- Move the lightdm-gtk-greeter config file to the new location.
* src/etc/xdg/lubuntu/lightdm:
- Remove the old location of lightdm-gtk-greeter config file.
* debian/lubuntu-default-settings.dirs
- Remove /etc/lightdm now that it's created.
* debian/control
- Increase the depends on lightdm-gtk-greeter.
* debian/lubuntu-default-settings.postinst
* debian/lubuntu-default-settings.postrm
* debian/lubuntu-default-settings.preinst
* debian/lubuntu-default-settings.prerm
- Update with the new lightdm-gtk-greeter config file.
* Move etc/ and usr/ under src/
* Update debhelper compat to level 9.
* Update standards-version to 3.9.5.
* qlubuntu-default-session: Alternatively depend on lxqt-lightdm-greeter.
* d/copyright: Update to copyright format 1.0, update copyright years.
* d/copyright: Set Julien Lavergne as Upstream-Contact.
* d/maintscript: Move lightdm config to usr/share, this follows standard
lightdm config such that the file is removed when the package is.
* Move d/20-*.conf to src/usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/
* d/rules: Call dh_install with --fail-missing.
* 20-qlubuntu.conf: The session name is QLubuntu, not qlubuntu.
* Update debhelper compat to level 9.
* Update standards-version to 3.9.5.
* qlubuntu-default-session: Alternatively depend on lxqt-lightdm-greeter.
* d/copyright: Update to copyright format 1.0, update copyright years.
* d/copyright: Set Julien Lavergne as Upstream-Contact.
* d/maintscript: Move lightdm config to usr/share, this follows standard
lightdm config such that the file is removed when the package is.
* Move d/20-*.conf to src/usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/
* d/rules: Call dh_install with --fail-missing.
* 20-qlubuntu.conf: The session name is QLubuntu, not qlubuntu.