2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
< ? php
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
This class provides methods for encrypting , sending , receiving and decrypting messages of arbitrary length , using standard encryption methods and including protection against replay attacks .
Example :
// Set a key and encrypt with it
$ud_rpc = new UpdraftPlus_Remote_Communications ( $name_indicator ); // $name_indicator is a key indicator - indicating which key is being used.
$ud_rpc -> set_key_local ( $our_private_key );
$ud_rpc -> set_key_remote ( $their_public_key );
$encrypted = $ud_rpc -> encrypt_message ( 'blah blah' );
// Use the saved WP site option
$ud_rpc = new UpdraftPlus_Remote_Communications ( $name_indicator ); // $name_indicator is a key indicator - indicating which key is being used.
$ud_rpc -> set_option_name ( 'udrpc_remotekey' );
if ( ! $ud_rpc -> get_key_remote ()) throw new Exception ( '...' );
$encrypted = $ud_rpc -> encrypt_message ( 'blah blah' );
// Generate a new key
$ud_rpc = new UpdraftPlus_Remote_Communications ( 'myindicator.example.com' );
$ud_rpc -> set_option_name ( 'udrpc_localkey' ); // Save as a WP site option
$new_pair = $ud_rpc -> generate_new_keypair ();
if ( $new_pair ) {
$local_private_key = $ud_rpc -> get_key_local ();
$remote_public_key = $ud_rpc -> get_key_remote ();
// ...
} else {
throw new Exception ( '...' );
// Send a message
$ud_rpc -> activate_replay_protection ();
$ud_rpc -> set_destination_url ( 'https://example.com/path/to/wp' );
$ud_rpc -> send_message ( 'ping' );
$ud_rpc -> send_message ( 'somecommand' , array ( 'param1' => 'data' , 'param2' => 'moredata' ));
// N.B. The data sent needs to be something that will pass json_encode(). So, it may be desirable to base64-encode it first.
// Create a listener for incoming messages
add_filter ( 'udrpc_command_somecommand' , 'my_function' , 10 , 3 );
// function my_function($response, $data, $name_indicator) { ... ; return array('response' => 'my_reply', 'data' => 'any mixed data'); }
// Or:
// add_filter('udrpc_action', 'some_function', 10, 4); // Function must return something other than false to indicate that it handled the specific command. Any returned value will be sent as the reply.
// function some_function($response, $command, $data, $name_indicator) { ...; return array('response' => 'my_reply', 'data' => 'any mixed data'); }
$ud_rpc -> set_option_name ( 'udrpc_local_private_key' );
$ud_rpc -> activate_replay_protection ();
if ( $ud_rpc -> get_key_local ()) {
// Make sure you call this before the wp_loaded action is fired (e.g. at init)
$ud_rpc -> create_listener ();
// Instead of using activate_replay_protection(), you can use activate_sequence_protection() (receiving side) and set_next_send_sequence_id(). They are very similar; but, the sequence number code isn't tested, and is problematic if you may have multiple clients that don't share storage (you can use the current time as a sequence number, but if two clients send at the same millisecond (or whatever granularity you use), you may have problems); whereas the replay protection code relies on database storage on the sending side (not just the receiving).
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
if ( ! class_exists ( 'UpdraftPlus_Remote_Communications' )) :
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
class UpdraftPlus_Remote_Communications {
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2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
// Version numbers relate to versions of this PHP library only (i.e. it's not a protocol support number, and version numbers of other compatible libraries (e.g. JavaScript) are not comparable)
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public $version = '1.4.15' ;
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
private $key_name_indicator ;
private $key_option_name = false ;
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2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
private $key_remote = false ;
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2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
private $key_local = false ;
private $can_generate = false ;
private $destination_url = false ;
private $maximum_replay_time_difference = 300 ;
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2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
private $extra_replay_protection = false ;
private $sequence_protection_tolerance ;
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private $sequence_protection_table ;
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private $sequence_protection_column ;
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2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
private $sequence_protection_where_sql ;
// Debug may log confidential data using $this->log() - so only use when you are in a secure environment
private $debug = false ;
private $next_send_sequence_id ;
private $allow_cors_from = array ();
private $http_transport = null ;
// Default protocol version - this can be over-ridden with set_message_format
// Protocol version 1 (which uses only one RSA key-pair, instead of two) is legacy/deprecated
private $format = 2 ;
private $http_credentials = array ();
private $incoming_message = null ;
private $message_random_number = null ;
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private $require_message_to_be_understood = false ;
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public function __construct ( $key_name_indicator = 'default' , $can_generate = false ) {
$this -> set_key_name_indicator ( $key_name_indicator );
public function set_key_name_indicator ( $key_name_indicator ) {
$this -> key_name_indicator = $key_name_indicator ;
public function set_can_generate ( $can_generate = true ) {
$this -> can_generate = $can_generate ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Which sites to allow CORS requests from
* @ param string $allow_cors_from
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function set_allow_cors_from ( $allow_cors_from ) {
$this -> allow_cors_from = $allow_cors_from ;
public function set_maximum_replay_time_difference ( $replay_time_difference ) {
$this -> maximum_replay_time_difference = ( int ) $replay_time_difference ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* This will cause more things to be sent to $this -> log ()
* @ param boolean $debug
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function set_debug ( $debug = true ) {
$this -> debug = ( bool ) $debug ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Supported values : a Guzzle object , or , if not , then WP ' s HTTP API function siwll be used
* @ param string $transport
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function set_http_transport ( $transport ) {
$this -> http_transport = $transport ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Sequence protection and replay protection perform similar functions , and using both is often over - kill ; the distinction is that sequence protection can be used without needing to do database writes on the sending side ( e . g . use the value of time () as the sequence number ) .
