You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3487 lines
164 KiB

8 years ago
if (!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR')) die('No direct access allowed');
if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_PclZip')) require_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/class-zip.php');
* This file contains functions that are only needed/loaded when a backup is running (reduces memory usage on other pages)
8 years ago
class UpdraftPlus_Backup {
public $index = 0;
private $manifest_path;
8 years ago
private $zipfiles_added;
8 years ago
private $zipfiles_added_thisrun = 0;
8 years ago
public $zipfiles_dirbatched;
8 years ago
public $zipfiles_batched;
8 years ago
public $zipfiles_skipped_notaltered;
private $zip_split_every = 419430400; // 400MB
8 years ago
private $zip_last_ratio = 1;
8 years ago
private $whichone;
8 years ago
private $zip_basename = '';
8 years ago
private $backup_basename = '';
8 years ago
private $zipfiles_lastwritetime;
8 years ago
// 0 = unknown; false = failed
public $binzip = 0;
private $dbhandle;
8 years ago
private $dbhandle_isgz;
// Array of entities => times
8 years ago
private $altered_since = -1;
// Time for the current entity
8 years ago
private $makezip_if_altered_since = -1;
private $excluded_extensions = false;
private $use_zip_object = 'UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive';
8 years ago
public $debug = false;
public $updraft_dir;
8 years ago
private $blog_name;
8 years ago
private $wpdb_obj;
8 years ago
private $job_file_entities = array();
private $first_run = 0;
// Record of zip files created
private $backup_files_array = array();
// Used for reporting
private $remotestorage_extrainfo = array();
// Used when deciding to use the 'store' or 'deflate' zip storage method
private $extensions_to_not_compress = array();
// Append to this any skipped tables
private $skipped_tables;
8 years ago
public function __construct($backup_files, $altered_since = -1) {
global $updraftplus;
// Get the blog name and rip out known-problematic characters. Remember that we may need to be able to upload this to any FTP server or cloud storage, where filename support may be unknown
$blog_name = str_replace('__', '_', preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/', '', str_replace(' ', '_', substr(get_bloginfo(), 0, 32))));
8 years ago
if (!$blog_name || preg_match('#^_+$#', $blog_name)) {
// Try again...
$parsed_url = parse_url(home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST);
$parsed_subdir = untrailingslashit(parse_url(home_url(), PHP_URL_PATH));
if ($parsed_subdir && '/' != $parsed_subdir) $parsed_url .= str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '_', $parsed_subdir);
$blog_name = str_replace('__', '_', preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/', '', str_replace(' ', '_', substr($parsed_url, 0, 32))));
8 years ago
if (!$blog_name || preg_match('#^_+$#', $blog_name)) $blog_name = 'WordPress_Backup';
// Allow an over-ride. Careful about introducing characters not supported by your filesystem or cloud storage.
$this->blog_name = apply_filters('updraftplus_blog_name', $blog_name);
// Decide which zip engine to begin with
8 years ago
$this->debug = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_debug_mode');
$this->updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location();
$this->updraft_dir_realpath = realpath($this->updraft_dir);
add_action('updraft_report_remotestorage_extrainfo', array($this, 'report_remotestorage_extrainfo'), 10, 3);
if ('no' === $backup_files) {
$this->use_zip_object = 'UpdraftPlus_PclZip';
$this->extensions_to_not_compress = array_unique(array_map('strtolower', array_map('trim', explode(',', UPDRAFTPLUS_ZIP_NOCOMPRESS))));
$this->altered_since = $altered_since;
// false means 'tried + failed'; whereas 0 means 'not yet tried'
// Disallow binzip on OpenVZ when we're not sure there's plenty of memory
if (0 === $this->binzip && (!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_PREFERPCLZIP') || UPDRAFTPLUS_PREFERPCLZIP != true) && (!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_NO_BINZIP') || !UPDRAFTPLUS_NO_BINZIP) && $updraftplus->current_resumption <9) {
8 years ago
if (@file_exists('/proc/user_beancounters') && @file_exists('/proc/meminfo') && @is_readable('/proc/meminfo')) {
$meminfo = @file_get_contents('/proc/meminfo', false, null, -1, 200);
if (is_string($meminfo) && preg_match('/MemTotal:\s+(\d+) kB/', $meminfo, $matches)) {
$memory_mb = $matches[1]/1024;
// If the report is of a large amount, then we're probably getting the total memory on the hypervisor (this has been observed), and don't really know the VPS's memory
8 years ago
$vz_log = "OpenVZ; reported memory: ".round($memory_mb, 1)." MB";
if ($memory_mb < 1024 || $memory_mb > 8192) {
$openvz_lowmem = true;
$vz_log .= " (will not use BinZip)";
if (empty($openvz_lowmem)) {
$updraftplus->log('Checking if we have a zip executable available');
$binzip = $updraftplus->find_working_bin_zip();
if (is_string($binzip)) {
$updraftplus->log("Zip engine: found/will use a binary zip: $binzip");
$this->binzip = $binzip;
$this->use_zip_object = 'UpdraftPlus_BinZip';
// In tests, PclZip was found to be 25% slower than ZipArchive
if ('UpdraftPlus_PclZip' != $this->use_zip_object && empty($this->binzip) && ((defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_PREFERPCLZIP') && UPDRAFTPLUS_PREFERPCLZIP == true) || !class_exists('ZipArchive') || !class_exists('UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive') || (!extension_loaded('zip') && !method_exists('ZipArchive', 'AddFile')))) {
8 years ago
global $updraftplus;
$updraftplus->log("Zip engine: ZipArchive is not available or is disabled (will use PclZip if needed)");
$this->use_zip_object = 'UpdraftPlus_PclZip';
public function report_remotestorage_extrainfo($service, $info_html, $info_plain) {
$this->remotestorage_extrainfo[$service] = array('pretty' => $info_html, 'plain' => $info_plain);
* Public, because called from the 'More Files' add-on
* @param String $create_from_dir Directory to create the zip
* @param String $whichone Entity being backed up (e.g. 'plugins', 'uploads')
* @param String $backup_file_basename Name of backup file
* @param Integer $index Index of zip in the sequence
* @param Integer|Boolean $first_linked_index First linked index in the sequence, or false
* @return Boolean
8 years ago
public function create_zip($create_from_dir, $whichone, $backup_file_basename, $index, $first_linked_index = false) {
// Note: $create_from_dir can be an array or a string
$original_index = $index;
$this->index = $index;
$this->first_linked_index = (false === $first_linked_index) ? 0 : $first_linked_index;
$this->whichone = $whichone;
global $updraftplus;
$this->zip_split_every = max((int) $updraftplus->jobdata_get('split_every'), UPDRAFTPLUS_SPLIT_MIN)*1048576;
8 years ago
if ('others' != $whichone) $updraftplus->log("Beginning creation of dump of $whichone (split every: ".round($this->zip_split_every/1048576, 1)." MB)");
8 years ago
if (is_string($create_from_dir) && !file_exists($create_from_dir)) {
$flag_error = true;
$updraftplus->log("Does not exist: $create_from_dir");
if ('mu-plugins' == $whichone) {
if (!function_exists('get_mu_plugins')) include_once(ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php');
8 years ago
$mu_plugins = get_mu_plugins();
if (count($mu_plugins) == 0) {
$updraftplus->log("There appear to be no mu-plugins to back up. Will not raise an error.");
$flag_error = false;
if ($flag_error) $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("%s - could not back this entity up; the corresponding directory does not exist (%s)", 'updraftplus'), $whichone, $create_from_dir), 'error');
return false;
$itext = (empty($index)) ? '' : ($index+1);
$base_path = $backup_file_basename.'-'.$whichone.$itext.'.zip';
$full_path = $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$base_path;
$time_now = time();
// This is compatible with filenames which indicate increments, as it is looking only for the current increment
8 years ago
if (file_exists($full_path)) {
// Gather any further files that may also exist
8 years ago
$files_existing = array();
while (file_exists($full_path)) {
$files_existing[] = $base_path;
$time_mod = (int) @filemtime($full_path);
$updraftplus->log($base_path.": this file has already been created (age: ".round($time_now-$time_mod, 1)." s)");
8 years ago
if ($time_mod>100 && ($time_now-$time_mod)<30) {
$updraftplus->terminate_due_to_activity($base_path, $time_now, $time_mod);
// This is compatible with filenames which indicate increments, as it is looking only for the current increment
8 years ago
$base_path = $backup_file_basename.'-'.$whichone.($index+1).'.zip';
$full_path = $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$base_path;
// Temporary file, to be able to detect actual completion (upon which, it is renamed)
// New (Jun-13) - be more aggressive in removing temporary files from earlier attempts - anything >=600 seconds old of this kind
$updraftplus->clean_temporary_files('_'.$updraftplus->nonce."-$whichone", 600);
// Firstly, make sure that the temporary file is not already being written to - which can happen if a resumption takes place whilst an old run is still active
$zip_name = $full_path.'.tmp';
$time_mod = (int) @filemtime($zip_name);
8 years ago
if (file_exists($zip_name) && $time_mod>100 && ($time_now-$time_mod)<30) {
$updraftplus->terminate_due_to_activity($zip_name, $time_now, $time_mod);
if (file_exists($zip_name)) {
$updraftplus->log("File exists ($zip_name), but was apparently not modified within the last 30 seconds, so we assume that any previous run has now terminated (time_mod=$time_mod, time_now=$time_now, diff=".($time_now-$time_mod).")");
// Now, check for other forms of temporary file, which would indicate that some activity is going on (even if it hasn't made it into the main zip file yet)
// Note: this doesn't catch PclZip temporary files
$d = dir($this->updraft_dir);
$match = '_'.$updraftplus->nonce."-".$whichone;
while (false !== ($e = $d->read())) {
if ('.' == $e || '..' == $e || !is_file($this->updraft_dir.'/'.$e)) continue;
$ziparchive_match = preg_match("/$match([0-9]+)?\.zip\.tmp\.([A-Za-z0-9]){6}?$/i", $e);
$binzip_match = preg_match("/^zi([A-Za-z0-9]){6}$/", $e);
$pclzip_match = preg_match("/^pclzip-[a-z0-9]+.tmp$/", $e);
if ($time_now-filemtime($this->updraft_dir.'/'.$e) < 30 && ($ziparchive_match || (0 != $updraftplus->current_resumption && ($binzip_match || $pclzip_match)))) {
$updraftplus->terminate_due_to_activity($this->updraft_dir.'/'.$e, $time_now, filemtime($this->updraft_dir.'/'.$e));
if (isset($files_existing)) {
// Because of zip-splitting, the mere fact that files exist is not enough to indicate that the entity is finished. For that, we need to also see that no subsequent file has been started.
// Q. What if the previous runner died in between zips, and it is our job to start the next one? A. The next temporary file is created before finishing the former zip, so we are safe (and we are also safe-guarded by the updated value of the index being stored in the database).
8 years ago
return $files_existing;
$this->zip_microtime_start = microtime(true);
// The paths in the zip should then begin with '$whichone', having removed WP_CONTENT_DIR from the front
8 years ago
$zipcode = $this->make_zipfile($create_from_dir, $backup_file_basename, $whichone);
if (true !== $zipcode) {
8 years ago
$updraftplus->log("ERROR: Zip failure: Could not create $whichone zip (".$this->index." / $index)");
$updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("Could not create %s zip. Consult the log file for more information.", 'updraftplus'), $whichone), 'error');
// The caller is required to update $index from $this->index
8 years ago
return false;
} else {
$itext = (empty($this->index)) ? '' : ($this->index+1);
$full_path = $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$backup_file_basename.'-'.$whichone.$itext.'.zip';
if (file_exists($full_path.'.tmp')) {
if (@filesize($full_path.'.tmp') === 0) {
$updraftplus->log("Did not create $whichone zip (".$this->index.") - not needed");
} else {
$checksum_description = '';
$checksums = $updraftplus->which_checksums();
foreach ($checksums as $checksum) {
$cksum = hash_file($checksum, $full_path.'.tmp');
$updraftplus->jobdata_set($checksum.'-'.$whichone.$this->index, $cksum);
if ($checksum_description) $checksum_description .= ', ';
$checksum_description .= "$checksum: $cksum";
8 years ago
@rename($full_path.'.tmp', $full_path);
$timetaken = max(microtime(true)-$this->zip_microtime_start, 0.000001);
$kbsize = filesize($full_path)/1024;
$rate = round($kbsize/$timetaken, 1);
$updraftplus->log("Created $whichone zip (".$this->index.") - ".round($kbsize, 1)." KB in ".round($timetaken, 1)." s ($rate KB/s) ($checksum_description)");
8 years ago
// We can now remove any left-over temporary files from this job
} elseif ($this->index > $original_index) {
$updraftplus->log("Did not create $whichone zip (".$this->index.") - not needed (2)");
// Added 12-Feb-2014 (to help multiple morefiles)
8 years ago
} else {
$updraftplus->log("Looked-for $whichone zip (".$this->index.") was not found (".basename($full_path).".tmp)", 'warning');
$updraftplus->clean_temporary_files('_'.$updraftplus->nonce."-$whichone", 0);
// Remove cache list files as well, if there are any
$updraftplus->clean_temporary_files('_'.$updraftplus->nonce."-$whichone", 0, true);
// Create the results array to send back (just the new ones, not any prior ones)
8 years ago
$files_existing = array();
$res_index = 0;
for ($i = $original_index; $i<= $this->index; $i++) {
$itext = (empty($i)) ? '' : ($i+1);
$full_path = $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$backup_file_basename.'-'.$whichone.$itext.'.zip';
if (file_exists($full_path)) {
$files_existing[$res_index] = $backup_file_basename.'-'.$whichone.$itext.'.zip';
return $files_existing;
* This method is for calling outside of a cloud_backup() context. It constructs a list of services for which prune operations should be attempted, and then calls prune_retained_backups() if necessary upon them.
8 years ago
public function do_prune_standalone() {
global $updraftplus;
$services = $updraftplus->just_one($updraftplus->jobdata_get('service'));
if (!is_array($services)) $services = array($services);
$prune_services = array();
foreach ($services as $ind => $service) {
if ("none" == $service || '' == $service) continue;
8 years ago
$objname = "UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_${service}";
if (!class_exists($objname) && file_exists(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/methods/'.$service.'.php')) {
8 years ago
if (class_exists($objname)) {
$remote_obj = new $objname;
$pass_to_prune = null;
$prune_services[$service]['all'] = array($remote_obj, null);
8 years ago
} else {
$updraftplus->log("Could not prune from service $service: remote method not found");
if (!empty($prune_services)) $this->prune_retained_backups($prune_services);
* Dispatch to the relevant function
* @param Array $backup_array List of archives for the backup
8 years ago
public function cloud_backup($backup_array) {
global $updraftplus;
$services = $updraftplus->just_one($updraftplus->jobdata_get('service'));
if (!is_array($services)) $services = array($services);
// We need to make sure that the loop below actually runs
if (empty($services)) $services = array('none');
$storage_objects_and_ids = $updraftplus->get_storage_objects_and_ids($services);
$total_instances_count = 0;
foreach ($storage_objects_and_ids as $service) {
if ($service['object']->supports_feature('multi_options')) $total_instances_count += count($service['instance_settings']);
8 years ago
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('jobstatus', 'clouduploading');
8 years ago
$upload_status = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('uploading_substatus');
if (!is_array($upload_status) || !isset($upload_status['t'])) {
$upload_status = array('i' => 0, 'p' => 0, 't' => max(1, $total_instances_count)*count($backup_array));
8 years ago
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('uploading_substatus', $upload_status);
$do_prune = array();
// If there was no check-in last time, then attempt a different service first - in case a time-out on the attempted service leads to no activity and everything stopping
8 years ago
if (count($services) >1 && !empty($updraftplus->no_checkin_last_time)) {
$updraftplus->log('No check-in last time: will try a different remote service first');
array_push($services, array_shift($services));
// Make sure that the 'no worthwhile activity' detector isn't flumoxed by the starting of a new upload at 0%
if ($updraftplus->current_resumption > 9) $updraftplus->jobdata_set('uploaded_lastreset', $updraftplus->current_resumption);
if (1 == ($updraftplus->current_resumption % 2) && count($services)>2) array_push($services, array_shift($services));
$errors_before_uploads = $updraftplus->error_count();
foreach ($services as $ind => $service) {
$instance_id_count = 0;
$total_instance_ids = ('none' !== $service && '' !== $service && $storage_objects_and_ids[$service]['object']->supports_feature('multi_options')) ? count($storage_objects_and_ids[$service]['instance_settings']) : 1;
// Used for logging by record_upload_chunk()
8 years ago
$this->current_service = $service;
// Used when deciding whether to delete the local file
$this->last_service = ($ind+1 >= count($services) && $instance_id_count+1 >= $total_instance_ids && $errors_before_uploads == $updraftplus->error_count()) ? true : false;
8 years ago
$log_extra = $this->last_service ? ' (last)' : '';
$updraftplus->log("Cloud backup selection (".($ind+1)."/".count($services)."): ".$service." with instance (".($instance_id_count+1)."/".$total_instance_ids.")".$log_extra);
8 years ago
if ('none' == $service || '' == $service) {
8 years ago
$updraftplus->log("No remote despatch: user chose no remote backup service");
// Still want to mark as "uploaded", to signal that nothing more needs doing. (Important on incremental runs with no cloud storage).
8 years ago
foreach ($backup_array as $bind => $file) {
if ($updraftplus->is_uploaded($file)) {
$updraftplus->log("Already uploaded: $file");
} else {
$updraftplus->uploaded_file($file, true);
$this->prune_retained_backups(array('none' => array('all' => array(null, null))));
} elseif (!empty($storage_objects_and_ids[$service]['object']) && !$storage_objects_and_ids[$service]['object']->supports_feature('multi_options')) {
$remote_obj = $storage_objects_and_ids[$service]['object'];
$do_prune = array_merge_recursive($do_prune, $this->upload_cloud($remote_obj, $service, $backup_array, ''));
} elseif (!empty($storage_objects_and_ids[$service]['instance_settings'])) {
foreach ($storage_objects_and_ids[$service]['instance_settings'] as $instance_id => $options) {
// Used for logging by record_upload_chunk()
$this->current_instance = $instance_id;
if (!isset($options['instance_enabled'])) $options['instance_enabled'] = 1;
if (1 == $options['instance_enabled']) {
$remote_obj = $storage_objects_and_ids[$service]['object'];
$remote_obj->set_options($options, true, $instance_id);
$do_prune = array_merge_recursive($do_prune, $this->upload_cloud($remote_obj, $service, $backup_array, $instance_id));
8 years ago
} else {
$updraftplus->log("This instance id ($instance_id) has been set to inactive.");
8 years ago
8 years ago
if (!empty($do_prune)) $this->prune_retained_backups($do_prune);
* This method will start the upload of the backups to the chosen remote storage method and return an array of files to be pruned and their location.
