2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
< ? php
class AIOWPSecurity_General_Init_Tasks
function __construct (){
global $aio_wp_security ;
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_disable_xmlrpc_pingback_methods' ) == '1' ) {
add_filter ( 'xmlrpc_methods' , array ( & $this , 'aiowps_disable_xmlrpc_pingback_methods' ) );
add_filter ( 'wp_headers' , array ( & $this , 'aiowps_remove_x_pingback_header' ) );
add_action ( 'permalink_structure_changed' , array ( & $this , 'refresh_firewall_rules' ), 10 , 2 );
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_autoblock_spam_ip' ) == '1' ) {
AIOWPSecurity_Blocking :: check_visitor_ip_and_perform_blocking ();
//add_action( 'spammed_comment', array(&$this, 'process_spammed_comment' )); //this hook gets fired when admin marks comment as spam
//add_action( 'akismet_submit_spam_comment', array(&$this, 'process_akismet_submit_spam_comment' ), 10, 2); //this hook gets fired when akismet marks a comment as spam
add_action ( 'comment_post' , array ( & $this , 'spam_detect_process_comment_post' ), 10 , 2 ); //this hook gets fired just after comment is saved to DB
add_action ( 'transition_comment_status' , array ( & $this , 'process_transition_comment_status' ), 10 , 3 ); //this hook gets fired when a comment's status changes
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_rename_login_page' ) == '1' ) {
add_action ( 'widgets_init' , array ( & $this , 'remove_standard_wp_meta_widget' ));
add_filter ( 'retrieve_password_message' , array ( & $this , 'decode_reset_pw_msg' ), 10 , 4 ); //Fix for non decoded html entities in password reset link
add_action ( 'admin_notices' , array ( & $this , 'reapply_htaccess_rules_notice' ));
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'aiowps_reapply_htaccess' ])){
if ( strip_tags ( $_REQUEST [ 'aiowps_reapply_htaccess' ]) == 1 ){
include_once ( 'wp-security-installer.php' );
if ( AIOWPSecurity_Installer :: reactivation_tasks ()){
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$aio_wp_security -> debug_logger -> log_debug ( " The AIOWPS .htaccess rules were successfully re-inserted! " );
$_SESSION [ 'reapply_htaccess_rules_action_result' ] = '1' ; //Success indicator.
//Can't echo to the screen here. It will create an header already sent error.
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
} else {
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$aio_wp_security -> debug_logger -> log_debug ( " AIOWPS encountered an error when trying to write to your .htaccess file. Please check the logs. " , 5 );
$_SESSION [ 'reapply_htaccess_rules_action_result' ] = '2' ; //fail indicator.
//Can't echo to the screen here. It will create an header already sent error.
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
} elseif ( strip_tags ( $_REQUEST [ 'aiowps_reapply_htaccess' ]) == 2 ){
//Don't re-write the rules and just delete the temp config item
delete_option ( 'aiowps_temp_configs' );
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_prevent_site_display_inside_frame' ) == '1' ){
send_frame_options_header (); //send X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN in HTTP header
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_remove_wp_generator_meta_info' ) == '1' ){
add_filter ( 'the_generator' , array ( & $this , 'remove_wp_generator_meta_info' ));
add_filter ( 'style_loader_src' , array ( & $this , 'remove_wp_css_js_meta_info' ));
add_filter ( 'script_loader_src' , array ( & $this , 'remove_wp_css_js_meta_info' ));
//For the cookie based brute force prevention feature
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_brute_force_attack_prevention' ) == 1 ){
$bfcf_secret_word = $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_brute_force_secret_word' );
if ( isset ( $_GET [ $bfcf_secret_word ])){
//If URL contains secret word in query param then set cookie and then redirect to the login page
AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: set_cookie_value ( $bfcf_secret_word , " 1 " );
AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: redirect_to_url ( AIOWPSEC_WP_URL . " /wp-admin " );
//Stop users enumeration feature
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_prevent_users_enumeration' ) == 1 ) {
include_once ( AIO_WP_SECURITY_PATH . '/other-includes/wp-security-stop-users-enumeration.php' );
//For user unlock request feature
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'aiowps_unlock_request' ]) || isset ( $_POST [ 'aiowps_wp_submit_unlock_request' ])){
nocache_headers ();
remove_action ( 'wp_head' , 'head_addons' , 7 );
include_once ( AIO_WP_SECURITY_PATH . '/other-includes/wp-security-unlock-request.php' );
exit ();
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'aiowps_auth_key' ])){
//If URL contains unlock key in query param then process the request
$unlock_key = strip_tags ( $_GET [ 'aiowps_auth_key' ]);
AIOWPSecurity_User_Login :: process_unlock_request ( $unlock_key );
//For honeypot feature
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'aio_special_field' ])){
$special_field_value = strip_tags ( $_POST [ 'aio_special_field' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $special_field_value )){
//This means a robot has submitted the login form!
