2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
< ? php
class AIOWPSecurity_Utility
function __construct ()
* Explode $string with $delimiter , trim all lines and filter out empty ones .
* @ param string $string
* @ param string $delimiter
* @ return array
static function explode_trim_filter_empty ( $string , $delimiter = PHP_EOL ) {
return array_filter ( array_map ( 'trim' , explode ( $delimiter , $string )), 'strlen' );
* Returns the current URL
* @ return string
static function get_current_page_url ()
$pageURL = 'http' ;
if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ " HTTPS " ]) && $_SERVER [ " HTTPS " ] == " on " ) {
$pageURL .= " s " ;
$pageURL .= " :// " ;
if ( $_SERVER [ " SERVER_PORT " ] != " 80 " ) {
$pageURL .= $_SERVER [ " SERVER_NAME " ] . " : " . $_SERVER [ " SERVER_PORT " ] . $_SERVER [ " REQUEST_URI " ];
} else {
$pageURL .= $_SERVER [ " SERVER_NAME " ] . $_SERVER [ " REQUEST_URI " ];
return $pageURL ;
* Redirects to specified URL
* @ param type $url
* @ param type $delay
* @ param type $exit
static function redirect_to_url ( $url , $delay = '0' , $exit = '1' )
if ( empty ( $url )) {
echo " <br /><strong>Error! The URL value is empty. Please specify a correct URL value to redirect to!</strong> " ;
exit ;
if ( ! headers_sent ()) {
header ( 'Location: ' . $url );
} else {
echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="' . $delay . ';url=' . $url . '" />' ;
if ( $exit == '1' ) {
exit ;
* Returns logout URL with " after logout URL " query params
* @ param type $after_logout_url
* @ return type
static function get_logout_url_with_after_logout_url_value ( $after_logout_url )
return AIOWPSEC_WP_URL . '?aiowpsec_do_log_out=1&after_logout=' . $after_logout_url ;
* Checks if a particular username exists in the WP Users table
* @ global type $wpdb
* @ param type $username
* @ return boolean
static function check_user_exists ( $username )
global $wpdb ;
//if username is empty just return false
if ( $username == '' ) {
return false ;
//If multisite
if ( AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: is_multisite_install ()) {
$blog_id = get_current_blog_id ();
$admin_users = get_users ( 'blog_id=' . $blog_id . '&orderby=login&role=administrator' );
foreach ( $admin_users as $user ) {
if ( $user -> user_login == $username ) {
return true ;
return false ;
//check users table
$sanitized_username = sanitize_text_field ( $username );
$sql_1 = $wpdb -> prepare ( " SELECT user_login FROM $wpdb->users WHERE user_login=%s " , $sanitized_username );
$user_login = $wpdb -> get_var ( $sql_1 );
if ( $user_login == $sanitized_username ) {
return true ;
} else {
//make sure that the sanitized username is an integer before comparing it to the users table's ID column
$sanitized_username_is_an_integer = ( 1 === preg_match ( '/^\d+$/' , $sanitized_username ));
if ( $sanitized_username_is_an_integer ) {
$sql_2 = $wpdb -> prepare ( " SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->users WHERE ID=%d " , intval ( $sanitized_username ));
$userid = $wpdb -> get_var ( $sql_2 );
return ( $userid == $sanitized_username );
} else {
return false ;
* This function will return a list of user accounts which have login and nick names which are identical
* @ global type $wpdb
* @ return type
static function check_identical_login_and_nick_names ()
global $wpdb ;
$accounts_found = $wpdb -> get_results ( " SELECT ID,user_login FROM ` " . $wpdb -> users . " ` WHERE user_login<=>display_name; " , ARRAY_A );
return $accounts_found ;
static function add_query_data_to_url ( $url , $name , $value )
if ( strpos ( $url , '?' ) === false ) {
$url .= '?' ;
} else {
$url .= '&' ;
$url .= $name . '=' . urlencode ( $value );
return $url ;
* Generates a random alpha - numeric number
* @ param type $string_length
* @ return string
static function generate_alpha_numeric_random_string ( $string_length )
//Charecters present in table prefix
$allowed_chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' ;
$string = '' ;
//Generate random string
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $string_length ; $i ++ ) {
$string .= $allowed_chars [ rand ( 0 , strlen ( $allowed_chars ) - 1 )];
return $string ;
* Generates a random string using a - z characters
* @ param type $string_length
* @ return string
static function generate_alpha_random_string ( $string_length )
//Charecters present in table prefix
$allowed_chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' ;
$string = '' ;
//Generate random string
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $string_length ; $i ++ ) {
$string .= $allowed_chars [ rand ( 0 , strlen ( $allowed_chars ) - 1 )];
return $string ;
* Sets cookie
* @ param type $cookie_name
* @ param type $cookie_value
* @ param type $expiry_seconds
* @ param type $path
* @ param string $cookie_domain
static function set_cookie_value ( $cookie_name , $cookie_value , $expiry_seconds = 86400 , $path = '/' , $cookie_domain = '' )
$expiry_time = time () + intval ( $expiry_seconds );
if ( empty ( $cookie_domain )) {
$cookie_domain = COOKIE_DOMAIN ;
setcookie ( $cookie_name , $cookie_value , $expiry_time , $path , $cookie_domain );
* Gets cookie
* @ param type $cookie_name
* @ return string
