remove functions now imported from apt_check

This commit is contained in:
Hans P. Möller 2020-09-28 22:38:21 -03:00
parent e58cb06644
commit 4c1dbb68fd

View File

@ -37,26 +37,6 @@ spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
apt_check = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
DISTRO = subprocess.check_output(
["lsb_release", "-c", "-s"],
def isSecurityUpgrade(ver):
" check if the given version is a security update (or masks one) "
security_pockets = [("Ubuntu", "%s-security" % DISTRO),
("UbuntuESM", "%s-infra-security" % DISTRO),
("UbuntuESMApps", "%s-apps-security" % DISTRO),
("gNewSense", "%s-security" % DISTRO),
("Debian", "%s-updates" % DISTRO)]
for (file, index) in ver.file_list:
for origin, archive in security_pockets:
if (file.archive == archive and file.origin == origin):
return True
return False
class Dialog(QWidget):
''' UI '''