//Redirect back to its localhost
AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: redirect_to_url ( '' );
//For 404 IP lockout feature
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_404_IP_lockout' ) == '1' ){
if ( ! is_user_logged_in () || ! current_user_can ( 'administrator' )) {
$this -> do_404_lockout_tasks ();
//For login captcha feature
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_login_captcha' ) == '1' ){
if ( ! is_user_logged_in ()) {
add_action ( 'login_form' , array ( & $this , 'insert_captcha_question_form' ));
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
//For woo form captcha features
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_woo_login_captcha' ) == '1' ){
if ( ! is_user_logged_in ()) {
add_action ( 'woocommerce_login_form' , array ( & $this , 'insert_captcha_question_form' ));
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_woo_register_captcha' ) == '1' ){
if ( ! is_user_logged_in ()) {
add_action ( 'woocommerce_register_form' , array ( & $this , 'insert_captcha_question_form' ));
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
//For custom login form captcha feature, ie, when wp_login_form() function is used to generate login form
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_custom_login_captcha' ) == '1' ){
if ( ! is_user_logged_in ()) {
add_filter ( 'login_form_middle' , array ( & $this , 'insert_captcha_custom_login' ), 10 , 2 ); //For cases where the WP wp_login_form() function is used
//For honeypot feature
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_login_honeypot' ) == '1' ){
if ( ! is_user_logged_in ()) {
add_action ( 'login_form' , array ( & $this , 'insert_honeypot_hidden_field' ));
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
//For registration honeypot feature
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_registration_honeypot' ) == '1' ){
if ( ! is_user_logged_in ()) {
add_action ( 'register_form' , array ( & $this , 'insert_honeypot_hidden_field' ));
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
//For lost password captcha feature
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_lost_password_captcha' ) == '1' ){
if ( ! is_user_logged_in ()) {
add_action ( 'lostpassword_form' , array ( & $this , 'insert_captcha_question_form' ));
add_action ( 'lostpassword_post' , array ( & $this , 'process_lost_password_form_post' ));
//For registration manual approval feature
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_manual_registration_approval' ) == '1' ){
add_filter ( 'wp_login_errors' , array ( & $this , 'modify_registration_page_messages' ), 10 , 2 );
//For registration page captcha feature
if ( AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: is_multisite_install ()){
$blog_id = get_current_blog_id ();
switch_to_blog ( $blog_id );
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_registration_page_captcha' ) == '1' ){
if ( ! is_user_logged_in ()) {
add_action ( 'signup_extra_fields' , array ( & $this , 'insert_captcha_question_form_multi' ));
//add_action('preprocess_signup_form', array(&$this, 'process_signup_form_multi'));
add_filter ( 'wpmu_validate_user_signup' , array ( & $this , 'process_signup_form_multi' ) );
restore_current_blog ();
} else {
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_registration_page_captcha' ) == '1' ){
if ( ! is_user_logged_in ()) {
add_action ( 'register_form' , array ( & $this , 'insert_captcha_question_form' ));
//For comment captcha feature
if ( AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: is_multisite_install ()){
$blog_id = get_current_blog_id ();
switch_to_blog ( $blog_id );
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_comment_captcha' ) == '1' ){
add_action ( 'comment_form_after_fields' , array ( & $this , 'insert_captcha_question_form' ), 1 );
add_action ( 'comment_form_logged_in_after' , array ( & $this , 'insert_captcha_question_form' ), 1 );
add_filter ( 'preprocess_comment' , array ( & $this , 'process_comment_post' ) );
restore_current_blog ();
} else {
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_comment_captcha' ) == '1' ){
add_action ( 'comment_form_after_fields' , array ( & $this , 'insert_captcha_question_form' ), 1 );
