2018-06-07 14:53:22 -07:00

127 lines
4.1 KiB

# vi: ts=4 expandtab syntax=sh
#imagesize=${IMAGE_SIZE:-$((2252*1024**2))} # 2.2G (the current size we ship)
imagesize=${IMAGE_SIZE:-2361393152} # 2.2G (the current size we ship)
release_ver() {
# Return the release version number
distro-info --series="$LB_DISTRIBUTION" -r | awk '{ print $1 }'
_snap_preseed() {
# Download the snap/assertion and add to the preseed
local CHROOT_ROOT=$1
local SNAP=$2
local SNAP_NAME=${SNAP%/*}
local CHANNEL=${3:?Snap channel must be specified}
local seed_dir="$CHROOT_ROOT/var/lib/snapd/seed"
local snaps_dir="$seed_dir/snaps"
local seed_yaml="$seed_dir/seed.yaml"
local assertions_dir="$seed_dir/assertions"
# Download the snap & assertion
local snap_download_failed=0
chroot $CHROOT_ROOT sh -c "
set -x;
cd /var/lib/snapd/seed;
SNAPPY_STORE_NO_CDN=1 snap download \
--channel=$CHANNEL \"$SNAP_NAME\"" || snap_download_failed=1
if [ $snap_download_failed = 1 ] ; then
echo "If the channel ($CHANNEL) includes '*/ubuntu-##.##' track per "
echo "Ubuntu policy (ex. stable/ubuntu-18.04) the publisher will need "
echo "to temporarily create the channel/track to allow fallback during"
echo "download (ex. stable/ubuntu-18.04 falls back to stable if the"
echo "prior had been created in the past)."
exit 1
mv -v $seed_dir/*.assert $assertions_dir
mv -v $seed_dir/*.snap $snaps_dir
# Add the snap to the seed.yaml
! [ -e $seed_yaml ] && echo "snaps:" > $seed_yaml
cat <<EOF >> $seed_yaml
name: ${SNAP_NAME}
channel: ${CHANNEL}
case ${SNAP} in */classic) echo " classic: true" >> $seed_yaml;; esac
echo -n " file: " >> $seed_yaml
(cd $snaps_dir; ls -1 ${SNAP_NAME}_*.snap) >> $seed_yaml
snap_prepare_assertions() {
# Configure basic snapd assertions
local CHROOT_ROOT=$1
# A colon-separated string of brand:model to be used for the image's model
# assertion
local seed_dir="$CHROOT_ROOT/var/lib/snapd/seed"
local snaps_dir="$seed_dir/snaps"
local assertions_dir="$seed_dir/assertions"
local model_assertion="$assertions_dir/model"
local account_key_assertion="$assertions_dir/account-key"
local account_assertion="$assertions_dir/account"
mkdir -p "$assertions_dir"
mkdir -p "$snaps_dir"
local brand="$(echo $CUSTOM_BRAND_MODEL | cut -d: -f 1)"
local model="$(echo $CUSTOM_BRAND_MODEL | cut -d: -f 2)"
if ! [ -e "$model_assertion" ] ; then
snap known --remote model series=16 \
model=$model brand-id=$brand \
> "$model_assertion"
if ! [ -e "$account_key_assertion" ] ; then
local account_key=$(sed -n -e's/sign-key-sha3-384: //p' \
< "$model_assertion")
snap known --remote account-key \
public-key-sha3-384="$account_key" \
> "$account_key_assertion"
if ! [ -e "$account_assertion" ] ; then
local account=$(sed -n -e's/account-id: //p' < "$account_key_assertion")
snap known --remote account account-id=$account \
> "$account_assertion"
snap_prepare() {
# Configure basic snapd assertions and pre-seeds the 'core' snap
local CHROOT_ROOT=$1
# Optional. If set, should be a colon-separated string of brand:model to be
# used for the image's model assertion
local CUSTOM_BRAND_MODEL=${2:-generic:generic-classic}
local seed_dir="$CHROOT_ROOT/var/lib/snapd/seed"
local snaps_dir="$seed_dir/snaps"
snap_prepare_assertions "$CHROOT_ROOT" "$CUSTOM_BRAND_MODEL"
# Download the core snap
if ! [ -f $snaps_dir/core_[0-9]*.snap ] ; then
_snap_preseed $CHROOT_ROOT core stable
snap_preseed() {
# Preseed a snap in the image
local CHROOT_ROOT=$1
local SNAP=$2
# Per Ubuntu policy, all seeded snaps (with the exception of the core
# snap) must pull from stable/ubuntu-$(release_ver) as their channel.
local CHANNEL=${3:-"stable/ubuntu-$(release_ver)"}
snap_prepare $CHROOT_ROOT