It is slightly more resource efficient to create a local bool, update that one-way flag when needed, and then setEnabled based on the content of that bool, than it would be to call that method every time.
Lubuntu Update
Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Lubuntu Contributors. Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
Build dependencies are Qt 5.15 and cmake, runtime dependencies are apt, apt-get, and diff.
To build:
cd lubuntu-update
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc)
To use, copy the lubuntu-update-backend script to /usr/libexec/lubuntu-update-backend, then compile and run the updater. It is highly recommended that you do not install the updater all the way into your system with sudo make install
or similar.
It is highly recommended that you use a Lubuntu virtual machine for testing and development. Use the latest development release if at all possible, unless you know you need to test an earlier release.
Qt Creator is recommended for editing the code. It is present in Ubuntu's official repos and can be installed using sudo apt install qtcreator
Missing features
- The Details button is hidden and does nothing. Eventually it should display a list of packages, the old version of them, the new version of them, and a link to their Launchpad page.
- There's no support for release upgrading. This is currently unnecessary as this updater is only going to be shipped in Noble and later, but it will become a big deal in the (potentially near) future.
- There's no support for doing an
apt update
for checking for recent updates. This seems rather important now. - Most of the internal strings aren't translatable...
- ...and the bit of translation support there is, is totally untested and quite possibly not functioning properly. Borrow from what we did with lubuntu-installer-prompt to fix this.