lubuntu-default-settings (21.10.2) impish; urgency=medium

  * Move the Openbox settings to match upstream compatibility changes.

 -- Simon Quigley <>  Thu, 23 Sep 2021 07:09:49 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (21.10.1) impish; urgency=medium

  * Update XscreenSaver lock screen to 21.10.
  * Bump Standards version to 4.5.1, no changes needed.

 -- Dan Simmons <>  Sun, 15 Aug 2021 20:41:28 -0400

lubuntu-default-settings (21.04.3) hirsute; urgency=medium

  * Swap ark for lxqt-archiver.

 -- Walter Lapchynski <>  Thu, 04 Mar 2021 14:06:26 -0800

lubuntu-default-settings (21.04.2) hirsute; urgency=medium

  * Make qapt-deb-installer the default app for Debian packages.

 -- Walter Lapchynski <>  Mon, 15 Feb 2021 13:43:55 -0800

lubuntu-default-settings (21.04.1) hirsute; urgency=medium

  * Update XscreenSaver lock screen to 21.04.

 -- Dan Simmons <>  Sun, 03 Jan 2021 14:49:50 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (20.10.1) groovy; urgency=medium

  * Added SAL_VCL_QT5_USE_CAIRO=true env variable in session.conf. LP: #1895216
  * Bump debhelper-compat version, no changes needed.

 -- Hans P Möller <>  Tue, 06 Oct 2020 20:37:34 -0300

lubuntu-default-settings (20.04.4) focal; urgency=medium

  * Add alt-tab switching for all desktops. Thanks to Einar Mostad.

 -- Dan Simmons <>  Tue, 18 Feb 2020 19:59:55 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (20.04.3) focal; urgency=medium

  * Added nm-tray.conf in xdg for connection-editor
  * Bump standards version, no changes needed
  * Changed new debhelper and compat definition

 -- Hans P. Möller <>  Mon, 10 Feb 2020 19:33:03 -0300

lubuntu-default-settings (20.04.2) focal; urgency=medium

  * Added SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt5 env variable in session.conf.

 -- Hans P Möller <>  Sat, 25 Jan 2020 22:44:42 -0300

lubuntu-default-settings (20.04.1) focal; urgency=medium

  * Added default theme for XscreenSaver
  * Changed the look of dialogue box to match the above theme. Thanks to wxl.

 -- Raman Sarda <>  Tue, 06 Nov 2019 05:33:39 +0530

lubuntu-default-settings (19.10.8) eoan; urgency=medium

  * Fixed runner's default shortcut.

 -- Raman Sarda <>  Thu, 19 Sep 2019 20:37:54 +0530

lubuntu-default-settings (19.10.7) eoan; urgency=medium

  * Added config file for runner.
  * Actually fixed the Ctrl+Alt+B
  * Added setting for search media key.
  * Modified homepage button setting to open default browser instead of firefox.

 -- Raman Sarda <>  Thu, 12 Sep 2019 21:04:11 +0000

lubuntu-default-settings (19.10.6) eoan; urgency=medium

  * Fixed Ctrl+Alt+B

 -- Raman Sarda <>  Fri, 06 Sep 2019 22:39:30 +0000

lubuntu-default-settings (19.10.5) eoan; urgency=medium

  [ Raman Sarda ]
  * Modified shortcuts so they don't interfere with lxqt-globalkeys.
  * Removed shortcuts not relevant to LXQt releases.
  * Removed non-functional shortcuts that were commented out.
  * Included globalkeys.conf for lxqt-globalkeys.

  [ Walter Lapchynski ]
  * Bump Standards-Version and debhelper compat version, no changes needed.

 -- Raman Sarda <>  Wed, 21 Aug 2019 15:58:19 +0530

lubuntu-default-settings (19.10.4) eoan; urgency=medium

  * Added lximage-qt-screenshot.desktop with NoDisplay=true so it does not
    appear because we changed screenshot program to screengrab

 -- Hans P. Möller <>  Tue, 20 Aug 2019 23:04:42 -0400

lubuntu-default-settings (19.10.3) eoan; urgency=medium

  * Update mimeapps.list with more mimetypes.

 -- Dan Simmons <>  Sat, 27 Jul 2019 16:15:56 -0400

lubuntu-default-settings (19.10.2) eoan; urgency=medium

  * Adding back translations.

 -- Walter Lapchynski <>  Mon, 17 Jun 2019 19:52:21 -0700

lubuntu-default-settings (19.10.1) eoan; urgency=medium

  * Set default icon theme to ePapirus which is grey instead of black and looks
    better for dark icons over dark background (printer, about, skanlite, etc..)
  * Added "Hidden=true" nm-applet.desktop to autostart so it will not autostart.

 -- Hans P Möller <>  Sun, 09 Jun 2019 21:15:54 -0400

lubuntu-default-settings (19.04.2) disco; urgency=medium

  [ Hans P Möller ]
  * Set tap to click as default for touchpad

  [ Raman Sarda ]
  * Added entries for (almost) all file types to mimeapps.list

 -- Hans P Möller <>  Sat, 06 Apr 2019 20:41:56 -0300

lubuntu-default-settings (19.04.1) disco; urgency=medium

  [ Hans P. Möller ]
  * Set default icon theme as papirus (not dark) without colorize by widget.

