2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
< ? php
* Dropbox API base class
* @ author Ben Tadiar < ben @ handcraftedbyben . co . uk >
* @ link https :// github . com / benthedesigner / dropbox
* @ link https :// www . dropbox . com / developers
* @ link https :// status . dropbox . com Dropbox status
* @ package Dropbox
class UpdraftPlus_Dropbox_API {
// API Endpoints
const API_URL_V2 = 'https://api.dropboxapi.com/' ;
const CONTENT_URL_V2 = 'https://content.dropboxapi.com/2/' ;
* OAuth consumer object
* @ var null | OAuth\Consumer
private $OAuth ;
* The root level for file paths
* Either `dropbox` or `sandbox` ( preferred )
* @ var null | string
private $root ;
* Format of the API response
* @ var string
private $responseFormat = 'php' ;
* JSONP callback
* @ var string
private $callback = 'dropboxCallback' ;
* Chunk size used for chunked uploads
* @ see \Dropbox\API :: chunkedUpload ()
private $chunkSize = 4194304 ;
* Set the OAuth consumer object
* See 'General Notes' at the link below for information on access type
* @ link https :// www . dropbox . com / developers / reference / api
* @ param OAuth\Consumer\ConsumerAbstract $OAuth
* @ param string $root Dropbox app access type
public function __construct ( Dropbox_ConsumerAbstract $OAuth , $root = 'sandbox' ) {
$this -> OAuth = $OAuth ;
$this -> setRoot ( $root );
* Set the root level
* @ param mixed $root
* @ throws Exception
* @ return void
public function setRoot ( $root ) {
if ( $root !== 'sandbox' && $root !== 'dropbox' ) {
throw new Exception ( " Expected a root of either 'dropbox' or 'sandbox', got ' $root ' " );
} else {
$this -> root = $root ;
* Retrieves information about the user ' s account
* @ return object stdClass
public function accountInfo () {
$call = '2/users/get_current_account' ;
$params = array ( 'api_v2' => true );
$response = $this -> fetch ( 'POST' , self :: API_URL_V2 , $call , $params );
return $response ;
* Retrieves information about the user ' s quota
* @ return object stdClass
public function quotaInfo () {
$call = '2/users/get_space_usage' ;
$params = array ( 'api_v2' => true );
$response = $this -> fetch ( 'POST' , self :: API_URL_V2 , $call , $params );
return $response ;
* Uploads large files to Dropbox in mulitple chunks
* @ param string $file Absolute path to the file to be uploaded
* @ param string | bool $filename The destination filename of the uploaded file
* @ param string $path Path to upload the file to , relative to root
* @ param boolean $overwrite Should the file be overwritten ? ( Default : true )
* @ param integer $offset position to seek to when opening the file
* @ param string $uploadID existing upload_id to resume an upload
* @ param string | array function to call back to upon each chunk
* @ return stdClass
public function chunkedUpload ( $file , $filename = false , $path = '' , $overwrite = true , $offset = 0 , $uploadID = null , $callback = null ) {
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if ( file_exists ( $file )) {
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if ( $handle = @ fopen ( $file , 'r' )) {
// Set initial upload ID and offset
if ( $offset > 0 ) {
fseek ( $handle , $offset );
Set firstCommit to true so that the upload session start endpoint is called .
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$firstCommit = ( 0 == $offset );
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// Read from the file handle until EOF, uploading each chunk
while ( $data = fread ( $handle , $this -> chunkSize )) {
// Set the file, request parameters and send the request
$this -> OAuth -> setInFile ( $data );
if ( $firstCommit ) {
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$params = array (
'close' => false ,
'api_v2' => true ,
'content_upload' => true
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$response = $this -> fetch ( 'POST' , self :: CONTENT_URL_V2 , 'files/upload_session/start' , $params );
$firstCommit = false ;
} else {
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$params = array (
'cursor' => array (
'session_id' => $uploadID ,
// If you send it as a string, Dropbox will be unhappy
'offset' => ( int ) $offset
'api_v2' => true ,
'content_upload' => true
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$response = $this -> append_upload ( $params , false );
// On subsequent chunks, use the upload ID returned by the previous request
if ( isset ( $response [ 'body' ] -> session_id )) {
$uploadID = $response [ 'body' ] -> session_id ;
API v2 no longer returns the offset , we need to manually work this out . So check that there are no errors and update the offset as well as calling the callback method .