* @param Object $remote_obj - the remote storage object
* @param String $service - the name of the service we are uploading to
* @param Array $backup_array - an array that contains the backup files we want to upload
* @param String $instance_id - the instance id we are using
* @return Array - an array with information about what files to prune and where they are located
private function upload_cloud($remote_obj, $service, $backup_array, $instance_id) {
global $updraftplus;
$do_prune = array();
if ('' == $instance_id) {
$updraftplus->log("Beginning dispatch of backup to remote ($service)");
} else {
$updraftplus->log("Beginning dispatch of backup to remote ($service) (instance identifier $instance_id)");
8 years ago
$sarray = array();
foreach ($backup_array as $bind => $file) {
if ($updraftplus->is_uploaded($file, $service, $instance_id)) {
if ('' == $instance_id) {
$updraftplus->log("Already uploaded to $service: $file", 'notice', false, true);
} else {
$updraftplus->log("Already uploaded to $service / $instance_id: $file", 'notice', false, true);
} else {
$sarray[$bind] = $file;
if (count($sarray) > 0) {
$pass_to_prune = $remote_obj->backup($sarray);
if ('remotesend' != $service) {
$do_prune[$service][$instance_id] = array($remote_obj, $pass_to_prune);
} else {
$do_prune[$service]['default'] = array($remote_obj, $pass_to_prune);
} else {
// We still need to make sure that prune is run on this remote storage method, even if all entities were previously uploaded
$do_prune[$service]['all'] = array($remote_obj, null);
return $do_prune;
8 years ago
private function group_backups($backup_history) {
return array(array('sets' => $backup_history, 'process_order' => 'keep_newest'));
* Logs a message; with the message being logged to the database also only if that has not been done in the last 3 seconds. Useful for better overall performance on slow database servers with rapid logging.
* @uses UpdraftPlus::log()
* @param String $message - the message to log
* @param String $level - the log level
private function log_with_db_occasionally($message, $level = 'notice') {
global $updraftplus;
static $last_db = false;
if (time() > $last_db + 3) {
$last_db = time();
$skip_dblog = false;
} else {
$skip_dblog = true;
return $updraftplus->log($message, $level, false, $skip_dblog);
* Prunes historical backups, according to the user's settings
* @param Array $services - An associative array with list of services as key and remote object and boolean flag as values to prune on. This must be an array (i.e. it is not flexible like some other places)
* @return void
8 years ago
public function prune_retained_backups($services) {
global $updraftplus, $wpdb;
if ($updraftplus->jobdata_get('remotesend_info') != '') {
$updraftplus->log("Prune old backups from local store: skipping, as this was a remote send operation");
if (method_exists($wpdb, 'check_connection') && (!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_SUPPRESS_CONNECTION_CHECKS') || !UPDRAFTPLUS_SUPPRESS_CONNECTION_CHECKS)) {
if (!$wpdb->check_connection(false)) {
$updraftplus->log("It seems the database went away; scheduling a resumption and terminating for now");
// If they turned off deletion on local backups, then there is nothing to do
if (0 == UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_delete_local') && 1 == count($services) && array_key_exists('none', $services)) {
8 years ago
$updraftplus->log("Prune old backups from local store: nothing to do, since the user disabled local deletion and we are using local backups");
// $updraftplus->jobdata_set('jobstatus', 'pruning');
// $updraftplus->jobdata_set('prune', 'begun');
8 years ago
call_user_func_array(array($updraftplus, 'jobdata_set_multi'), array('jobstatus', 'pruning', 'prune', 'begun'));
// Number of backups to retain - files
$updraft_retain = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_retain', 2);
$updraft_retain = is_numeric($updraft_retain) ? $updraft_retain : 1;
// Number of backups to retain - db
$updraft_retain_db = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_retain_db', $updraft_retain);
$updraft_retain_db = is_numeric($updraft_retain_db) ? $updraft_retain_db : 1;
$updraftplus->log("Retain: beginning examination of existing backup sets; user setting: retain_files=$updraft_retain, retain_db=$updraft_retain_db");
// Returns an array, most recent first, of backup sets
$backup_history = UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::get_history();
8 years ago
$db_backups_found = 0;
$file_backups_found = 0;
$ignored_because_imported = array();
// Remove non-native (imported) backups, which are neither counted nor pruned. It's neater to do these in advance, and log only one line.
$functional_backup_history = $backup_history;
foreach ($functional_backup_history as $backup_time => $backup_to_examine) {
if (isset($backup_to_examine['native']) && false == $backup_to_examine['native']) {
$ignored_because_imported[] = $backup_time;
if (!empty($ignored_because_imported)) {
$updraftplus->log("These backup set(s) were imported from a remote location, so will not be counted or pruned. Skipping: ".implode(', ', $ignored_because_imported));
$backupable_entities = $updraftplus->get_backupable_file_entities(true);
$database_backups_found = array();
$file_entities_backups_found = array();
foreach ($backupable_entities as $entity => $info) {
$file_entities_backups_found[$entity] = 0;
if (false === ($backup_db_groups = apply_filters('updraftplus_group_backups_for_pruning', false, $functional_backup_history, 'db'))) {
$backup_db_groups = $this->group_backups($functional_backup_history);
$updraftplus->log("Number of backup sets in history: ".count($backup_history)."; groups (db): ".count($backup_db_groups));
$started_main_prune_loop_at = time();
8 years ago
foreach ($backup_db_groups as $group_id => $group) {
// N.B. The array returned by UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::get_history() is already sorted, with most-recent first
8 years ago
if (empty($group['sets']) || !is_array($group['sets'])) continue;
$sets = $group['sets'];
// Sort the groups into the desired "keep this first" order
$process_order = (!empty($group['process_order']) && 'keep_oldest' == $group['process_order']) ? 'keep_oldest' : 'keep_newest';
if ('keep_oldest' == $process_order) ksort($sets);
$rule = !empty($group['rule']) ? $group['rule'] : array('after-howmany' => 0, 'after-period' => 0, 'every-period' => 1, 'every-howmany' => 1);
foreach ($sets as $backup_datestamp => $backup_to_examine) {
$files_to_prune = array();
$nonce = empty($backup_to_examine['nonce']) ? '???' : $backup_to_examine['nonce'];
// $backup_to_examine is an array of file names, keyed on db/plugins/themes/uploads
// The new backup_history array is saved afterwards, so remember to unset the ones that are to be deleted
$this->log_with_db_occasionally(sprintf("Examining (for databases) backup set with group_id=$group_id, nonce=%s, datestamp=%s (%s)", $nonce, $backup_datestamp, gmdate('M d Y H:i:s', $backup_datestamp)));
8 years ago
// Auto-backups are only counted or deleted once we have reached the retain limit - before that, they are skipped
$is_autobackup = !empty($backup_to_examine['autobackup']);
$remote_sent = (!empty($backup_to_examine['service']) && ((is_array($backup_to_examine['service']) && in_array('remotesend', $backup_to_examine['service'])) || 'remotesend' === $backup_to_examine['service'])) ? true : false;
$any_deleted_via_filter_yet = false;
// Databases
foreach ($backup_to_examine as $key => $data) {
if ('db' != strtolower(substr($key, 0, 2)) || '-size' == substr($key, -5, 5)) continue;
if (empty($database_backups_found[$key])) $database_backups_found[$key] = 0;
if ($nonce == $updraftplus->nonce) {
$this->log_with_db_occasionally("This backup set is the backup set just made, so will not be deleted.");
8 years ago
if ($is_autobackup) {
if ($any_deleted_via_filter_yet) {
$this->log_with_db_occasionally("This backup set ($backup_datestamp) was an automatic backup, but we have previously deleted a backup due to a limit, so it will be pruned (but not counted towards numerical limits).");
8 years ago
$prune_it = true;
} elseif ($database_backups_found[$key] < $updraft_retain_db) {
$this->log_with_db_occasionally("This backup set ($backup_datestamp) was an automatic backup, and we have not yet reached any retain limits, so it will not be counted or pruned. Skipping.");
8 years ago
} else {
$this->log_with_db_occasionally("This backup set ($backup_datestamp) was an automatic backup, and we have already reached retain limits, so it will be pruned.");
8 years ago
$prune_it = true;
} else {
$prune_it = false;
if ($remote_sent) {
$prune_it = true;
$this->log_with_db_occasionally("$backup_datestamp: $key: was sent to remote site; will remove from local record (only)");
8 years ago
// All non-auto backups must be run through this filter (in date order) regardless of the current state of $prune_it - so that filters are able to track state.
$prune_it_before_filter = $prune_it;
if (!$is_autobackup) $prune_it = apply_filters('updraftplus_prune_or_not', $prune_it, 'db', $backup_datestamp, $key, $database_backups_found[$key], $rule, $group_id);
// Apply the final retention limit list (do not increase the 'retained' counter before seeing if the backup is being pruned for some other reason)
if (!$prune_it && !$is_autobackup) {
if ($database_backups_found[$key] + 1 > $updraft_retain_db) {
$prune_it = true;
$fname = is_string($data) ? $data : $data[0];
$this->log_with_db_occasionally("$backup_datestamp: $key: this set includes a database (".$fname."); db count is now ".$database_backups_found[$key]);
8 years ago
$this->log_with_db_occasionally("$backup_datestamp: $key: over retain limit ($updraft_retain_db); will delete this database");
8 years ago
if ($prune_it) {
if (!$prune_it_before_filter) $any_deleted_via_filter_yet = true;
if (!empty($data)) {
$size_key = $key.'-size';
$size = isset($backup_to_examine[$size_key]) ? $backup_to_examine[$size_key] : null;
foreach ($services as $service => $instance_ids_to_prune) {
foreach ($instance_ids_to_prune as $instance_id_to_prune => $sd) {
if ('none' != $service && '' != $service && $sd[0]->supports_feature('multi_options')) {
$storage_objects_and_ids = $updraftplus->get_storage_objects_and_ids(array($service));
if ('all' == $instance_id_to_prune) {
foreach ($storage_objects_and_ids[$service]['instance_settings'] as $saved_instance_id => $options) {
$sd[0]->set_options($options, false, $saved_instance_id);
$this->prune_file($service, $data, $sd[0], $sd[1], array($size));
} else {
$opts = $storage_objects_and_ids[$service]['instance_settings'][$instance_id_to_prune];
$sd[0]->set_options($opts, false, $instance_id_to_prune);
$this->prune_file($service, $data, $sd[0], $sd[1], array($size));
} else {
$this->prune_file($service, $data, $sd[0], $sd[1], array($size));
8 years ago
} elseif (!$is_autobackup) {
$backup_to_examine = $this->remove_backup_set_if_empty($backup_to_examine, $backup_datestamp, $backupable_entities, $backup_history);
if (empty($backup_to_examine)) {
} else {
$functional_backup_history[$backup_datestamp] = $backup_to_examine;
$backup_history[$backup_datestamp] = $backup_to_examine;
if (false === ($backup_files_groups = apply_filters('updraftplus_group_backups_for_pruning', false, $functional_backup_history, 'files'))) {
$backup_files_groups = $this->group_backups($functional_backup_history);
$updraftplus->log("Number of backup sets in history: ".count($backup_history)."; groups (files): ".count($backup_files_groups));
// Now again - this time for the files
foreach ($backup_files_groups as $group_id => $group) {
// N.B. The array returned by UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::get_history() is already sorted, with most-recent first
8 years ago
if (empty($group['sets']) || !is_array($group['sets'])) continue;
$sets = $group['sets'];
// Sort the groups into the desired "keep this first" order
$process_order = (!empty($group['process_order']) && 'keep_oldest' == $group['process_order']) ? 'keep_oldest' : 'keep_newest';
// Youngest - i.e. smallest epoch - first
if ('keep_oldest' == $process_order) ksort($sets);
$rule = !empty($group['rule']) ? $group['rule'] : array('after-howmany' => 0, 'after-period' => 0, 'every-period' => 1, 'every-howmany' => 1);
foreach ($sets as $backup_datestamp => $backup_to_examine) {
$files_to_prune = array();
$nonce = empty($backup_to_examine['nonce']) ? '???' : $backup_to_examine['nonce'];
// $backup_to_examine is an array of file names, keyed on db/plugins/themes/uploads
// The new backup_history array is saved afterwards, so remember to unset the ones that are to be deleted
$this->log_with_db_occasionally(sprintf("Examining (for files) backup set with nonce=%s, datestamp=%s (%s)", $nonce, $backup_datestamp, gmdate('M d Y H:i:s', $backup_datestamp)));
8 years ago
// Auto-backups are only counted or deleted once we have reached the retain limit - before that, they are skipped
$is_autobackup = !empty($backup_to_examine['autobackup']);
$remote_sent = (!empty($backup_to_examine['service']) && ((is_array($backup_to_examine['service']) && in_array('remotesend', $backup_to_examine['service'])) || 'remotesend' === $backup_to_examine['service'])) ? true : false;
$any_deleted_via_filter_yet = false;
$file_sizes = array();
// Files
foreach ($backupable_entities as $entity => $info) {
if (!empty($backup_to_examine[$entity])) {
// This should only be able to happen if you import backups with a future timestamp
if ($nonce == $updraftplus->nonce) {
$updraftplus->log("This backup set is the backup set just made, so will not be deleted.");
if ($is_autobackup) {
if ($any_deleted_via_filter_yet) {
$this->log_with_db_occasionally("This backup set was an automatic backup, but we have previously deleted a backup due to a limit, so it will be pruned (but not counted towards numerical limits).");
8 years ago
$prune_it = true;
} elseif ($file_entities_backups_found[$entity] < $updraft_retain) {
$this->log_with_db_occasionally("This backup set ($backup_datestamp) was an automatic backup, and we have not yet reached any retain limits, so it will not be counted or pruned. Skipping.");
8 years ago
} else {
$this->log_with_db_occasionally("This backup set ($backup_datestamp) was an automatic backup, and we have already reached retain limits, so it will be pruned.");
8 years ago
$prune_it = true;
} else {
$prune_it = false;
if ($remote_sent) {
$prune_it = true;
// All non-auto backups must be run through this filter (in date order) regardless of the current state of $prune_it - so that filters are able to track state.
$prune_it_before_filter = $prune_it;
if (!$is_autobackup) $prune_it = apply_filters('updraftplus_prune_or_not', $prune_it, 'files', $backup_datestamp, $entity, $file_entities_backups_found[$entity], $rule, $group_id);
// The "more than maximum to keep?" counter should not be increased until we actually know that the set is being kept. Before verison 1.11.22, we checked this before running the filter, which resulted in the counter being increased for sets that got pruned via the filter (i.e. not kept) - and too many backups were thus deleted
if (!$prune_it && !$is_autobackup) {
if ($file_entities_backups_found[$entity] >= $updraft_retain) {
$this->log_with_db_occasionally("$entity: over retain limit ($updraft_retain); will delete this file entity");
8 years ago
$prune_it = true;
if ($prune_it) {
if (!$prune_it_before_filter) $any_deleted_via_filter_yet = true;
$prune_this = $backup_to_examine[$entity];
if (is_string($prune_this)) $prune_this = array($prune_this);
foreach ($prune_this as $k => $prune_file) {
if ($remote_sent) {
$updraftplus->log("$entity: $backup_datestamp: was sent to remote site; will remove from local record (only)");
$size_key = (0 == $k) ? $entity.'-size' : $entity.$k.'-size';
$size = (isset($backup_to_examine[$size_key])) ? $backup_to_examine[$size_key] : null;
$files_to_prune[] = $prune_file;
$file_sizes[] = $size;
} elseif (!$is_autobackup) {
// Sending an empty array is not itself a problem - except that the remote storage method may not check that before setting up a connection, which can waste time: especially if this is done every time around the loop.
if (!empty($files_to_prune)) {
// Actually delete the files
foreach ($services as $service => $instance_ids_to_prune) {
foreach ($instance_ids_to_prune as $instance_id_to_prune => $sd) {
if ("none" != $service && '' != $service && $sd[0]->supports_feature('multi_options')) {
$storage_objects_and_ids = $updraftplus->get_storage_objects_and_ids(array($service));
if ('all' == $instance_id_to_prune) {
foreach ($storage_objects_and_ids[$service]['instance_settings'] as $saved_instance_id => $options) {
$sd[0]->set_options($options, false, $saved_instance_id);
$this->prune_file($service, $files_to_prune, $sd[0], $sd[1], array($size));
} else {
$opts = $storage_objects_and_ids[$service]['instance_settings'][$instance_id_to_prune];
$sd[0]->set_options($opts, false, $instance_id_to_prune);
$this->prune_file($service, $files_to_prune, $sd[0], $sd[1], array($size));
} else {
$this->prune_file($service, $files_to_prune, $sd[0], $sd[1], array($size));
8 years ago
$backup_to_examine = $this->remove_backup_set_if_empty($backup_to_examine, $backup_datestamp, $backupable_entities, $backup_history);
if (empty($backup_to_examine)) {
// unset($functional_backup_history[$backup_datestamp]);
8 years ago
} else {
// $functional_backup_history[$backup_datestamp] = $backup_to_examine;
8 years ago
$backup_history[$backup_datestamp] = $backup_to_examine;
// Loop over backup sets
// Look over backup groups
$updraftplus->log("Retain: saving new backup history (sets now: ".count($backup_history).") and finishing retain operation");
UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::save_history($backup_history, false);
8 years ago
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('prune', 'finished');
* The purpose of this is to save the backup history periodically - for the benefit of setups where the pruning takes longer than the total allow run time (e.g. if the network communications to the remote storage have delays in, and there are a lot of sets to scan)
* @param Array $backup_history - the backup history to possible save
8 years ago
private function maybe_save_backup_history_and_reschedule($backup_history) {
static $last_saved_at = 0;
if (!$last_saved_at) $last_saved_at = time();
if (time() - $last_saved_at >= 10) {
global $updraftplus;
$updraftplus->log("Retain: saving new backup history, because at least 10 seconds have passed since the last save (sets now: ".count($backup_history).")");
UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::save_history($backup_history, false);
8 years ago
$last_saved_at = time();
private function remove_backup_set_if_empty($backup_to_examine, $backup_datestamp, $backupable_entities, $backup_history) {
global $updraftplus;
// Get new result, post-deletion; anything left in this set?