* The only rule of sequences is that the receiving side will reject any sequence number that is less than the last previously seen one , within the bounds of the tolerance ( but it may also reject those if they are repeats ) .
* The given table / column will record a comma - separated list of recently seen sequences numbers within the tolerance threshold .
* @ param string $table
* @ param string $column
* @ param string $where_sql
* @ param integer $tolerance
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function activate_sequence_protection ( $table , $column , $where_sql , $tolerance = 5 ) {
$this -> sequence_protection_tolerance = ( int ) $tolerance ;
$this -> sequence_protection_table = ( string ) $table ;
$this -> sequence_protection_column = ( string ) $column ;
$this -> sequence_protection_where_sql = ( string ) $where_sql ;
private function ensure_crypto_loaded () {
if ( ! class_exists ( 'Crypt_Rijndael' ) || ! class_exists ( 'Crypt_RSA' ) || ! class_exists ( 'Crypt_Hash' )) {
global $updraftplus ;
// phpseclib 1.x uses deprecated PHP4-style constructors
$this -> no_deprecation_warnings_on_php7 ();
if ( is_a ( $updraftplus , 'UpdraftPlus' )) {
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$ensure_phpseclib = $updraftplus -> ensure_phpseclib ( array ( 'Crypt_Rijndael' , 'Crypt_RSA' , 'Crypt_Hash' ), array ( 'Crypt/Rijndael' , 'Crypt/RSA' , 'Crypt/Hash' ));
if ( is_wp_error ( $ensure_phpseclib )) return $ensure_phpseclib ;
} elseif ( defined ( 'UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR' ) && file_exists ( UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR . '/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib' )) {
$pdir = UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR . '/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib' ;
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
if ( false === strpos ( get_include_path (), $pdir )) set_include_path ( $pdir . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path ());
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
if ( ! class_exists ( 'Crypt_Rijndael' )) include_once 'Crypt/Rijndael.php' ;
if ( ! class_exists ( 'Crypt_RSA' )) include_once 'Crypt/RSA.php' ;
if ( ! class_exists ( 'Crypt_Hash' )) include_once 'Crypt/Hash.php' ;
} elseif ( file_exists ( dirname ( dirname ( __FILE__ )) . '/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib' )) {
$pdir = dirname ( dirname ( __FILE__ )) . '/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib' ;
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
if ( false === strpos ( get_include_path (), $pdir )) set_include_path ( $pdir . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path ());
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
if ( ! class_exists ( 'Crypt_Rijndael' )) include_once 'Crypt/Rijndael.php' ;
if ( ! class_exists ( 'Crypt_RSA' )) include_once 'Crypt/RSA.php' ;
if ( ! class_exists ( 'Crypt_Hash' )) include_once 'Crypt/Hash.php' ;
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Ugly , but necessary to prevent debug output breaking the conversation when the user has debug turned on
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
private function no_deprecation_warnings_on_php7 () {
// PHP_MAJOR_VERSION is defined in PHP 5.2.7+
// We don't test for PHP > 7 because the specific deprecated element will be removed in PHP 8 - and so no warning should come anyway (and we shouldn't suppress other stuff until we know we need to).