add_action ( 'comment_form_logged_in_after' , array ( & $this , 'insert_captcha_question_form' ), 1 );
add_filter ( 'preprocess_comment' , array ( & $this , 'process_comment_post' ) );
//For buddypress registration captcha feature
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_bp_register_captcha' ) == '1' ){
add_action ( 'bp_account_details_fields' , array ( & $this , 'insert_captcha_question_form' ));
add_action ( 'bp_signup_validate' , array ( & $this , 'buddy_press_signup_validate_captcha' ));
//For feature which displays logged in users
$this -> update_logged_in_user_transient ();
//For block fake googlebots feature
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_block_fake_googlebots' ) == '1' ){
include_once ( AIO_WP_SECURITY_PATH . '/classes/wp-security-bot-protection.php' );
AIOWPSecurity_Fake_Bot_Protection :: block_fake_googlebots ();
//For 404 event logging
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_404_logging' ) == '1' ){
add_action ( 'wp_head' , array ( & $this , 'check_404_event' ));
//Add more tasks that need to be executed at init time
function aiowps_disable_xmlrpc_pingback_methods ( $methods ) {
unset ( $methods [ 'pingback.ping' ] );
unset ( $methods [ 'pingback.extensions.getPingbacks' ] );
return $methods ;
function aiowps_remove_x_pingback_header ( $headers ) {
unset ( $headers [ 'X-Pingback' ] );
return $headers ;
* Refreshes the firewall rules in . htaccess file
* eg : if permalink settings changed and white list enabled
* @ param $old_permalink_structure
* @ param $permalink_structure
function refresh_firewall_rules ( $old_permalink_structure , $permalink_structure ){
global $aio_wp_security ;
//If white list enabled need to re-adjust the .htaccess rules
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_whitelisting' ) == '1' ) {
$write_result = AIOWPSecurity_Utility_Htaccess :: write_to_htaccess (); //now let's write to the .htaccess file
if ( ! $write_result )
$this -> show_msg_error ( __ ( 'The plugin was unable to write to the .htaccess file. Please edit file manually.' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' ));
$aio_wp_security -> debug_logger -> log_debug ( " AIOWPSecurity_whitelist_Menu - The plugin was unable to write to the .htaccess file. " );
function spam_detect_process_comment_post ( $comment_id , $comment_approved )
if ( $comment_approved === " spam " ){
$this -> block_comment_ip ( $comment_id );
function process_transition_comment_status ( $new_status , $old_status , $comment )
if ( $new_status == 'spam' ){
$this -> block_comment_ip ( $comment -> comment_ID );
* Will check auto - spam blocking settings and will add IP to blocked table accordingly
* @ param $comment_id
function block_comment_ip ( $comment_id )
global $aio_wp_security , $wpdb ;
$comment_obj = get_comment ( $comment_id );
$comment_ip = $comment_obj -> comment_author_IP ;
//Get number of spam comments from this IP
$sql = $wpdb -> prepare ( " SELECT * FROM $wpdb->comments
WHERE comment_approved = 'spam'
AND comment_author_IP = % s
" , $comment_ip );
$comment_data = $wpdb -> get_results ( $sql , ARRAY_A );
$spam_count = count ( $comment_data );
$min_comment_before_block = $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_spam_ip_min_comments_block' );
if ( ! empty ( $min_comment_before_block ) && $spam_count >= ( $min_comment_before_block - 1 )){
AIOWPSecurity_Blocking :: add_ip_to_block_list ( $comment_ip , 'spam' );
function remove_standard_wp_meta_widget ()
unregister_widget ( 'WP_Widget_Meta' );
function remove_wp_generator_meta_info ()
return '' ;
function remove_wp_css_js_meta_info ( $src ) {
global $wp_version ;
static $wp_version_hash = null ; // Cache hash value for all function calls
// Replace only version number of assets with WP version
if ( strpos ( $src , 'ver=' . $wp_version ) !== false ) {
if ( ! $wp_version_hash ) {
$wp_version_hash = wp_hash ( $wp_version );
// Replace version number with computed hash
$src = add_query_arg ( 'ver' , $wp_version_hash , $src );
return $src ;
function do_404_lockout_tasks (){
global $aio_wp_security ;
$redirect_url = $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_404_lock_redirect_url' ); //This is the redirect URL for blocked users
