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synced 2025-03-05 16:31:13 +00:00
84 lines
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Executable File
84 lines
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Executable File
#!/bin/bash -eux
# vi: ts=4 noexpandtab
# Generate VMDK files
# There is no real good way to create a _compressed_ VMDK using open source
# tooling that works across multiple VMDK-capable platforms. This hook uses
# vmdk-stream-converter and then modifies the header manually to produce a
# compatiable VMDK.
architecture=$(chroot chroot dpkg --print-architecture)
case ${architecture} in
i386) image_target="binary/boot/disk.ext4";;
amd64) image_target="binary/boot/disk-uefi.ext4"; extension="uefi1.vmdk";;
*) echo "VMDK images are not supported for ${architecture} yet.";
exit 0;;
apt-get install -qqy qemu-utils vmdk-stream-converter
# Lets be safe about this
scratch_d=$(mktemp -d)
trap "rm -rf ${scratch_d}" EXIT
modify_vmdk_header() {
# Modify the VMDK headers so that both VirtualBox _and_ VMware can
# read the vmdk and import them. The vodoo here is _not_ documented
# anywhere....so this will have to do.
# Extract the vmdk header for manipulation
dd if="${vmdk_name}" of=descriptor.txt bs=1 skip=512 count=1024
# The sed lines below is where the magic is. Specifically:
# ddb.toolsVersion: sets the open-vm-tools so that VMware shows
# the tooling as current
# ddb.virtualHWVersion: set the version to 7, which covers most
# current versions of VMware
# createType: make sure its set to stream Optimized
# remove the vmdk-stream-converter comment and replace with
# # Disk DescriptorFile. This is needed for Virtualbox
# remove the comments from vmdk-stream-converter which causes
# VirtualBox and others to fail VMDK validation
sed -e 's|ddb.comment.*|ddb.toolsVersion = "2147483647"|' \
-e 's|ddb.virtualHWVersion.*|ddb.virtualHWVersion = "7"|' \
-e 's|createType.*|createType="streamOptimized"|' \
-e 's|# Description file.*|# Disk DescriptorFile|' \
-e '/# Believe.*/d' \
-e '/# Indicates no parent/d' \
descriptor.txt > new_descriptor.txt
# The header is cannot be bigger than 1024
expr $(stat --format=%s new_descriptor.txt) \< 1024 || {
echo "descriptor is too large, VMDK will be invalid!"; exit 1; }
# Overwrite the vmdk header with our new, modified one
dd conv=notrunc,nocreat \
if=new_descriptor.txt of="${vmdk_name}" \
bs=1 seek=512 count=1024
convert_image() {
cp ${src} ${scratch_d}/resize.img
qemu-img resize ${scratch_d}/resize.img 10G
python ${streamconverter} ${scratch_d}/resize.img "${destination}"
modify_vmdk_header "${destination}"
qemu-img info "${destination}"
convert_image binary/boot/disk.ext4 livecd.ubuntu-cpc.disk1.vmdk
if [ -e binary/boot/disk-uefi.ext4 ]; then
convert_image binary/boot/disk-uefi.ext4 livecd.ubuntu-cpc.uefi.vmdk