$contains_files = 0;
foreach ($backupable_entities as $entity => $info) {
if (isset($backup_to_examine[$entity])) {
$contains_files = 1;
$contains_db = 0;
foreach ($backup_to_examine as $key => $data) {
if ('db' == strtolower(substr($key, 0, 2)) && '-size' != substr($key, -5, 5)) {
$contains_db = 1;
// Delete backup set completely if empty, o/w just remove DB
// We search on the four keys which represent data, allowing other keys to be used to track other things
if (!$contains_files && !$contains_db) {
$updraftplus->log("This backup set is now empty; will remove from history");
if (isset($backup_to_examine['nonce'])) {
$fullpath = $this->updraft_dir."/log.".$backup_to_examine['nonce'].".txt";
if (is_file($fullpath)) {
$updraftplus->log("Deleting log file (log.".$backup_to_examine['nonce'].".txt)");
} else {
$updraftplus->log("Corresponding log file (log.".$backup_to_examine['nonce'].".txt) not found - must have already been deleted");
} else {
$updraftplus->log("No nonce record found in the backup set, so cannot delete any remaining log file");
// unset($backup_history[$backup_datestamp]);
8 years ago
return false;
} else {
$updraftplus->log("This backup set remains non-empty (f=$contains_files/d=$contains_db); will retain in history");
return $backup_to_examine;
* Prune files from local or remote storage
* @param String $service Service to prune
* @param Array $dofiles An array of files (or a single string for one file)
* @param Array $method_object specific method object
* @param Array $object_passback specific passback object
* @param Array $file_sizes size of files
8 years ago
private function prune_file($service, $dofiles, $method_object = null, $object_passback = null, $file_sizes = array()) {
global $updraftplus;
if (!is_array($dofiles)) $dofiles =array($dofiles);
8 years ago
if (!apply_filters('updraftplus_prune_file', true, $dofiles, $service, $method_object, $object_passback, $file_sizes)) {
$updraftplus->log("Prune: service=$service: skipped via filter");
foreach ($dofiles as $i => $dofile) {
if (empty($dofile)) continue;
$updraftplus->log("Delete file: $dofile, service=$service");
$fullpath = $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$dofile;
// delete it if it's locally available
if (file_exists($fullpath)) {
$updraftplus->log("Deleting local copy ($dofile)");
// Despatch to the particular method's deletion routine
if (!is_null($method_object)) $method_object->delete($dofiles, $object_passback, $file_sizes);
* The jobdata is passed in instead of fetched, because the live jobdata may now differ from that which should be reported on (e.g. an incremental run was subsequently scheduled)
* @param String $final_message The final message to be sent
* @param Array $jobdata Full job data
8 years ago
public function send_results_email($final_message, $jobdata) {
global $updraftplus;
$debug_mode = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_debug_mode');
$sendmail_to = $updraftplus->just_one_email(UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_email'));
if (is_string($sendmail_to)) $sendmail_to = array($sendmail_to);
$backup_files =$jobdata['backup_files'];
$backup_db = $jobdata['backup_database'];
if (is_array($backup_db)) $backup_db = $backup_db['wp'];
if (is_array($backup_db)) $backup_db = $backup_db['status'];
$backup_type = ('backup' == $jobdata['job_type']) ? __('Full backup', 'updraftplus') : __('Incremental', 'updraftplus');
$was_aborted = !empty($jobdata['aborted']);
if ($was_aborted) {
$backup_contains = __('The backup was aborted by the user', 'updraftplus');
} elseif ('finished' == $backup_files && ('finished' == $backup_db || 'encrypted' == $backup_db)) {
$backup_contains = __("Files and database", 'updraftplus')." ($backup_type)";
} elseif ('finished' == $backup_files) {
$backup_contains = ('begun' == $backup_db) ? __("Files (database backup has not completed)", 'updraftplus') : __("Files only (database was not part of this particular schedule)", 'updraftplus');
8 years ago
$backup_contains .= " ($backup_type)";
} elseif ('finished' == $backup_db || 'encrypted' == $backup_db) {
$backup_contains = ('begun' == $backup_files) ? __("Database (files backup has not completed)", 'updraftplus') : __("Database only (files were not part of this particular schedule)", 'updraftplus');
8 years ago
} else {
$updraftplus->log('Unknown/unexpected status: '.serialize($backup_files).'/'.serialize($backup_db));
$backup_contains = __("Unknown/unexpected error - please raise a support request", 'updraftplus');
$append_log = '';
$attachments = array();
$error_count = 0;
if ($updraftplus->error_count() > 0) {
$append_log .= __('Errors encountered:', 'updraftplus')."\r\n";
$attachments[0] = $updraftplus->logfile_name;
foreach ($updraftplus->errors as $err) {
if (is_wp_error($err)) {
foreach ($err->get_error_messages() as $msg) {
$append_log .= "* ".rtrim($msg)."\r\n";
} elseif (is_array($err) && 'error' == $err['level']) {
$append_log .= "* ".rtrim($err['message'])."\r\n";
} elseif (is_string($err)) {
$append_log .= "* ".rtrim($err)."\r\n";
$append_log .="\r\n";
8 years ago
$warnings = (isset($jobdata['warnings'])) ? $jobdata['warnings'] : array();
if (is_array($warnings) && count($warnings) >0) {
$append_log .= __('Warnings encountered:', 'updraftplus')."\r\n";
$attachments[0] = $updraftplus->logfile_name;
foreach ($warnings as $err) {
$append_log .= "* ".rtrim($err)."\r\n";
$append_log .="\r\n";
8 years ago
if ($debug_mode && '' != $updraftplus->logfile_name && !in_array($updraftplus->logfile_name, $attachments)) {
$append_log .= "\r\n".__('The log file has been attached to this email.', 'updraftplus');
$attachments[0] = $updraftplus->logfile_name;
// We have to use the action in order to set the MIME type on the attachment - by default, WordPress just puts application/octet-stream
$subject = apply_filters('updraft_report_subject', sprintf(__('Backed up: %s', 'updraftplus'), get_bloginfo('name')).' (UpdraftPlus '.$updraftplus->version.') '.get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), 'Y-m-d H:i'), $error_count, count($warnings));
// The class_exists() check here is a micro-optimization to prevent a possible HTTP call whose results may be disregarded by the filter
8 years ago
$feed = '';
if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Addon_Reporting') && !defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_NOADS_B') && !defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_NONEWSFEED')) {
$updraftplus->log('Fetching RSS news feed');
$rss = $updraftplus->get_updraftplus_rssfeed();
$updraftplus->log('Fetched RSS news feed; result is a: '.get_class($rss));
if (is_a($rss, 'SimplePie')) {
$feed .= __('Email reports created by UpdraftPlus (free edition) bring you the latest news', 'updraftplus')." - ".sprintf(__('read more at %s', 'updraftplus'), '')."\r\n\r\n";
foreach ($rss->get_items(0, 6) as $item) {
$feed .= '* ';
$feed .= $item->get_title();
$feed .= " (".$item->get_date('j F Y').")";
// $feed .= ' - '.$item->get_permalink();
8 years ago
$feed .= "\r\n";
$feed .= "\r\n\r\n";
$extra_messages = apply_filters('updraftplus_report_extramessages', array());
$extra_msg = '';
if (is_array($extra_messages)) {
foreach ($extra_messages as $msg) {
$extra_msg .= '<strong>'.$msg['key'].'</strong>: '.$msg['val']."\r\n";
foreach ($this->remotestorage_extrainfo as $service => $message) {
if (!empty($updraftplus->backup_methods[$service])) $extra_msg .= $updraftplus->backup_methods[$service].': '.$message['plain']."\r\n";
// Make it available to the filter
$jobdata['remotestorage_extrainfo'] = $this->remotestorage_extrainfo;
if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Notices')) include_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/updraftplus-notices.php');
global $updraftplus_notices;
$ws_advert = $updraftplus_notices->do_notice(false, 'report-plain', true);
8 years ago
$body = apply_filters('updraft_report_body',
__('Backup of:', 'updraftplus').' '.site_url()."\r\n".
"UpdraftPlus ".__('WordPress backup is complete', 'updraftplus').".\r\n".
__('Backup contains:', 'updraftplus')." $backup_contains\r\n".
8 years ago
__('Latest status:', 'updraftplus').' '.$final_message."\r\n".
8 years ago
$this->attachments = apply_filters('updraft_report_attachments', $attachments);
if (count($this->attachments)>0) add_action('phpmailer_init', array($this, 'phpmailer_init'));
$attach_size = 0;
$unlink_files = array();
foreach ($this->attachments as $ind => $attach) {
if ($attach == $updraftplus->logfile_name && filesize($attach) > 6*1048576) {
$updraftplus->log("Log file is large (".round(filesize($attach)/1024, 1)." KB): will compress before e-mailing");
if (!$handle = fopen($attach, "r")) {
$updraftplus->log("Error: Failed to open log file for reading: ".$attach);
} else {
if (!$whandle = gzopen($attach.'.gz', 'w')) {
$updraftplus->log("Error: Failed to open log file for reading: ".$attach.".gz");
} else {
while (false !== ($line = @stream_get_line($handle, 131072, "\n"))) {
@gzwrite($whandle, $line."\n");
$this->attachments[$ind] = $attach.'.gz';
$unlink_files[] = $attach.'.gz';
$attach_size += filesize($this->attachments[$ind]);
foreach ($sendmail_to as $ind => $mailto) {
if (false === apply_filters('updraft_report_sendto', true, $mailto, $error_count, count($warnings), $ind)) continue;
foreach (explode(',', $mailto) as $sendmail_addr) {
$updraftplus->log("Sending email ('$backup_contains') report (attachments: ".count($attachments).", size: ".round($attach_size/1024, 1)." KB) to: ".substr($sendmail_addr, 0, 5)."...");
try {
wp_mail(trim($sendmail_addr), $subject, $body, array("X-UpdraftPlus-Backup-ID: ".$updraftplus->nonce));
} catch (Exception $e) {
$updraftplus->log("Exception occurred when sending mail (".get_class($e)."): ".$e->getMessage());
foreach ($unlink_files as $file) @unlink($file);
if (count($this->attachments)>0) remove_action('phpmailer_init', array($this, 'phpmailer_init'));
* The purpose of this function is to make sure that the options table is put in the database first, then the users table, then the site + blogs tables (if present - multisite), then the usermeta table; and after that the core WP tables - so that when restoring we restore the core tables first
* @param Array $a_arr First array to be compared
* @param Array $b_arr Second array to be compared
* @return Integer - according to the rules of usort()
8 years ago
private function backup_db_sorttables($a_arr, $b_arr) {
$a = $a_arr['name'];
$a_table_type = $a_arr['type'];
$b = $b_arr['name'];
$b_table_type = $b_arr['type'];
// Views must always go after tables (since they can depend upon them)
if ('VIEW' == $a_table_type && 'VIEW' != $b_table_type) return 1;
if ('VIEW' == $b_table_type && 'VIEW' != $a_table_type) return -1;
if ('wp' != $this->whichdb) return strcmp($a, $b);
global $updraftplus;
if ($a == $b) return 0;
$our_table_prefix = $this->table_prefix_raw;
if ($a == $our_table_prefix.'options') return -1;
if ($b == $our_table_prefix.'options') return 1;
8 years ago
if ($a == $our_table_prefix.'site') return -1;
if ($b == $our_table_prefix.'site') return 1;
8 years ago
if ($a == $our_table_prefix.'blogs') return -1;
if ($b == $our_table_prefix.'blogs') return 1;
8 years ago
if ($a == $our_table_prefix.'users') return -1;
if ($b == $our_table_prefix.'users') return 1;
8 years ago
if ($a == $our_table_prefix.'usermeta') return -1;
if ($b == $our_table_prefix.'usermeta') return 1;
8 years ago
if (empty($our_table_prefix)) return strcmp($a, $b);
try {
$core_tables = array_merge($this->wpdb_obj->tables, $this->wpdb_obj->global_tables, $this->wpdb_obj->ms_global_tables);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (empty($core_tables)) $core_tables = array('terms', 'term_taxonomy', 'termmeta', 'term_relationships', 'commentmeta', 'comments', 'links', 'postmeta', 'posts', 'site', 'sitemeta', 'blogs', 'blogversions');
global $updraftplus;
$na = $updraftplus->str_replace_once($our_table_prefix, '', $a);
$nb = $updraftplus->str_replace_once($our_table_prefix, '', $b);
if (in_array($na, $core_tables) && !in_array($nb, $core_tables)) return -1;
if (!in_array($na, $core_tables) && in_array($nb, $core_tables)) return 1;
return strcmp($a, $b);
private function log_account_space() {
// Don't waste time if space is huge
8 years ago
if (!empty($this->account_space_oodles)) return;
global $updraftplus;
$hosting_bytes_free = $updraftplus->get_hosting_disk_quota_free();
if (is_array($hosting_bytes_free)) {
$perc = round(100*$hosting_bytes_free[1]/(max($hosting_bytes_free[2], 1)), 1);
$updraftplus->log(sprintf('Free disk space in account: %s (%s used)', round($hosting_bytes_free[3]/1048576, 1)." MB", "$perc %"));
* Returns the basename up to and including the nonce (but not the entity)
* @param Integer $use_time epoch time to use
* @return String
8 years ago
private function get_backup_file_basename_from_time($use_time) {
global $updraftplus;
return 'backup_'.get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $use_time), 'Y-m-d-Hi').'_'.$this->blog_name.'_'.$updraftplus->nonce;
private function find_existing_zips($dir, $match_nonce) {
$zips = array();
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
if ("." != $entry && ".." != $entry) {
8 years ago
if (preg_match('/^backup_(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(\d{2})_.*_([0-9a-f]{12})-([\-a-z]+)([0-9]+)?\.zip$/i', $entry, $matches)) {
if ($matches[6] !== $match_nonce) continue;
$timestamp = mktime($matches[4], $matches[5], 0, $matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[1]);
$entity = $matches[7];
$index = empty($matches[8]) ? '0' : $matches[8];
8 years ago
$zips[$entity][$index] = array($timestamp, $entry);
return $zips;
* Get information on whether a particular file exists in a set
* @param Array $files should be an array as returned by find_existing_zips()]
* @param String $entity entty of the file (e.g. 'plugins')
* @param Integer $index Index within the files array
* @return String|Boolean - false if the file does not exist; otherwise, the basename
8 years ago
private function file_exists($files, $entity, $index = 0) {
if (isset($files[$entity]) && isset($files[$entity][$index])) {
$file = $files[$entity][$index];
// Return the filename
return $file[1];
} else {
return false;
* This function is resumable
* @param String $job_status Current status
* @return Array - array of backed-up files
8 years ago
private function backup_dirs($job_status) {
global $updraftplus;
if (!$updraftplus->backup_time) $updraftplus->backup_time_nonce();
$use_time = apply_filters('updraftplus_backup_time_thisrun', $updraftplus->backup_time);
$backup_file_basename = $this->get_backup_file_basename_from_time($use_time);
$backup_array = array();
$possible_backups = $updraftplus->get_backupable_file_entities(true);
// Was there a check-in last time? If not, then reduce the amount of data attempted
if ('finished' != $job_status && $updraftplus->current_resumption >= 2) {
8 years ago
// NOTYET: Possible amendment to original algorithm; not just no check-in, but if the check in was very early (can happen if we get a very early checkin for some trivial operation, then attempt something too big)
8 years ago
// 03-Sep-2015 - came across a case (HS#2052) where there apparently was a check-in 'last time', but no resumption was scheduled because the 'useful_checkin' jobdata was *not* last time - which must indicate dying at a very unfortunate/unlikely point in the code. As a result, the split was not auto-reduced. Consequently, we've added !$updraftplus->newresumption_scheduled as a condition on the first check here (it was already on the second), as if no resumption is scheduled then whatever checkin there was last time was only partial. This was on GoDaddy, for which a number of curious I/O event combinations have been seen in recent months - their platform appears to have some odd behaviour when PHP is killed off.
// 04-Sep-2015 - move the '$updraftplus->current_resumption<=10' check to the inner loop (instead of applying to this whole section), as I see no reason for that restriction (case seen in HS#2064 where it was required on resumption 15)
if (!empty($updraftplus->no_checkin_last_time) || !$updraftplus->newresumption_scheduled) {
// Apr 2015: !$updraftplus->newresumption_scheduled added after seeing a log where there was no activity on resumption 9, and extra resumption 10 then tried the same operation.
if ($updraftplus->current_resumption - $updraftplus->last_successful_resumption > 2 || !$updraftplus->newresumption_scheduled) {
$this->try_split = true;
} elseif ($updraftplus->current_resumption<=10) {
$maxzipbatch = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('maxzipbatch', 26214400);
if ((int) $maxzipbatch < 1) $maxzipbatch = 26214400;
8 years ago
$new_maxzipbatch = max(floor($maxzipbatch * 0.75), 20971520);
if ($new_maxzipbatch < $maxzipbatch) {
$updraftplus->log("No check-in was detected on the previous run - as a result, we are reducing the batch amount (old=$maxzipbatch, new=$new_maxzipbatch)");
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('maxzipbatch', $new_maxzipbatch);
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('maxzipbatch_ceiling', $new_maxzipbatch);
if ('finished' != $job_status && !$updraftplus->really_is_writable($this->updraft_dir)) {
8 years ago
$updraftplus->log("Backup directory (".$this->updraft_dir.") is not writable, or does not exist");
$updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("Backup directory (%s) is not writable, or does not exist.", 'updraftplus'), $this->updraft_dir), 'error');
return array();
$this->job_file_entities = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('job_file_entities');
// This is just used for the visual feedback (via the 'substatus' key)
8 years ago
$which_entity = 0;
// e.g. plugins, themes, uploads, others
// $whichdir might be an array (if $youwhat is 'more')
8 years ago
// Returns an array (keyed off the entity) of ($timestamp, $filename) arrays
8 years ago
$existing_zips = $this->find_existing_zips($this->updraft_dir, $updraftplus->nonce);
foreach ($possible_backups as $youwhat => $whichdir) {
if (isset($this->job_file_entities[$youwhat])) {
$index = (int) $this->job_file_entities[$youwhat]['index'];
8 years ago
if (empty($index)) $index=0;
$indextext = (0 == $index) ? '' : (1+$index);
$zip_file = $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$backup_file_basename.'-'.$youwhat.$indextext.'.zip';
// Split needed?
$split_every = max((int) $updraftplus->jobdata_get('split_every'), 250);
// if (file_exists($zip_file) && filesize($zip_file) > $split_every*1048576) {
8 years ago
if (false != ($existing_file = $this->file_exists($existing_zips, $youwhat, $index)) && filesize($this->updraft_dir.'/'.$existing_file) > $split_every*1048576) {
$this->job_file_entities[$youwhat]['index'] = $index;
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('job_file_entities', $this->job_file_entities);
// Populate prior parts of array, if we're on a subsequent zip file
if ($index > 0) {
for ($i=0; $i<$index; $i++) {
$itext = (0 == $i) ? '' : ($i+1);
// Get the previously-stored filename if possible (which should be always); failing that, base it on the current run
$zip_file = (isset($this->backup_files_array[$youwhat]) && isset($this->backup_files_array[$youwhat][$i])) ? $this->backup_files_array[$youwhat][$i] : $backup_file_basename.'-'.$youwhat.$itext.'.zip';
$backup_array[$youwhat][$i] = $zip_file;
$z = $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$zip_file;
$itext = (0 == $i) ? '' : $i;
$fs_key = $youwhat.$itext.'-size';
if (file_exists($z)) {
$backup_array[$fs_key] = filesize($z);
} elseif (isset($this->backup_files_array[$fs_key])) {
$backup_array[$fs_key] = $this->backup_files_array[$fs_key];
// I am not certain that all the conditions in here are possible. But there's no harm.
if ('finished' == $job_status) {
// Add the final part of the array
if ($index > 0) {
$zip_file = (isset($this->backup_files_array[$youwhat]) && isset($this->backup_files_array[$youwhat][$index])) ? $this->backup_files_array[$youwhat][$index] : $backup_file_basename.'-'.$youwhat.($index+1).'.zip';
// $fbase = $backup_file_basename.'-'.$youwhat.($index+1).'.zip';
8 years ago
$z = $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$zip_file;
$fs_key = $youwhat.$index.'-size';
if (file_exists($z)) {
$backup_array[$youwhat][$index] = $fbase;
$backup_array[$fs_key] = filesize($z);
} elseif (isset($this->backup_files_array[$fs_key])) {
$backup_array[$youwhat][$index] = $fbase;
$backup_array[$fs_key] = $this->backup_files_array[$fskey];
} else {
$zip_file = (isset($this->backup_files_array[$youwhat]) && isset($this->backup_files_array[$youwhat][0])) ? $this->backup_files_array[$youwhat][0] : $backup_file_basename.'-'.$youwhat.'.zip';
$backup_array[$youwhat] = $zip_file;
if (file_exists($zip_file)) {
$backup_array[$fs_key] = filesize($zip_file);
} elseif (isset($this->backup_files_array[$fs_key])) {
$backup_array[$fs_key] = $this->backup_files_array[$fs_key];
} else {
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('filecreating_substatus', array('e' => $youwhat, 'i' => $which_entity, 't' => count($this->job_file_entities)));
if ('others' == $youwhat) $updraftplus->log("Beginning backup of other directories found in the content directory (index: $index)");
// Apply a filter to allow add-ons to provide their own method for creating a zip of the entity
8 years ago
$created = apply_filters('updraftplus_backup_makezip_'.$youwhat, $whichdir, $backup_file_basename, $index);
// If the filter did not lead to something being created, then use the default method
8 years ago
if ($created === $whichdir) {
/* First parameter to create is:
An array of filenames or dirnames,
A string containing the filename or a dirname,
A string containing a list of filename or dirname separated by a comma.
if ('others' == $youwhat) {
$dirlist = $updraftplus->backup_others_dirlist(true);
} elseif ('uploads' == $youwhat) {
$dirlist = $updraftplus->backup_uploads_dirlist(true);
} else {
$dirlist = $whichdir;
if (is_array($dirlist)) $dirlist =array_shift($dirlist);
8 years ago
if (!empty($dirlist)) {
8 years ago
$created = $this->create_zip($dirlist, $youwhat, $backup_file_basename, $index);
// Now, store the results
8 years ago
if (!is_string($created) && !is_array($created)) $updraftplus->log("$youwhat: create_zip returned an error");
} else {
$updraftplus->log("No backup of $youwhat: there was nothing found to back up");
if ($created != $whichdir && (is_string($created) || is_array($created))) {
if (is_string($created)) $created =array($created);
8 years ago
foreach ($created as $findex => $fname) {
$backup_array[$youwhat][$index] = $fname;
$itext = (0 == $index) ? '' : $index;
8 years ago
$backup_array[$youwhat.$itext.'-size'] = filesize($this->updraft_dir.'/'.$fname);
$this->job_file_entities[$youwhat]['index'] = $this->index;
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('job_file_entities', $this->job_file_entities);
} else {
$updraftplus->log("No backup of $youwhat: excluded by user's options");
return $backup_array;
* This uses a saved status indicator; its only purpose is to indicate *total* completion; there is no actual danger, just wasted time, in resuming when it was not needed. So the saved status indicator just helps save resources.