if ( ! isset ( $response [ 'body' ] -> error )) {
$offset = ftell ( $handle );
if ( $callback ) {
call_user_func ( $callback , $offset , $uploadID , $file );
$this -> OAuth -> setInFile ( null );
// Complete the chunked upload
$filename = ( is_string ( $filename )) ? $filename : basename ( $file );
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$params = array (
'cursor' => array (
'session_id' => $uploadID ,
'offset' => $offset
'commit' => array (
'path' => '/' . $this -> encodePath ( $path . $filename ),
'mode' => 'add'
'api_v2' => true ,
'content_upload' => true
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$response = $this -> append_upload ( $params , true );
return $response ;
} else {
throw new Exception ( 'Could not open ' . $file . ' for reading' );
// Throw an Exception if the file does not exist
throw new Exception ( 'Local file ' . $file . ' does not exist' );
private function append_upload ( $params , $last_call ) {
try {
if ( $last_call ){
$response = $this -> fetch ( 'POST' , self :: CONTENT_URL_V2 , 'files/upload_session/finish' , $params );
} else {
$response = $this -> fetch ( 'POST' , self :: CONTENT_URL_V2 , 'files/upload_session/append_v2' , $params );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$responseCheck = json_decode ( $e -> getMessage ());
if ( isset ( $responseCheck ) && strpos ( $responseCheck [ 0 ] , 'incorrect_offset' ) !== false ) {
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$expected_offset = $responseCheck [ 1 ];
throw new Exception ( 'Submitted input out of alignment: got [' . $params [ 'cursor' ][ 'offset' ] . '] expected [' . $expected_offset . ']' );
// $params['cursor']['offset'] = $responseCheck[1];
// $response = $this->append_upload($params, $last_call);
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} else {
throw $e ;
return $response ;
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* Chunked downloads a file from Dropbox , it will return false if a file handle is not passed and will return true if the call was successful .
* @ param string $file Path - to file , relative to root , including path
* @ param resource $outFile - the local file handle
* @ param array $options - any extra options to be passed e . g headers
* @ return boolean - a boolean to indicate success or failure
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public function download ( $file , $outFile = null , $options = array ()) {
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// Only allow php response format for this call
if ( $this -> responseFormat !== 'php' ) {
throw new Exception ( 'This method only supports the `php` response format' );
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if ( $outFile ) {
$this -> OAuth -> setOutFile ( $outFile );
$params = array ( 'path' => '/' . $file , 'api_v2' => true , 'content_download' => true );
if ( isset ( $options [ 'headers' ])) {
foreach ( $options [ 'headers' ] as $key => $header ) {
$headers [] = $key . ': ' . $header ;
$params [ 'headers' ] = $headers ;
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2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$file = $this -> encodePath ( $file );
$call = 'files/download' ;
$response = $this -> fetch ( 'GET' , self :: CONTENT_URL_V2 , $call , $params );
fclose ( $outFile );
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
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* Returns metadata for all files and folders that match the search query
* @ param mixed $query The search string . Must be at least 3 characters long
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* @ param string [ $path = '' ] The path to the folder you want to search in
* @ param integer [ $limit = 1000 ] Maximum number of results to return ( 1 - 1000 )
* @ param integer [ $start = 0 ] Result number to start from
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* @ return array
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public function search ( $query , $path = '' , $limit = 1000 , $start = 0 ) {
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$call = '2/files/search' ;
$path = $this -> encodePath ( $path );
// APIv2 requires that the path match this regex: String(pattern="(/(.|[\r\n])*)?|(ns:[0-9]+(/.*)?)")