static function get_cookie_value ( $cookie_name )
if ( isset ( $_COOKIE [ $cookie_name ])) {
return $_COOKIE [ $cookie_name ];
return " " ;
* Checks if installation is multisite
* @ return type
static function is_multisite_install ()
return function_exists ( 'is_multisite' ) && is_multisite ();
* This is a general yellow box message for when we want to suppress a feature ' s config items because site is subsite of multi - site
static function display_multisite_message ()
echo '<div class="aio_yellow_box">' ;
echo '<p>' . __ ( 'The plugin has detected that you are using a Multi-Site WordPress installation.' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' ) . ' </ p >
< p > ' . __(' This feature can only be configured by the " superadmin " on the main site . ', ' all - in - one - wp - security - and - firewall ') . ' </ p > ' ;
echo '</div>' ;
* Modifies the wp - config . php file to disable PHP file editing from the admin panel
* This function will add the following code :
* define ( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT' , false );
* NOTE : This function will firstly check if the above code already exists
* and it will modify the bool value , otherwise it will insert the code mentioned above
* @ global type $aio_wp_security
* @ return boolean
static function disable_file_edits ()
global $aio_wp_security ;
$edit_file_config_entry_exists = false ;
//Config file path
$config_file = AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File :: get_wp_config_file_path ();
//Get wp-config.php file contents so we can check if the "DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT" variable already exists
$config_contents = file ( $config_file );
foreach ( $config_contents as $line_num => $line ) {
if ( strpos ( $line , " 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', false " )) {
$config_contents [ $line_num ] = str_replace ( 'false' , 'true' , $line );
$edit_file_config_entry_exists = true ;
//$this->show_msg_updated(__('Settings Saved - The ability to edit PHP files via the admin the panel has been DISABLED.', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
} else if ( strpos ( $line , " 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true " )) {
$edit_file_config_entry_exists = true ;
//$this->show_msg_updated(__('Your system config file is already configured to disallow PHP file editing.', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
return true ;
//For wp-config.php files originating from early WP versions we will remove the closing php tag
if ( strpos ( $line , " ?> " ) !== false ) {
$config_contents [ $line_num ] = str_replace ( " ?> " , " " , $line );
if ( ! $edit_file_config_entry_exists ) {
//Construct the config code which we will insert into wp-config.php
$new_snippet = '//Disable File Edits' . PHP_EOL ;
$new_snippet .= 'define(\'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT\', true);' ;
$config_contents [] = $new_snippet ; //Append the new snippet to the end of the array
//Make a backup of the config file
if ( ! AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File :: backup_and_rename_wp_config ( $config_file )) {
AIOWPSecurity_Admin_Menu :: show_msg_error_st ( __ ( 'Failed to make a backup of the wp-config.php file. This operation will not go ahead.' , 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall' ));
//$aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("Disable PHP File Edit - Failed to make a backup of the wp-config.php file.",4);
return false ;
} else {
//$this->show_msg_updated(__('A backup copy of your wp-config.php file was created successfully....', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
//Now let's modify the wp-config.php file
if ( AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File :: write_content_to_file ( $config_file , $config_contents )) {
//$this->show_msg_updated(__('Settings Saved - Your system is now configured to not allow PHP file editing.', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
return true ;
} else {
//$this->show_msg_error(__('Operation failed! Unable to modify wp-config.php file!', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
$aio_wp_security -> debug_logger -> log_debug ( " Disable PHP File Edit - Unable to modify wp-config.php " , 4 );
return false ;
* Modifies the wp - config . php file to allow PHP file editing from the admin panel
* This func will modify the following code by replacing " true " with " false " :
* define ( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT' , true );
* @ global type $aio_wp_security
* @ return boolean
static function enable_file_edits ()
global $aio_wp_security ;
$edit_file_config_entry_exists = false ;
//Config file path
$config_file = AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File :: get_wp_config_file_path ();
//Get wp-config.php file contents
$config_contents = file ( $config_file );
foreach ( $config_contents as $line_num => $line ) {
if ( strpos ( $line , " 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true " )) {
$config_contents [ $line_num ] = str_replace ( 'true' , 'false' , $line );
$edit_file_config_entry_exists = true ;
} else if ( strpos ( $line , " 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', false " )) {