  [ Simon Quigley ]
  * Bump version to match the release number.

 -- Hans P. Möller <>  Sun, 10 Feb 2019 22:24:33 -0300

lubuntu-default-settings (1.18) disco; urgency=medium

  * Set folder view ascending order. (LP: #1801210)
  * Set desktop shortcuts for home, trash, computer, and network as default.

 -- Dan Simmons <>  Sun, 03 Feb 2019 00:21:31 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (1.17) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * Set leave confirmation dialog as default
  * Set breeze mouse cursors as default

 -- Hans P. Möller <>  Sun, 07 Oct 2018 18:31:35 -0300

lubuntu-default-settings (1.16) cosmic; urgency=medium

  [ Wendy Hill ]
  * Remove src/etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu/lxqt/globalkeyshortcuts.conf

  [ Simon Quigley ]
  * Set Firefox as the default browser.

 -- Simon Quigley <>  Sat, 06 Oct 2018 16:16:34 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (1.15) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * Enable GTK theme as default.
  * Set GTK theme to Arc-Darker.
  * Set featherpad as default application for text/plain and shellscript.*

 -- Hans P. Möller <>  Sat, 29 Sep 2018 23:24:06 -0300

lubuntu-default-settings (1.14) cosmic; urgency=medium

  [ Wendy Hill ]
  * Set default taskbar buttons to 200px width.

  [ Simon Quigley ]
  * Add additional Greek and Korean translations.

 -- Wendy Hill <>  Thu, 27 Sep 2018 14:08:20 -0600

lubuntu-default-settings (1.13) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * Blacklist nm-tray from System Tools menu category.

 -- Walter Lapchynski <>  Sat, 18 Aug 2018 22:15:37 -0700

lubuntu-default-settings (1.12) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * Translate into Italian, French, and German.

 -- Simon Quigley <>  Sat, 18 Aug 2018 22:17:35 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (1.11) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * It's a native packages; so move patches over to the actual files.

 -- Simon Quigley <>  Sat, 18 Aug 2018 22:14:40 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (1.10) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * Use lxqt-sudo instead of pkexec as switch user command.

 -- Walter Lapchynski <>  Thu, 16 Aug 2018 23:14:55 -0700

lubuntu-default-settings (1.9) cosmic; urgency=medium

  [ Simon Quigley ]
  * We use Falkon now, not Qupzilla (LP: #1786986).

  [ Walter Lapchynski ]
  * Set qterminal window size to upstream default. (LP: #1786978)

 -- Simon Quigley <>  Thu, 16 Aug 2018 13:20:33 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (1.8) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * Revert the last upload.

 -- Simon Quigley <>  Fri, 10 Aug 2018 21:24:07 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (1.7) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * Move PCManFM-Qt's settings up a directory.

 -- Simon Quigley <>  Fri, 10 Aug 2018 21:21:12 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (1.6) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * Translate into Norwegian Bokmål.
  * Add superkey activation for the start menu.

 -- Simon Quigley <>  Tue, 31 Jul 2018 16:57:36 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (1.5) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * Add a config file for QTerminal.

 -- Simon Quigley <>  Fri, 20 Jul 2018 03:46:13 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (1.4) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * Remove /usr/share/applications; these files are native in LXQt.
  * Refine the Openbox config (LP: #1781511):
    - Don't launch a file manager on Ctrl + Alt + D, because that already
      shows the desktop in LXQt.
    - Remove the volume button shortcuts as these are built into LXQt.
  * Refine the PCManFM-Qt settings:
    - Double the splitter position for the PCManFM-Qt Places panel.
    - gksu -> pkexec
    - Add settings for TerminalDirCommand and TerminalExecCommand.

 -- Simon Quigley <>  Fri, 20 Jul 2018 02:30:11 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (1.3) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * In the panel.conf file, turn on autoclearing of the search message; this
    makes it consistent with other desktop environments.

 -- Simon Quigley <>  Mon, 21 May 2018 00:52:50 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (1.2) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * Move the contents of /etc/xdg/lubuntu/ to /etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu/.
  * Ensure that the Lubuntu session uses our Openbox config.
  * Update runtime dependencies.

 -- Simon Quigley <>  Thu, 17 May 2018 17:56:31 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (1.1) cosmic; urgency=high

  * Fix the installation of the xsession file (LP: #1771681).

 -- Simon Quigley <>  Wed, 16 May 2018 22:01:01 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (1.0) cosmic; urgency=medium

  * Move obsolete configuration files to another repository, and convert
    Lubuntu Next into Lubuntu. Only LXQt-based Lubuntu settings remain.

