536 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
/* Provider: - *
* @author ThemePunch <info@themepunch.com>
* @link http://www.themepunch.com/
* @copyright 2015 ThemePunch
if( !defined( 'ABSPATH') ) exit();
class RevSliderCssParser{
private $cssContent;
public function __construct(){
/* Provider: - *
* init the parser, set css content
public function initContent($cssContent){
$this->cssContent = $cssContent;
/* Provider: - *
* get array of slide classes, between two sections.
public function getArrClasses($startText = "",$endText="",$explodeonspace=false){
$content = $this->cssContent;
//trim from top
$posStart = strpos($content, $startText);
if($posStart !== false)
$content = substr($content, $posStart,strlen($content)-$posStart);
//trim from bottom
$posEnd = strpos($content, $endText);
if($posEnd !== false)
$content = substr($content,0,$posEnd);
//get styles
$lines = explode("\n",$content);
$arrClasses = array();
foreach($lines as $key=>$line){
$line = trim($line);
if(strpos($line, "{") === false)
//skip unnessasary links
if(strpos($line, ".caption a") !== false)
if(strpos($line, ".tp-caption a") !== false)
//get style out of the line
$class = str_replace("{", "", $line);
$class = trim($class);
//skip captions like this: .tp-caption.imageclass img
if(strpos($class," ") !== false){
$class = explode(',', $class);
$class = $class[0];
//skip captions like this: .tp-caption.imageclass:hover, :before, :after
if(strpos($class,":") !== false)
$class = str_replace(".caption.", ".", $class);
$class = str_replace(".tp-caption.", ".", $class);
$class = str_replace(".", "", $class);
$class = trim($class);
$arrWords = explode(" ", $class);
$class = $arrWords[count($arrWords)-1];
$class = trim($class);
$arrClasses[] = $class;
public static function parseCssToArray($css){
while(strpos($css, '/* Provider: - ') !== false){
if(strpos($css, '*/') === false) return false;
$start = strpos($css, '/* Provider: - ');
$end = strpos($css, '*/') + 2;
$css = str_replace(substr($css, $start, $end - $start), '', $css);
//preg_match_all( '/(?ims)([a-z0-9\s\.\:#_\-@]+)\{([^\}]*)\}/', $css, $arr);
preg_match_all( '/(?ims)([a-z0-9\,\s\.\:#_\-@]+)\{([^\}]*)\}/', $css, $arr);
$result = array();
foreach ($arr[0] as $i => $x){
$selector = trim($arr[1][$i]);
if(strpos($selector, '{') !== false || strpos($selector, '}') !== false) return false;
$rules = explode(';', trim($arr[2][$i]));
$result[$selector] = array();
foreach ($rules as $strRule){
if (!empty($strRule)){
$rule = explode(":", $strRule);
if(strpos($rule[0], '{') !== false || strpos($rule[0], '}') !== false || strpos($rule[1], '{') !== false || strpos($rule[1], '}') !== false) return false;
//put back everything but not $rule[0];
$key = trim($rule[0]);
$values = implode(':', $rule);
$result[$selector][trim($key)] = trim(str_replace("'", '"', $values));
public static function parseDbArrayToCss($cssArray, $nl = "\n\r"){
$css = '';
$deformations = self::get_deformation_css_tags();
$transparency = array(
'color' => 'color-transparency',
'background-color' => 'background-transparency',
'border-color' => 'border-transparency'
foreach($cssArray as $id => $attr){
$stripped = '';
if(strpos($attr['handle'], '.tp-caption') !== false){
$stripped = trim(str_replace('.tp-caption', '', $attr['handle']));
$attr['advanced'] = json_decode($attr['advanced'], true);
$styles = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $attr['params']), true);
$styles_adv = $attr['advanced']['idle'];
$css.= $attr['handle'];
if(!empty($stripped)) $css.= ', '.$stripped;
$css.= " {".$nl;
if(is_array($styles) || is_array($styles_adv)){
foreach($styles as $name => $style){
if(in_array($name, $deformations)) continue;
if(!is_array($name) && isset($transparency[$name])){ //the style can have transparency!
if(isset($styles[$transparency[$name]]) && $style !== 'transparent'){
$style = RevSliderFunctions::hex2rgba($style, $styles[$transparency[$name]] * 100);
if(is_array($style)) $style = implode(' ', $style);
$css.= $name.':'.$style.";".$nl;
foreach($styles_adv as $name => $style){
if(in_array($name, $deformations)) continue;
if(is_array($style)) $style = implode(' ', $style);
$css.= $name.':'.$style.";".$nl;
$css.= "}".$nl.$nl;
//add hover
$setting = json_decode($attr['settings'], true);
if(@$setting['hover'] == 'true'){
$hover = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $attr['hover']), true);
$hover_adv = $attr['advanced']['hover'];
if(is_array($hover) || is_array($hover_adv)){
$css.= $attr['handle'].":hover";
if(!empty($stripped)) $css.= ', '.$stripped.':hover';
$css.= " {".$nl;
foreach($hover as $name => $style){
if(in_array($name, $deformations)) continue;
if(!is_array($name) && isset($transparency[$name])){ //the style can have transparency!