$edit_file_config_entry_exists = true ;
//$this->show_msg_updated(__('Your system config file is already configured to allow PHP file editing.', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
return true ;
if ( ! $edit_file_config_entry_exists ) {
//if the DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT settings don't exist in wp-config.php then we don't need to do anything
//$this->show_msg_updated(__('Your system config file is already configured to allow PHP file editing.', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
return true ;
} else {
//Now let's modify the wp-config.php file
if ( AIOWPSecurity_Utility_File :: write_content_to_file ( $config_file , $config_contents )) {
//$this->show_msg_updated(__('Settings Saved - Your system is now configured to allow PHP file editing.', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
return true ;
} else {
//$this->show_msg_error(__('Operation failed! Unable to modify wp-config.php file!', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall'));
//$aio_wp_security->debug_logger->log_debug("Disable PHP File Edit - Unable to modify wp-config.php",4);
return false ;
* Inserts event logs to the database
* For now we are using for 404 events but in future will expand for other events
* @ param string $event_type : Event type , eg , 404 ( see below for list of event types )
* @ param string $username ( optional ) : username
* Event types : 404 ( ... add more as we expand this )
* @ param $event_type
* @ param string $username
* @ return bool
static function event_logger ( $event_type , $username = '' )
global $wpdb , $aio_wp_security ;
//Some initialising
$url = '' ;
$referer_info = '' ;
$events_table_name = AIOWPSEC_TBL_EVENTS ;
$ip_or_host = AIOWPSecurity_Utility_IP :: get_user_ip_address (); //Get the IP address of user
$username = sanitize_user ( $username );
$user = get_user_by ( 'login' , $username ); //Returns WP_User object if exists
if ( $user ) {
//If valid user set variables for DB storage later on
$user_id = ( absint ( $user -> ID ) > 0 ) ? $user -> ID : 0 ;
} else {
//If the login attempt was made using a non-existent user then let's set user_id to blank and record the attempted user login name for DB storage later on
$user_id = 0 ;
if ( $event_type == '404' ) {
//if 404 event get some relevant data
$url = isset ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ]) ? esc_attr ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_URI' ]) : '' ;
$referer_info = isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_REFERER' ]) ? esc_attr ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_REFERER' ]) : '' ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$current_time = current_time ( 'mysql' );
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$data = array (
'event_type' => $event_type ,
'username' => $username ,
'user_id' => $user_id ,
'event_date' => $current_time ,
'ip_or_host' => $ip_or_host ,
'referer_info' => $referer_info ,
'url' => $url ,
'event_data' => '' ,
$data = apply_filters ( 'filter_event_logger_data' , $data );
//log to database
$result = $wpdb -> insert ( $events_table_name , $data );
if ( $result === FALSE ) {
$aio_wp_security -> debug_logger -> log_debug ( " event_logger: Error inserting record into " . $events_table_name , 4 ); //Log the highly unlikely event of DB error
return false ;
return true ;
* Checks if IP address is locked
* @ param string $ip : ip address
* @ returns TRUE if locked , FALSE otherwise
static function check_locked_ip ( $ip )
global $wpdb ;
$login_lockdown_table = AIOWPSEC_TBL_LOGIN_LOCKDOWN ;
$locked_ip = $wpdb -> get_row ( " SELECT * FROM $login_lockdown_table " .
" WHERE release_date > now() AND " .
" failed_login_ip = ' " . esc_sql ( $ip ) . " ' " , ARRAY_A );
if ( $locked_ip != NULL ) {
return TRUE ;
} else {
return FALSE ;
* Returns list of IP addresses locked out
* @ global type $wpdb
* @ return array of addresses found or FALSE otherwise
static function get_locked_ips ()
global $wpdb ;
$login_lockdown_table = AIOWPSEC_TBL_LOGIN_LOCKDOWN ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$now = current_time ( 'mysql' );
$locked_ips = $wpdb -> get_results ( $wpdb -> prepare ( " SELECT * FROM $login_lockdown_table WHERE release_date > %s " , $now ), ARRAY_A );
if ( empty ( $locked_ips )) {
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
return FALSE ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
} else {
return $locked_ips ;
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
* Locks an IP address - Adds an entry to the aiowps_lockdowns table
* @ global type $wpdb
* @ global type $aio_wp_security
* @ param type $ip
* @ param type $lock_reason
* @ param type $username
static function lock_IP ( $ip , $lock_reason = '' , $username = '' )
global $wpdb , $aio_wp_security ;
$login_lockdown_table = AIOWPSEC_TBL_LOGIN_LOCKDOWN ;
$lockout_time_length = $aio_wp_security -> configs -> get_value ( 'aiowps_lockout_time_length' ); //TODO add a setting for this feature
$username = sanitize_user ( $username );
$user = get_user_by ( 'login' , $username ); //Returns WP_User object if exists
if ( FALSE == $user ) {
// Not logged in.
