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## live-build(7) - System Build Scripts
## Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Daniel Baumann <daniel@debian.org>
## This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see COPYING.
## This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
## under certain conditions; see COPYING for details.
## This is a fork of lb_chroot for layered live system.
## We don't want leaking host configuration in each layer, and so,
## we clean and setup the chroot each time.
## In addition, we create the squashfs for each layer, but top one (live)
## which still can be configured after lb chroot call.
set -e
# Including common functions
( . "${LIVE_BUILD}/scripts/build.sh" > /dev/null 2>&1 || true ) || . /usr/lib/live/build.sh
# Automatically populating config tree
if [ -x auto/config ] && [ ! -e .build/config ]
Echo_message "Automatically populating config tree."
lb config
# Setting static variables
DESCRIPTION="$(Echo 'customize the Debian system')"
USAGE="${PROGRAM} [--force]"
Arguments "${@}"
# Reading configuration files
Read_conffiles config/all config/common config/bootstrap config/chroot config/binary config/source
# Setup cleanup function
. config/functions
lb_chroot_remove_packages () {
# Remove packages from the chroot specific to this layer
# $1: Name of the pass*
local pass=$1
Expand_packagelist "$(basename config/package-lists/*.removal-list.chroot_${pass})" "config/package-lists" \
>> chroot/root/packages.chroot.removal
Chroot chroot "xargs --arg-file=/root/packages.chroot.removal apt-get ${APT_OPTIONS} autoremove --purge"
rm -f chroot/root/packages.chroot.removal
# Create the snap list specific to this layer
lb_chroot_snap_lists () {
local pass=$1
# This assumes that the prefix is unique for a given project
local snap_for_pass=$(ls config/package-lists/*.snaplist.chroot_${pass}.full 2>/dev/null || true)
parent_pass=$(get_parent_pass $pass)
local snap_for_parent_pass=$(ls config/package-lists/*.snaplist.chroot_${parent_pass}.full 2>/dev/null || true)
if [ -z "${snap_for_pass}" ]; then
if [ -z "${snap_for_parent_pass}" ]; then
cp ${snap_for_pass} ${snap_for_pass%.full}
# Generate a list of snaps added to a layer.
diff -NU0 ${snap_for_parent_pass} ${snap_for_pass}|grep -Ev '^(---|\+\+\+|@@)'|cut -c2- > ${snap_for_pass%.full}
lb_chroot_install_snaps () {
# Prepare the snap environment and install snaps into a chroot
# $1: Name of the pass
local snaplist_file=$(ls config/package-lists/*.snaplist.chroot_${1} 2>/dev/null || true)
if [ -z "${snaplist_file}" ]; then
snap_prepare chroot
while read snap; do
SNAP_NO_VALIDATE_SEED=1 snap_preseed chroot "${snap}"
done < $snaplist_file
snap_validate_seed chroot
lb_chroot_includes () {
# Copying includes from pass subdirectory
local pass="$1"
if [ ! -d config/includes.chroot.${pass} ]; then
cd config/includes.chroot.${pass}
find . | cpio -dmpu --no-preserve-owner "${OLDPWD}"/chroot
cd "${OLDPWD}"
create_chroot_pass () {
local pass=$1
shift 1 # restore ${*}
Echo_message "lb_chroot_layered: treating pass %s" "$pass"
# We have already treated that pass just return.
local overlay_dir="overlay.${pass}"
if [ -d "$overlay_dir/" ]; then
# Only get some function executed on root passes
# Copy bootstrap on root layers
if $(is_root_layer $pass); then
rm -f .build/chroot_linux-image .build/chroot_preseed
cp -a chroot.bootstrap/ "$overlay_dir/"
# Others have to be executed on every pass
rm -f .build/chroot_early_hooks .build/chroot_hooks .build/chroot_interactive
mkdir -p "$overlay_dir/"
lowerdirs=$(get_lowerdirs_for_pass $pass)
if [ -n "$lowerdirs" ]; then
mkdir -p chroot "${overlay_dir}-initial"