 -- Simon Quigley <>  Mon, 14 May 2018 20:31:28 -0500

lubuntu-default-settings (0.54) bionic; urgency=medium

  * Revert previous upload.
  * debian/lubuntu-default-settings.install & lubuntu-extra-sessions:
   - Move QLubuntu.session to the main package.
   - Move Lubuntu-Netbook to the extra sessions package.
  * debian/control:
   - Add Breaks according to previous upload.
   - Update Breaks for current upload.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Mon, 12 Feb 2018 20:09:01 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.53) bionic; urgency=medium

  * Move some things around:
    - Lubuntu.desktop should be in lubuntu-default-session.
    - QLubuntu.desktop should be in qlubuntu-default-session.
    - Lubuntu-Netbook.desktop should be in lubuntu-extra-sessions.

 -- Simon Quigley <>  Sun, 11 Feb 2018 12:59:17 -0600

lubuntu-default-settings (0.52) bionic; urgency=medium

  * Wrap-and-sort and fix whitespace.
  * Rework the dependencies so a lot of unnecessary stuff isn't pulled
    in on Lubuntu Next.

 -- Simon Quigley <>  Sat, 10 Feb 2018 18:39:06 -0600

lubuntu-default-settings (0.51) bionic; urgency=medium

  * debian/gbp.conf
   - Add git-buildpackage configuration.
  * debian/control:
   - Update VCS fields to point to the git repository.
  * debian/lubuntu-default-settings.links
   - Add symlinks from xdg-Lubuntu to apply also the settings on LXQt
  * src/etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu/lxqt:
   - Add specific settings for lxqt on LXQt session.
  * src/etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu/openbox/lxqt-rc.xml:
   - Add specific settings for openbox on LXQt session.
  * src/etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu/menu/
   - Add a menu file for LXQt session.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Tue, 06 Feb 2018 20:11:47 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.50) artful; urgency=medium

  * src/etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu/dhcpcd.conf
   - Install configuration file for dhcpcd to make it autostart.
  * debian/control:
   - Move lxsession from recommends to suggests, to not install it on the Qt

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Tue, 01 Aug 2017 20:04:16 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.49) artful; urgency=medium

  * src/etc/xdg/lubuntu/applications/defaults.list:
   - Switch to gnome-mpv for the videos player.
  * src/etc/xdg/lxsession/*/desktop.conf:
   - Use dhcpcd-gtk for network management.
   - Use pavucontrol for audio management.
  * src/etc/xdg/lxsession/QLubuntu/desktop.conf:
   - Use pavucontrol-qt for audio management.
  * usr/share/xsessions/QLubuntu.desktop
   - Switch to lxqt-session, since sddm doesn't support command with arguments,
     and we stay closer to upstream.
  * src/usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu/panels/panel:
   - Add bluetooth applet.
   - Replace launchbar and taskbar by the new combined taskbar applet.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Fri, 26 May 2017 21:29:20 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.48) zesty; urgency=medium

  * Drop plasma.desktop session symlink which conflicts with

 -- Dimitri John Ledkov <>  Tue, 13 Dec 2016 17:21:16 +0000

lubuntu-default-settings (0.47) yakkety; urgency=medium

  * src/usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu/panels/panel:
   - Enable sound indicator by default.
  * src/usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/rc.xml:
   - Force the focus when opening an application, to fix the focus when a
     terminal is launched from pcmanfm.
   - Re-sync on upstream settings file, adding notes about specific settings.
  * src/etc/xdg/lubuntu/menus/
   - Hide ImageMagick Q16 links from the menu (from Xubuntu).
  * src/etc/xdg/lxsession/*/desktop.conf
   - Enable lxsession 0.5.2+ settings.
  * src/etc/xdg/lxqt/
   - Move lxqt files to not conflicts with lxqt-common.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Wed, 17 Aug 2016 22:31:28 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.46) xenial; urgency=medium

  * src/etc/xdg/lubuntu/menus/
   - Add some comments to the structure.
   - Exclude Evince from Office menu, it's already in Graphics.
   - Exclude Pcmanfm from System menu, already in Utility.
  * src/etc/xdg/pcmanfm/lubuntu/pcmanfm.conf:
   - Re-add [desktop] item in pcmanfm.conf, to correctly load settings on first
     start (LP: #1551446).

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Sun, 10 Apr 2016 12:09:00 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.45) xenial; urgency=medium

  * src/etc/xdg/lubuntu/libfm/libfm.conf
  * src/usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu-Nexus7/config
  * src/usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu/config
   - Set lxterminal as the terminal by default, until
     lxsession-default-terminal is fixed (LP: #1434774).
  * src/etc/xdg/lubuntu/menus/
   - Exclude synaptic-kde.desktop in LXQt menu, until OnlyShowIn is fixed in
     LXQt (see bug #582). Thanks Ariszlo for the patch.
  * src/etc/xdg/pcmanfm/lubuntu/desktop-items-0.conf
  * src/etc/xdg/pcmanfm/lubuntu/pcmanfm.conf
   - Update some pcmanfm default settings and activate mounted devices on the
     desktop by default.
  * debian/control:
   - Provides lxqt-common to be able to install lxqt-session
     (lubuntu-default-settings also should provides all functionnalities of
  * src/etc/xdg/lxqt/panel.conf
   - Remove lxqt-panel.conf until xdg dirs are correctly used.
  * Translations update.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Sat, 27 Feb 2016 16:13:04 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.44) wily; urgency=medium