* @param integer $resumption_no Check for first run
* @return array
8 years ago
public function resumable_backup_of_files($resumption_no) {
global $updraftplus;
// Backup directories and return a numerically indexed array of file paths to the backup files
$bfiles_status = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('backup_files');
$this->backup_files_array = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('backup_files_array');
8 years ago
if (!is_array($this->backup_files_array)) $this->backup_files_array = array();
if ('finished' == $bfiles_status) {
$updraftplus->log("Creation of backups of directories: already finished");
// Check for recent activity
8 years ago
foreach ($this->backup_files_array as $files) {
if (!is_array($files)) $files =array($files);
8 years ago
foreach ($files as $file) $updraftplus->check_recent_modification($this->updraft_dir.'/'.$file);
} elseif ('begun' == $bfiles_status) {
$this->first_run = apply_filters('updraftplus_filerun_firstrun', 0);
if ($resumption_no > $this->first_run) {
$updraftplus->log("Creation of backups of directories: had begun; will resume");
} else {
$updraftplus->log("Creation of backups of directories: beginning");
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('jobstatus', 'filescreating');
$this->backup_files_array = $this->backup_dirs($bfiles_status);
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('backup_files_array', $this->backup_files_array);
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('backup_files', 'finished');
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('jobstatus', 'filescreated');
} else {
// This is not necessarily a backup run which is meant to contain files at all
8 years ago
$updraftplus->log('This backup run is not intended for files - skipping');
return array();
// DOES NOT WORK: there is no crash-safe way to do this here - have to be renamed at cloud-upload time instead
$new_backup_array = array();
foreach ($backup_array as $entity => $files) {
if (!is_array($files)) $files=array($files);
$outof = count($files);
foreach ($files as $ind => $file) {
$nval = $file;
if (preg_match('/^(backup_[\-0-9]{15}_.*_[0-9a-f]{12}-[\-a-z]+)([0-9]+)?\.zip$/i', $file, $matches)) {
$num = max((int)$matches[2],1);
$new = $matches[1].$num.'of'.$outof.'.zip';
if (file_exists($this->updraft_dir.'/'.$file)) {
if (@rename($this->updraft_dir.'/'.$file, $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$new)) {
$updraftplus->log(sprintf("Renaming: %s to %s", $file, $new));
$nval = $new;
} elseif (file_exists($this->updraft_dir.'/'.$new)) {
$nval = $new;
$new_backup_array[$entity][$ind] = $nval;
return $this->backup_files_array;
* This function is resumable, using the following method:
* Each table is written out to ($final_filename).table.tmp
* When the writing finishes, it is renamed to ($final_filename).table
* When all tables are finished, they are concatenated into the final file
* @param String $already_done Status of backup
* @param String $whichdb Indicated which database is being backed up
* @param Array $dbinfo is only used when whichdb != 'wp'; and the keys should be: user, pass, name, host, prefix
* @return Boolean|String - the basename of the database backup, or false for failure
8 years ago
public function backup_db($already_done = 'begun', $whichdb = 'wp', $dbinfo = array()) {
global $updraftplus, $wpdb;
$this->whichdb = $whichdb;
$this->whichdb_suffix = ('wp' == $whichdb) ? '' : $whichdb;
if (!$updraftplus->backup_time) $updraftplus->backup_time_nonce();
if (!$updraftplus->opened_log_time) $updraftplus->logfile_open($updraftplus->nonce);
if ('wp' == $this->whichdb) {
$this->wpdb_obj = $wpdb;
// The table prefix after being filtered - i.e. what filters what we'll actually back up
8 years ago
$this->table_prefix = $updraftplus->get_table_prefix(true);
// The unfiltered table prefix - i.e. the real prefix that things are relative to
8 years ago
$this->table_prefix_raw = $updraftplus->get_table_prefix(false);
$dbinfo['host'] = DB_HOST;
$dbinfo['name'] = DB_NAME;
$dbinfo['user'] = DB_USER;
$dbinfo['pass'] = DB_PASSWORD;
} else {
if (!is_array($dbinfo) || empty($dbinfo['host'])) return false;
// The methods that we may use: check_connection (WP>=3.9), get_results, get_row, query
8 years ago
$this->wpdb_obj = new UpdraftPlus_WPDB_OtherDB($dbinfo['user'], $dbinfo['pass'], $dbinfo['name'], $dbinfo['host']);
if (!empty($this->wpdb_obj->error)) {
$updraftplus->log($dbinfo['user'].'@'.$dbinfo['host'].'/'.$dbinfo['name'].' : database connection attempt failed');
$updraftplus->log($dbinfo['user'].'@'.$dbinfo['host'].'/'.$dbinfo['name'].' : '.__('database connection attempt failed.', 'updraftplus').' '.__('Connection failed: check your access details, that the database server is up, and that the network connection is not firewalled.', 'updraftplus'), 'error');
return $updraftplus->log_wp_error($this->wpdb_obj->error);
$this->table_prefix = $dbinfo['prefix'];
$this->table_prefix_raw = $dbinfo['prefix'];
$this->dbinfo = $dbinfo;
$errors = 0;
$use_time = apply_filters('updraftplus_backup_time_thisrun', $updraftplus->backup_time);
$file_base = $this->get_backup_file_basename_from_time($use_time);
$backup_file_base = $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$file_base;
if ('finished' == $already_done) return basename($backup_file_base).'-db'.(('wp' == $whichdb) ? '' : $whichdb).'.gz';
if ('encrypted' == $already_done) return basename($backup_file_base).'-db'.(('wp' == $whichdb) ? '' : $whichdb).'.gz.crypt';
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('jobstatus', 'dbcreating'.$this->whichdb_suffix);
$binsqldump = $updraftplus->find_working_sqldump();
$total_tables = 0;
// WP 3.9 onwards - - check_connection() allows us to get the database connection back if it had dropped
8 years ago
if ('wp' == $whichdb && method_exists($this->wpdb_obj, 'check_connection') && (!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_SUPPRESS_CONNECTION_CHECKS') || !UPDRAFTPLUS_SUPPRESS_CONNECTION_CHECKS)) {
if (!$this->wpdb_obj->check_connection(false)) {
$updraftplus->log("It seems the database went away; scheduling a resumption and terminating for now");
// SHOW FULL - so that we get to know whether it's a BASE TABLE or a VIEW
$all_tables = $this->wpdb_obj->get_results("SHOW FULL TABLES", ARRAY_N);
if (empty($all_tables) && !empty($this->wpdb_obj->last_error)) {
$all_tables = $this->wpdb_obj->get_results("SHOW TABLES", ARRAY_N);
$all_tables = array_map(array($this, 'cb_get_name_base_type'), $all_tables);
8 years ago
} else {
$all_tables = array_map(array($this, 'cb_get_name_type'), $all_tables);
8 years ago
// If this is not the WP database, then we do not consider it a fatal error if there are no tables
8 years ago
if ('wp' == $whichdb && 0 == count($all_tables)) {
$extra = ($updraftplus->newresumption_scheduled) ? ' - '.__('please wait for the rescheduled attempt', 'updraftplus') : '';
$updraftplus->log("Error: No WordPress database tables found (SHOW TABLES returned nothing)".$extra);
$updraftplus->log(__("No database tables found", 'updraftplus').$extra, 'error');
// Put the options table first
usort($all_tables, array($this, 'backup_db_sorttables'));
$all_table_names = array_map(array($this, 'cb_get_name'), $all_tables);
8 years ago
if (!$updraftplus->really_is_writable($this->updraft_dir)) {
$updraftplus->log("The backup directory (".$this->updraft_dir.") could not be written to (could be account/disk space full, or wrong permissions).");
$updraftplus->log($this->updraft_dir.": ".__('The backup directory is not writable (or disk space is full) - the database backup is expected to shortly fail.', 'updraftplus'), 'warning');
// Why not just fail now? We saw a bizarre case when the results of really_is_writable() changed during the run.
8 years ago
// This check doesn't strictly get all possible duplicates; it's only designed for the case that can happen when moving between deprecated Windows setups and Linux
8 years ago
$this->duplicate_tables_exist = false;
foreach ($all_table_names as $table) {
if (strtolower($table) != $table && in_array(strtolower($table), $all_table_names)) {
$this->duplicate_tables_exist = true;
$updraftplus->log("Tables with names differing only based on case-sensitivity exist in the MySQL database: $table / ".strtolower($table));
$how_many_tables = count($all_tables);
$stitch_files = array();
$found_options_table = false;
$is_multisite = is_multisite();
foreach ($all_tables as $ti) {
$table = $ti['name'];
$table_type = $ti['type'];
$manyrows_warning = false;
// Increase script execution time-limit to 15 min for every table.
// The table file may already exist if we have produced it on a previous run
$table_file_prefix = $file_base.'-db'.$this->whichdb_suffix.'-table-'.$table.'.table';
if ('wp' == $whichdb && (strtolower($this->table_prefix_raw.'options') == strtolower($table) || ($is_multisite && (strtolower($this->table_prefix_raw.'sitemeta') == strtolower($table) || strtolower($this->table_prefix_raw.'1_options') == strtolower($table))))) $found_options_table = true;
if (file_exists($this->updraft_dir.'/'.$table_file_prefix.'.gz')) {
$stitched = count($stitch_files);
$skip_dblog = (($stitched > 10 && 0 != $stitched % 20) || ($stitched > 100 && 0 != $stitched % 100));
$updraftplus->log("Table $table: corresponding file already exists; moving on", 'notice', false, $skip_dblog);
8 years ago
$stitch_files[] = $table_file_prefix;
} else {
// === is needed, otherwise 'false' matches (i.e. prefix does not match)
if (empty($this->table_prefix) || (false == $this->duplicate_tables_exist && stripos($table, $this->table_prefix) === 0 ) || (true == $this->duplicate_tables_exist && strpos($table, $this->table_prefix) === 0)) {
8 years ago
if (!apply_filters('updraftplus_backup_table', true, $table, $this->table_prefix, $whichdb, $dbinfo)) {
$updraftplus->log("Skipping table (filtered): $table");
if (empty($this->skipped_tables)) $this->skipped_tables = array();
// whichdb could be an int in which case to get the name of the database and the array key use the name from dbinfo
if ('wp' !== $whichdb) {
$key = $dbinfo['name'];
} else {
$key = $whichdb;
if (empty($this->skipped_tables[$key])) $this->skipped_tables[$key] = '';
if ('' != $this->skipped_tables[$key]) $this->skipped_tables[$key] .= ',';
$this->skipped_tables[$key] .= $table;
8 years ago
} else {
$db_temp_file = $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$table_file_prefix.'.tmp.gz';
// Open file, store the handle
$opened = $this->backup_db_open($db_temp_file, true);
if (false === $opened) return false;
// Create the SQL statements
$this->stow("# " . sprintf('Table: %s', $updraftplus->backquote($table)) . "\n");
8 years ago
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('dbcreating_substatus', array('t' => $table, 'i' => $total_tables, 'a' => $how_many_tables));
$table_status = $this->wpdb_obj->get_row("SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE Name='$table'");
if (isset($table_status->Rows)) {
$rows = $table_status->Rows;
$updraftplus->log("Table $table: Total expected rows (approximate): ".$rows);
$this->stow("# Approximate rows expected in table: $rows\n");
$manyrows_warning = true;
$updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("Table %s has very many rows (%s) - we hope your web hosting company gives you enough resources to dump out that table in the backup", 'updraftplus'), $table, $rows).' '.__('If not, you will need to either remove data from this table, or contact your hosting company to request more resources.', 'updraftplus'), 'warning', 'manyrows_'.$this->whichdb_suffix.$table);
// Don't include the job data for any backups - so that when the database is restored, it doesn't continue an apparently incomplete backup
if ('wp' == $this->whichdb && (!empty($this->table_prefix) && strtolower($this->table_prefix.'sitemeta') == strtolower($table))) {
8 years ago
$where = 'meta_key NOT LIKE "updraft_jobdata_%"';
} elseif ('wp' == $this->whichdb && (!empty($this->table_prefix) && strtolower($this->table_prefix.'options') == strtolower($table))) {
if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'win') {
$updraft_jobdata = "'updraft_jobdata_%'";
$site_transient_update = "'_site_transient_update_%'";
} else {
$updraft_jobdata = '"updraft_jobdata_%"';
$site_transient_update = '"_site_transient_update_%"';
$where = 'option_name NOT LIKE '.$updraft_jobdata.' AND option_name NOT LIKE '.$site_transient_update.'';
} else {
$where = '';
// If no check-in last time, then we could in future try the other method (but - any point in retrying slow method on large tables??)
8 years ago
// New Jul 2014: This attempt to use bindump instead at a lower threshold is quite conservative - only if the last successful run was exactly two resumptions ago - may be useful to expand
$bindump_threshold = (!$updraftplus->something_useful_happened && !empty($updraftplus->current_resumption) && (2 == $updraftplus->current_resumption - $updraftplus->last_successful_resumption)) ? 1000 : 8000;
8 years ago
$bindump = (isset($rows) && ($rows>$bindump_threshold || (defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_ALWAYS_TRY_MYSQLDUMP') && UPDRAFTPLUS_ALWAYS_TRY_MYSQLDUMP)) && is_string($binsqldump)) ? $this->backup_table_bindump($binsqldump, $table, $where) : false;
if (true !== $bindump) $this->backup_table($table, $where, 'none', $table_type);
if (!empty($manyrows_warning)) $updraftplus->log_remove_warning('manyrows_'.$this->whichdb_suffix.$table);
8 years ago
$updraftplus->log("Table $table: finishing file (${table_file_prefix}.gz - ".round(filesize($this->updraft_dir.'/'.$table_file_prefix.'.tmp.gz')/1024, 1)." KB)", 'notice', false, false);
8 years ago
rename($db_temp_file, $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$table_file_prefix.'.gz');
$stitch_files[] = $table_file_prefix;
} else {
$updraftplus->log("Skipping table (lacks our prefix (".$this->table_prefix.")): $table");
if ('wp' == $whichdb) {
if (!$found_options_table) {
if ($is_multisite) {
$updraftplus->log(__('The database backup appears to have failed', 'updraftplus').' - '.__('no options or sitemeta table was found', 'updraftplus'), 'warning', 'optstablenotfound');
} else {
$updraftplus->log(__('The database backup appears to have failed', 'updraftplus').' - '.__('the options table was not found', 'updraftplus'), 'warning', 'optstablenotfound');
$time_this_run = time()-$updraftplus->opened_log_time;
if ($time_this_run > 2000) {
// Have seen this happen; not sure how, but it was apparently deterministic; if the current process had been running for a long time, then apparently all database commands silently failed.
// If we have been running that long, then the resumption may be far off; bring it closer
8 years ago
$updraftplus->log("Have been running very long, and it seems the database went away; scheduling a resumption and terminating for now");
} else {
8 years ago
// Race detection - with zip files now being resumable, these can more easily occur, with two running side-by-side
$backup_final_file_name = $backup_file_base.'-db'.$this->whichdb_suffix.'.gz';
$time_now = time();
$time_mod = (int) @filemtime($backup_final_file_name);
8 years ago
if (file_exists($backup_final_file_name) && $time_mod>100 && ($time_now-$time_mod)<30) {
$updraftplus->terminate_due_to_activity($backup_final_file_name, $time_now, $time_mod);
if (file_exists($backup_final_file_name)) {
$updraftplus->log("The final database file ($backup_final_file_name) exists, but was apparently not modified within the last 30 seconds (time_mod=$time_mod, time_now=$time_now, diff=".($time_now-$time_mod)."). Thus we assume that another UpdraftPlus terminated; thus we will continue.");
// Finally, stitch the files together
if (!function_exists('gzopen')) {
if (function_exists('gzopen64')) {
$updraftplus->log("PHP function is disabled; abort expected: gzopen - buggy Ubuntu PHP version; try this plugin to help:");
} else {
$updraftplus->log("PHP function is disabled; abort expected: gzopen");
if (false === $this->backup_db_open($backup_final_file_name, true)) return false;
// We delay the unlinking because if two runs go concurrently and fail to detect each other (should not happen, but there's no harm in assuming the detection failed) then that leads to files missing from the db dump
$unlink_files = array();
$sind = 1;
foreach ($stitch_files as $table_file) {
$updraftplus->log("{$table_file}.gz ($sind/$how_many_tables): adding to final database dump");
if (!$handle = gzopen($this->updraft_dir.'/'.$table_file.'.gz', "r")) {
$updraftplus->log("Error: Failed to open database file for reading: ${table_file}.gz");
$updraftplus->log(__("Failed to open database file for reading:", 'updraftplus').' '.$table_file.'.gz', 'error');
} else {
while ($line = gzgets($handle, 65536)) {
8 years ago
$unlink_files[] = $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$table_file.'.gz';
// Came across a database with 7600 tables... adding them all took over 500 seconds; and so when the resumption started up, no activity was detected
if (0 == $sind % 100) $updraftplus->something_useful_happened();
8 years ago
if (defined('DB_CHARSET') && DB_CHARSET) {
8 years ago
$updraftplus->log($file_base.'-db'.$this->whichdb_suffix.'.gz: finished writing out complete database file ('.round(filesize($backup_final_file_name)/1024, 1).' KB)');
8 years ago
if (!$this->close()) {
$updraftplus->log('An error occurred whilst closing the final database file');
$updraftplus->log(__('An error occurred whilst closing the final database file', 'updraftplus'), 'error');
foreach ($unlink_files as $unlink_file) @unlink($unlink_file);
if ($errors > 0) {
return false;
} else {
// We no longer encrypt here - because the operation can take long, we made it resumable and moved it to the upload loop
8 years ago
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('jobstatus', 'dbcreated'.$this->whichdb_suffix);
$checksums = $updraftplus->which_checksums();
$checksum_description = '';
foreach ($checksums as $checksum) {
$cksum = hash_file($checksum, $backup_final_file_name);
$updraftplus->jobdata_set($checksum.'-db'.(('wp' == $whichdb) ? '0' : $whichdb.'0'), $cksum);
if ($checksum_description) $checksum_description .= ', ';
$checksum_description .= "$checksum: $cksum";
$updraftplus->log("Total database tables backed up: $total_tables (".basename($backup_final_file_name).", size: ".filesize($backup_final_file_name).", $checksum)");
8 years ago
return basename($backup_final_file_name);
private function backup_table_bindump($potsql, $table_name, $where) {
$microtime = microtime(true);
global $updraftplus;
// Deal with Windows/old MySQL setups with erroneous table prefixes differing in case
// Can't get binary mysqldump to make this transformation
// $dump_as_table = ($this->duplicate_tables_exist == false && stripos($table, $this->table_prefix) === 0 && strpos($table, $this->table_prefix) !== 0) ? $this->table_prefix.substr($table, strlen($this->table_prefix)) : $table;
8 years ago
$pfile = md5(time().rand()).'.tmp';
file_put_contents($this->updraft_dir.'/'.$pfile, "[mysqldump]\npassword=".$this->dbinfo['pass']."\n");
// Note: escapeshellarg() adds quotes around the string
if ($where) $where = "--where=".escapeshellarg($where);
8 years ago
if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'win') {
$exec = "cd ".escapeshellarg(str_replace('/', '\\', $this->updraft_dir))." & ";
} else {
$exec = "cd ".escapeshellarg($this->updraft_dir)."; ";
$exec .= "$potsql --defaults-file=$pfile $where --max_allowed_packet=1M --quote-names --add-drop-table --skip-comments --skip-set-charset --allow-keywords --dump-date --extended-insert --user=".escapeshellarg($this->dbinfo['user'])." --host=".escapeshellarg($this->dbinfo['host'])." ".$this->dbinfo['name']." ".escapeshellarg($table_name);
$ret = false;
$any_output = false;
$writes = 0;
$handle = popen($exec, "r");
if ($handle) {
while (!feof($handle)) {
$w = fgets($handle);
if ($w) {
$any_output = true;
$ret = pclose($handle);
if (0 != $ret) {
8 years ago
$updraftplus->log("Binary mysqldump: error (code: $ret)");
// Keep counter of failures? Change value of binsqldump?
