest: partimage instead of Recommends. * Print package version during script run. * some HPPA fixes, allow architectures to have more than just main. * add debian/compat * Add --resolve-deps to debootstrap command. [ Adam Conrad ] * Incorporate 'tocd' target, including hideous hack to get the germinate output from Colin's lists at -- LaMont Jones Tue, 25 Oct 2005 12:00:45 -0600 livecd-rootfs (0.23) hoary-cat; urgency=low * use kubuntu-live in the kubuntu case, per cjwatson. -- LaMont Jones Thu, 8 Sep 2005 09:48:12 -0600 livecd-rootfs (0.22) hoary-cat; urgency=low * rm -f etc/X11/xorg.conf, per #13788 -- LaMont Jones Mon, 22 Aug 2005 22:07:10 -0600 livecd-rootfs (0.21) hoary-cat; urgency=low * a bit more cleanup: deb-src still needs to point at * postfix isn't there anymore, make the postfix stripping stuff conditional. * nuke the update-notifier messages -- LaMont Jones Thu, 18 Aug 2005 12:09:49 -0600 livecd-rootfs (0.20) hoary-cat; urgency=low * incorporate repositories * make distro name a parameter. -- LaMont Jones Tue, 17 May 2005 21:39:24 -0600 livecd-rootfs (0.19) hoary; urgency=low * Add 'base' target -- LaMont Jones Wed, 13 Apr 2005 18:43:04 -0600 livecd-rootfs (0.18) hoary; urgency=low * set +e affects callers. -- LaMont Jones Tue, 5 Apr 2005 16:20:32 -0600 livecd-rootfs (0.17) hoary; urgency=low * locales cleanup. -- LaMont Jones Mon, 7 Mar 2005 09:53:54 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.16) hoary; urgency=low * Bunch of cleanup for kubunut-live. -- LaMont Jones Thu, 3 Mar 2005 16:02:21 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.15) hoary; urgency=low * Can't have arch-specific Depends. Poor partimage. -- LaMont Jones Sun, 27 Feb 2005 14:31:27 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.14) hoary; urgency=low * Remove /etc/resolv.conf from the chroot. Closes: #6954 -- LaMont Jones Sat, 26 Feb 2005 18:39:22 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.13) hoary; urgency=low * Add ubuntu-live -- LaMont Jones Fri, 11 Feb 2005 18:25:24 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.12) hoary; urgency=low * partimage likes having TERM=vt100, better than a nonexistant one. -- LaMont Jones Fri, 21 Jan 2005 23:36:41 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.11) hoary; urgency=low * apt-get update in the final chroot * Change partimage depend to be [ !64-bit ], use partimage conditionally -- LaMont Jones Fri, 21 Jan 2005 22:47:46 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.10) hoary; urgency=low * Actually run /usr/sbin/locale-gen to generate the locales. * Try zero-filling the fsimage file -- LaMont Jones Thu, 20 Jan 2005 19:14:45 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.9) hoary; urgency=low * Can't divert conffiles, nor do we need to anymore. -- LaMont Jones Wed, 19 Jan 2005 16:54:45 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.8) hoary; urgency=low * Pre-generate some locales (en_{US,GB,ZA}.UTF-8) -- LaMont Jones Sat, 15 Jan 2005 07:55:12 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.7) hoary; urgency=low * rsync does not love what we do in cloop. :( -- LaMont Jones Fri, 14 Jan 2005 22:13:03 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.6) hoary; urgency=low * fix typos in sigh. -- LaMont Jones Fri, 14 Jan 2005 21:18:57 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.5) hoary; urgency=low * Buildd various .cloop filesystems, to see if rsync loves us -- LaMont Jones Thu, 13 Jan 2005 12:34:30 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.4) hoary; urgency=low * Need to actually umount the fsimg before compressing it. -- LaMont Jones Tue, 11 Jan 2005 15:21:32 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.3) hoary; urgency=low * add manifest file -- LaMont Jones Sun, 9 Jan 2005 13:27:07 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.2) hoary; urgency=low * Better divertion setup, fix sources.list * copyright in file. * Flush postfix's queue of the install mail -- LaMont Jones Fri, 7 Jan 2005 13:00:37 -0700 livecd-rootfs (0.1) hoary; urgency=low * Initial revision -- LaMont Jones Thu, 6 Jan 2005 21:24:08 -0700