  [ Julien Lavergne ]
  * src/etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml
   - Add xfce4-power-manager.xml to enable the tray icon of xfce4-power-manager
     by default.
  * debian/lubuntu-default-settings.install
   - Install xfce4 specific settings.
  * src/etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf.d/30_lubuntu.conf:
   - Move the lightdm-gtk-greeter config file to the new location
     (LP: #1466191)
   - Update lightdm-gtk-greeter config file with the new options.
  * src/etc/xdg/lubuntu/lightdm:
   - Remove the old location of lightdm-gtk-greeter config file.
  * debian/lubuntu-default-settings.dirs
   - Remove /etc/lightdm now that it's created.
  * debian/control
   - Increase the depends on lightdm-gtk-greeter.
  * debian/lubuntu-default-settings.postinst
  * debian/lubuntu-default-settings.postrm
  * debian/lubuntu-default-settings.preinst
  * debian/lubuntu-default-settings.prerm
   - Update with the new lightdm-gtk-greeter config file.

  [ Krytarik Raido ]
  * src/usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/rc.xml & nexus-rc.xml:
   - Don't reserve space for the panel at the bottom on
     horizontal window tiling anymore. (LP: #1266138)

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Wed, 14 Oct 2015 07:46:28 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.43) wily; urgency=medium

  * debian/control:
   - Depends on sddm for the qlubuntu session.
  * debian/lubuntu-default-settings.dirs:
   - Create /etc/lightdm if not exist.
  * src/etc/xdg/lubuntu/menus/ & src/etc/xdg/lxsession/QLubuntu/desktop.conf
   - Add a specific layout for qlubuntu session.
  * src/etc/xdg/lxqt/panel.conf
   - Add specific configuration for the panel of the qlubuntu session.
  * src/usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/menu.xml
   - Fix lxterminal icon broken on openbox menu. Thanks Brendan Perrine
     (LP: #1466927)
  * src/usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/*
   - Use [Seat:*] section for LightDM configuration instead of deprecated
     [SeatDefaults]. Thanks Robert Ancell.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Tue, 11 Aug 2015 20:13:33 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.42) vivid; urgency=medium

  * Add translation support for desktop and session files.
  * src/etc/xdg/lubuntu/pcmanfm-qt:
   - Move to the correct place and install it.
  * src/etc/xdg/lxsession/QLubuntu:
   - Update default applications.
  * src/etc/xdg/lxqt:
   - Add specific settings for lxqt.
  * src/etc/xdg/lubuntu/pcmanfm-qt/lxqt/settings.conf
   - Update font and theme.
  * debian/control:
   - Depends on lightdm-greeter for all default-session which use lightdm.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Sat, 13 Dec 2014 16:47:21 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.41) utopic; urgency=medium

  * src/usr/share/applications/*.desktop
   - Fix desktop files to make them Freedesktop compatible.
  * src/usr/share/lxpanel/profile:
   - Fix lubuntu-logout shortcut to be compatible also with lxpanel 0.7.0.
   - Add xfce-power-manager plugin.
   - Remove xcb plugin since ibus is launched by default and has an icon for
     switching keyboard layout.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:56:18 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.40) utopic; urgency=medium

  [ Julien Lavergne ]
  * usr/share/xsessions/QLubuntu.desktop
   - Use LXQt as environment for the Qt session.
  * debian/control:
   - Depends on xbacklight to make some shortcuts workings (LP: #1313358)
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/*rc.xml
   - Fix C-F7 shortcut (LP: #1313352)
   - Fix launcher shortcuts (LP: #1313355)
  * etc/xdg/lxsession/*/desktop.conf
   - Use Lubuntu of the icons theme.

  [ Unit 193 ]
  * Move etc/ and usr/ under src/
  * Update debhelper compat to level 9.
  * Update standards-version to 3.9.5.
  * qlubuntu-default-session: Alternatively depend on lxqt-lightdm-greeter.
  * d/copyright: Update to copyright format 1.0, update copyright years.
  * d/copyright: Set Julien Lavergne as Upstream-Contact.
  * d/maintscript: Move lightdm config to usr/share, this follows standard
    lightdm config such that the file is removed when the package is.
  * Move d/20-*.conf to src/usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/
  * d/rules: Call dh_install with --fail-missing.
  * 20-qlubuntu.conf: The session name is QLubuntu, not qlubuntu.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Wed, 20 Aug 2014 21:49:00 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.39) trusty; urgency=medium

  * etc/xdg/lxsession/*/desktop.conf
   - Add missing im1 and webcam settings.
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/menu.xml
   - Fix audio player calling
   - Fix internet icon.
  * debian/control:
   - Add lubuntu-live-settings to add specific settings to live environment.
  * debian/light-locker.desktop
   - Disable light-locker on live environment. (LP: #1281323).