} else {
if ($any_output) {
$updraftplus->log("Table $table_name: binary mysqldump finished (writes: $writes) in ".sprintf("%.02f", max(microtime(true)-$microtime, 0.00001))." seconds");
8 years ago
$ret = true;
} else {
$updraftplus->log("Binary mysqldump error: bindump popen failed");
// Clean temporary files
8 years ago
return $ret;
* Taken partially from phpMyAdmin and partially from Alain Wolf, Zurich - Switzerland to use the WordPress $wpdb object
8 years ago
* Website:
* Modified by Scott Merrill (
* @param String $table Table to backup
* @param String $where If there is a where clause to use
* @param String $segment Specify a segment (not used in UD)
* @param String $table_type Table type
* @return Boolean
8 years ago
private function backup_table($table, $where = '', $segment = 'none', $table_type = 'BASE TABLE') {
global $updraftplus;
$microtime = microtime(true);
$total_rows = 0;
// Deal with Windows/old MySQL setups with erroneous table prefixes differing in case
$dump_as_table = (false == $this->duplicate_tables_exist && stripos($table, $this->table_prefix) === 0 && strpos($table, $this->table_prefix) !== 0) ? $this->table_prefix.substr($table, strlen($this->table_prefix)) : $table;
8 years ago
$table_structure = $this->wpdb_obj->get_results("DESCRIBE ".$updraftplus->backquote($table));
if (!$table_structure) {
// $updraftplus->log(__('Error getting table details','wp-db-backup') . ": $table", 'error');
8 years ago
return false;
if ('none' == $segment || 0 == $segment) {
8 years ago
// Add SQL statement to drop existing table
$this->stow("\n# Delete any existing table ".$updraftplus->backquote($table)."\n\n");
$this->stow("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . $updraftplus->backquote($dump_as_table) . ";\n");
if ('VIEW' == $table_type) {
$this->stow("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS " . $updraftplus->backquote($dump_as_table) . ";\n");
// Table structure
// Comment in SQL-file
$description = ('VIEW' == $table_type) ? 'view' : 'table';
$this->stow("\n# Table structure of $description ".$updraftplus->backquote($table)."\n\n");
$create_table = $this->wpdb_obj->get_results("SHOW CREATE TABLE ".$updraftplus->backquote($table), ARRAY_N);
if (false === $create_table) {
$err_msg ='Error with SHOW CREATE TABLE for '.$table;
// $updraftplus->log($err_msg, 'error');
8 years ago
$this->stow("#\n# $err_msg\n#\n");
$create_line = $updraftplus->str_lreplace('TYPE=', 'ENGINE=', $create_table[0][1]);
// Remove PAGE_CHECKSUM parameter from MyISAM - was internal, undocumented, later removed (so causes errors on import)
8 years ago
if (preg_match('/ENGINE=([^\s;]+)/', $create_line, $eng_match)) {
$engine = $eng_match[1];
if ('myisam' == strtolower($engine)) {
$create_line = preg_replace('/PAGE_CHECKSUM=\d\s?/', '', $create_line, 1);
if ($dump_as_table !== $table) $create_line = $updraftplus->str_replace_once($table, $dump_as_table, $create_line);
$this->stow($create_line.' ;');
if (false === $table_structure) {
$err_msg = sprintf("Error getting $description structure of %s", $table);
$this->stow("#\n# $err_msg\n#\n");
// Comment in SQL-file
$this->stow("\n\n# ".sprintf("Data contents of $description %s", $updraftplus->backquote($table))."\n\n");
8 years ago
// Some tables have optional data, and should be skipped if they do not work
8 years ago
$table_sans_prefix = substr($table, strlen($this->table_prefix_raw));
$data_optional_tables = ('wp' == $this->whichdb) ? apply_filters('updraftplus_data_optional_tables', explode(',', UPDRAFTPLUS_DATA_OPTIONAL_TABLES)) : array();
if (in_array($table_sans_prefix, $data_optional_tables)) {
if (!$updraftplus->something_useful_happened && !empty($updraftplus->current_resumption) && ($updraftplus->current_resumption - $updraftplus->last_successful_resumption > 2)) {
$updraftplus->log("Table $table: Data skipped (previous attempts failed, and table is marked as non-essential)");
return true;
// In UpdraftPlus, segment is always 'none'
if ('VIEW' != $table_type && ('none' == $segment || 0 <= $segment)) {
8 years ago
$defs = array();
$integer_fields = array();
// $table_structure was from "DESCRIBE $table"
foreach ($table_structure as $struct) {
if ((0 === strpos($struct->Type, 'tinyint')) || (0 === strpos(strtolower($struct->Type), 'smallint'))
|| (0 === strpos(strtolower($struct->Type), 'mediumint')) || (0 === strpos(strtolower($struct->Type), 'int')) || (0 === strpos(strtolower($struct->Type), 'bigint'))
) {
$defs[strtolower($struct->Field)] = (null === $struct->Default ) ? 'NULL' : $struct->Default;
8 years ago
$integer_fields[strtolower($struct->Field)] = "1";
// Experimentation here shows that on large tables (we tested with 180,000 rows) on MyISAM, 1000 makes the table dump out 3x faster than the previous value of 100. After that, the benefit diminishes (increasing to 4000 only saved another 12%)
$increment = 1000;
if (!$updraftplus->something_useful_happened && !empty($updraftplus->current_resumption) && ($updraftplus->current_resumption - $updraftplus->last_successful_resumption > 1)) {
// This used to be fixed at 500; but we (after a long time) saw a case that looked like an out-of-memory even at this level. We must be careful about going too low, though - otherwise we increase the risks of timeouts.
$increment = ($updraftplus->current_resumption - $updraftplus->last_successful_resumption > 2) ? 350 : 500;
8 years ago
if ('none' == $segment) {
8 years ago
$row_start = 0;
$row_inc = $increment;
} else {
$row_start = $segment * $increment;
$row_inc = $increment;
$search = array("\x00", "\x0a", "\x0d", "\x1a");
$replace = array('\0', '\n', '\r', '\Z');
if ($where) $where = "WHERE $where";
do {
$table_data = $this->wpdb_obj->get_results("SELECT * FROM ".$updraftplus->backquote($table)." $where LIMIT {$row_start}, {$row_inc}", ARRAY_A);
$entries = 'INSERT INTO '.$updraftplus->backquote($dump_as_table).' VALUES ';
// \x08\\x09, not required
if ($table_data) {
8 years ago
$thisentry = "";
foreach ($table_data as $row) {
$values = array();
foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
if (isset($integer_fields[strtolower($key)])) {
// make sure there are no blank spots in the insert syntax,
// yet try to avoid quotation marks around integers
$value = (null === $value || '' === $value) ? $defs[strtolower($key)] : $value;
$values[] = ('' === $value) ? "''" : $value;
8 years ago
} else {
$values[] = (null === $value) ? 'NULL' : "'" . str_replace($search, $replace, str_replace('\'', '\\\'', str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $value))) . "'";
if ($thisentry) $thisentry .= ",\n ";
$thisentry .= '('.implode(', ', $values).')';
// Flush every 512KB
if (strlen($thisentry) > 524288) {
$this->stow(" \n".$entries.$thisentry.';');
$thisentry = "";
if ($thisentry) $this->stow(" \n".$entries.$thisentry.';');
$row_start += $row_inc;
} while (count($table_data) > 0 && 'none' == $segment);
8 years ago
if ('none' == $segment || $segment < 0) {
8 years ago
// Create footer/closing comment in SQL-file
$this->stow("\n# End of data contents of table ".$updraftplus->backquote($table)."\n\n");
8 years ago
$updraftplus->log("Table $table: Total rows added: $total_rows in ".sprintf("%.02f", max(microtime(true)-$microtime, 0.00001))." seconds");
8 years ago
8 years ago
* Encrypts the file if the option is set; returns the basename of the file (according to whether it was encrypted or nto)
* @param string $file file to encrypt
* @return array
8 years ago
public function encrypt_file($file) {
global $updraftplus;
$encryption = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_encryptionphrase');
if (strlen($encryption) > 0) {
$updraftplus->log("Attempting to encrypt backup file");
try {
$result = apply_filters('updraft_encrypt_file', null, $file, $encryption, $this->whichdb, $this->whichdb_suffix);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$log_message = 'Exception ('.get_class($e).') occurred during encryption: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')';
// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
if (function_exists('wp_debug_backtrace_summary')) $log_message .= ' Backtrace: '.wp_debug_backtrace_summary();
$updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('A PHP exception (%s) has occurred: %s', 'updraftplus'), get_class($e), $e->getMessage()), 'error');
// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
} catch (Error $e) {
$log_message = 'PHP Fatal error ('.get_class($e).') has occurred during encryption. Error Message: '.$e->getMessage().' (Code: '.$e->getCode().', line '.$e->getLine().' in '.$e->getFile().')';
// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
if (function_exists('wp_debug_backtrace_summary')) $log_message .= ' Backtrace: '.wp_debug_backtrace_summary();
$updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('A PHP fatal error (%s) has occurred: %s', 'updraftplus'), get_class($e), $e->getMessage()), 'error');
8 years ago
if (null === $result) {
// $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("As previously warned (see: %s), encryption is no longer a feature of the free edition of UpdraftPlus", 'updraftplus'), ' +'), 'warning', 'needpremiumforcrypt');
// UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_encryptionphrase', '');
8 years ago
return basename($file);
return $result;
} else {
return basename($file);
public function close() {
return ($this->dbhandle_isgz) ? gzclose($this->dbhandle) : fclose($this->dbhandle);
* Open a file, store its filehandle
* @param String $file Full path to the file to open
* @param Boolean $allow_gz Use gzopen() if available, instead of fopen()
* @return Resource - the opened file handle
8 years ago
public function backup_db_open($file, $allow_gz = true) {
if (function_exists('gzopen') && true == $allow_gz) {
8 years ago
$this->dbhandle = @gzopen($file, 'w');
$this->dbhandle_isgz = true;
} else {
$this->dbhandle = @fopen($file, 'w');
$this->dbhandle_isgz = false;
if (false === $this->dbhandle) {
8 years ago
global $updraftplus;
$updraftplus->log("ERROR: $file: Could not open the backup file for writing");
$updraftplus->log($file.": ".__("Could not open the backup file for writing", 'updraftplus'), 'error');
8 years ago
return $this->dbhandle;
* Adds a line to the database backup
* @param String $query_line - the line to log
* @return Integer|Boolean - the number of octets written, or false for a failure (as returned by gzwrite() / fwrite)
8 years ago
public function stow($query_line) {
if ($this->dbhandle_isgz) {
if (false == ($ret = @gzwrite($this->dbhandle, $query_line))) {
// $updraftplus->log(__('There was an error writing a line to the backup script:','wp-db-backup').' '.$query_line.' '.$php_errormsg, 'error');
8 years ago
} else {
if (false == ($ret = @fwrite($this->dbhandle, $query_line))) {
// $updraftplus->log(__('There was an error writing a line to the backup script:','wp-db-backup').' '.$query_line.' '.$php_errormsg, 'error');
8 years ago
return $ret;
private function backup_db_header() {
global $wp_version, $updraftplus;
8 years ago
$mysql_version = $this->wpdb_obj->db_version();
// (function_exists('mysql_get_server_info')) ? @mysql_get_server_info() : '?';
8 years ago
if ('wp' == $this->whichdb) {
$wp_upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$this->stow("# WordPress MySQL database backup\n");
$this->stow("# Created by UpdraftPlus version ".$updraftplus->version." (\n");
$this->stow("# WordPress Version: $wp_version, running on PHP ".phpversion()." (".$_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]."), MySQL $mysql_version\n");
$this->stow("# Backup of: ".untrailingslashit(site_url())."\n");
$this->stow("# Home URL: ".untrailingslashit(home_url())."\n");
$this->stow("# Content URL: ".untrailingslashit(content_url())."\n");
$this->stow("# Uploads URL: ".untrailingslashit($wp_upload_dir['baseurl'])."\n");
$this->stow("# Table prefix: ".$this->table_prefix_raw."\n");
$this->stow("# Filtered table prefix: ".$this->table_prefix."\n");
$this->stow("# Site info: multisite=".(is_multisite() ? '1' : '0')."\n");
$this->stow("# Site info: end\n");
} else {
$this->stow("# MySQL database backup (supplementary database ".$this->whichdb.")\n");
$this->stow("# Created by UpdraftPlus version ".$updraftplus->version." (\n");
$this->stow("# WordPress Version: $wp_version, running on PHP ".phpversion()." (".$_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]."), MySQL $mysql_version\n");
$this->stow("# ".sprintf('External database: (%s)', $this->dbinfo['user'].'@'.$this->dbinfo['host'].'/'.$this->dbinfo['name'])."\n");
$this->stow("# Backup created by: ".untrailingslashit(site_url())."\n");
$this->stow("# Table prefix: ".$this->table_prefix_raw."\n");
$this->stow("# Filtered table prefix: ".$this->table_prefix."\n");
$label = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('label');
if (!empty($label)) $this->stow("# Label: $label\n");
$this->stow("\n# Generated: ".date("l j. F Y H:i T")."\n");
8 years ago
$this->stow("# Hostname: ".$this->dbinfo['host']."\n");
$this->stow("# Database: ".$updraftplus->backquote($this->dbinfo['name'])."\n");
if (!empty($this->skipped_tables)) {
if ('wp' == $this->whichdb) {
$this->stow("# Skipped tables: " . $this->skipped_tables[$this->whichdb]."\n");
} elseif (isset($this->skipped_tables[$this->dbinfo['name']])) {
$this->stow("# Skipped tables: " . $this->skipped_tables[$this->dbinfo['name']]."\n");
8 years ago
$this->stow("# --------------------------------------------------------\n");
if (@constant("DB_CHARSET")) {
$this->stow("/*!40101 SET NAMES " . DB_CHARSET . " */;\n");
$this->stow("/*!40101 SET foreign_key_checks = 0 */;\n\n");
8 years ago
public function phpmailer_init($phpmailer) {
global $updraftplus;
if (empty($this->attachments) || !is_array($this->attachments)) return;
foreach ($this->attachments as $attach) {
$mime_type = (preg_match('/\.gz$/', $attach)) ? 'application/x-gzip' : 'text/plain';
try {
$phpmailer->AddAttachment($attach, '', 'base64', $mime_type);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$updraftplus->log("Exception occurred when adding attachment (".get_class($e)."): ".$e->getMessage());
* This function recursively packs the zip, dereferencing symlinks but packing into a single-parent tree for universal unpacking
* @param String $fullpath Full path
* @param String $use_path_when_storing Controls the path to use when storing in the zip file
* @param String $original_fullpath Original path
* @param Integer $startlevels How deep within the directory structure the recursive operation has gone
* @param Array $exclude passed by reference so that we can remove elements as they are matched - saves time checking against already-dealt-with objects]
* @return Boolean
8 years ago
private function makezip_recursive_add($fullpath, $use_path_when_storing, $original_fullpath, $startlevels = 1, &$exclude) {
// $zipfile = $this->zip_basename.(($this->index == 0) ? '' : ($this->index+1)).'.zip.tmp';
8 years ago
global $updraftplus;
// Only BinZip supports symlinks. This means that as a consistent outcome, the only think that can be done with directory symlinks is either a) potentially duplicate the data or b) skip it. Whilst with internal WP entities (e.g. plugins) we definitely want the data, in the case of user-selected directories, we assume the user knew what they were doing when they chose the directory - i.e. we can skip symlink-accessed data that's outside.