$visitor_ip = AIOWPSecurity_Utility_IP :: get_user_ip_address ();
$is_locked = AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: check_locked_ip ( $visitor_ip );
if ( $is_locked ){
//redirect blocked user to configured URL
AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: redirect_to_url ( $redirect_url );
} else {
//allow through
function update_logged_in_user_transient (){
if ( is_user_logged_in ()){
$current_user_ip = AIOWPSecurity_Utility_IP :: get_user_ip_address ();
// get the logged in users list from transients entry
$logged_in_users = ( AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: is_multisite_install () ? get_site_transient ( 'users_online' ) : get_transient ( 'users_online' ));
$current_user = wp_get_current_user ();
$current_user = $current_user -> ID ;
$current_time = current_time ( 'timestamp' );
$current_user_info = array ( " user_id " => $current_user , " last_activity " => $current_time , " ip_address " => $current_user_ip ); //We will store last activity time and ip address in transient entry
if ( $logged_in_users === false || $logged_in_users == NULL ){
$logged_in_users = array ();
$logged_in_users [] = $current_user_info ;
AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: is_multisite_install () ? set_site_transient ( 'users_online' , $logged_in_users , 30 * 60 ) : set_transient ( 'users_online' , $logged_in_users , 30 * 60 );
$key = 0 ;
$do_nothing = false ;
$update_existing = false ;
$item_index = 0 ;
foreach ( $logged_in_users as $value )
if ( $value [ 'user_id' ] == $current_user && strcmp ( $value [ 'ip_address' ], $current_user_ip ) == 0 )
if ( $value [ 'last_activity' ] < ( $current_time - ( 15 * 60 )))
$update_existing = true ;
$item_index = $key ;
break ;
} else {
$do_nothing = true ;
break ;
$key ++ ;
if ( $update_existing )
//Update transient if the last activity was less than 15 min ago for this user
$logged_in_users [ $item_index ] = $current_user_info ;
AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: is_multisite_install () ? set_site_transient ( 'users_online' , $logged_in_users , 30 * 60 ) : set_transient ( 'users_online' , $logged_in_users , 30 * 60 );
} else if ( $do_nothing ){
//Do nothing
} else {
$logged_in_users [] = $current_user_info ;
AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: is_multisite_install () ? set_site_transient ( 'users_online' , $logged_in_users , 30 * 60 ) : set_transient ( 'users_online' , $logged_in_users , 30 * 60 );
function insert_captcha_custom_login ( $cust_html_code , $args )
global $aio_wp_security ;
$cap_form = '<p class="aiowps-captcha"><label>' . __ ( 'Please enter an answer in digits:' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' ) . '</label>' ;
$cap_form .= '<div class="aiowps-captcha-equation"><strong>' ;
$maths_question_output = $aio_wp_security -> captcha_obj -> generate_maths_question ();
$cap_form .= $maths_question_output . '</strong></div></p>' ;
$cust_html_code .= $cap_form ;
return $cust_html_code ;
function insert_captcha_question_form_multi ( $error )
global $aio_wp_security ;
$aio_wp_security -> captcha_obj -> display_captcha_form ();
function process_signup_form_multi ( $result )
global $aio_wp_security ;
//Check if captcha enabled
if ( array_key_exists ( 'aiowps-captcha-answer' , $_POST )) //If the register form with captcha was submitted then do some processing
isset ( $_POST [ 'aiowps-captcha-answer' ]) ? $captcha_answer = strip_tags ( trim ( $_POST [ 'aiowps-captcha-answer' ])) : $captcha_answer = '' ;
$captcha_secret_string = $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_captcha_secret_key' );
$submitted_encoded_string = base64_encode ( $_POST [ 'aiowps-captcha-temp-string' ] . $captcha_secret_string . $captcha_answer );
$trans_handle = sanitize_text_field ( $_POST [ 'aiowps-captcha-string-info' ]);
$captcha_string_info_trans = ( AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: is_multisite_install () ? get_site_transient ( 'aiowps_captcha_string_info_' . $trans_handle ) : get_transient ( 'aiowps_captcha_string_info_' . $trans_handle ));
if ( $submitted_encoded_string !== $captcha_string_info_trans )