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Thu, 10 Apr 2014 22:09:22 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.38) trusty; urgency=medium

  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/*.xml
   - Use more lxsession-default call.
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/menus/
   - Add missing Electronics section.
  * usr/share/lxpanel/profile/*/panels/*
   - Switch to system color for the panel, to match artwork work.
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/applications/defaults.list
   - Add odb extension to default applications.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Wed, 12 Mar 2014 23:19:26 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.37) trusty; urgency=low

  * debian/lubuntu-default-settings.install:
   - Re-add missing lubuntu-logout.desktop.
  * etc/xdg/lxsession/*/desktop.conf
   - Remove nm-applet to avoid dupplicate on startup.
  * debian/control:
   - Create lubuntu-extra-sessions to isolate experimental sessions.
  * debian/lubuntu-default-settings & debian/lubuntu-extra-sessions
   - Move files of the extra sessions.
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/*.xml
   - Use more lxsession-default when it's possible.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Wed, 19 Feb 2014 23:03:15 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.36) trusty; urgency=low

  * debian/20-* & debian/*.postrm & debian/*.postinst &
   - Use lightdm conf files to set default session (LP: #1259525).
  * debian/control:
   - Make lightdm requirement to >= 1.9.4 for the conf files mechanism.
  * debian/rules:
   - Correctly use dh_install.
  * debian/lubuntu-default-settings.install:
   - Remove non-existent files.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Fri, 13 Dec 2013 23:58:50 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.35) trusty; urgency=low

  [ Julien Lavergne ]
  * etc/xdg/lxsession/QLubuntu/
   - Update with new names of LXQt components.
  * usr/share/lubuntu/pcmanfm-qt/
   - Add special configuration for pcmanfm-qt
  * usr/share/lubuntu/qt/Trolltech-qt-session.conf
   - Add new configuration for Qt settings of QLubuntu session.
  * usr/share/xsession
   - Change the name of QLubuntu session file, to match lxsession to launch
     (upstart seems to require this).
  * etc/xdg/lxsession
   - Set disable_autostart=no for all sessions, to keep previous behavior of
     autostarted applications.
  * debian/control:
   - Add policykit-desktop-privileges as a depends with lxsession-logout, to be
     sure to install policykit rules.

  [ Alex Henrie ]
  * usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu/panels/panel
    - Replace lubuntu-browser.desktop with lxde-x-www-browser.desktop (LP:

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Tue, 19 Nov 2013 00:34:05 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.34) saucy; urgency=low

  * etc/xdg/lxsession/*/desktop.conf
   - Keep using nm-applet for network applet on the panel.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Thu, 19 Sep 2013 20:12:08 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.33) saucy; urgency=low

  * usr/share/lxpanel/Lubuntu
   - Enable xkb plugin by default for switching keyboard layout.
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox
   - Fix transmission menu item (LP: #1193055)
  * etc/xdg/lxsession/QLubuntu/desktop.conf
   - Fix launch of razor-panel
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf
   - Update with new upstream version.
  * /usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/*rc.xml
   - lxsession-default lock instead of xscreensaver (LP: #1204052)
  * etc/xdg/lxsession/*/conffiles.conf
   - Fix terminal conffiles.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Thu, 29 Aug 2013 00:20:19 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.32) saucy; urgency=low

  [ Julien Lavergne ]
  * Add a new QLubuntu session, by using only Qt applications
  * usr/bin/start*
   - Remove gnome-keyring workaround, since we have the proper fix for ssh.
  * Use x-www-browser and x-terminal-emulator in more places.
  * debian/*
   - Update with the new QLubuntu session.
  * debian/control:
   - Depends on lxsession-logout since it's a separate binary.
  * etc/xdg/lxsession :
   - Use new lxsession features instead of autostart commands.
   - Add conffiles configuration files.
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/menu.xml & rc.xml
   - Use lxsession-default when it's available.
  * usr/share/lubuntu/pcmanfm/main.lubuntu
   - Use lxsession-default for terminal
  * usr/share/lubuntu/pcmanfm/main.lubuntu & etc/xdg/lubuntu/libfm/libfm.conf
   - Rebase with new upstream options.
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/applications/defaults.list
   - Use firefox instead of chromium-browser.
  * usr/bin
   - Remove startlubuntu* scripts, handle by lxsession (LP: #579524).
  * usr/share/applications/
   - Use lxlock and lxsession-default for .desktop files.
  * usr/share/xsessions/
   - Use only lxsession to start the sessions.

