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8 years ago
if (!defined('UPDRAFTCENTRAL_CLIENT_DIR')) die('No access.');
8 years ago
* - A container for RPC commands (core UpdraftCentral commands). Commands map exactly onto method names (and hence this class should not implement anything else, beyond the constructor, and private methods)
* - Return format is array('response' => (string - a code), 'data' => (mixed));
* RPC commands are not allowed to begin with an underscore. So, any private methods can be prefixed with an underscore.
8 years ago
class UpdraftCentral_Core_Commands extends UpdraftCentral_Commands {
* Executes a list of submitted commands (multiplexer)
* @param Array $query An array containing the commands to execute and a flag to indicate how to handle command execution failure.
* @return Array An array containing the results of the process.
public function execute_commands($query) {
try {
$commands = $query['commands'];
$command_results = array();
$error_count = 0;
* Should be one of the following options:
* 1 = Abort on first failure
* 2 = Abort if any command fails
* 3 = Abort if all command fails (default)
$error_flag = isset($query['error_flag']) ? (int) $query['error_flag'] : 3;
foreach ($commands as $command => $params) {
$command_info = apply_filters('updraftcentral_get_command_info', false, $command);
if (!$command_info) {
list($_prefix, $_command) = explode('.', $command);
$command_results[$_prefix][$_command] = array('response' => 'rpcerror', 'data' => array('code' => 'unknown_rpc_command', 'data' => $command));
if (1 === $error_flag) break;
} else {
$class_prefix = $command_info['class_prefix'];
$action = $command_info['command'];
$command_php_class = $command_info['command_php_class'];
// Instantiate the command class and execute the needed action
if (class_exists($command_php_class)) {
$instance = new $command_php_class($this->rc);
if (method_exists($instance, $action)) {
$params = empty($params) ? array() : $params;
$call_result = call_user_func_array(array($instance, $action), $params);
$command_results[$command] = $call_result;
if ('rpcerror' === $call_result['response'] || (isset($call_result['data']['error']) && $call_result['data']['error'])) {
if (1 === $error_flag) break;
if (0 !== $error_count) {
// N.B. These error messages should be defined in UpdraftCentral's translation file (dashboard-translations.php)
// before actually using this multiplexer function.
$message = 'general_command_execution_error';
switch ($error_flag) {
case 1:
$message = 'command_execution_aborted';
case 2:
$message = 'failed_to_execute_some_commands';
case 3:
if (count($commands) === $error_count) {
$message = 'failed_to_execute_all_commands';
$result = array('error' => true, 'message' => $message, 'values' => $command_results);
} else {
$result = $command_results;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$result = array('error' => true, 'message' => $e->getMessage());
return $this->_response($result);
* Validates the credentials entered by the user
* @param array $creds an array of filesystem credentials
* @return array An array containing the result of the validation process.
public function validate_credentials($creds) {
try {
$entity = $creds['entity'];
if (isset($creds['filesystem_credentials'])) {
parse_str($creds['filesystem_credentials'], $filesystem_credentials);
if (is_array($filesystem_credentials)) {
foreach ($filesystem_credentials as $key => $value) {
// Put them into $_POST, which is where request_filesystem_credentials() checks for them.
$_POST[$key] = $value;
// Include the needed WP Core file(s)
// template.php needed for submit_button() which is called by request_filesystem_credentials()
$this->_admin_include('file.php', 'template.php');
// Directory entities that we currently need permissions
// to update.
$entity_directories = array(
'plugins' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR,
'themes' => WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/themes',
'core' => untrailingslashit(ABSPATH)
$url = wp_nonce_url(site_url());
$directory = $entity_directories[$entity];
// Check if credentials are valid and have sufficient
// privileges to create and delete (e.g. write)
$credentials = request_filesystem_credentials($url, '', false, $directory);
if (WP_Filesystem($credentials, $directory)) {
global $wp_filesystem;
$path = $entity_directories[$entity].'/.updraftcentral';
if (!$wp_filesystem->put_contents($path, '', 0644)) {
$result = array('error' => true, 'message' => 'failed_credentials', 'values' => array());
} else {
$result = array('error' => false, 'message' => 'credentials_ok', 'values' => array());
} else {
$result = array('error' => true, 'message' => 'failed_credentials', 'values' => array());
} catch (Exception $e) {
$result = array('error' => true, 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'values' => array());
return $this->_response($result);
* Gets the FileSystem Credentials
* Extract the needed filesystem credentials (permissions) to be used
* to update/upgrade the plugins, themes and the WP core.
