Dimitri John Ledkov b9f9dc1ca5 Execute chroot_hacks in live layer only.
As discussed and explained to Jibel and Didier on 17th of June, based
on canary image build logs, it showed clearly that lb controlled
initrd was only built once at the very first layer by
chroot_hacks. However, that is the wrong layer to build the final
initrd at, as at this point casper is not present yet and is not part
of the build.

Thus insure that chroot_hacks only runs at the live layer.

Ideally a subset of chroot_hacks should run on every layer, as each
layer should be squeaky clean, and most of layers without
initrds. However, jibel & didrocks are still implementing requested
patches to unbreak layer images and make each layer smaller. Hence
this minimal portion of the overall required work.

Signed-off-by: Dimitri John Ledkov <>
2019-09-11 14:40:56 +01:00

295 lines
7.9 KiB
Executable File

## live-build(7) - System Build Scripts
## Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Daniel Baumann <>
## This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see COPYING.
## This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
## under certain conditions; see COPYING for details.
## This is a fork of lb_chroot for layered live system.
## We don't want leaking host configuration in each layer, and so,
## we clean and setup the chroot each time.
## In addition, we create the squashfs for each layer, but top one (live)
## which still can be configured after lb chroot call.
set -e
# Including common functions
( . "${LIVE_BUILD}/scripts/" > /dev/null 2>&1 || true ) || . /usr/lib/live/
# Automatically populating config tree
if [ -x auto/config ] && [ ! -e .build/config ]
Echo_message "Automatically populating config tree."
lb config
# Setting static variables
DESCRIPTION="$(Echo 'customize the Debian system')"
USAGE="${PROGRAM} [--force]"
Arguments "${@}"
# Reading configuration files
Read_conffiles config/all config/common config/bootstrap config/chroot config/binary config/source
# Setup cleanup function
. config/functions
lb_chroot_remove_packages () {
# Remove packages from the chroot specific to this layer
# $1: Name of the pass*
local pass=$1
Expand_packagelist "$(basename config/package-lists/*.removal-list.chroot_${pass})" "config/package-lists" \
>> chroot/root/packages.chroot.removal
Chroot chroot "xargs --arg-file=/root/packages.chroot.removal apt-get ${APT_OPTIONS} autoremove --purge"
rm -f chroot/root/packages.chroot.removal
# Create the snap list specific to this layer
lb_chroot_snap_lists () {
local pass=$1
# This assumes that the prefix is unique for a given project
local snap_for_pass=$(ls config/package-lists/*.snaplist.chroot_${pass}.full 2>/dev/null || true)
parent_pass=$(get_parent_pass $pass)
local snap_for_parent_pass=$(ls config/package-lists/*.snaplist.chroot_${parent_pass}.full 2>/dev/null || true)
if [ -z "${snap_for_pass}" ]; then
if [ -z "${snap_for_parent_pass}" ]; then
cp ${snap_for_pass} ${snap_for_pass%.full}
# Generate a list of snaps added to a layer.
diff -NU0 ${snap_for_parent_pass} ${snap_for_pass}|grep -Ev '^(---|\+\+\+|@@)'|cut -c2- > ${snap_for_pass%.full}
lb_chroot_install_snaps () {
# Prepare the snap environment and install snaps into a chroot
# $1: Name of the pass
local snaplist_file=$(ls config/package-lists/*.snaplist.chroot_${1} 2>/dev/null || true)
if [ -z "${snaplist_file}" ]; then
snap_prepare chroot
while read snap; do
snap_preseed chroot "${snap}"
done < $snaplist_file
lb_chroot_includes () {
# Copying includes from pass subdirectory
local pass="$1"
if [ ! -d config/includes.chroot.${pass} ]; then
cd config/includes.chroot.${pass}
find . | cpio -dmpu --no-preserve-owner "${OLDPWD}"/chroot
cd "${OLDPWD}"
reduce_pass_size () {
# Remove duplicated files between parent and current pass
# Note the empty directories created in a child pass are not removed
local pass=$1
local parent="$(get_parent_pass $pass)"
$(is_root_layer $pass) && return
local list_pass=$(mktemp)
local list_parent=$(mktemp)
(cd $pass_dir && find . ! -type d -printf "%h/%f|%s|%y|%U|%G|%m\n"|sort > $list_pass)
(cd $parent_pass_dir && find . ! -type d -printf "%h/%f|%s|%y|%U|%G|%m\n"|sort > $list_parent)