if (is_link($fullpath) && is_dir($fullpath) && 'more' == $this->whichone) {
$updraftplus->log("Directory symlink encounted in more files backup: $use_path_when_storing -> ".readlink($fullpath).": skipping");
return true;
// De-reference. Important to do to both, because on Windows only doing it to one can make them non-equal, where they were previously equal - something which we later rely upon
$fullpath = realpath($fullpath);
$original_fullpath = realpath($original_fullpath);
// Is the place we've ended up above the original base? That leads to infinite recursion
if (($fullpath !== $original_fullpath && strpos($original_fullpath, $fullpath) === 0) || ($original_fullpath == $fullpath && ((1== $startlevels && strpos($use_path_when_storing, '/') !== false) || (2 == $startlevels && substr_count($use_path_when_storing, '/') >1)))) {
$updraftplus->log("Infinite recursion: symlink led us to $fullpath, which is within $original_fullpath");
$updraftplus->log(__("Infinite recursion: consult your log for more information", 'updraftplus'), 'error');
8 years ago
return false;
// This is sufficient for the ones we have exclude options for - uploads, others, wpcore
8 years ago
$stripped_storage_path = (1 == $startlevels) ? $use_path_when_storing : substr($use_path_when_storing, strpos($use_path_when_storing, '/') + 1);
if (false !== ($fkey = array_search($stripped_storage_path, $exclude))) {
$updraftplus->log("Entity excluded by configuration option: $stripped_storage_path");
return true;
$if_altered_since = $this->makezip_if_altered_since;
if (is_file($fullpath)) {
if (!empty($this->excluded_extensions) && $this->is_entity_excluded_by_extension($fullpath)) {
$updraftplus->log("Entity excluded by configuration option (extension): ".basename($fullpath));
} elseif (!empty($this->excluded_prefixes) && $this->is_entity_excluded_by_prefix($fullpath)) {
$updraftplus->log("Entity excluded by configuration option (prefix): ".basename($fullpath));
} elseif (apply_filters('updraftplus_exclude_file', false, $fullpath)) {
$updraftplus->log("Entity excluded by filter: ".basename($fullpath));
8 years ago
} elseif (is_readable($fullpath)) {
$mtime = filemtime($fullpath);
$key = ($fullpath == $original_fullpath) ? ((2 == $startlevels) ? $use_path_when_storing : $this->basename($fullpath)) : $use_path_when_storing.'/'.$this->basename($fullpath);
if ($mtime > 0 && $mtime > $if_altered_since) {
$this->zipfiles_batched[$fullpath] = $key;
$this->makezip_recursive_batchedbytes += @filesize($fullpath);
// @touch($zipfile);
8 years ago
} else {
$this->zipfiles_skipped_notaltered[$fullpath] = $key;
} else {
$updraftplus->log("$fullpath: unreadable file");
$updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("%s: unreadable file - could not be backed up (check the file permissions and ownership)", 'updraftplus'), $fullpath), 'warning');
} elseif (is_dir($fullpath)) {
if ($fullpath == $this->updraft_dir_realpath) {
$updraftplus->log("Skip directory (UpdraftPlus backup directory): $use_path_when_storing");
return true;
if (apply_filters('updraftplus_exclude_directory', false, $fullpath)) {
$updraftplus->log("Skip filtered directory: $use_path_when_storing");
return true;
8 years ago
if (file_exists($fullpath.'/.donotbackup')) {
$updraftplus->log("Skip directory (.donotbackup file found): $use_path_when_storing");
return true;
if (!isset($this->existing_files[$use_path_when_storing])) $this->zipfiles_dirbatched[] = $use_path_when_storing;
if (!$dir_handle = @opendir($fullpath)) {
$updraftplus->log("Failed to open directory: $fullpath");
$updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("Failed to open directory (check the file permissions and ownership): %s", 'updraftplus'), $fullpath), 'error');
8 years ago
return false;
while (false !== ($e = readdir($dir_handle))) {
if ('.' == $e || '..' == $e) continue;
if (is_link($fullpath.'/'.$e)) {
$deref = realpath($fullpath.'/'.$e);
if (is_file($deref)) {
if (is_readable($deref)) {
$use_stripped = $stripped_storage_path.'/'.$e;
if (false !== ($fkey = array_search($use_stripped, $exclude))) {
$updraftplus->log("Entity excluded by configuration option: $use_stripped");
} elseif (!empty($this->excluded_extensions) && $this->is_entity_excluded_by_extension($e)) {
$updraftplus->log("Entity excluded by configuration option (extension): $use_stripped");
} elseif (!empty($this->excluded_prefixes) && $this->is_entity_excluded_by_prefix($e)) {
$updraftplus->log("Entity excluded by configuration option (prefix): $use_stripped");
} elseif (apply_filters('updraftplus_exclude_file', false, $deref)) {
$updraftplus->log("Entity excluded by filter: $use_stripped");
8 years ago
} else {
$mtime = filemtime($deref);
if ($mtime > 0 && $mtime > $if_altered_since) {
$this->zipfiles_batched[$deref] = $use_path_when_storing.'/'.$e;
$this->makezip_recursive_batchedbytes += @filesize($deref);
// @touch($zipfile);
8 years ago
} else {
$this->zipfiles_skipped_notaltered[$deref] = $use_path_when_storing.'/'.$e;
} else {
$updraftplus->log("$deref: unreadable file");
$updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("%s: unreadable file - could not be backed up"), $deref), 'warning');
} elseif (is_dir($deref)) {
// $link_target = readlink($deref);
// $updraftplus->log("Symbolic link $use_path_when_storing/$e -> $link_target");
8 years ago
$this->makezip_recursive_add($deref, $use_path_when_storing.'/'.$e, $original_fullpath, $startlevels, $exclude);
} elseif (is_file($fullpath.'/'.$e)) {
if (is_readable($fullpath.'/'.$e)) {
$use_stripped = $stripped_storage_path.'/'.$e;
if (false !== ($fkey = array_search($use_stripped, $exclude))) {
$updraftplus->log("Entity excluded by configuration option: $use_stripped");
} elseif (!empty($this->excluded_extensions) && $this->is_entity_excluded_by_extension($e)) {
$updraftplus->log("Entity excluded by configuration option (extension): $use_stripped");
} elseif (!empty($this->excluded_prefixes) && $this->is_entity_excluded_by_prefix($e)) {
$updraftplus->log("Entity excluded by configuration option (prefix): $use_stripped");
} elseif (apply_filters('updraftplus_exclude_file', false, $fullpath.'/'.$e)) {
$updraftplus->log("Entity excluded by filter: $use_stripped");
8 years ago
} else {
$mtime = filemtime($fullpath.'/'.$e);
if ($mtime > 0 && $mtime > $if_altered_since) {
$this->zipfiles_batched[$fullpath.'/'.$e] = $use_path_when_storing.'/'.$e;
$this->makezip_recursive_batchedbytes += @filesize($fullpath.'/'.$e);
} else {
$this->zipfiles_skipped_notaltered[$fullpath.'/'.$e] = $use_path_when_storing.'/'.$e;
} else {
$updraftplus->log("$fullpath/$e: unreadable file");
$updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("%s: unreadable file - could not be backed up", 'updraftplus'), $use_path_when_storing.'/'.$e), 'warning', "unrfile-$e");
} elseif (is_dir($fullpath.'/'.$e)) {
if ('wpcore' == $this->whichone && 'updraft' == $e && basename($use_path_when_storing) == 'wp-content' && (!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_WPCORE_INCLUDE_UPDRAFT_DIRS') || !UPDRAFTPLUS_WPCORE_INCLUDE_UPDRAFT_DIRS)) {
// This test, of course, won't catch everything - it just aims to make things better by default
$updraftplus->log("Directory excluded for looking like a sub-site's internal UpdraftPlus directory (enable by defining UPDRAFTPLUS_WPCORE_INCLUDE_UPDRAFT_DIRS): ".$use_path_when_storing.'/'.$e);
} else {
// no need to add_empty_dir here, as it gets done when we recurse
8 years ago
$this->makezip_recursive_add($fullpath.'/'.$e, $use_path_when_storing.'/'.$e, $original_fullpath, $startlevels, $exclude);
} else {
$updraftplus->log("Unexpected: path ($use_path_when_storing) fails both is_file() and is_dir()");
return true;
private function get_excluded_extensions($exclude) {
if (!is_array($exclude)) $exclude = array();
$exclude_extensions = array();
foreach ($exclude as $ex) {
if (preg_match('/^ext:(.+)$/i', $ex, $matches)) {
$exclude_extensions[] = strtolower($matches[1]);
$exclude_from_define = explode(',', UPDRAFTPLUS_EXCLUDE_EXTENSIONS);
foreach ($exclude_from_define as $ex) {
$exclude_extensions[] = strtolower(trim($ex));
return $exclude_extensions;
private function get_excluded_prefixes($exclude) {
if (!is_array($exclude)) $exclude = array();
$exclude_prefixes = array();
foreach ($exclude as $pref) {
if (preg_match('/^prefix:(.+)$/i', $pref, $matches)) {
$exclude_prefixes[] = strtolower($matches[1]);
return $exclude_prefixes;
private function is_entity_excluded_by_extension($entity) {
foreach ($this->excluded_extensions as $ext) {
if (!$ext) continue;
$eln = strlen($ext);
if (strtolower(substr($entity, -$eln, $eln)) == $ext) return true;
return false;
private function is_entity_excluded_by_prefix($entity) {
$entity = basename($entity);
foreach ($this->excluded_prefixes as $pref) {
if (!$pref) continue;
$eln = strlen($pref);
if (strtolower(substr($entity, 0, $eln)) == $pref) return true;
return false;
private function unserialize_gz_cache_file($file) {
if (!$whandle = gzopen($file, 'r')) return false;
global $updraftplus;
$emptimes = 0;
$var = '';
while (!gzeof($whandle)) {
$bytes = @gzread($whandle, 1048576);
if (empty($bytes)) {
$updraftplus->log("Got empty gzread ($emptimes times)");
if ($emptimes>2) return false;
} else {
$var .= $bytes;
return unserialize($var);
* Make Zip File. $destination is the temporary file (ending in .tmp)
* @param Array|String $source Caution: $source is allowed to be an array, not just a filename
* @param String $backup_file_basename Name of backup file
* @param String $whichone Backup entity type (e.g. 'plugins')
* @param Boolean $retry_on_error Set to retry upon error
* @return Boolean
8 years ago
private function make_zipfile($source, $backup_file_basename, $whichone, $retry_on_error = true) {
global $updraftplus;
$original_index = $this->index;
$itext = (empty($this->index)) ? '' : ($this->index+1);
$destination_base = $backup_file_basename.'-'.$whichone.$itext.'.zip.tmp';
$destination = $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$destination_base;
// Legacy/redundant
// if (empty($whichone) && is_string($whichone)) $whichone = basename($source);
8 years ago
// When to prefer PCL:
// - We were asked to
// - No zip extension present and no relevant method present
// The zip extension check is not redundant, because method_exists segfaults some PHP installs, leading to support requests
// We need meta-info about $whichone
$backupable_entities = $updraftplus->get_backupable_file_entities(true, false);
// This is only used by one corner-case in BinZip
// $this->make_zipfile_source = (isset($backupable_entities[$whichone])) ? $backupable_entities[$whichone] : $source;
8 years ago
$this->make_zipfile_source = (is_array($source) && isset($backupable_entities[$whichone])) ? (('uploads' == $whichone) ? dirname($backupable_entities[$whichone]) : $backupable_entities[$whichone]) : dirname($source);
$this->existing_files = array();
// Used for tracking compression ratios
8 years ago
$this->existing_files_rawsize = 0;
$this->existing_zipfiles_size = 0;
// Enumerate existing files
// Usually first_linked_index is zero; the exception being with more files, where previous zips' contents are irrelevant
for ($j=$this->first_linked_index; $j<=$this->index; $j++) {
$jtext = (0 == $j) ? '' : ($j+1);
// This is, in a non-obvious way, compatible with filenames which indicate increments
// $j does not need to start at zero; it should start at the index which the current entity split at. However, this is not directly known, and can only be deduced from examining the filenames. And, for other indexes from before the current increment, the searched-for filename won't exist (even if there is no cloud storage). So, this indirectly results in the desired outcome when we start from $j=0.
8 years ago
$examine_zip = $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$backup_file_basename.'-'.$whichone.$jtext.'.zip'.(($j == $this->index) ? '.tmp' : '');
// This comes from - where it appears that the jobdata's record of the split was done (i.e. database write), but the *earlier* rename of the .tmp file was not done (i.e. I/O lost). i.e. In theory, this should be impossible; but, the sychnronicity apparently cannot be fully relied upon in some setups. The check for the index being one behind is being conservative - there's no inherent reason why it couldn't be done for other indexes.
// Note that in this 'impossible' case, no backup data was being lost - the design still ensures that the on-disk backup is fine. The problem was a gap in the sequence numbering of the zip files, leading to user confusion.
// Other examples of this appear to be in HS#1001 and #1047
if ($j != $this->index && !file_exists($examine_zip)) {
$alt_examine_zip = $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$backup_file_basename.'-'.$whichone.$jtext.'.zip'.(($j == $this->index - 1) ? '.tmp' : '');
if ($alt_examine_zip != $examine_zip && file_exists($alt_examine_zip) && is_readable($alt_examine_zip) && filesize($alt_examine_zip)>0) {
$updraftplus->log("Looked-for zip file not found; but non-zero .tmp zip was, despite not being current index ($j != ".$this->index." - renaming zip (assume previous resumption's IO was lost before kill)");
if (rename($alt_examine_zip, $examine_zip)) {
} else {
$updraftplus->log("Rename failed - backup zips likely to not have sequential numbers (does not affect backup integrity, but can cause user confusion)");
// If the file exists, then we should grab its index of files inside, and sizes
// Then, when we come to write a file, we should check if it's already there, and only add if it is not
if (file_exists($examine_zip) && is_readable($examine_zip) && filesize($examine_zip)>0) {
$this->existing_zipfiles_size += filesize($examine_zip);
$zip = new $this->use_zip_object;
if (true !== $zip->open($examine_zip)) {
8 years ago
$updraftplus->log("Could not open zip file to examine (".$zip->last_error."); will remove: ".basename($examine_zip));
} else {
// Don't put this in the for loop, or the magic __get() method gets called and opens the zip file every time the loop goes round
8 years ago
$numfiles = $zip->numFiles;
for ($i=0; $i < $numfiles; $i++) {
$si = $zip->statIndex($i);
$name = $si['name'];
$this->existing_files[$name] = $si['size'];
$this->existing_files_rawsize += $si['size'];
$updraftplus->log(basename($examine_zip).": Zip file already exists, with ".count($this->existing_files)." files");
// try_split is set if there have been no check-ins recently - or if it needs to be split anyway
8 years ago
if ($j == $this->index) {
if (isset($this->try_split)) {
if (filesize($examine_zip) > 50*1048576) {
// We could, as a future enhancement, save this back to the job data, if we see a case that needs it
8 years ago
$this->zip_split_every = max(
(int) $this->zip_split_every/2,
8 years ago
min(filesize($examine_zip)-1048576, $this->zip_split_every)
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('split_every', (int) ($this->zip_split_every/1048576));
8 years ago
$updraftplus->log("No check-in on last two runs; bumping index and reducing zip split to: ".round($this->zip_split_every/1048576, 1)." MB");
$do_bump_index = true;
} elseif (filesize($examine_zip) > $this->zip_split_every) {
$updraftplus->log(sprintf("Zip size is at/near split limit (%s MB / %s MB) - bumping index (from: %d)", filesize($examine_zip), round($this->zip_split_every/1048576, 1), $this->index));
$do_bump_index = true;
} elseif (file_exists($examine_zip)) {
$updraftplus->log("Zip file already exists, but is not readable or was zero-sized; will remove: ".basename($examine_zip));
$this->zip_last_ratio = ($this->existing_files_rawsize > 0) ? ($this->existing_zipfiles_size/$this->existing_files_rawsize) : 1;
$this->zipfiles_added = 0;
$this->zipfiles_added_thisrun = 0;
$this->zipfiles_dirbatched = array();
$this->zipfiles_batched = array();
$this->zipfiles_skipped_notaltered = array();
$this->zipfiles_lastwritetime = time();
$this->zip_basename = $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$backup_file_basename.'-'.$whichone;
if (!empty($do_bump_index)) $this->bump_index();
$error_occurred = false;
// Store this in its original form
8 years ago
$this->source = $source;
// Reset. This counter is used only with PcLZip, to decide if it's better to do it all-in-one
8 years ago
$this->makezip_recursive_batchedbytes = 0;
if (!is_array($source)) $source=array($source);
$exclude = $updraftplus->get_exclude($whichone);
$files_enumerated_at = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('files_enumerated_at');
if (!is_array($files_enumerated_at)) $files_enumerated_at = array();
$files_enumerated_at[$whichone] = time();
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('files_enumerated_at', $files_enumerated_at);
$this->makezip_if_altered_since = (is_array($this->altered_since)) ? (isset($this->altered_since[$whichone]) ? $this->altered_since[$whichone] : -1) : -1;
// Reset
$got_uploads_from_cache = false;
// Uploads: can/should we get it back from the cache?
// || 'others' == $whichone
if (('uploads' == $whichone || 'others' == $whichone) && function_exists('gzopen') && function_exists('gzread')) {
$use_cache_files = false;
$cache_file_base = $this->zip_basename.'-cachelist-'.$this->makezip_if_altered_since;
// Cache file suffixes: -zfd.gz.tmp, -zfb.gz.tmp, -info.tmp, (possible)-zfs.gz.tmp
if (file_exists($cache_file_base.'-zfd.gz.tmp') && file_exists($cache_file_base.'-zfb.gz.tmp') && file_exists($cache_file_base.'-info.tmp')) {
// Cache files exist; shall we use them?
$mtime = filemtime($cache_file_base.'-zfd.gz.tmp');
// Require < 30 minutes old
if (time() - $mtime < 1800) {
$use_cache_files = true;
8 years ago
$any_failures = false;
if ($use_cache_files) {
$var = $this->unserialize_gz_cache_file($cache_file_base.'-zfd.gz.tmp');
if (is_array($var)) {
$this->zipfiles_dirbatched = $var;
$var = $this->unserialize_gz_cache_file($cache_file_base.'-zfb.gz.tmp');
if (is_array($var)) {
$this->zipfiles_batched = $var;
if (file_exists($cache_file_base.'-info.tmp')) {
$var = maybe_unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_file_base.'-info.tmp'));
if (is_array($var) && isset($var['makezip_recursive_batchedbytes'])) {
$this->makezip_recursive_batchedbytes = $var['makezip_recursive_batchedbytes'];
if (file_exists($cache_file_base.'-zfs.gz.tmp')) {
8 years ago
$var = $this->unserialize_gz_cache_file($cache_file_base.'-zfs.gz.tmp');
if (is_array($var)) {
$this->zipfiles_skipped_notaltered = $var;
} else {
$any_failures = true;
} else {
$this->zipfiles_skipped_notaltered = array();
} else {
$any_failures = true;
} else {
$any_failures = true;
} else {
$any_failures = true;
if ($any_failures) {
$updraftplus->log("Failed to recover file lists from existing cache files");
// Reset it all
$this->zipfiles_skipped_notaltered = array();
$this->makezip_recursive_batchedbytes = 0;
$this->zipfiles_batched = array();
$this->zipfiles_dirbatched = array();
} else {
$updraftplus->log("File lists recovered from cache files; sizes: ".count($this->zipfiles_batched).", ".count($this->zipfiles_batched).", ".count($this->zipfiles_skipped_notaltered).")");
$got_uploads_from_cache = true;
$time_counting_began = time();
$this->excluded_extensions = $this->get_excluded_extensions($exclude);
$this->excluded_prefixes = $this->get_excluded_prefixes($exclude);
foreach ($source as $element) {
// makezip_recursive_add($fullpath, $use_path_when_storing, $original_fullpath, $startlevels = 1, $exclude_array)
8 years ago
if ('uploads' == $whichone) {
if (empty($got_uploads_from_cache)) {
$dirname = dirname($element);
$basename = $this->basename($element);
$add_them = $this->makezip_recursive_add($element, basename($dirname).'/'.$basename, $element, 2, $exclude);
} else {
$add_them = true;
} else {
if (empty($got_uploads_from_cache)) {
$add_them = $this->makezip_recursive_add($element, $this->basename($element), $element, 1, $exclude);
} else {
$add_them = true;
if (is_wp_error($add_them) || false === $add_them) $error_occurred = true;
$time_counting_ended = time();
// Cache the file scan, if it looks like it'll be useful
// We use gzip to reduce the size as on hosts which limit disk I/O, the cacheing may make things worse
// || 'others' == $whichone
if (('uploads' == $whichone || 'others' == $whichone) && !$error_occurred && function_exists('gzopen') && function_exists('gzwrite')) {
8 years ago
$cache_file_base = $this->zip_basename.'-cachelist-'.$this->makezip_if_altered_since;
// Just approximate - we're trying to avoid an otherwise-unpredictable PHP fatal error. Cacheing only happens if file enumeration took a long time - so presumably there are very many.