  [ Stéphane Graber ]
  * Add lxsession upstart user job.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Mon, 01 Jul 2013 00:16:48 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.31) raring; urgency=low

  * Add a new Lubuntu-Nexus7 session.
  * debian/lubuntu-default-settings:
   - Exclude nexus7 specific items.
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/libfm
   - Use 16px for pcmanfm sidebar.
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/menus:
   - Exclude xterm and uxterm items from the menu.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Thu, 07 Mar 2013 15:45:33 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.30) raring; urgency=low

  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/lxterminal
   - Add a custom configuration file for lxterminal.
   - Use Ubuntu font in lxterminal.
  * usr/bin/startlubuntu*
   - Install the lxterminal configuration file.
   - Workaround ssh agent not autostarted properly.
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/rc.xml
   - Add shortcuts for windows tiling (SuperKey + the direction).
   - Set drawContents to "no" on resize, to reduce the use of resize.
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/menu.xml
   - Use gnome-disks for Disk utility item.
   - Remove osmo from the menu, since it's not in the default installation.
     Thanks karl anliot for the notice. (LP: #1035780)
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/menus/ :
   - Add a specific menu structure for a games session.
  * usr/bin/startlubuntu-lxgames :
   - Add a new script to start a games session, with a specific menu structure.
  * usr/share/xsessions/lxgames.desktop :
   - Add a new session to start a games session.
  * debian/control:
   - Add new binaries, to configure default session on lightdm.
   - Update VCS fields.
  * Reorganize script in debian/ to handle the creation of the new
    default-session binaries.
  * debian/lubuntu-default-settings.install:
   - Keep all files in lubuntu-default-settings.
  * usr/share/applications/lubuntu-browser.desktop:
   - Add a .dektop file to be placed on the panel to replace chromium icon.
  * usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu/panels/panel:
   - Use generic .desktop file to display an icon if another browser than
     chromium is available (LP: #938470)

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Fri, 23 Nov 2012 23:42:34 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.29) quantal; urgency=low

  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf:
   - Use Lubuntu default icon theme.
   - Use Lubuntu logo.
  * debian/control:
   - Increase depends on lightdm-gtk-greeter for the use of the new features.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Thu, 30 Aug 2012 00:31:42 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.28) quantal; urgency=low

  * debian/control:
   - Move recommended packages to suggests, to not install them when installing
     lubuntu-core (LP: #822043)
  * usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu/panels/panel:
   - Set iconsize to 24 for the panel, to match new artwork.
   - Add indicator support by default.
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf
   - Add language-selector option to the greeter.
   - Display Ubuntu font.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Sun, 08 Jul 2012 23:24:18 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.27) precise; urgency=low

  [ Bhaskar Kandiyal ]
  * Changed default theme of lightdm to Lubuntu-default (LP: #968527)

  [ Julien Lavergne ]
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/rc.xml:
   - Remove entries in the openbox menu which hang up if launched before
     pcmanfm first run.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Tue, 03 Apr 2012 23:14:06 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.26) precise; urgency=low

  * debian/maintscript:
   - Add missing file.
  * etc/xdg/lxsession/*/desktop.conf:
   - Add DMZ-white mouse cursor by default (LP: #923344)
  * debian/control:
   - Recommend dmz-cursor-theme for the mouse theme.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Sun, 04 Mar 2012 00:58:20 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.25) precise; urgency=low

  [ Julien Lavergne ]
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/rc.xml:
   - Add ability to use icons in the menu.
   - Add ability to use menu.xml in $HOME.
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/menu.xml:
   - Update the openbox menu with the new version of Openbox.

  [ Valdur Kana ]
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/rc.xml:
   - Unmute audio when using shortcut for the volume (LP: #926246)
   - Use correct volume key for mute shortcut (LP: #926320)

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Thu, 23 Feb 2012 21:42:03 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.24) precise; urgency=low

  [ Julien Lavergne ]
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/rc.xml
   - Remove workaround for lxpanel run dialog, now it's fixed in lxpanel.
   - Revert maximised windows by default, need more integration (LP: #926788)
  * debian/control:
   - Add a recommend for xscreensaver, for the locking shortcut (LP: #923001)
  * usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu/panels/panel:
   - Set the color font of the panel to white to match the new theme.

  [ Colin Watson ]
  * Use maintscript support in dh_installdeb rather than writing out
    dpkg-maintscript-helper commands by hand.  We now simply Pre-Depend on a
    new enough version of dpkg rather than using 'dpkg-maintscript-helper
    supports' guards, leading to more predictable behaviour on upgrades.
    (LP: #932209)

  [ Alexander Andjelkovic ]
  * Fixed super-keys were conflicting with other keybinds making them useless.
    (LP: #890394)

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Sun, 19 Feb 2012 14:49:00 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.23) precise; urgency=low

  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/menu.xml & rc.xml
   - Re-synchronize with upstream.
   - Workaround loose of focus of lxpanel run window (LP: #889414)
   - Add a rule to maximize all new windows with type normal.
   - Place new windows on the monitor with the mouse, rather than the primary
   - Use scrot -u -b (focused window with border) for the screenshot of the
     current window.
   - Add a shortcut for the power button.
   - Use horizontal presentation of the alt-tab.
   - Add a shortcut to lock the screen (LP: #912499)
  * usr/bin/startlubuntu* & usr/share/lubuntu/xscreensaver/xscreensaver:
   - Add a custom configuration file for xscreensaver, with blank mode by
     default (LP: #578789).
   - Don't append /etc/xdg in xdg path, already done by Xsession.d
   - Start gnome-keyring support for ssh before the session. Thanks urusha for
     the patch (LP: #664206).

