diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog index 0f1517b..cd6fad4 100644 --- a/debian/changelog +++ b/debian/changelog @@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ lubuntu-default-settings (0.5) UNRELEASED; urgency=low * Add new configuration of lxdm for Lubuntu. * debian/postinst & debian/prerm: Add a alternative lxdm.conf for Lubuntu settings. - * Switch to Lubuntu custom theme : - - debian/control : Depends on lubuntu-artwork (>= 0.4) and - elementary-icon-theme. - - desktop.conf : Use elementary-monochrome for icon theme. - - Use Clearlooks for Openbox theme. - - Use black font color for the panel. * autostart : Add nm-applet to the sessions. * Use system-shutdown-panel icon for shutdown command and clean Encoding keys * Use Chromium instead of Firefox inthe panel and openbox configuration. * Remove cpu and netstat plugin, and move volume applet before the tray. * Complete openbox keybindings for taking screenshot. Thanks Adam for the patch. + * Switch to Lubuntu custom theme : + - debian/control : Depends on lubuntu-artwork (>= 0.4) and + elementary-icon-theme. + - desktop.conf : Use elementary-monochrome for icon theme. + - Use Clearlooks for Openbox theme. + - Use black font color for the panel. -- Julien Lavergne Sun, 14 Feb 2010 11:44:16 +0100