$memory_needed_estimate = 0;
foreach ($this->zipfiles_batched as $k => $v) {
$memory_needed_estimate += strlen($k)+strlen($v)+12;
8 years ago
// We haven't bothered to check if we just fetched the files from cache, as that shouldn't take a long time and so shouldn't trigger this
// Let us suppose we need 15% overhead for gzipping
$memory_limit = ini_get('memory_limit');
$memory_usage = round(@memory_get_usage(false)/1048576, 1);
$memory_usage2 = round(@memory_get_usage(true)/1048576, 1);
if ($time_counting_ended-$time_counting_began > 20 && $updraftplus->verify_free_memory($memory_needed_estimate*0.15) && $whandle = gzopen($cache_file_base.'-zfb.gz.tmp', 'w')) {
$updraftplus->log("File counting took a long time (".($time_counting_ended - $time_counting_began)."s); will attempt to cache results (memory_limit: $memory_limit (used: ${memory_usage}M | ${memory_usage2}M), estimated uncompressed bytes: ".round($memory_needed_estimate/1024, 1)." Kb)");
$buf = 'a:'.count($this->zipfiles_batched).':{';
foreach ($this->zipfiles_batched as $file => $add_as) {
$k = addslashes($file);
$v = addslashes($add_as);
$buf .= 's:'.strlen($k).':"'.$k.'";s:'.strlen($v).':"'.$v.'";';
if (strlen($buf) > 1048576) {
gzwrite($whandle, $buf, strlen($buf));
$buf = '';
$buf .= '}';
$final = gzwrite($whandle, $buf);
// $serialised = serialize($this->zipfiles_batched);
// $updraftplus->log("Actual uncompressed bytes: ".round(strlen($serialised)/1024, 1)." Kb");
// if (!gzwrite($whandle, $serialised)) {
8 years ago
if (!$final) {
} else {
if (!empty($this->zipfiles_skipped_notaltered)) {
if ($shandle = gzopen($cache_file_base.'-zfs.gz.tmp', 'w')) {
if (!gzwrite($shandle, serialize($this->zipfiles_skipped_notaltered))) {
$aborted_on_skipped = true;
} else {
$aborted_on_skipped = true;
if (!empty($aborted_on_skipped)) {
} else {
$info_array = array('makezip_recursive_batchedbytes' => $this->makezip_recursive_batchedbytes);
if (!file_put_contents($cache_file_base.'-info.tmp', serialize($info_array))) {
if ($dhandle = gzopen($cache_file_base.'-zfd.gz.tmp', 'w')) {
if (!gzwrite($dhandle, serialize($this->zipfiles_dirbatched))) {
$aborted_on_dirbatched = true;
} else {
$aborted_on_dirbatched = true;
if (!empty($aborted_on_dirbatched)) {
// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
8 years ago
} else {
// Success.
Class variables that get altered:
Class variables that the result depends upon (other than the state of the filesystem):
// Any not yet dispatched? Under our present scheme, at this point nothing has yet been despatched. And since the enumerating of all files can take a while, we can at this point do a further modification check to reduce the chance of overlaps.
// This relies on us *not* touch()ing the zip file to indicate to any resumption 'behind us' that we're already here. Rather, we're relying on the combined facts that a) if it takes us a while to search the directory tree, then it should do for the one behind us too (though they'll have the benefit of cache, so could catch very fast) and b) we touch *immediately* after finishing the enumeration of the files to add.
// $retry_on_error is here being used as a proxy for 'not the second time around, when there might be the remains of the file on the first time around'
if ($retry_on_error) $updraftplus->check_recent_modification($destination);
// Here we're relying on the fact that both PclZip and ZipArchive will happily operate on an empty file. Note that BinZip *won't* (for that, may need a new strategy - e.g. add the very first file on its own, in order to 'lay down a marker')
if (empty($do_bump_index)) @touch($destination);
if (count($this->zipfiles_dirbatched) > 0 || count($this->zipfiles_batched) > 0) {
$updraftplus->log(sprintf("Total entities for the zip file: %d directories, %d files (%d skipped as non-modified), %s MB", count($this->zipfiles_dirbatched), count($this->zipfiles_batched), count($this->zipfiles_skipped_notaltered), round($this->makezip_recursive_batchedbytes/1048576, 1)));
8 years ago
// No need to warn if we're going to retry anyway. (And if we get killed, the zip will be rescanned for its contents upon resumption).
$warn_on_failures = ($retry_on_error) ? false : true;
$add_them = $this->makezip_addfiles($warn_on_failures);
if (is_wp_error($add_them)) {
foreach ($add_them->get_error_messages() as $msg) {
$updraftplus->log("Error returned from makezip_addfiles: ".$msg);
$error_occurred = true;
} elseif (false === $add_them) {
$updraftplus->log("Error: makezip_addfiles returned false");
$error_occurred = true;
// Reset these variables because the index may have changed since we began
$itext = (empty($this->index)) ? '' : ($this->index+1);
$destination_base = $backup_file_basename.'-'.$whichone.$itext.'.zip.tmp';
$destination = $this->updraft_dir.'/'.$destination_base;
// ZipArchive::addFile sometimes fails - there's nothing when we expected something.
// Did not used to have || $error_occured here. But it is better to retry, than to simply warn the user to check his logs.
if (((file_exists($destination) || $this->index == $original_index) && @filesize($destination) < 90 && 'UpdraftPlus_ZipArchive' == $this->use_zip_object) || ($error_occurred && $retry_on_error)) {
// This can be made more sophisticated if feedback justifies it. Currently we just switch to PclZip. But, it may have been a BinZip failure, so we could then try ZipArchive if that is available. If doing that, make sure that an infinite recursion isn't made possible.
$updraftplus->log("makezip_addfiles(".$this->use_zip_object.") apparently failed (file=".basename($destination).", type=$whichone, size=".filesize($destination).") - retrying with PclZip");
$saved_zip_object = $this->use_zip_object;
$this->use_zip_object = 'UpdraftPlus_PclZip';
$ret = $this->make_zipfile($source, $backup_file_basename, $whichone, false);
$this->use_zip_object = $saved_zip_object;
return $ret;
// zipfiles_added > 0 means that $zip->close() has been called. i.e. An attempt was made to add something: something _should_ be there.
// Why return true even if $error_occurred may be set? 1) Because in that case, a warning has already been logged. 2) Because returning false causes an error to be logged, which means it'll all be retried again. Also 3) this has been the pattern of the code for a long time, and the algorithm has been proven in the real-world: don't change what's not broken.
// (file_exists($destination) || $this->index == $original_index) might be an alternative to $this->zipfiles_added > 0 - ? But, don't change what's not broken.
if (false == $error_occurred || $this->zipfiles_added > 0) {
8 years ago
return true;
} else {
$updraftplus->log("makezip failure: zipfiles_added=".$this->zipfiles_added.", error_occurred=".$error_occurred." (method=".$this->use_zip_object.")");
return false;
private function basename($element) {
// This function is an ugly, conservative workaround for It does not aim to always work-around, but to ensure that nothing is made worse.
8 years ago
$dirname = dirname($element);
$basename_manual = preg_replace('#^[\\/]+#', '', substr($element, strlen($dirname)));
$basename = basename($element);
if ($basename_manual != $basename) {
$locale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "0");
if ('C' == $locale) {
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'en_US.UTF8');
$basename_new = basename($element);
if ($basename_new == $basename_manual) $basename = $basename_new;
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $locale);
return $basename;
private function file_should_be_stored_without_compression($file) {
if (!is_array($this->extensions_to_not_compress)) return false;
foreach ($this->extensions_to_not_compress as $ext) {
$ext_len = strlen($ext);
if (strtolower(substr($file, -$ext_len, $ext_len)) == $ext) return true;
return false;
* This method will add a manifest file to the backup zip
* @param String $whichone - the type of backup (e.g. 'plugins', 'themes')
* @return Boolean - success/failure status
private function updraftplus_include_manifest($whichone) {
global $updraftplus;
if ('incremental' != $updraftplus->jobdata_get('job_type')) return;
$manifest_name = "updraftplus-manifest.json";
$manifest = trailingslashit($this->updraft_dir).$manifest_name;
$updraftplus->log(sprintf("Creating file manifest ($manifest_name) for incremental backup (included: %d, skipped: %d)", count($this->zipfiles_batched), count($this->zipfiles_skipped_notaltered)));
if (false === ($handle = fopen($manifest, 'w+'))) return $updraftplus->log("Failed to open manifest file ($manifest_name)");
$this->manifest_path = $manifest;
$version = 1;
$go_to_levels = array(
'plugins' => 2,
'themes' => 2,
'uploads' => 3,
'others' => 3
$go_to_levels = apply_filters('updraftplus_manifest_go_to_level', $go_to_levels, $whichone);
$go_to_level = isset($go_to_levels[$whichone]) ? $go_to_levels[$whichone] : 'all';
if (false === fwrite($handle, '{"version":'.$version.',"type":"'.$whichone.'","listed_levels":"'.$go_to_level.'","contents":{"directories":[')) $updraftplus->log("First write to manifest file failed ($manifest_name)");
// First loop: find out which is the last entry, so that we don't write the comma after it
$last_file_index = false;
foreach ($this->zipfiles_dirbatched as $index => $dir) {
if ('all' !== $go_to_level && substr_count($dir, '/') > $go_to_level - 1) continue;
$last_file_index = $index;
// Second loop: write out the entry
foreach ($this->zipfiles_dirbatched as $index => $dir) {
if ('all' !== $go_to_level && substr_count($dir, '/') > $go_to_level - 1) continue;
fwrite($handle, json_encode($dir).(($index != $last_file_index) ? ',' : ''));
// Now do the same for files
fwrite($handle, '],"files":[');
$last_file_index = false;
foreach ($this->zipfiles_batched as $index => $dir) {
if ('all' !== $go_to_level && substr_count($dir, '/') > $go_to_level - 1) continue;
$last_file_index = $index;
foreach ($this->zipfiles_batched as $index => $dir) {
if ('all' !== $go_to_level && substr_count($dir, '/') > $go_to_level - 1) continue;
fwrite($handle, json_encode($dir).(($index != $last_file_index) ? ',' : ''));
$last_file_index = false;
foreach ($this->zipfiles_skipped_notaltered as $index => $dir) {
if ('all' !== $go_to_level && substr_count($dir, '/') > $go_to_level - 1) continue;
$last_file_index = $index;
foreach ($this->zipfiles_skipped_notaltered as $index => $dir) {
if ('all' !== $go_to_level && substr_count($dir, '/') > $go_to_level - 1) continue;
fwrite($handle, json_encode($dir).(($index != $last_file_index) ? ',' : ''));
fwrite($handle, ']}}');
$this->zipfiles_batched[$manifest] = $manifest_name;
$updraftplus->log("Successfully created file manifest (size: ".filesize($manifest).")");
return true;
8 years ago
// Q. Why don't we only open and close the zip file just once?
// A. Because apparently PHP doesn't write out until the final close, and it will return an error if anything file has vanished in the meantime. So going directory-by-directory reduces our chances of hitting an error if the filesystem is changing underneath us (which is very possible if dealing with e.g. 1GB of files)
* We batch up the files, rather than do them one at a time. So we are more efficient than open,one-write,close.
* To call into here, the array $this->zipfiles_batched must be populated (keys=paths, values=add-to-zip-as values). It gets reset upon exit from here.
* @param Boolean $warn_on_failures See if it warns on faliures or not
* @return Boolean|WP_Error
8 years ago
private function makezip_addfiles($warn_on_failures) {
global $updraftplus;
// Used to detect requests to bump the size
8 years ago
$bump_index = false;
$ret = true;
$zipfile = $this->zip_basename.((0 == $this->index) ? '' : ($this->index+1)).'.zip.tmp';
8 years ago
$maxzipbatch = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('maxzipbatch', 26214400);
if ((int) $maxzipbatch < 1024) $maxzipbatch = 26214400;
8 years ago
// Short-circuit the null case, because we want to detect later if something useful happenned
if (count($this->zipfiles_dirbatched) == 0 && count($this->zipfiles_batched) == 0) return true;
// If on PclZip, then if possible short-circuit to a quicker method (makes a huge time difference - on a folder of 1500 small files, 2.6s instead of 76.6)
// This assumes that makezip_addfiles() is only called once so that we know about all needed files (the new style)
// This is rather conservative - because it assumes zero compression. But we can't know that in advance.
8 years ago
$force_allinone = false;
if (0 == $this->index && $this->makezip_recursive_batchedbytes < $this->zip_split_every) {
// So far, we only have a processor for this for PclZip; but that check can be removed - need to address the below items
// TODO: Is this really what we want? Always go all-in-one for < 500MB???? Should be more conservative? Or, is it always faster to go all-in-one? What about situations where we might want to auto-split because of slowness - check that that is still working.
// TODO: Test this new method for PclZip - are we still getting the performance gains? Test for ZipArchive too.
8 years ago
if ('UpdraftPlus_PclZip' == $this->use_zip_object && ($this->makezip_recursive_batchedbytes < 512*1048576 || (defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_PCLZIP_FORCEALLINONE') && UPDRAFTPLUS_PCLZIP_FORCEALLINONE == true && 'UpdraftPlus_PclZip' == $this->use_zip_object))) {
$updraftplus->log("Only one archive required (".$this->use_zip_object.") - will attempt to do in single operation (data: ".round($this->makezip_recursive_batchedbytes/1024, 1)." KB, split: ".round($this->zip_split_every/1024, 1)." KB)");
// $updraftplus->log("PclZip, and only one archive required - will attempt to do in single operation (data: ".round($this->makezip_recursive_batchedbytes/1024, 1)." KB, split: ".round($this->zip_split_every/1024, 1)." KB)");
8 years ago
$force_allinone = true;
// if(!class_exists('PclZip')) require_once(ABSPATH.'/wp-admin/includes/class-pclzip.php');
// $zip = new PclZip($zipfile);
// $remove_path = ($this->whichone == 'wpcore') ? untrailingslashit(ABSPATH) : WP_CONTENT_DIR;
// $add_path = false;
// Remove prefixes
// $backupable_entities = $updraftplus->get_backupable_file_entities(true);
// if (isset($backupable_entities[$this->whichone])) {
// if ('plugins' == $this->whichone || 'themes' == $this->whichone || 'uploads' == $this->whichone) {
// $remove_path = dirname($backupable_entities[$this->whichone]);
// To normalise instead of removing (which binzip doesn't support, so we don't do it), you'd remove the dirname() in the above line, and uncomment the below one.
// #$add_path = $this->whichone;
// } else {
// $remove_path = $backupable_entities[$this->whichone];
// }
// }
// if ($add_path) {
// $zipcode = $zip->create($this->source, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $remove_path, PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, $add_path);
// } else {
// $zipcode = $zip->create($this->source, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $remove_path);
// }
// if ($zipcode == 0) {
// $updraftplus->log("PclZip Error: ".$zip->errorInfo(true), 'warning');
// return $zip->errorCode();
// } else {
// $updraftplus->something_useful_happened();
// return true;
// }
8 years ago
// 05-Mar-2013 - added a new check on the total data added; it appears that things fall over if too much data is contained in the cumulative total of files that were addFile'd without a close-open cycle; presumably data is being stored in memory. In the case in question, it was a batch of MP3 files of around 100MB each - 25 of those equals 2.5GB!
$data_added_since_reopen = 0;
// The following array is used only for error reporting if ZipArchive::close fails (since that method itself reports no error messages - we have to track manually what we were attempting to add)
8 years ago
$files_zipadded_since_open = array();
$zip = new $this->use_zip_object;
if (file_exists($zipfile)) {
$opencode = $zip->open($zipfile);
$original_size = filesize($zipfile);
} else {
$create_code = (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.12', '>') && defined('ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE')) ? ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE : 1;
$opencode = $zip->open($zipfile, $create_code);
$original_size = 0;
if (true !== $opencode) return new WP_Error('no_open', sprintf(__('Failed to open the zip file (%s) - %s', 'updraftplus'), $zipfile, $zip->last_error));
if (apply_filters('updraftplus_include_manifest', false, $this->whichone, $this)) {
8 years ago
// Make sure all directories are created before we start creating files
while ($dir = array_pop($this->zipfiles_dirbatched)) {
8 years ago
$zipfiles_added_thisbatch = 0;
// Go through all those batched files
foreach ($this->zipfiles_batched as $file => $add_as) {
if (!file_exists($file)) {
$updraftplus->log("File has vanished from underneath us; dropping: ".$add_as);
$fsize = filesize($file);
$updraftplus->log("File is larger than the user-configured (UPDRAFTPLUS_SKIP_FILE_OVER_SIZE) maximum (is: ".round($fsize/1024, 1)." KB); will skip: ".$add_as);
} elseif ($fsize > UPDRAFTPLUS_WARN_FILE_SIZE) {
$updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('A very large file was encountered: %s (size: %s Mb)', 'updraftplus'), $add_as, round($fsize/1048576, 1)), 'warning', 'vlargefile_'.md5($this->whichone.'#'.$add_as));
// Skips files that are already added
if (!isset($this->existing_files[$add_as]) || $this->existing_files[$add_as] != $fsize) {
$zip->addFile($file, $add_as);
if (method_exists($zip, 'setCompressionName') && $this->file_should_be_stored_without_compression($add_as)) {
if (false == ($set_compress = $zip->setCompressionName($add_as, ZipArchive::CM_STORE))) {
$updraftplus->log("Zip: setCompressionName failed on: $add_as");
// N.B., Since makezip_addfiles() can get called more than once if there were errors detected, potentially $zipfiles_added_thisrun can exceed the total number of batched files (if they get processed twice).