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Thu, 26 Jan 2012 00:48:09 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.22) precise; urgency=low

  * Add a theme for lightdm (taking from Xubuntu, thanks Lionel Le Folgoc).
  * Add etc/xdg/lubuntu/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf
  * debian/{postinst,prerm}: install/remove alternatives to use our config
    as /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf.
  * debian/control:
   - add depends on lightdm-gtk-greeter >= 1.0.0-0ubuntu2.
   - provides lightdm-gtk-greeter-config.
   - Bump build-depends of debhelper for overrides support.
  * debian/source/format:
   - Switch to format 3.0 (native).
  * debian/rules:
   - Switch to dh syntax.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Tue, 08 Nov 2011 20:00:37 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.21) oneiric; urgency=low

  * debian/postinst,debian/postrm: set Lubuntu as the default session and
    lightdm-gtk-greeter as the default greeter if they aren't set already.
    Remove them on uninstall. (thanks Didier and Lionel !)
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/lxdm/lxdm.conf:
   - Fix location of the background.
  * usr/bin/startlubuntu* & usr/share/lubuntu/leafpad/
   - Install specific settings for leafpad, with Ubuntu font by default.
  * etc/xdg/pcmanfm/pcmanfm.conf:
   - Use Ubuntu font by default.
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/rc.xml:
   - Use Ubuntu font by default instead of sans. (LP: #729885)
  * usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu/panels/panel:
   - Set the color font of the panel to white to match the new theme.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Sun, 21 Aug 2011 00:27:21 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.20) oneiric; urgency=low

  [ Jonathan Marsden ]
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/menus/
   - Avoid Audio, Video and AudioVideo applications appearing
     in the Accessories menu (duplicating Sound & Video entries).
   - Avoid applications in both System and Utility categories
     appearing in the Accessories menu (duplicating System Tools
     entries). (LP: #779818)

  [ Julien Lavergne ]
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/rc.xml
   - Add Super_L, Super_R and ALt-F1 to keybindings for opening the menu.
  * etc/xdg/lxsession/*/autostart:
   - Don't autostart nm-applet, should be autostarted automatically.
   - Use xfce4-power-manager instead of gnome-power-manager which depends now
     on gnome-settings-daemon.
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/lxdm/lxdm.conf:
   - Update with version in lxdm 0.4.0.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Thu, 28 Jul 2011 23:42:29 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.19) natty; urgency=low

  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/applications/default.list:
    - Set Chromium as the default handler for http/https
    - Use libreoffice instead of ooo2
    - Set apturl as the default handler for apturl

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Mon, 25 Apr 2011 21:11:38 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.18) natty; urgency=low

  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/menus/
   - Set name of the menu to Applications, to fix libfm-pref-apps.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Thu, 17 Mar 2011 18:59:59 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.17) natty; urgency=low

  [ Julien Lavergne ]
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/menus/
   - Add a specific menu structure for lubuntu session.
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/lxdm/lxdm.conf
   - Remove background option, it's already defined by the theme, and can break
     it sometimes (LP: #703658).

  [ Jonathan Marsden ]
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/menus/
   - Update DTD to use
   - Move system-wide admin tools to System -> Administration menu
     (LP: #650432)

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Mon, 21 Feb 2011 01:51:14 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.16) natty; urgency=low

  * usr/bin
   - Sync XDG_DATA_DIRS with lxde-common
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/rc.xml:
   - Remove some unused code.
  * debian/control
   - Recommends amixer, scrot and galculator for some openbox keybindings.
  * etc/xdg/pcmanfm/lubuntu.conf
   - Move configuration file to etc/xdg/pcmanfm/lubuntu/pcmanfm.conf
     (LP: #684796)
  * debian/postrm,preinst,postinst
   - Handle the location change for pcmanfm configuration using

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Mon, 06 Dec 2010 01:12:57 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.15) natty; urgency=low

  * usr/bin/startlubuntu*
   - Remove export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1, not needed since rgba support was
     removed from gtk (LP: #673704).
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/applications/default.list:
   - Set file-roller to open archives instead of xarchiver.
   - Set audacious to open music files instead of aqualung.
  * etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu*/desktop.conf
   - Switch to Ubuntu 11 font.
  * debian/control:
   - Depends on ttf-ubuntu-font-family.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Fri, 03 Dec 2010 00:01:34 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.14) natty; urgency=low

  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/lxdm/lxdm.conf
   - Enable user list in lxdm 0.3.0.
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/applications/default.list
   - Replace epdfview by evince. LP: #657335

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Tue, 09 Nov 2010 22:53:38 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.13) maverick; urgency=low

  * debian/postinst:
   - Don't fail if the alternative file doesn't exist. (LP: #654211)

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Mon, 04 Oct 2010 23:16:56 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.12) maverick; urgency=low