* @return array $result - An array containing the creds form and some flags
* to determine whether we need to extract the creds
* manually from the user.
public function get_credentials() {
try {
// Check whether user has enough permission to update entities
if (!current_user_can('update_plugins') && !current_user_can('update_themes') && !current_user_can('update_core')) return $this->_generic_error_response('updates_permission_denied');
// Include the needed WP Core file(s)
$this->_admin_include('file.php', 'template.php');
// A container that will hold the state (in this case, either true or false) of
// each directory entities (plugins, themes, core) that will be used to determine
// whether or not there's a need to show a form that will ask the user for their credentials
// manually.
$request_filesystem_credentials = array();
// A container for the filesystem credentials form if applicable.
$filesystem_form = '';
// Directory entities that we currently need permissions
// to update.
$check_fs = array(
'plugins' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR,
'themes' => WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/themes',
'core' => untrailingslashit(ABSPATH)
// Here, we're looping through each entities and find output whether
// we have sufficient permissions to update objects belonging to them.
foreach ($check_fs as $entity => $dir) {
// We're determining which method to use when updating
// the files in the filesystem.
$filesystem_method = get_filesystem_method(array(), $dir);
// Buffering the output to pull the actual credentials form
// currently being used by this WP instance if no sufficient permissions
// is found.
$url = wp_nonce_url(site_url());
$filesystem_credentials_are_stored = request_filesystem_credentials($url, $filesystem_method);
$form = strip_tags(ob_get_contents(), '<div><h2><p><input><label><fieldset><legend><span><em>');
if (!empty($form)) {
$filesystem_form = $form;
// Save the state whether or not there's a need to show the
// credentials form to the user.
$request_filesystem_credentials[$entity] = ('direct' !== $filesystem_method && !$filesystem_credentials_are_stored);
// Wrapping the credentials info before passing it back
// to the client issuing the request.
$result = array(
'request_filesystem_credentials' => $request_filesystem_credentials,
'filesystem_form' => $filesystem_form
} catch (Exception $e) {
$result = array('error' => true, 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'values' => array());
return $this->_response($result);
* Fetches a browser-usable URL which will automatically log the user in to the site
* @param String $redirect_to - the URL to got to after logging in
* @param Array $extra_info - valid keys are user_id, which should be a numeric user ID to log in as.
8 years ago
public function get_login_url($redirect_to, $extra_info) {
if (is_array($extra_info) && !empty($extra_info['user_id']) && is_numeric($extra_info['user_id'])) {
$user_id = $extra_info['user_id'];
if (false == ($login_key = $this->_get_autologin_key($user_id))) return $this->_generic_error_response('user_key_failure');
// Default value
$redirect_url = network_admin_url();
if (is_array($redirect_to) && !empty($redirect_to['module'])) {
switch ($redirect_to['module']) {
case 'updraftplus':
8 years ago
if ('initiate_restore' == $redirect_to['action'] && class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Options')) {
$redirect_url = UpdraftPlus_Options::admin_page_url().'?page=updraftplus&udaction=initiate_restore&entities='.urlencode($redirect_to['data']['entities']).'&showdata='.urlencode($redirect_to['data']['showdata']).'&backup_timestamp='.(int) $redirect_to['data']['backup_timestamp'];
8 years ago
} elseif ('download_file' == $redirect_to['action']) {
$findex = empty($redirect_to['data']['findex']) ? 0 : (int) $redirect_to['data']['findex'];
8 years ago
// e.g. ?udcentral_action=dl&action=updraftplus_spool_file&backup_timestamp=1455101696&findex=0&what=plugins
$redirect_url = site_url().'?udcentral_action=spool_file&action=updraftplus_spool_file&findex='.$findex.'&what='.urlencode($redirect_to['data']['what']).'&backup_timestamp='.(int) $redirect_to['data']['backup_timestamp'];
8 years ago
8 years ago
case 'direct_url':
$redirect_url = $redirect_to['url'];
8 years ago
$login_key = apply_filters('updraftplus_remotecontrol_login_key', array(
'key' => $login_key,
'created' => time(),
'redirect_url' => $redirect_url
), $redirect_to, $extra_info);
// Over-write any previous value - only one can be valid at a time)
update_user_meta($user_id, 'updraftcentral_login_key', $login_key);
return $this->_response(array(
'login_url' => network_site_url('?udcentral_action=login&login_id='.$user_id.'&login_key='.$login_key['key'])
} else {
return $this->_generic_error_response('user_unknown');
* Get information derived from phpinfo()
* @return Array
8 years ago
public function phpinfo() {
$phpinfo = $this->_get_phpinfo_array();
if (!empty($phpinfo)) {
8 years ago
return $this->_response($phpinfo);
return $this->_generic_error_response('phpinfo_fail');
* The key obtained is only intended to be short-lived. Hence, there's no intention other than that it is random and only used once - only the most recent one is valid.