if(isset($hover[$transparency[$name]]) && $style !== 'transparent'){
$style = RevSliderFunctions::hex2rgba($style, $hover[$transparency[$name]] * 100);
if(is_array($style)) $style = implode(' ', $style);
$css.= $name.':'.$style.";".$nl;
foreach($hover_adv as $name => $style){
if(in_array($name, $deformations)) continue;
if(is_array($style)) $style = implode(' ', $style);
$css.= $name.':'.$style.";".$nl;
$css.= "}".$nl.$nl;
return $css;
public static function parseArrayToCss($cssArray, $nl = "\n\r", $adv = false){
$css = '';
foreach($cssArray as $id => $attr){
$advanced = (array)$attr['advanced'];
$stripped = '';
if(strpos($attr['handle'], '.tp-caption') !== false){
$stripped = trim(str_replace('.tp-caption', '', $attr['handle']));
$styles = (array)$attr['params'];
$css.= $attr['handle'];
if(!empty($stripped)) $css.= ', '.$stripped;
$css.= " {".$nl;
if($adv && isset($advanced['idle'])){
$styles = array_merge($styles, (array)$advanced['idle']);
if(is_array($styles) && !empty($styles)){
foreach($styles as $name => $style){
if($name == 'background-color' && strpos($style, 'rgba') !== false){ //rgb && rgba
$rgb = explode(',', str_replace('rgba', 'rgb', $style));
$rgb = implode(',', $rgb).')';
$css.= $name.':'.$rgb.";".$nl;
$style = (is_array($style)) ? implode(' ', $style) : $style;
$css.= $name.':'.$style.";".$nl;
$css.= "}".$nl.$nl;
//add hover
$setting = (array)$attr['settings'];
if(@$setting['hover'] == 'true'){
$hover = (array)$attr['hover'];
if($adv && isset($advanced['hover'])){
$styles = array_merge($styles, (array)$advanced['hover']);
$css.= $attr['handle'].":hover";
if(!empty($stripped)) $css.= ', '.$stripped.":hover";
$css.= " {".$nl;
foreach($hover as $name => $style){
if($name == 'background-color' && strpos($style, 'rgba') !== false){ //rgb && rgba
$rgb = explode(',', str_replace('rgba', 'rgb', $style));
$rgb = implode(',', $rgb).')';
$css.= $name.':'.$rgb.";".$nl;
$style = (is_array($style)) ? implode(' ', $style) : $style;
$css.= $name.':'.$style.";".$nl;
$css.= "}".$nl.$nl;
return $css;
public static function parseStaticArrayToCss($cssArray, $nl = "\n"){
$css = '';
foreach($cssArray as $class => $styles){
$css.= $class." {".$nl;
if(is_array($styles) && !empty($styles)){
foreach($styles as $name => $style){
$style = (is_array($style)) ? implode(' ', $style) : $style;
$css.= $name.':'.$style.";".$nl;
$css.= "}".$nl.$nl;
return $css;
public static function parseDbArrayToArray($cssArray, $handle = false){
if(!is_array($cssArray) || empty($cssArray)) return false;
foreach($cssArray as $key => $css){
if($handle != false){
if($cssArray[$key]['handle'] == '.tp-caption.'.$handle){
$cssArray[$key]['params'] = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $css['params']));
$cssArray[$key]['hover'] = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $css['hover']));
$cssArray[$key]['advanced'] = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $css['advanced']));
$cssArray[$key]['settings'] = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $css['settings']));
return $cssArray[$key];
$cssArray[$key]['params'] = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $css['params']));
$cssArray[$key]['hover'] = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $css['hover']));
$cssArray[$key]['advanced'] = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $css['advanced']));
$cssArray[$key]['settings'] = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $css['settings']));
return $cssArray;
public static function compress_css($buffer){
/* Provider: - remove comments */
$buffer = preg_replace("!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!", "", $buffer) ;
/* Provider: - remove tabs, spaces, newlines, etc. */
$arr = array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", " ", " ", " ");
$rep = array("", "", "", "", " ", " ", " ");
$buffer = str_replace($arr, $rep, $buffer);
/* Provider: - remove whitespaces around {}:, */
$buffer = preg_replace("/\s*([\{\}:,])\s*/", "$1", $buffer);
/* Provider: - remove last ; */
$buffer = str_replace(';}', "}", $buffer);
return $buffer;
/* Provider: - *
* Defines the default CSS Classes, can be given a version number to order them accordingly
* @since: 5.0
public static function default_css_classes(){
$default = array(
'.tp-caption.medium_grey' => '4',
'.tp-caption.small_text' => '4',
'.tp-caption.medium_text' => '4',
'.tp-caption.large_text' => '4',
'.tp-caption.very_large_text' => '4',
'.tp-caption.very_big_white' => '4',
'.tp-caption.very_big_black' => '4',
'.tp-caption.modern_medium_fat' => '4',
'.tp-caption.modern_medium_fat_white' => '4',
'.tp-caption.modern_medium_light' => '4',
'.tp-caption.modern_big_bluebg' => '4',
'.tp-caption.modern_big_redbg' => '4',
'.tp-caption.modern_small_text_dark' => '4',
'.tp-caption.boxshadow' => '4',
'.tp-caption.black' => '4',
'.tp-caption.noshadow' => '4',
'.tp-caption.thinheadline_dark' => '4',
'.tp-caption.thintext_dark' => '4',
'.tp-caption.largeblackbg' => '4',
'.tp-caption.largepinkbg' => '4',
'.tp-caption.largewhitebg' => '4',
'.tp-caption.largegreenbg' => '4',
'.tp-caption.excerpt' => '4',
'.tp-caption.large_bold_grey' => '4',
'.tp-caption.medium_thin_grey' => '4',
'.tp-caption.small_thin_grey' => '4',
'.tp-caption.lightgrey_divider' => '4',
'.tp-caption.large_bold_darkblue' => '4',
'.tp-caption.medium_bg_darkblue' => '4',
'.tp-caption.medium_bold_red' => '4',
'.tp-caption.medium_light_red' => '4',
'.tp-caption.medium_bg_red' => '4',
'.tp-caption.medium_bold_orange' => '4',
'.tp-caption.medium_bg_orange' => '4',
'.tp-caption.grassfloor' => '4',
'.tp-caption.large_bold_white' => '4',
'.tp-caption.medium_light_white' => '4',
'.tp-caption.mediumlarge_light_white' => '4',
'.tp-caption.mediumlarge_light_white_center' => '4',
