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lubuntu-default-settings (0.5) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* Add new Lubuntu-Netbook session, which launched lxlauncher by default.
* Add new configuration of lxdm for Lubuntu.
* debian/postinst & debian/prerm: Add a alternative lxdm.conf for Lubuntu
* Switch to Lubuntu custom theme :
- debian/control : Depends on lubuntu-artwork (>= 0.4) and
- desktop.conf : Use elementary-monochrome for icon theme.
- Use Clearlooks for Openbox theme.
* autostart : Add nm-applet to the sessions.
* Use system-shutdown-panel icon for shutdown command and clean Encoding keys
* Use Chromium instead of Firefox inthe panel and openbox configuration.
-- Julien Lavergne <> Sun, 14 Feb 2010 11:44:16 +0100
lubuntu-default-settings (0.4) lucid; urgency=low
* Remove spacer before the menu applet on the panel.
* Use openbox menu on the desktop indead of pcmanfm one.
* Install configuration file for QT apps if no one is installed, and set
QT style=GTK+.
* Merge Leszek Lesner openbox settings.
-- Julien Lavergne <> Sun, 24 Jan 2010 19:57:14 +0100
lubuntu-default-settings (0.3) lucid; urgency=low
* Pass -e LXDE to lxsession to behave like a LXDE session.
Bump depends on lxsession to >= 0.4.1 to use this feature.
* Remove autostart for lxde-settings-daemon, it merged with lxsession.
* Change path to the wallpaper to a png file rather than a jpg. Bump depends
on lubuntu-artwork (>= 0.3)
-- Julien Lavergne <> Sun, 13 Dec 2009 11:19:35 +0100
lubuntu-default-settings (0.2) lucid; urgency=low
* Add the volume applet to the panel to have a way to configure
the sound
* Autostart gnome-power-manager to add power management support and
the battery icon in notification-area
* Set the terminal for pcmanfm to lxterminal
* Move lxpanel background for Lubuntu to a specific file.
* Use /etc/xdg/lubuntu to store custom configuration files.
* Remove config file for lxsession, all is in desktop.conf
* Depends on lubuntu-artwork (>= 0.2) to bring the new lxpanel background.
-- Julien Lavergne <> Sat, 28 Nov 2009 00:21:07 +0100
lubuntu-default-settings (0.1) lucid; urgency=low
* Initial upload (LP: #475649)
-- Julien Lavergne <> Thu, 05 Nov 2009 18:52:56 +0100