$username = '' ;
$user_id = 0 ;
} else {
// Logged in.
$username = sanitize_user ( $user -> user_login );
$user_id = $user -> ID ;
$ip_str = esc_sql ( $ip );
$insert = " INSERT INTO " . $login_lockdown_table . " (user_id, user_login, lockdown_date, release_date, failed_login_IP, lock_reason) " .
" VALUES (' " . $user_id . " ', ' " . $username . " ', now(), date_add(now(), INTERVAL " .
$lockout_time_length . " MINUTE), ' " . $ip_str . " ', ' " . $lock_reason . " ') " ;
$result = $wpdb -> query ( $insert );
if ( $result > 0 ) {
} else if ( $result === FALSE ) {
$aio_wp_security -> debug_logger -> log_debug ( " lock_IP: Error inserting record into " . $login_lockdown_table , 4 ); //Log the highly unlikely event of DB error
* Returns an array of blog_ids for a multisite install
* @ global type $wpdb
* @ global type $wpdb
* @ return array or empty array if not multisite
static function get_blog_ids ()
global $wpdb ;
if ( AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: is_multisite_install ()) {
global $wpdb ;
$blog_ids = $wpdb -> get_col ( " SELECT blog_id FROM " . $wpdb -> prefix . " blogs " );
} else {
$blog_ids = array ();
return $blog_ids ;
* This function will delete the oldest rows from a table which are over the max amount of rows specified
* @ global type $wpdb
* @ global type $aio_wp_security
* @ param type $table_name
* @ param type $max_rows
* @ return bool
static function cleanup_table ( $table_name , $max_rows = '10000' )
global $wpdb , $aio_wp_security ;
$num_rows = $wpdb -> get_var ( " select count(*) from $table_name " );
$result = true ;
if ( $num_rows > $max_rows ) {
//if the table has more than max entries delete oldest rows
$del_sql = " DELETE FROM $table_name
WHERE id <= (
FROM $table_name
LIMIT 1 OFFSET $max_rows
) foo_tmp
) " ;
$result = $wpdb -> query ( $del_sql );
if ( $result === false ) {
$aio_wp_security -> debug_logger -> log_debug ( " AIOWPSecurity_Utility::cleanup_table failed for table name: " . $table_name , 4 );
return ( $result === false ) ? false : true ;
* Delete expired captcha info transients
* Note : A unique instance these transients is created everytime the login page is loaded with captcha enabled
* This function will help prune the options table of old expired entries .
* @ global wpdb $wpdb
static function delete_expired_captcha_transients (){
global $wpdb ;
$current_unix_time = current_time ( 'timestamp' , true );
$tbl = $wpdb -> prefix . 'options' ;
$query = " SELECT * FROM " . $tbl . " WHERE `option_name` LIKE '% \ _transient \ _timeout \ _aiowps \ _captcha \ _string \ _info%' AND `option_value` < " . $current_unix_time ;
$res = $wpdb -> get_results ( $query , ARRAY_A );
if ( ! empty ( $res )){
foreach ( $res as $item ){
$transient_name = str_replace ( '_transient_timeout_' , '' , $item [ 'option_name' ]); //extract transient name
AIOWPSecurity_Utility :: is_multisite_install () ? delete_site_transient ( $transient_name ) : delete_transient ( $transient_name );
* Gets server type .
* @ return string or - 1 if server is not supported
static function get_server_type ()
//figure out what server they're using
if ( strstr ( strtolower ( filter_var ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING )), 'apache' )) {
return 'apache' ;
} else if ( strstr ( strtolower ( filter_var ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING )), 'nginx' )) {
return 'nginx' ;
} else if ( strstr ( strtolower ( filter_var ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING )), 'litespeed' )) {
return 'litespeed' ;
} else if ( strstr ( strtolower ( filter_var ( $_SERVER [ 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' ], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING )), 'iis' )) {
return 'iis' ;
} else { //unsupported server
return - 1 ;
* Checks if the string exists in the array key value of the provided array .
* If it doesn ' t exist , it returns the first key element from the valid values .
* @ param type $to_check
* @ param type $valid_values
* @ return type
static function sanitize_value_by_array ( $to_check , $valid_values )
$keys = array_keys ( $valid_values );
$keys = array_map ( 'strtolower' , $keys );
if ( in_array ( strtolower ( $to_check ), $keys )) {
return $to_check ;
return reset ( $keys ); //Return the first element from the valid values