* @param Integer $user_id Specific user ID to get the autologin key
* @return Array
8 years ago
public function _get_autologin_key($user_id) {
$secure_auth_key = defined('SECURE_AUTH_KEY') ? SECURE_AUTH_KEY : hash('sha256', DB_PASSWORD).'_'.rand(0, 999999999);
if (!defined('SECURE_AUTH_KEY')) return false;
$hash_it = $user_id.'_'.microtime(true).'_'.rand(0, 999999999).'_'.$secure_auth_key;
$hash = hash('sha256', $hash_it);
return $hash;
public function site_info() {
global $wpdb;
$ud_version = is_a($this->ud, 'UpdraftPlus') ? $this->ud->version : 'none';
return $this->_response(array(
'versions' => array(
'ud' => $ud_version,
'php' => PHP_VERSION,
'wp' => $wp_version,
'mysql' => $wpdb->db_version(),
'udrpc_php' => $this->rc->udrpc_version,
'bloginfo' => array(
'url' => network_site_url(),
'name' => get_bloginfo('name'),
* This calls the WP_Action within WP
* @param array $data Array of Data to be used within call_wp_action
* @return array
public function call_wordpress_action($data) {
if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return $this->_generic_error_response('no_updraftplus');
$response = $updraftplus_admin->call_wp_action($data);
if (empty($data["wpaction"])) {
return $this->_generic_error_response("error", "no command sent");
return $this->_response(array(
"response" => $response['response'],
"status" => $response['status'],
"log" => $response['log']
* Get disk space used
* @uses UpdraftPlus_Admin::get_disk_space_used()
* @param String $entity - the entity to count (e.g. 'plugins', 'themes')
* @return Array - response
public function count($entity) {
8 years ago
if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return $this->_generic_error_response('no_updraftplus');
$response = $updraftplus_admin->get_disk_space_used($entity);
return $this->_response($response);
* @return null|array
private function _get_phpinfo_array() {
$phpinfo = array('phpinfo' => array());
if (preg_match_all('#(?:<h2>(?:<a name=".*?">)?(.*?)(?:</a>)?</h2>)|(?:<tr(?: class=".*?")?><t[hd](?: class=".*?")?>(.*?)\s*</t[hd]>(?:<t[hd](?: class=".*?")?>(.*?)\s*</t[hd]>(?:<t[hd](?: class=".*?")?>(.*?)\s*</t[hd]>)?)?</tr>)#s', ob_get_clean(), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
foreach ($matches as $match) {
if (strlen($match[1])) {
$phpinfo[$match[1]] = array();
} elseif (isset($match[3])) {
$keys1 = array_keys($phpinfo);
$phpinfo[end($keys1)][$match[2]] = isset($match[4]) ? array($match[3], $match[4]) : $match[3];
} else {
$keys1 = array_keys($phpinfo);
$phpinfo[end($keys1)][] = $match[2];
return $phpinfo;
return false;
* Return an UpdraftPlus_Admin object
* @return UpdraftPlus_Admin|Boolean - false in case of failure
private function _load_ud_admin() {
if (!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR') || !is_file(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/admin.php')) return false;
global $updraftplus_admin;
return $updraftplus_admin;
8 years ago