if ( $path && '/' != substr ( $path , 0 , 1 )) $path = " / $path " ;
$params = array (
'path' => $path ,
'query' => $query ,
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'start' => $start ,
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'max_results' => ( $limit < 1 ) ? 1 : (( $limit > 1000 ) ? 1000 : ( int ) $limit ),
'api_v2' => true ,
$response = $this -> fetch ( 'POST' , self :: API_URL_V2 , $call , $params );
return $response ;
* Deletes a file or folder
* @ param string $path The path to the file or folder to be deleted
* @ return object stdClass
public function delete ( $path ) {
$call = '2/files/delete' ;
$params = array ( 'path' => '/' . $this -> normalisePath ( $path ), 'api_v2' => true );
$response = $this -> fetch ( 'POST' , self :: API_URL_V2 , $call , $params );
return $response ;
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* Intermediate fetch function
* @ param string $method The HTTP method
* @ param string $url The API endpoint
* @ param string $call The API method to call
* @ param array $params Additional parameters
* @ return mixed
private function fetch ( $method , $url , $call , array $params = array ()) {
// Make the API call via the consumer
$response = $this -> OAuth -> fetch ( $method , $url , $call , $params );
// Format the response and return
switch ( $this -> responseFormat ) {
case 'json' :
return json_encode ( $response );
case 'jsonp' :
$response = json_encode ( $response );
return $this -> callback . '(' . $response . ')' ;
default :
return $response ;
* Set the API response format
* @ param string $format One of php , json or jsonp
* @ return void
public function setResponseFormat ( $format ) {
$format = strtolower ( $format );
if ( ! in_array ( $format , array ( 'php' , 'json' , 'jsonp' ))) {
throw new Exception ( " Expected a format of php, json or jsonp, got ' $format ' " );
} else {
$this -> responseFormat = $format ;
* Set the chunk size for chunked uploads
* If $chunkSize is empty , set to 4194304 bytes ( 4 MB )
* @ see \Dropbox\API\chunkedUpload ()
public function setChunkSize ( $chunkSize = 4194304 ) {
if ( ! is_int ( $chunkSize )) {
throw new Exception ( 'Expecting chunk size to be an integer, got ' . gettype ( $chunkSize ));
} elseif ( $chunkSize > 157286400 ) {
throw new Exception ( 'Chunk size must not exceed 157286400 bytes, got ' . $chunkSize );
} else {
$this -> chunkSize = $chunkSize ;
* Set the JSONP callback function
* @ param string $function
* @ return void
public function setCallback ( $function ) {
$this -> callback = $function ;
* Get the mime type of downloaded file
* If the Fileinfo extension is not loaded , return false
* @ param string $data File contents as a string or filename
* @ param string $isFilename Is $data a filename ?
* @ return boolean | string Mime type and encoding of the file
private function getMimeType ( $data , $isFilename = false ) {
if ( extension_loaded ( 'fileinfo' )) {
$finfo = new finfo ( FILEINFO_MIME );
if ( $isFilename !== false ) {
return $finfo -> file ( $data );
return $finfo -> buffer ( $data );
return false ;
* Trim the path of forward slashes and replace
* consecutive forward slashes with a single slash
* @ param string $path The path to normalise
* @ return string
private function normalisePath ( $path ) {
$path = preg_replace ( '#/+#' , '/' , trim ( $path , '/' ));
return $path ;
* Encode the path , then replace encoded slashes
* with literal forward slash characters
* @ param string $path The path to encode
* @ return string
private function encodePath ( $path ) {
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// in APIv1, encoding was needed because parameters were passed as part of the URL; this is no longer done in our APIv2 SDK; hence, all that we now do here is normalise.
return $this -> normalisePath ( $path );
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