$files_zipadded_since_open[] = array('file' => $file, 'addas' => $add_as);
$data_added_since_reopen += $fsize;
/* Conditions for forcing a write-out and re-open:
- more than $maxzipbatch bytes have been batched
- more than 2.0 seconds have passed since the last time we wrote
- that adding this batch of data is likely already enough to take us over the split limit (and if that happens, then do actually split - to prevent a scenario of progressively tinier writes as we approach but don't actually reach the limit)
- more than 500 files batched (should perhaps intelligently lower this as the zip file gets bigger - not yet needed)
// Add 10% margin. It only really matters when the OS has a file size limit, exceeding which causes failure (e.g. 2GB on 32-bit)
// Since we don't test before the file has been created (so that zip_last_ratio has meaningful data), we rely on max_zip_batch being less than zip_split_every - which should always be the case
$reaching_split_limit = ($this->zip_last_ratio > 0 && $original_size>0 && ($original_size + 1.1*$data_added_since_reopen*$this->zip_last_ratio) > $this->zip_split_every) ? true : false;
8 years ago
if (!$force_allinone && ($zipfiles_added_thisbatch > UPDRAFTPLUS_MAXBATCHFILES || $reaching_split_limit || $data_added_since_reopen > $maxzipbatch || (time() - $this->zipfiles_lastwritetime) > 2)) {
$something_useful_sizetest = false;
if ($data_added_since_reopen > $maxzipbatch) {
$something_useful_sizetest = true;
$updraftplus->log("Adding batch to zip file (".$this->use_zip_object."): over ".round($maxzipbatch/1048576, 1)." MB added on this batch (".round($data_added_since_reopen/1048576, 1)." MB, ".count($this->zipfiles_batched)." files batched, $zipfiles_added_thisbatch (".$this->zipfiles_added_thisrun.") added so far); re-opening (prior size: ".round($original_size/1024, 1).' KB)');
8 years ago
} elseif ($zipfiles_added_thisbatch > UPDRAFTPLUS_MAXBATCHFILES) {
$updraftplus->log("Adding batch to zip file (".$this->use_zip_object."): over ".UPDRAFTPLUS_MAXBATCHFILES." files added on this batch (".round($data_added_since_reopen/1048576, 1)." MB, ".count($this->zipfiles_batched)." files batched, $zipfiles_added_thisbatch (".$this->zipfiles_added_thisrun.") added so far); re-opening (prior size: ".round($original_size/1024, 1).' KB)');
8 years ago
} elseif (!$reaching_split_limit) {
$updraftplus->log("Adding batch to zip file (".$this->use_zip_object."): over 2.0 seconds have passed since the last write (".round($data_added_since_reopen/1048576, 1)." MB, $zipfiles_added_thisbatch (".$this->zipfiles_added_thisrun.") files added so far); re-opening (prior size: ".round($original_size/1024, 1).' KB)');
8 years ago
} else {
$updraftplus->log("Adding batch to zip file (".$this->use_zip_object."): possibly approaching split limit (".round($data_added_since_reopen/1048576, 1)." MB, $zipfiles_added_thisbatch (".$this->zipfiles_added_thisrun.") files added so far); last ratio: ".round($this->zip_last_ratio, 4)."; re-opening (prior size: ".round($original_size/1024, 1).' KB)');
8 years ago
if (!$zip->close()) {
// Though we will continue processing the files we've got, the final error code will be false, to allow a second attempt on the failed ones. This also keeps us consistent with a negative result for $zip->close() further down. We don't just retry here, because we have seen cases (with BinZip) where upon failure, the existing zip had actually been deleted. So, to be safe we need to re-scan the existing zips.
$ret = false;
$this->record_zip_error($files_zipadded_since_open, $zip->last_error, $warn_on_failures);
$zipfiles_added_thisbatch = 0;
// This triggers a re-open, later
8 years ago
$files_zipadded_since_open = array();
// Call here, in case we've got so many big files that we don't complete the whole routine
if (filesize($zipfile) > $original_size) {
// It is essential that this does not go above 1, even though in reality (and this can happen at the start, if just 1 file is added (e.g. due to >2.0s detection) the 'compressed' zip file may be *bigger* than the files stored in it. When that happens, if the ratio is big enough, it can then fire the "approaching split limit" detection (very) prematurely
8 years ago
$this->zip_last_ratio = ($data_added_since_reopen > 0) ? min((filesize($zipfile) - $original_size)/$data_added_since_reopen, 1) : 1;
// We need a rolling update of this
8 years ago
$original_size = filesize($zipfile);
// Move on to next zip?
8 years ago
if ($reaching_split_limit || filesize($zipfile) > $this->zip_split_every) {
$bump_index = true;
// Take the filesize now because later we wanted to know we did clearstatcache()
8 years ago
$bumped_at = round(filesize($zipfile)/1048576, 1);
// Need to make sure that something_useful_happened() is always called
8 years ago
// How long since the current run began? If it's taken long (and we're in danger of not making it at all), or if that is forseeable in future because of general slowness, then we should reduce the parameters.
8 years ago
if (!$something_useful_sizetest) {
} else {
// Do this as early as possible
$time_since_began = max(microtime(true)- $this->zipfiles_lastwritetime, 0.000001);
$normalised_time_since_began = $time_since_began*($maxzipbatch/$data_added_since_reopen);
// Don't measure speed until after ZipArchive::close()
$rate = round($data_added_since_reopen/$time_since_began, 1);
$updraftplus->log(sprintf("A useful amount of data was added after this amount of zip processing: %s s (normalised: %s s, rate: %s KB/s)", round($time_since_began, 1), round($normalised_time_since_began, 1), round($rate/1024, 1)));
// We want to detect not only that we need to reduce the size of batches, but also the capability to increase them. This is particularly important because of ZipArchive()'s (understandable, given the tendency of PHP processes being terminated without notice) practice of first creating a temporary zip file via copying before acting on that zip file (so the information is atomic). Unfortunately, once the size of the zip file gets over 100MB, the copy operation beguns to be significant. By the time you've hit 500MB on many web hosts the copy is the majority of the time taken. So we want to do more in between these copies if possible.
/* "Could have done more" - detect as:
- A batch operation would still leave a "good chunk" of time in a run
- "Good chunk" means that the time we took to add the batch is less than 50% of a run time
- We can do that on any run after the first (when at least one ceiling on the maximum time is known)
- But in the case where a max_execution_time is long (so that resumptions are never needed), and we're always on run 0, we will automatically increase chunk size if the batch took less than 6 seconds.
// At one stage we had a strategy of not allowing check-ins to have more than 20s between them. However, once the zip file got to a certain size, PHP's habit of copying the entire zip file first meant that it *always* went over 18s, and thence a drop in the max size was inevitable - which was bad, because with the copy time being something that only grew, the outcome was less data being copied every time
// Gather the data. We try not to do this unless necessary (may be time-sensitive)
if ($updraftplus->current_resumption >= 1) {
$time_passed = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('run_times');
if (!is_array($time_passed)) $time_passed = array();
list($max_time, $timings_string, $run_times_known) = $updraftplus->max_time_passed($time_passed, $updraftplus->current_resumption-1, $this->first_run);
} else {
$run_times_known = 0;
$max_time = -1;
if ($normalised_time_since_began<6 || ($updraftplus->current_resumption >=1 && $run_times_known >=1 && $time_since_began < 0.6*$max_time)) {
8 years ago
// How much can we increase it by?
if ($normalised_time_since_began <6) {
if ($run_times_known > 0 && $max_time >0) {
$new_maxzipbatch = min(floor(max($maxzipbatch*6/$normalised_time_since_began, $maxzipbatch*((0.6*$max_time)/$normalised_time_since_began))), 200*1024*1024);
8 years ago
} else {
// Maximum of 200MB in a batch
$new_maxzipbatch = min(floor($maxzipbatch*6/$normalised_time_since_began), 200*1024*1024);
8 years ago
} else {
// Use up to 60% of available time
$new_maxzipbatch = min(floor($maxzipbatch*((0.6*$max_time)/$normalised_time_since_began)), 200*1024*1024);
8 years ago
// Throttle increases - don't increase by more than 2x in one go - ???
// $new_maxzipbatch = floor(min(2*$maxzipbatch, $new_maxzipbatch));
// Also don't allow anything that is going to be more than 18 seconds - actually, that's harmful because of the basically fixed time taken to copy the file
// $new_maxzipbatch = floor(min(18*$rate ,$new_maxzipbatch));
8 years ago
// Don't go above the split amount (though we expect that to be higher anyway, unless sending via email)
8 years ago
$new_maxzipbatch = min($new_maxzipbatch, $this->zip_split_every);
// Don't raise it above a level that failed on a previous run
8 years ago
$maxzipbatch_ceiling = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('maxzipbatch_ceiling');
if (is_numeric($maxzipbatch_ceiling) && $maxzipbatch_ceiling > 20*1024*1024 && $new_maxzipbatch > $maxzipbatch_ceiling) {
$updraftplus->log("Was going to raise maxzipbytes to $new_maxzipbatch, but this is too high: a previous failure led to the ceiling being set at $maxzipbatch_ceiling, which we will use instead");
$new_maxzipbatch = $maxzipbatch_ceiling;
// Final sanity check
if ($new_maxzipbatch > 1024*1024) $updraftplus->jobdata_set("maxzipbatch", $new_maxzipbatch);
if ($new_maxzipbatch <= 1024*1024) {
$updraftplus->log("Unexpected new_maxzipbatch value obtained (time=$time_since_began, normalised_time=$normalised_time_since_began, max_time=$max_time, data points known=$run_times_known, old_max_bytes=$maxzipbatch, new_max_bytes=$new_maxzipbatch)");
} elseif ($new_maxzipbatch > $maxzipbatch) {
$updraftplus->log("Performance is good - will increase the amount of data we attempt to batch (time=$time_since_began, normalised_time=$normalised_time_since_began, max_time=$max_time, data points known=$run_times_known, old_max_bytes=$maxzipbatch, new_max_bytes=$new_maxzipbatch)");
} elseif ($new_maxzipbatch < $maxzipbatch) {
// Ironically, we thought we were speedy...
$updraftplus->log("Adjust: Reducing maximum amount of batched data (time=$time_since_began, normalised_time=$normalised_time_since_began, max_time=$max_time, data points known=$run_times_known, new_max_bytes=$new_maxzipbatch, old_max_bytes=$maxzipbatch)");
} else {
$updraftplus->log("Performance is good - but we will not increase the amount of data we batch, as we are already at the present limit (time=$time_since_began, normalised_time=$normalised_time_since_began, max_time=$max_time, data points known=$run_times_known, max_bytes=$maxzipbatch)");
if ($new_maxzipbatch > 1024*1024) $maxzipbatch = $new_maxzipbatch;
// Detect excessive slowness
// Don't do this until we're on at least resumption 7, as we want to allow some time for things to settle down and the maxiumum time to be accurately known (since reducing the batch size unnecessarily can itself cause extra slowness, due to PHP's usage of temporary zip files)
// We use a percentage-based system as much as possible, to avoid the various criteria being in conflict with each other (i.e. a run being both 'slow' and 'fast' at the same time, which is increasingly likely as max_time gets smaller).
if (!$updraftplus->something_useful_happened && $updraftplus->current_resumption >= 7) {
if ($run_times_known >= 5 && ($time_since_began > 0.8 * $max_time || $time_since_began + 7 > $max_time)) {
$new_maxzipbatch = max(floor($maxzipbatch*0.8), 20971520);
if ($new_maxzipbatch < $maxzipbatch) {
$maxzipbatch = $new_maxzipbatch;
$updraftplus->jobdata_set("maxzipbatch", $new_maxzipbatch);
$updraftplus->log("We are within a small amount of the expected maximum amount of time available; the zip-writing thresholds will be reduced (time_passed=$time_since_began, normalised_time_passed=$normalised_time_since_began, max_time=$max_time, data points known=$run_times_known, old_max_bytes=$maxzipbatch, new_max_bytes=$new_maxzipbatch)");
} else {
$updraftplus->log("We are within a small amount of the expected maximum amount of time available, but the zip-writing threshold is already at its lower limit (20MB), so will not be further reduced (max_time=$max_time, data points known=$run_times_known, max_bytes=$maxzipbatch)");
} else {
$data_added_since_reopen = 0;
} else {
// ZipArchive::close() can take a very long time, which we want to know about
8 years ago
$this->zipfiles_lastwritetime = time();
} elseif (0 == $this->zipfiles_added_thisrun) {
// Update lastwritetime, because otherwise the 2.0-second-activity detection can fire prematurely (e.g. if it takes >2.0 seconds to process the previously-written files, then the detector fires after 1 file. This then can have the knock-on effect of having something_useful_happened() called, but then a subsequent attempt to write out a lot of meaningful data fails, and the maximum batch is not then reduced.
// Testing shows that calling time() 1000 times takes negligible time
$this->zipfiles_lastwritetime = time();
8 years ago
// Don't call something_useful_happened() here - nothing necessarily happens until close() is called
if (0 == $this->zipfiles_added % 100) {
$skip_dblog = ($this->zipfiles_added_thisrun > 0 || 0 == $this->zipfiles_added % 1000) ? false : true;
$updraftplus->log("Zip: ".basename($zipfile).": ".$this->zipfiles_added." files added (on-disk size: ".round(@filesize($zipfile)/1024, 1)." KB)", 'notice', false, $skip_dblog);
8 years ago
if ($bump_index) {
$updraftplus->log(sprintf("Zip size is at/near split limit (%s MB / %s MB) - bumping index (from: %d)", $bumped_at, round($this->zip_split_every/1048576, 1), $this->index));
$bump_index = false;
$zipfile = $this->zip_basename.($this->index+1).'.zip.tmp';
if (empty($zip)) {
$zip = new $this->use_zip_object;
if (file_exists($zipfile)) {
$opencode = $zip->open($zipfile);
$original_size = filesize($zipfile);
} else {
$create_code = defined('ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE') ? ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE : 1;
$opencode = $zip->open($zipfile, $create_code);
$original_size = 0;
if (true !== $opencode) return new WP_Error('no_open', sprintf(__('Failed to open the zip file (%s) - %s', 'updraftplus'), $zipfile, $zip->last_error));
8 years ago
// Reset array
8 years ago
$this->zipfiles_batched = array();
$this->zipfiles_skipped_notaltered = array();
if (false == ($nret = $zip->close())) $this->record_zip_error($files_zipadded_since_open, $zip->last_error, $warn_on_failures);
if (apply_filters('updraftplus_include_manifest', false, $this->whichone, $this)) {
if (!empty($this->manifest_path) && file_exists($this->manifest_path)) {
$updraftplus->log('Removing manifest file: '.basename($this->manifest_path).': '.(@unlink($this->manifest_path) ? 'OK' : 'failed'));
8 years ago
$this->zipfiles_lastwritetime = time();
// May not exist if the last thing we did was bump
8 years ago
if (file_exists($zipfile) && filesize($zipfile) > $original_size) $updraftplus->something_useful_happened();
// Move on to next archive?
8 years ago
if (file_exists($zipfile) && filesize($zipfile) > $this->zip_split_every) {
$updraftplus->log(sprintf("Zip size has gone over split limit (%s, %s) - bumping index (%d)", round(filesize($zipfile)/1048576, 1), round($this->zip_split_every/1048576, 1), $this->index));
8 years ago
return (false == $ret) ? false : $nret;
8 years ago
private function record_zip_error($files_zipadded_since_open, $msg, $warn = true) {
global $updraftplus;
if (!empty($updraftplus->cpanel_quota_readable)) {
$hosting_bytes_free = $updraftplus->get_hosting_disk_quota_free();
if (is_array($hosting_bytes_free)) {
$perc = round(100*$hosting_bytes_free[1]/(max($hosting_bytes_free[2], 1)), 1);
$quota_free_msg = sprintf('Free disk space in account: %s (%s used)', round($hosting_bytes_free[3]/1048576, 1)." MB", "$perc %");
if ($hosting_bytes_free[3] < 1048576*50) {
$quota_low = true;
$quota_free_mb = round($hosting_bytes_free[3]/1048576, 1);
$updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('Your free space in your hosting account is very low - only %s Mb remain', 'updraftplus'), $quota_free_mb), 'warning', 'lowaccountspace'.$quota_free_mb);
// Always warn of this
if (strpos($msg, 'File Size Limit Exceeded') !== false && 'UpdraftPlus_BinZip' == $this->use_zip_object) {
$updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('The zip engine returned the message: %s.', 'updraftplus'), 'File Size Limit Exceeded'). __('Go here for more information.', 'updraftplus').'', 'warning', 'zipcloseerror-filesizelimit');
8 years ago
} elseif ($warn) {
$warn_msg = __('A zip error occurred', 'updraftplus').' - ';
if (!empty($quota_low)) {
$warn_msg = sprintf(__('your web hosting account appears to be full; please see: %s', 'updraftplus'), '');
} else {
$warn_msg .= __('check your log for more details.', 'updraftplus');
$updraftplus->log($warn_msg, 'warning', 'zipcloseerror-'.$this->whichone);
$updraftplus->log("The attempt to close the zip file returned an error ($msg). List of files we were trying to add follows (check their permissions).");
foreach ($files_zipadded_since_open as $ffile) {
$updraftplus->log("File: ".$ffile['addas']." (exists: ".(int) @file_exists($ffile['file']).", is_readable: ".(int) @is_readable($ffile['file'])." size: ".@filesize($ffile['file']).')', 'notice', false, true);
8 years ago
private function bump_index() {
global $updraftplus;
$youwhat = $this->whichone;
$timetaken = max(microtime(true)-$this->zip_microtime_start, 0.000001);
$itext = (0 == $this->index) ? '' : ($this->index+1);
8 years ago
$full_path = $this->zip_basename.$itext.'.zip';
$checksums = $updraftplus->which_checksums();
$checksum_description = '';
foreach ($checksums as $checksum) {
$cksum = hash_file($checksum, $full_path.'.tmp');
$updraftplus->jobdata_set($checksum.'-'.$youwhat.$this->index, $cksum);
if ($checksum_description) $checksum_description .= ', ';
$checksum_description .= "$checksum: $cksum";
8 years ago
$next_full_path = $this->zip_basename.($this->index+2).'.zip';
// We touch the next zip before renaming the temporary file; this indicates that the backup for the entity is not *necessarily* finished
8 years ago
if (file_exists($full_path.'.tmp') && filesize($full_path.'.tmp') > 0) {
if (!rename($full_path.'.tmp', $full_path)) {
$updraftplus->log("Rename failed for $full_path.tmp");
} else {
8 years ago
$kbsize = filesize($full_path)/1024;
$rate = round($kbsize/$timetaken, 1);
$updraftplus->log("Created ".$this->whichone." zip (".$this->index.") - ".round($kbsize, 1)." KB in ".round($timetaken, 1)." s ($rate KB/s) (checksums: $checksum_description)");
8 years ago
$this->zip_microtime_start = microtime(true);
// No need to add $itext here - we can just delete any temporary files for this zip
8 years ago
$updraftplus->clean_temporary_files('_'.$updraftplus->nonce."-".$youwhat, 600);
$this->job_file_entities[$youwhat]['index'] = $this->index;
$updraftplus->jobdata_set('job_file_entities', $this->job_file_entities);
* Returns the member of the array with key (int)0, as a new array. This function is used as a callback for array_map().
* @param Array $a - the array
* @return Array - with keys 'name' and 'type'
private function cb_get_name_base_type($a) {
return array('name' => $a[0], 'type' => 'BASE TABLE');
* Returns the members of the array with keys (int)0 and (int)1, as part of a new array.
* @param Array $a - the array
* @return Array - keys are 'name' and 'type'
private function cb_get_name_type($a) {
return array('name' => $a[0], 'type' => $a[1]);
* Returns the member of the array with key (string)'name'. This function is used as a callback for array_map().
* @param Array $a - the array
* @return Mixed - the value with key (string)'name'
private function cb_get_name($a) {
return $a['name'];
8 years ago
class UpdraftPlus_WPDB_OtherDB extends wpdb {
* This adjusted bail() does two things: 1) Never dies and 2) logs in the UD log
* @param string $message Error message
* @param string $error_code Error Code
* @return boolean
public function bail($message, $error_code = '500') {
8 years ago
global $updraftplus;
if ('db_connect_fail' == $error_code) $message = 'Connection failed: check your access details, that the database server is up, and that the network connection is not firewalled.';
$updraftplus->log("WPDB_OtherDB error: $message ($error_code)");
// Now do the things that would have been done anyway
if (class_exists('WP_Error')) {
8 years ago
$this->error = new WP_Error($error_code, $message);
} else {
8 years ago
$this->error = $message;
8 years ago
return false;