'.tp-caption.medium_bg_asbestos' => '4',
'.tp-caption.medium_light_black' => '4',
'.tp-caption.large_bold_black' => '4',
'.tp-caption.mediumlarge_light_darkblue' => '4',
'.tp-caption.small_light_white' => '4',
'.tp-caption.roundedimage' => '4',
'.tp-caption.large_bg_black' => '4',
'.tp-caption.mediumwhitebg' => '4',
'.tp-caption.MarkerDisplay' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Restaurant-Display' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Restaurant-Cursive' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Restaurant-ScrollDownText' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Restaurant-Description' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Restaurant-Price' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Restaurant-Menuitem' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Furniture-LogoText' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Furniture-Plus' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Furniture-Title' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Furniture-Subtitle' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Gym-Display' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Gym-Subline' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Gym-SmallText' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Fashion-SmallText' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Fashion-BigDisplay' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Fashion-TextBlock' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Sports-Display' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Sports-DisplayFat' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Sports-Subline' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Instagram-Caption' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.News-Title' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.News-Subtitle' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Photography-Display' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Photography-Subline' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Photography-ImageHover' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Photography-Menuitem' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Photography-Textblock' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Photography-Subline-2' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Photography-ImageHover2' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.WebProduct-Title' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.WebProduct-SubTitle' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.WebProduct-Content' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.WebProduct-Menuitem' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.WebProduct-Title-Light' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.WebProduct-SubTitle-Light' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.WebProduct-Content-Light' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.FatRounded' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.NotGeneric-Title' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.NotGeneric-SubTitle' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.NotGeneric-CallToAction' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.NotGeneric-Icon' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.NotGeneric-Menuitem' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.MarkerStyle' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Gym-Menuitem' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Newspaper-Button' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Newspaper-Subtitle' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Newspaper-Title' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Newspaper-Title-Centered' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Hero-Button' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Video-Title' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Video-SubTitle' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.NotGeneric-Button' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.NotGeneric-BigButton' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.WebProduct-Button' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Restaurant-Button' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Gym-Button' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Gym-Button-Light' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Sports-Button-Light' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Sports-Button-Red' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Photography-Button' => '5.0',
'.tp-caption.Newspaper-Button-2' => '5.0'
$default = apply_filters('revslider_mod_default_css_handles', $default);
return $default;
/* Provider: - *
* Defines the deformation CSS which is not directly usable as pure CSS
* @since: 5.0
public static function get_deformation_css_tags(){
return array(
public static function get_captions_sorted(){
$db = new RevSliderDB();
$styles = $db->fetch(RevSliderGlobals::$table_css, '', 'handle ASC');
$arr = array('5.0' => array(), 'Custom' => array(), '4' => array());
foreach($styles as $style){
$setting = json_decode($style['settings'], true);
if(!isset($setting['type'])) $setting['type'] = 'text';
$arr[ucfirst($setting['version'])][] = array('label' => trim(str_replace('.tp-caption.', '', $style['handle'])), 'type' => $setting['type']);
$sorted = array();
foreach($arr as $version => $class){
foreach($class as $name){
$sorted[] = array('label' => $name['label'], 'version' => $version, 'type' => $name['type']);
return $sorted;
/* Provider: - *
* old classname extends new one (old classnames will be obsolete soon)
* @since: 5.0
class UniteCssParserRev extends RevSliderCssParser {}