# Only iterate on common files with same type, owner, permission and size
comm -12 $list_pass $list_parent|cut -d'|' -f1|while read f; do
# If file contents are different, keep it
if ! diff --brief --no-dereference "$pass_dir/$f" "$parent_pass_dir/$f" >/dev/null; then
# Files are strictly identical between the 2 passes (only mod or access times differs). No need for unused delta.
Echo_message "reduce_pass_size: '$f' is strictly identical between $parent and $pass. Removing."
rm "$pass_dir/$f"
rm $list_pass
rm $list_parent
create_chroot_pass () {
local pass=$1
shift 1 # restore ${*}
Echo_message "lb_chroot_layered: treating pass $pass"
# We have already treated that pass just return.
local overlay_dir="overlay.${pass}"
if [ -d "$overlay_dir/" ]; then
# Only get some function executed on root passes
# Copy bootstrap on root layers
if $(is_root_layer $pass); then
rm -f .build/chroot_linux-image .build/chroot_preseed .build/chroot_hacks
cp -a chroot.bootstrap/ "$overlay_dir/"
# Others have to be executed on every pass
rm -f .build/chroot_early_hooks .build/chroot_hooks .build/chroot_interactive
mkdir -p "$overlay_dir/"
lowerdirs=$(get_lowerdirs_for_pass $pass)
if [ -n "$lowerdirs" ]; then
mkdir -p chroot/
mount_overlay "$lowerdirs" "$overlay_dir" chroot/
ln -s "$overlay_dir/" chroot
export PASS=${pass}
setenv_file PASS "${pass}" config/environment.chroot
# Configuring chroot
lb chroot_devpts install ${*}
lb chroot_proc install ${*}
lb chroot_sysfs install ${*}
# grub-probe should not be called as part of an image build so divert it
divert_grub chroot
# We run chroot_hacks only on root layers (update-initramfs diverted)
if $(is_root_layer $pass); then
lb chroot_debianchroot install ${*}
lb chroot_dpkg install ${*}
lb chroot_tmpfs install ${*}
lb chroot_hosts install ${*}
lb chroot_resolv install ${*}
lb chroot_hostname install ${*}
lb chroot_apt install ${*}
# Note: this triggers an upgrade + dist-ugprade; which may impact sublayers with more
# diff content than desired. So only running this on root pass.
# Only configure universe on root passes
if $(is_root_layer $pass); then
lb chroot_archives chroot install ${*}
# Customizing chroot
lb chroot_linux-image ${*}
lb chroot_preseed ${*}
lb chroot_early_hooks ${*}
lb chroot_package-lists ${pass} ${*}
lb chroot_install-packages ${pass} ${*}
lb_chroot_remove_packages ${pass} ${*}
# Snap management
lb_chroot_snap_lists ${pass} ${*}
lb_chroot_install_snaps ${pass} ${*}
# Mark kernel headers as autoremovable
Chroot chroot "dpkg -l linux-headers-3* linux-headers-4*" 2>/dev/null \
| awk '/^i/ {print $2}' > chroot.headers
for i in $(cat chroot.headers); do
Chroot chroot "apt-mark auto $i"
Chroot chroot "apt-get --purge -y autoremove"
# Add live packages to live layers
for livepass in $LIVE_PASSES; do
[ "$livepass" != "$pass" ] && continue
lb chroot_live-packages ${*}
# Run includes by pass
lb_chroot_includes ${pass} ${*}
lb chroot_hooks ${*}
# Run chroot_hacks only on root layers.
# chroot_hacks changes the mode of boot/initrd*. The side effect in
# layered mode is to create an initrd on each layer with a significant
# impact on image size (+30MB per layer). This is an issue even with
# update-initramfs disabled.
if $(is_live_layer $pass); then
lb chroot_hacks ${*}
lb chroot_interactive ${*}
# Misc ubuntu cleanup and post-layer configuration
/usr/share/livecd-rootfs/minimize-manual chroot
Chroot chroot "dpkg-query -W" > chroot.packages.${pass}
# Deconfiguring chroot
if $(is_root_layer $pass); then
lb chroot_archives chroot remove ${*}
lb chroot_apt remove ${*}
lb chroot_hostname remove ${*}
lb chroot_resolv remove ${*}
lb chroot_hosts remove ${*}
lb chroot_tmpfs remove ${*}
lb chroot_dpkg remove ${*}
lb chroot_debianchroot remove ${*}
# Restore update-initramfs, if necessary
if $(is_root_layer $pass); then
# Restore grub
undivert_grub chroot
lb chroot_sysfs remove ${*}
lb chroot_proc remove ${*}
lb chroot_devpts remove ${*}
if [ -n "$lowerdirs" ]; then
umount chroot
rmdir chroot
rm chroot
reduce_pass_size $pass
if [ ! -d chroot.bootstrap/ ]; then
mv chroot/ chroot.bootstrap/
for _PASS in $PASSES
create_chroot_pass "$_PASS" ${*}