  * debian/postinst:
   - Remove alternatives file if it's not a symlink (LP: #625485).
  * debian/prerm:
   - Don't remove alternative on upgrade.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Sun, 03 Oct 2010 16:02:19 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.11) maverick; urgency=low

  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/rc.xml:
   - Use lxtask instead of xfce4-taskmanager (LP: #621317)
  * etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu*/desktop.conf
   - Switch to lubuntu icon them.
  * debian/control:
   - Depends on lubuntu-icon-theme.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Wed, 29 Sep 2010 00:33:56 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.10) maverick; urgency=low

  * etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu*/desktop.conf
   - Set some Xft keys for better font rendering by default. LP: #518168
  * Set default gtk theme to Lubuntu-default.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Mon, 02 Aug 2010 22:54:46 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.9) maverick; urgency=low

  * usr/bin
   - Add export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 to disable rgba support, since
     lxpanel doesn't support it. (See #589763)
   - Remove check for pcmanfm conf file in home directory, pcmanfm2 handle
     it correctly.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Sun, 13 Jun 2010 10:54:23 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.8) maverick; urgency=low

  * debian/control
   - Depends on the re-written pcmanfm (>= 0.9.5).
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/menu.xml:
   - Use new command to launch desktop settings.
  * autostart:
   - Use new pcmanfm --desktop command to start pcmanfm with desktop management

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Wed, 02 Jun 2010 01:28:01 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.7) maverick; urgency=low

  * usr/bin/start* :
   - Ensure the menu prefix
  * etc/xdg/lubuntu/lxdm/lxdm.conf
   - Make Lubuntu the default session by using the [base] session key.
   - Remove last_*, not provided by lxdm.conf in recent lxdm version.
  * usr/share/lubuntu/openbox/rc.xml
   - Add missing shortcuts for volume-up and volume-down, and launching
     various applications. Thanks Kendall Weaver for the patch.
  * debian/control
   - Wrap build-depends and depends.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Fri, 21 May 2010 19:13:16 +0200

lubuntu-default-settings (0.6) lucid; urgency=low

  * Set iconsize to 22 and panel height to 24 for panel settings. It displays
    correct icons size for panel icons. Thanks Leszek Lesner.
  * usr/bin/start* :
   - From LXDE upstream, make sure dbus is launched when it's necessary.
   - Add polkit-gnome-authentification-agent-1 to make polkit working again.
  * Add custom defaults.list for applications by default.
  * debian/dirs: Add /etc/lxdm, to be sure the directory exit (LP: #527482).

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Mon, 01 Mar 2010 00:35:26 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.5) lucid; urgency=low

  * Add new Lubuntu-Netbook session, which launched lxlauncher by default.
  * Add new configuration of lxdm for Lubuntu.
  * debian/postinst & debian/prerm: Add a alternative lxdm.conf for Lubuntu
  * autostart : Add nm-applet to the sessions.
  * Use system-shutdown-panel icon for shutdown command and clean Encoding keys
  * Use Chromium instead of Firefox inthe  panel and openbox configuration.
  * Remove cpu and netstat plugin, and move volume applet before the tray.
  * Complete openbox keybindings for taking screenshot. Thanks Adam for the
  * Switch to Lubuntu custom theme :
    - debian/control : Depends on lubuntu-artwork (>= 0.4) and
    - desktop.conf : Use elementary-monochrome for icon theme.
    - Use Clearlooks for Openbox theme.
    - Use black font color for the panel.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Wed, 17 Feb 2010 20:39:21 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.4) lucid; urgency=low

  * Remove spacer before the menu applet on the panel.
  * Use openbox menu on the desktop indead of pcmanfm one.
  * Install configuration file for QT apps if no one is installed, and set
    QT style=GTK+.
  * Merge Leszek Lesner openbox settings.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Sun, 24 Jan 2010 19:57:14 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.3) lucid; urgency=low

  * Pass -e LXDE to lxsession to behave like a LXDE session.
    Bump depends on lxsession to >= 0.4.1 to use this feature.
  * Remove autostart for lxde-settings-daemon, it merged with lxsession.
  * Change path to the wallpaper to a png file rather than a jpg. Bump depends
    on lubuntu-artwork (>= 0.3)

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Sun, 13 Dec 2009 11:19:35 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.2) lucid; urgency=low

  * Add the volume applet to the panel to have a way to configure
    the sound
  * Autostart gnome-power-manager to add power management support and
    the battery icon in notification-area
  * Set the terminal for pcmanfm to lxterminal
  * Move lxpanel background for Lubuntu to a specific file.
  * Use /etc/xdg/lubuntu to store custom configuration files.
  * Remove config file for lxsession, all is in desktop.conf
  * Depends on lubuntu-artwork (>= 0.2) to bring the new lxpanel background.

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Sat, 28 Nov 2009 00:21:07 +0100

lubuntu-default-settings (0.1) lucid; urgency=low

  * Initial upload (LP: #475649)

 -- Julien Lavergne <>  Thu, 05 Nov 2009 18:52:56 +0100