lubuntu-default-settings (0.2) lucid; urgency=low * Add the volume applet to the panel to have a way to configure the sound * Autostart gnome-power-manager to add power management support and the battery icon in notification-area * Set the terminal for pcmanfm to lxterminal * Move lxpanel background for Lubuntu to a specific file. * Use /etc/xdg/lubuntu to store custom configuration files. * Remove config file for lxsession, all is in desktop.conf * Depends on lubuntu-artwork (>= 0.2) to bring the new lxpanel background. -- Julien Lavergne Sat, 28 Nov 2009 00:21:07 +0100 lubuntu-default-settings (0.1) lucid; urgency=low * Initial upload (LP: #475649) -- Julien Lavergne Thu, 05 Nov 2009 18:52:56 +0100