#!/usr/bin/python3 #-*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """ This script can be used instead of the traditional `snap` command to download snaps and accompanying assertions. It uses the new store API (v2) which allows creating temporary snapshots of the channel map. To create such a snapshot run snap-tool cohort-create This will print a "cohort-key" to stdout, which can then be passed to future invocations of `snap-tool download`. Whenever a cohort key is provided, the store will provide a view of the channel map as it existed when the key was created. """ from textwrap import dedent import argparse import base64 import binascii import getopt import hashlib import json import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import time import urllib.error import urllib.request EXIT_OK = 0 EXIT_ERR = 1 class SnapError(Exception): """Generic error thrown by the Snap class.""" pass class SnapCraftError(SnapError): """Error thrown on problems with the snapcraft APIs.""" pass class SnapAssertionError(SnapError): """Error thrown on problems with the assertions API.""" pass class ExpBackoffHTTPClient: """This class is an abstraction layer on top of urllib with additional retry logic for more reliable downloads.""" class Request: """This is a convenience wrapper around urllib.request.""" def __init__(self, request, do_retry, base_interval, num_tries): """ :param request: An urllib.request.Request instance. :param do_retry: Whether to enable the exponential backoff and retry logic. :param base_interval: The initial interval to sleep after a failed attempt. :param num_tries: How many attempts to make. """ self._request = request self._do_retry = do_retry self._base_interval = base_interval self._num_tries = num_tries self._response = None def open(self): """Open the connection.""" if not self._response: self._response = self._retry_urlopen() def close(self): """Close the connection.""" if self._response: self._response.close() self._response = None def data(self): """Return the raw response body.""" with self: return self.read() def json(self): """Return the deserialized response body interpreted as JSON.""" return json.loads(self.data(), encoding="utf-8") def text(self): """Return the response body as a unicode string.""" encoding = "utf-8" with self: content_type = self._response.getheader("Content-Type", "") if content_type == "application/json": encoding = "utf-8" else: m = re.match(r"text/\S+;\s*charset=(?P<charset>\S+)", content_type) if m: encoding=m.group("charset") return self.read().decode(encoding) def read(self, size=None): """Read size bytes from the response. If size if not set, the complete response body is read in.""" return self._response.read(size) def __enter__(self): """Make this class a context manager.""" self.open() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """Make this class a context manager.""" self.close() def _retry_urlopen(self): """Try to open the HTTP connection as many times as configured through the constructor. Every time an error occurs, double the time to wait until the next attempt.""" for attempt in range(self._num_tries): try: return urllib.request.urlopen(self._request) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, urllib.error.HTTPError) and e.code < 500: raise if attempt >= self._num_tries - 1: raise sys.stderr.write( "WARNING: failed to open URL '{}': {}\n" .format(self._request.full_url, str(e)) ) else: break sleep_interval = self._base_interval * 2**attempt sys.stderr.write( "Retrying HTTP request in {} seconds...\n" .format(sleep_interval) ) time.sleep(sleep_interval) def __init__(self, do_retry=True, base_interval=2, num_tries=8): """ :param do_retry: Whether to enable the retry logic. :param base_interval: The initial interval to sleep after a failed attempt. :param num_tries: How many attempts to make. """ self._do_retry = do_retry self._base_interval = base_interval self._num_tries = num_tries if do_retry else 1 def get(self, url, headers=None): """Create a GET request that can be used to retrieve the resource at the given URL. :param url: An HTTP URL. :param headers: A dictionary of extra headers to send along. :return: An ExpBackoffHTTPClient.Request instance. """ return self._prepare_request(url, headers=headers) def post(self, url, data=None, json=None, headers=None): """Create a POST request that can be used to submit data to the endpoint at the given URL.""" return self._prepare_request( url, data=data, json_data=json, headers=headers ) def _prepare_request(self, url, data=None, json_data=None, headers=None): """Prepare a Request instance that can be used to retrieve data from and/or send data to the endpoint at the given URL. :param url: An HTTP URL. :param data: Raw binary data to send along in the request body. :param json_data: A Python data structure to be serialized and sent out in JSON format. :param headers: A dictionary of extra headers to send along. :return: An ExpBackoffHTTPClient.Request instance. """ if data is not None and json_data is not None: raise ValueError( "Parameters 'data' and 'json_data' are mutually exclusive." ) if json_data: data = json.dumps(json_data, ensure_ascii=False) if headers is None: headers = {} headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode("utf-8") return ExpBackoffHTTPClient.Request( urllib.request.Request(url, data=data, headers=headers or {}), self._do_retry, self._base_interval, self._num_tries ) class Snap: """This class provides methods to retrieve information about a snap and download it together with its assertions.""" def __init__(self, name, channel="stable", arch="amd64", series=16, cohort_key=None, assertion_url="https://assertions.ubuntu.com", snapcraft_url="https://api.snapcraft.io", **kwargs): """ :param name: The name of the snap. :param channel: The channel to operate on. :param arch: The Debian architecture of the snap (e.g. amd64, armhf, arm64, ...). :param series: The device series. This should always be 16. :param cohort_key: A cohort key to access a snapshot of the channel map. """ self._name = name self._channel = channel self._arch = arch self._series = series self._cohort_key = cohort_key self._assertion_url = assertion_url self._snapcraft_url = snapcraft_url self._details = None self._assertions = {} @classmethod def cohort_create(cls): """Get a cohort key for the current moment. A cohort key is valid across all snaps, channels and architectures.""" return Snap("core")\ .get_details(cohort_create=True)\ .get("cohort-key") def download(self, download_assertions=True): """Download the snap container. If download_assertions is True, the corresponding assertions will be downloaded, as well.""" snap = self.get_details() snap_name = snap["name"] snap_revision = snap["revision"] publisher_id = snap["publisher"]["id"] snap_download_url = snap["download"]["url"] snap_byte_size = snap["download"]["size"] filename = snap_name + "_" + str(snap_revision) snap_filename = filename + ".snap" assert_filename = filename + ".assert" skip_snap_download = False if os.path.exists(snap_filename) and os.path.getsize(snap_filename) \ == snap_byte_size: skip_snap_download = True headers = {} if os.environ.get("SNAPPY_STORE_NO_CDN", "0") != "0": headers.update({ "X-Ubuntu-No-Cdn": "true", "Snap-CDN": "none", }) if not skip_snap_download: http_client = ExpBackoffHTTPClient() response = http_client.get(snap_download_url, headers=headers) with response, open(snap_filename, "wb+") as fp: shutil.copyfileobj(response, fp) if os.path.getsize(snap_filename) != snap_byte_size: raise SnapError( "The downloaded snap does not have the expected size." ) if not download_assertions: return required_assertions = [ "account-key", "account", "snap-declaration", "snap-revision", ] if publisher_id == "canonical": required_assertions.remove("account") for assertion_name in required_assertions: attr_name = "get_assertion_" + assertion_name.replace("-", "_") # This will populate self._assertions[<assertion_name>]. getattr(self, attr_name)() with open(assert_filename, "w+", encoding="utf-8") as fp: fp.write("\n".join(self._assertions[a] for a in required_assertions)) def get_details(self, cohort_create=False): """Get details about the snap. On subsequent calls, the cached results are returned. If cohort_create is set to True, a cohort key will be created and included in the result.""" if self._details and not cohort_create: return self._details if self.is_core_snap() and self._channel.startswith("stable/ubuntu-"): sys.stderr.write( "WARNING: switching channel from '{}' to 'stable' for '{}' " "snap.\n".format(self._channel, self._name) ) self._channel = "stable" path = "/v2/snaps/refresh" data = { "context": [], "actions": [ { "action": "download", "instance-key": "0", "name": self._name, "channel": self._channel, } ], "fields": [ "base", "created-at", "download", "license", "name", "prices", "publisher", "revision", "snap-id", "summary", "title", "type", "version", ], } # These are mutually exclusive. if cohort_create: data["actions"][0]["cohort-create"] = True elif self._cohort_key: data["actions"][0]["cohort-key"] = self._cohort_key try: response_dict = self._do_snapcraft_request(path, json_data=data) except SnapCraftError as e: raise SnapError("failed to get details for '{}': {}" .format(self._name, str(e))) snap_data = response_dict["results"][0] if snap_data.get("result") == "error": raise SnapError( "failed to get details for '{}': {}" .format(self._name, snap_data.get("error", {}).get("message")) ) # Have "base" initialized to something meaningful. if self.is_core_snap(): snap_data["snap"]["base"] = "" elif snap_data["snap"].get("base") is None: snap_data["snap"]["base"] = "core" # Copy the key into the snap details. if "cohort-key" in snap_data: snap_data["snap"]["cohort-key"] = snap_data["cohort-key"] if "error" in snap_data: raise SnapError( "failed to get details for '{}' in '{}' on '{}': {}" .format(self._name, self._channel, self._arch, snap_data["error"]["message"]) ) self._details = snap_data["snap"] return self._details def get_assertion_snap_revision(self): """Download the snap-revision assertion associated with this snap. The assertion is returned as a string.""" if "snap-revision" in self._assertions: return self._assertions["snap-revision"] snap = self.get_details() snap_sha3_384 = base64.urlsafe_b64encode( binascii.a2b_hex(snap["download"]["sha3-384"]) ).decode("us-ascii") data = self._do_assertion_request("/v1/assertions/snap-revision/{}" .format(snap_sha3_384)) self._assertions["snap-revision"] = data return data def get_assertion_snap_declaration(self): """Download the snap-declaration assertion associated with this snap. The assertion is returned as a string.""" if "snap-declaration" in self._assertions: return self._assertions["snap-declaration"] snap = self.get_details() series = self._series snap_id = snap["snap-id"] data = self._do_assertion_request( "/v1/assertions/snap-declaration/{}/{}" .format(series, snap_id)) self._assertions["snap-declaration"] = data return data def get_assertion_account(self): """Download the account assertion associated with this snap. The assertion is returned as a string.""" if "account" in self._assertions: return self._assertions["account"] snap = self.get_details() publisher_id = snap["publisher"]["id"] data = self._do_assertion_request("/v1/assertions/account/{}" .format(publisher_id)) self._assertions["account"] = data return data def get_assertion_account_key(self): """Download the account-key assertion associated with this snap. The assertion will be returned as a string.""" if "account-key" in self._assertions: return self._assertions["account-key"] declaration_data = self.get_assertion_snap_declaration() sign_key_sha3 = None for line in declaration_data.splitlines(): if line.startswith("sign-key-sha3-384:"): sign_key_sha3 = line.split(":")[1].strip() data = self._do_assertion_request("/v1/assertions/account-key/{}" .format(sign_key_sha3)) self._assertions["account-key"] = data return data def is_core_snap(self): return re.match(r"^core\d*$", self._name) != None def _do_assertion_request(self, path): url = self._assertion_url + path headers = { "Accept": "application/x.ubuntu.assertion", } http_client = ExpBackoffHTTPClient() try: with http_client.get(url, headers=headers) as response: return response.text() except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: raise SnapAssertionError(str(e)) def _do_snapcraft_request(self, path, json_data=None): url = self._snapcraft_url + "/" + path headers = { "Snap-Device-Series": str(self._series), "Snap-Device-Architecture": self._arch, } http_client = ExpBackoffHTTPClient() try: response = http_client.post(url, json=json_data, headers=headers) with response: return response.json() except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: raise SnapCraftError(str(e)) class SnapCli: def __call__(self, args): """Parse the command line arguments and execute the selected command.""" options = self._parse_opts(args) try: options.func(getattr(options, "snap", None), **vars(options)) except SnapError as e: sys.stderr.write("snap-tool {}: {}\n".format( options.command, str(e))) return EXIT_ERR return EXIT_OK @staticmethod def _get_host_deb_arch(): result = subprocess.run(["dpkg", "--print-architecture"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, check=True) return result.stdout.strip() def _parse_opts(self, args): main_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = main_parser.add_subparsers(dest="command") parser_cohort_create = subparsers.add_parser("cohort-create", help="Create a cohort key for the snap store channel map.") parser_cohort_create.set_defaults(func=self._cohort_create) parser_download = subparsers.add_parser("download", help="Download a snap from the store.") parser_download.set_defaults(func=self._download) parser_info = subparsers.add_parser("info", help="Retrieve information about a snap.") parser_info.set_defaults(func=self._info) # Add common parameters. for parser in [parser_download, parser_info]: parser.add_argument("--cohort-key", dest="cohort_key", help="A cohort key to pin the channel map to.", type=str) parser.add_argument("--channel", dest="channel", help="The publication channel to query (default: stable).", type=str, default="stable") parser.add_argument("--series", dest="series", help="The device series (default: 16)", type=int, default=16) parser.add_argument("--arch", dest="arch", help="The Debian architecture (default: amd64).", type=str, default=self._get_host_deb_arch()) parser.add_argument("snap", help="The name of the snap.") if not args: main_parser.print_help() sys.exit(EXIT_ERR) return main_parser.parse_args(args) def _cohort_create(self, _, **kwargs): print(Snap.cohort_create()) def _download(self, snap_name, **kwargs): Snap(snap_name, **kwargs).download() def _info(self, snap_name, **kwargs): snap = Snap(snap_name, **kwargs) info = snap.get_details() print(dedent("""\ name: {} summary: {} arch: {} base: {} channel: {} publisher: {} license: {} snap-id: {} revision: {}""" .format( snap_name, info.get("summary", ""), snap._arch, info.get("base"), snap._channel, info.get("publisher", {}).get("display-name", ""), info.get("license", ""), info.get("snap-id", ""), info.get("revision", "") )) ) if __name__ == "__main__": try: rval = SnapCli()(sys.argv[1:]) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stderr.write("snap-tool: caught keyboard interrupt, exiting.\n") sys.exit(EXIT_ERR) sys.exit(rval)