@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ lubuntu-default-settings (0.45) xenial; urgency=medium
- Set lxterminal as the terminal by default, until
lxsession-default-terminal is fixed (LP: #1434774).
* src/etc/xdg/lubuntu/menus/lxqt-applications.menu
- Exclude synaptic-kde.desktop in LXQt menu, until OnlyShowIn is fixed in LXQt
(see bug #582). Thanks Ariszlo for the patch.
- Exclude synaptic-kde.desktop in LXQt menu, until OnlyShowIn is fixed in
LXQt (see bug #582). Thanks Ariszlo for the patch.
* src/etc/xdg/pcmanfm/lubuntu/desktop-items-0.conf
* src/etc/xdg/pcmanfm/lubuntu/pcmanfm.conf
- Update some pcmanfm default settings and activate mounted devices on the