//This means a wrong answer was entered
$result [ 'errors' ] -> add ( 'generic' , __ ( '<strong>ERROR</strong>: Your answer was incorrect - please try again.' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' ));
return $result ;
function insert_captcha_question_form (){
global $aio_wp_security ;
$aio_wp_security -> captcha_obj -> display_captcha_form ();
function insert_honeypot_hidden_field (){
$honey_input = '<p style="display: none;"><label>' . __ ( 'Enter something special:' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' ) . '</label>' ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$honey_input .= '<input name="aio_special_field" type="text" id="aio_special_field" class="aio_special_field" value="" /></p>' ;
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
echo $honey_input ;
function process_comment_post ( $comment )
global $aio_wp_security ;
if ( is_user_logged_in ()) {
return $comment ;
//Don't process captcha for comment replies inside admin menu
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'action' ] ) && $_REQUEST [ 'action' ] == 'replyto-comment' &&
( check_ajax_referer ( 'replyto-comment' , '_ajax_nonce' , false ) || check_ajax_referer ( 'replyto-comment' , '_ajax_nonce-replyto-comment' , false ))) {
return $comment ;
//Don't do captcha for pingback/trackback
if ( $comment [ 'comment_type' ] != '' && $comment [ 'comment_type' ] != 'comment' ) {
return $comment ;
if ( isset ( $_REQUEST [ 'aiowps-captcha-answer' ]))
// If answer is empty
if ( $_REQUEST [ 'aiowps-captcha-answer' ] == '' ){
wp_die ( __ ( 'Please enter an answer in the CAPTCHA field.' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' ) );
$captcha_answer = trim ( $_REQUEST [ 'aiowps-captcha-answer' ]);
$captcha_secret_string = $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_captcha_secret_key' );
$submitted_encoded_string = base64_encode ( $_POST [ 'aiowps-captcha-temp-string' ] . $captcha_secret_string . $captcha_answer );
$trans_handle = sanitize_text_field ( $_POST [ 'aiowps-captcha-string-info' ]);
$captcha_string_info_trans = ( AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: is_multisite_install () ? get_site_transient ( 'aiowps_captcha_string_info_' . $trans_handle ) : get_transient ( 'aiowps_captcha_string_info_' . $trans_handle ));
if ( $captcha_string_info_trans === $submitted_encoded_string ){
//Correct answer given
return ( $comment );
} else {
//Wrong answer
wp_die ( __ ( 'Error: You entered an incorrect CAPTCHA answer. Please go back and try again.' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' ));
function process_lost_password_form_post ()
global $aio_wp_security ;
//Check if captcha enabled
if ( $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_enable_lost_password_captcha' ) == '1' )
if ( array_key_exists ( 'aiowps-captcha-answer' , $_POST )) //If the lost pass form with captcha was submitted then do some processing
isset ( $_POST [ 'aiowps-captcha-answer' ]) ? ( $captcha_answer = strip_tags ( trim ( $_POST [ 'aiowps-captcha-answer' ]))) : ( $captcha_answer = '' );
$captcha_secret_string = $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_captcha_secret_key' );
$submitted_encoded_string = base64_encode ( $_POST [ 'aiowps-captcha-temp-string' ] . $captcha_secret_string . $captcha_answer );
$trans_handle = sanitize_text_field ( $_POST [ 'aiowps-captcha-string-info' ]);
$captcha_string_info_trans = ( AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: is_multisite_install () ? get_site_transient ( 'aiowps_captcha_string_info_' . $trans_handle ) : get_transient ( 'aiowps_captcha_string_info_' . $trans_handle ));
if ( $submitted_encoded_string !== $captcha_string_info_trans )
add_filter ( 'allow_password_reset' , array ( & $this , 'add_lostpassword_captcha_error_msg' ));
function add_lostpassword_captcha_error_msg ()
//Insert an error just before the password reset process kicks in
return new WP_Error ( 'aiowps_captcha_error' , __ ( '<strong>ERROR</strong>: Your answer was incorrect - please try again.' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' ));
function check_404_event ()
if ( is_404 ()){
//This means a 404 event has occurred - let's log it!
AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: event_logger ( '404' );
function buddy_press_signup_validate_captcha ( $errors )
global $bp , $aio_wp_security ;
//Check if captcha enabled
if ( array_key_exists ( 'aiowps-captcha-answer' , $_POST )) //If the register form with captcha was submitted then do some processing
isset ( $_POST [ 'aiowps-captcha-answer' ]) ? $captcha_answer = strip_tags ( trim ( $_POST [ 'aiowps-captcha-answer' ])) : $captcha_answer = '' ;
$captcha_secret_string = $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_captcha_secret_key' );
$submitted_encoded_string = base64_encode ( $_POST [ 'aiowps-captcha-temp-string' ] . $captcha_secret_string . $captcha_answer );
$trans_handle = sanitize_text_field ( $_POST [ 'aiowps-captcha-string-info' ]);
$captcha_string_info_trans = ( AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: is_multisite_install () ? get_site_transient ( 'aiowps_captcha_string_info_' . $trans_handle ) : get_transient ( 'aiowps_captcha_string_info_' . $trans_handle ));
if ( $submitted_encoded_string !== $captcha_string_info_trans )
//This means a wrong answer was entered
$bp -> signup -> errors [ 'aiowps-captcha-answer' ] = __ ( 'Your CAPTCHA answer was incorrect - please try again.' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' );
return ;
//Displays a notice message if the plugin was reactivated after being initially deactivated.
//Notice message gives users option of re-applying the aiowps rules which were deleted from the .htaccess when deactivation occurred
function reapply_htaccess_rules_notice ()
if ( get_option ( 'aiowps_temp_configs' ) !== FALSE ){
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
echo '<div class="updated"><p>' . __ ( 'Would you like All In One WP Security & Firewall to re-insert the security rules in your .htaccess file which were cleared when you deactivated the plugin?' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' ) . ' <a href="admin.php?page=' . AIOWPSEC_MENU_SLUG_PREFIX . '&aiowps_reapply_htaccess=1" class="button-primary">Yes</a> <a href="admin.php?page=' . AIOWPSEC_MENU_SLUG_PREFIX . '&aiowps_reapply_htaccess=2" class="button-primary">No</a></p></div>' ;
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
//This is a fix for cases when the password reset URL in the email was not decoding all html entities properly
function decode_reset_pw_msg ( $message , $key , $user_login , $user_data )
global $aio_wp_security ;
$message = html_entity_decode ( $message );
return $message ;
function modify_registration_page_messages ( $errors , $redirect_to )
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'checkemail' ]) && 'registered' == $_GET [ 'checkemail' ] ){
if ( is_wp_error ( $errors )){
$errors -> remove ( 'registered' );
$pending_approval_msg = __ ( 'Your registration is pending approval.' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' );
$pending_approval_msg = apply_filters ( 'aiowps_pending_registration_message' , $pending_approval_msg );
$errors -> add ( 'registered' , $pending_approval_msg , array ( 'registered' => 'message' ));
return $errors ;