2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
< ? php
class AIOWPSecurity_List_Locked_IP extends AIOWPSecurity_List_Table {
function __construct (){
global $status , $page ;
//Set parent defaults
parent :: __construct ( array (
'singular' => 'item' , //singular name of the listed records
'plural' => 'items' , //plural name of the listed records
'ajax' => false //does this table support ajax?
) );
function column_default ( $item , $column_name ){
return $item [ $column_name ];
function column_failed_login_ip ( $item ){
$tab = isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'tab' ]) ? strip_tags ( $_REQUEST [ 'tab' ]) : '' ;
$delete_lockdown_record = sprintf ( 'admin.php?page=%s&tab=%s&action=%s&lockdown_id=%s' , AIOWPSEC_MAIN_MENU_SLUG , $tab , 'delete_blocked_ip' , $item [ 'id' ]);
//Add nonce to delete URL
$delete_lockdown_record_nonce = wp_nonce_url ( $delete_lockdown_record , " delete_lockdown_record " , " aiowps_nonce " );
$unlock_ip_url = sprintf ( 'admin.php?page=%s&tab=%s&action=%s&lockdown_id=%s' , AIOWPSEC_MAIN_MENU_SLUG , $tab , 'unlock_ip' , $item [ 'id' ]);
//Add nonce to unlock IP URL
$unlock_ip_nonce = wp_nonce_url ( $unlock_ip_url , " unlock_ip " , " aiowps_nonce " );
//Build row actions
$actions = array (
'unlock' => '<a href="' . $unlock_ip_nonce . '" onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to unlock this address range?\')">Unlock</a>' ,
'delete' => '<a href="' . $delete_lockdown_record_nonce . '" onclick="return confirm(\'Are you sure you want to delete this item?\')">Delete</a>' ,
//Return the user_login contents
return sprintf ( '%1$s <span style="color:silver"></span>%2$s' ,
/*$1%s*/ $item [ 'failed_login_ip' ],
/*$2%s*/ $this -> row_actions ( $actions )
function column_cb ( $item ){
return sprintf (
'<input type="checkbox" name="%1$s[]" value="%2$s" />' ,
/*$1%s*/ $this -> _args [ 'singular' ], //Let's simply repurpose the table's singular label
/*$2%s*/ $item [ 'id' ] //The value of the checkbox should be the record's id
function get_columns (){
$columns = array (
'cb' => '<input type="checkbox" />' , //Render a checkbox
'failed_login_ip' => 'Locked IP/Range' ,
'user_id' => 'User ID' ,
'user_login' => 'Username' ,
'lock_reason' => 'Reason' ,
'lockdown_date' => 'Date Locked' ,
'release_date' => 'Release Date'
return $columns ;
function get_sortable_columns () {
$sortable_columns = array (
'failed_login_ip' => array ( 'failed_login_ip' , false ),
'user_id' => array ( 'user_id' , false ),
'user_login' => array ( 'user_login' , false ),
'lock_reason' => array ( 'lock_reason' , false ),
'lockdown_date' => array ( 'lockdown_date' , false ),
'release_date' => array ( 'release_date' , false )
return $sortable_columns ;
function get_bulk_actions () {
$actions = array (
'unlock' => 'Unlock' ,
'delete' => 'Delete'
return $actions ;
function process_bulk_action () {
if ( 'delete' === $this -> current_action ())
{ //Process delete bulk actions
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'item' ]))
AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu :: show_msg_error_st ( __ ( 'Please select some records using the checkboxes' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' ));
} else
$this -> delete_lockdown_records (( $_REQUEST [ 'item' ]));
if ( 'unlock' === $this -> current_action ())
{ //Process unlock bulk actions
if ( ! isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'item' ]))
AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu :: show_msg_error_st ( __ ( 'Please select some records using the checkboxes' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' ));
} else
$this -> unlock_ip_range (( $_REQUEST [ 'item' ]));
* This function will unlock an IP range by modifying the " release_date " column of a record in the " login_lockdown " table
function unlock_ip_range ( $entries )
global $wpdb , $aio_wp_security ;
if ( is_array ( $entries ))
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ '_wp_http_referer' ]))
//Unlock multiple records
$entries = array_filter ( $entries , 'is_numeric' ); //discard non-numeric ID values
$id_list = " ( " . implode ( " , " , $entries ) . " ) " ; //Create comma separate list for DB operation
$unlock_command = " UPDATE " . $lockdown_table . " SET release_date = now() WHERE id IN " . $id_list ;
$result = $wpdb -> query ( $unlock_command );
if ( $result != NULL )
AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu :: show_msg_updated_st ( __ ( 'The selected IP entries were unlocked successfully!' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' ));
} elseif ( $entries != NULL )
$nonce = isset ( $_GET [ 'aiowps_nonce' ]) ? $_GET [ 'aiowps_nonce' ] : '' ;
if ( ! isset ( $nonce ) ||! wp_verify_nonce ( $nonce , 'unlock_ip' ))
$aio_wp_security -> debug_logger -> log_debug ( " Nonce check failed for unlock IP operation! " , 4 );
die ( __ ( 'Nonce check failed for unlock IP operation!' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' ));
//Unlock single record
$unlock_command = $wpdb -> prepare ( " UPDATE " . $lockdown_table . " SET release_date = now() WHERE id = %d " , absint ( $entries ) );
$result = $wpdb -> query ( $unlock_command );
if ( $result != NULL )
AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu :: show_msg_updated_st ( __ ( 'The selected IP entry was unlocked successfully!' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' ));
* This function will delete selected records from the " login_lockdown " table .