mount_overlay "$lowerdirs" "${overlay_dir}-initial" chroot/
ln -s "$overlay_dir/" chroot
export PASS=${pass}
setenv_file PASS "${pass}" config/environment.chroot
# Configuring chroot
lb chroot_devpts install ${*}
lb chroot_proc install ${*}
lb chroot_sysfs install ${*}
# grub-probe should not be called as part of an image build so divert it
divert_grub chroot
# We run chroot_hacks only on root layers (update-initramfs diverted)
if $(is_root_layer $pass); then
lb chroot_debianchroot install ${*}
lb chroot_dpkg install ${*}
lb chroot_tmpfs install ${*}
lb chroot_hosts install ${*}
lb chroot_resolv install ${*}
lb chroot_hostname install ${*}
lb chroot_apt install ${*}
# Note: this triggers an upgrade + dist-ugprade; which may impact sublayers with more
# diff content than desired. So only running this on root pass.
# Only configure universe on root passes
if $(is_root_layer $pass); then
lb chroot_archives chroot install ${*}
# Customizing chroot
lb chroot_linux-image ${*}
lb chroot_preseed ${*}
lb chroot_early_hooks ${*}
lb chroot_package-lists ${pass} ${*}
lb chroot_install-packages ${pass} ${*}
lb_chroot_remove_packages ${pass} ${*}
lb chroot_sysfs remove ${*}
lb chroot_proc remove ${*}
lb chroot_devpts remove ${*}
setup_mountpoint chroot
# Snap management
lb_chroot_snap_lists ${pass} ${*}
lb_chroot_install_snaps ${pass} ${*}
teardown_mountpoint chroot
lb chroot_devpts install ${*}
lb chroot_proc install ${*}
lb chroot_sysfs install ${*}
# Mark kernel headers as autoremovable
Chroot chroot "dpkg -l linux-headers-3* linux-headers-4*" 2>/dev/null \
| awk '/^i/ {print $2}' > chroot.headers
for i in $(cat chroot.headers); do
Chroot chroot "apt-mark auto $i"
Chroot chroot "apt-get --purge -y autoremove"
# Add live packages to live layers
for livepass in $LIVE_PASSES; do
[ "$livepass" != "$pass" ] && continue
lb chroot_live-packages ${*}
# Run includes by pass
lb_chroot_includes ${pass} ${*}
lb chroot_hooks ${*}
# Run chroot_hacks only on live layers. chroot_hacks is what repacks
# the initrd in a full casperized mode. We don't want to do that for
# each and every layer, just for the live layers (which
# lb_binary_layered will call lb binary_linux-image on).
if $(is_live_layer $pass); then
rm -f .build/chroot_hacks
lb chroot_hacks ${*}
# chroot_hacks also removes some cruft, which is appropriate for
# any layer so we copy and paste that bit here.
rm -f chroot/boot/initrd*bak*
rm -f chroot/etc/apt/trusted.gpg~
rm -f chroot/etc/group- chroot/etc/passwd-
rm -f chroot/etc/gshadow- chroot/etc/shadow-
rm -f chroot/var/cache/debconf/*-old
rm -f chroot/var/lib/dpkg/*-old
rm -f chroot/var/log/apt/term.log
rm -f chroot/etc/adjtime
lb chroot_interactive ${*}
# Misc ubuntu cleanup and post-layer configuration
/usr/share/livecd-rootfs/minimize-manual chroot
Chroot chroot "dpkg-query -W" > chroot.packages.${pass}
# Deconfiguring chroot
if $(is_root_layer $pass); then
lb chroot_archives chroot remove ${*}
lb chroot_apt remove ${*}
lb chroot_hostname remove ${*}
lb chroot_resolv remove ${*}
lb chroot_hosts remove ${*}
lb chroot_tmpfs remove ${*}
lb chroot_dpkg remove ${*}
lb chroot_debianchroot remove ${*}
# Restore update-initramfs, if necessary
if $(is_root_layer $pass); then
# Restore grub
undivert_grub chroot
lb chroot_sysfs remove ${*}
lb chroot_proc remove ${*}
lb chroot_devpts remove ${*}
if [ -n "$lowerdirs" ]; then
# Although the current chroot was created as an overlay over
# the previous layer, many operations can result in redundant
# files in the upperdir. Rather than trying to minimize the
# overlay by hand, we rsync the chroot into a fresh overlay,
# rely on rsyncs ability to avoid redundant file operations,
# and take _that_ overlay's upperdir as the content of the
# layer.
mkdir chroot-2
mount_overlay "$lowerdirs" "$overlay_dir" chroot-2/
rsync -aXHAS --del chroot/ chroot-2/
umount chroot chroot-2
rmdir chroot chroot-2
rm -rf ${overlay_dir}-initial
rm chroot
if [ ! -d chroot.bootstrap/ ]; then
mv chroot/ chroot.bootstrap/
for _PASS in $PASSES
create_chroot_pass "$_PASS" ${*}