* The function accepts either an array of IDs or a single ID
function delete_lockdown_records ( $entries )
global $wpdb , $aio_wp_security ;
if ( is_array ( $entries ))
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ '_wp_http_referer' ]))
//Delete multiple records
$entries = array_filter ( $entries , 'is_numeric' ); //discard non-numeric ID values
$id_list = " ( " . implode ( " , " , $entries ) . " ) " ; //Create comma separate list for DB operation
$delete_command = " DELETE FROM " . $lockdown_table . " WHERE id IN " . $id_list ;
$result = $wpdb -> query ( $delete_command );
if ( $result != NULL )
AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu :: show_msg_record_deleted_st ();
elseif ( $entries != NULL )
$nonce = isset ( $_GET [ 'aiowps_nonce' ]) ? $_GET [ 'aiowps_nonce' ] : '' ;
if ( ! isset ( $nonce ) ||! wp_verify_nonce ( $nonce , 'delete_lockdown_record' ))
$aio_wp_security -> debug_logger -> log_debug ( " Nonce check failed for delete lockdown record operation! " , 4 );
die ( __ ( 'Nonce check failed for delete lockdown record operation!' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' ));
//Delete single record
$delete_command = " DELETE FROM " . $lockdown_table . " WHERE id = ' " . absint ( $entries ) . " ' " ;
$result = $wpdb -> query ( $delete_command );
if ( $result != NULL )
AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu :: show_msg_record_deleted_st ();
function prepare_items () {
* First , lets decide how many records per page to show
$per_page = 20 ;
$columns = $this -> get_columns ();
$hidden = array ();
$sortable = $this -> get_sortable_columns ();
$this -> _column_headers = array ( $columns , $hidden , $sortable );
$this -> process_bulk_action ();
global $wpdb ;
$lockdown_table_name = AIOWPSEC_TBL_LOGIN_LOCKDOWN ;
/* -- Ordering parameters -- */
//Parameters that are going to be used to order the result
isset ( $_GET [ " orderby " ]) ? $orderby = strip_tags ( $_GET [ " orderby " ]) : $orderby = '' ;
isset ( $_GET [ " order " ]) ? $order = strip_tags ( $_GET [ " order " ]) : $order = '' ;
$orderby = ! empty ( $orderby ) ? esc_sql ( $orderby ) : 'lockdown_date' ;
$order = ! empty ( $order ) ? esc_sql ( $order ) : 'DESC' ;
$orderby = AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: sanitize_value_by_array ( $orderby , $sortable );
$order = AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: sanitize_value_by_array ( $order , array ( 'DESC' => '1' , 'ASC' => '1' ));
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$now = current_time ( 'mysql' );
$data = $wpdb -> get_results ( $wpdb -> prepare ( " SELECT * FROM $lockdown_table_name WHERE (lock_reason=%s OR lock_reason=%s) AND release_date > %s ORDER BY $orderby $order " , 'login_fail' , '404' , $now ), ARRAY_A );
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$current_page = $this -> get_pagenum ();
$total_items = count ( $data );
$data = array_slice ( $data ,(( $current_page - 1 ) * $per_page ), $per_page );
$this -> items = $data ;
$this -> set_pagination_args ( array (
'total_items' => $total_items , //WE have to calculate the total number of items
'per_page' => $per_page , //WE have to determine how many items to show on a page
'total_pages' => ceil ( $total_items / $per_page ) //WE have to calculate the total number of pages
) );