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// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
if ( defined ( 'PHP_MAJOR_VERSION' ) && PHP_MAJOR_VERSION == 7 ) {
$old_level = error_reporting ();
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$new_level = $old_level & ~ E_DEPRECATED ;
if ( $old_level != $new_level ) error_reporting ( $new_level );
public function set_destination_url ( $destination_url ) {
$this -> destination_url = $destination_url ;
public function get_destination_url () {
return $this -> destination_url ;
public function set_option_name ( $key_option_name ) {
$this -> key_option_name = $key_option_name ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Method to get the remote key
* @ return array
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function get_key_remote () {
if ( empty ( $this -> key_remote ) && $this -> can_generate ) {
$this -> generate_new_keypair ();
return empty ( $this -> key_remote ) ? false : $this -> key_remote ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Set the remote key
* @ param string $key_remote
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function set_key_remote ( $key_remote ) {
$this -> key_remote = $key_remote ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Used for sending - when receiving , the format is part of the message
* @ param integer $format
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function set_message_format ( $format = 2 ) {
$this -> format = $format ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Method to get the local key
* @ return array
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function get_key_local () {
if ( empty ( $this -> key_local )) {
if ( $this -> key_option_name ) {
$key_local = get_site_option ( $this -> key_option_name );
if ( $key_local ) {
$this -> key_local = $key_local ;
if ( empty ( $this -> key_local ) && $this -> can_generate ) {
$this -> generate_new_keypair ();
return empty ( $this -> key_local ) ? false : $this -> key_local ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Tests whether a supplied string ( after trimming ) is a valid portable bundle
* @ param string $bundle [ description ]
* @ param string $format same as get_portable_bundle ()
* @ return array ( which the consumer is free to use - e . g . convert into internationalised string ), with keys 'code' and ( perhaps ) 'data'
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function decode_portable_bundle ( $bundle , $format = 'raw' ) {
$bundle = trim ( $bundle );
if ( 'base64_with_count' == $format ) {
if ( strlen ( $bundle ) < 5 ) return array ( 'code' => 'invalid_wrong_length' , 'data' => 'too_short' );
$len = substr ( $bundle , 0 , 4 );
$bundle = substr ( $bundle , 4 );
$len = hexdec ( $len );
if ( strlen ( $bundle ) != $len ) return array ( 'code' => 'invalid_wrong_length' , 'data' => " 1, $len , " . strlen ( $bundle ));
if ( false === ( $bundle = base64_decode ( $bundle ))) return array ( 'code' => 'invalid_corrupt' , 'data' => 'not_base64' );
if ( null === ( $bundle = json_decode ( $bundle , true ))) return array ( 'code' => 'invalid_corrupt' , 'data' => 'not_json' );
if ( empty ( $bundle [ 'key' ])) return array ( 'code' => 'invalid_corrupt' , 'data' => 'no_key' );
if ( empty ( $bundle [ 'url' ])) return array ( 'code' => 'invalid_corrupt' , 'data' => 'no_url' );
if ( empty ( $bundle [ 'name_indicator' ])) return array ( 'code' => 'invalid_corrupt' , 'data' => 'no_name_indicator' );
return $bundle ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Method to get a portable bundle sufficient to contact this site ( i . e . remote site - so you need to have generated a key - pair , or stored the remote key somewhere and restored it )
* @ param string $format Supported formats : base64_with_count and default ) raw
* @ param array $extra_info needs to be JSON - serialisable , so be careful about what you put into it .
* @ param array $options [ description ]
* @ return array
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function get_portable_bundle ( $format = 'raw' , $extra_info = array (), $options = array ()) {
$bundle = array_merge ( $extra_info , array (
'key' => empty ( $options [ 'key' ]) ? $this -> get_key_remote () : $options [ 'key' ],
'name_indicator' => $this -> key_name_indicator ,
'url' => trailingslashit ( network_site_url ()),
'admin_url' => trailingslashit ( admin_url ()),
'network_admin_url' => trailingslashit ( network_admin_url ()),
if ( 'base64_with_count' == $format ) {
$bundle = base64_encode ( json_encode ( $bundle ));
$len = strlen ( $bundle ); // Get the length
$len = dechex ( $len ); // The first bytes of the message are the bundle length
$len = str_pad ( $len , 4 , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT ); // Zero pad
return $len . $bundle ;
} else {
return $bundle ;
public function set_key_local ( $key_local ) {
$this -> key_local = $key_local ;
if ( $this -> key_option_name ) update_site_option ( $this -> key_option_name , $this -> key_local );
public function generate_new_keypair ( $key_size = 2048 ) {
$this -> ensure_crypto_loaded ();
$rsa = new Crypt_RSA ();
$keys = $rsa -> createKey ( $key_size );
if ( empty ( $keys [ 'privatekey' ])) {
$this -> set_key_local ( false );
} else {
$this -> set_key_local ( $keys [ 'privatekey' ]);
if ( empty ( $keys [ 'publickey' ])) {
$this -> set_key_remote ( false );
} else {
$this -> set_key_remote ( $keys [ 'publickey' ]);
return empty ( $keys [ 'publickey' ]) ? false : true ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* A base - 64 encoded RSA hash ( PKCS_1 ) of the message digest
* @ param string $message
* @ param boolean $use_key
* @ return array
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function signature_for_message ( $message , $use_key = false ) {
$hash_algorithm = 'sha256' ;
// Sign with the private (local) key
if ( ! $use_key ) {
if ( ! $this -> key_local ) throw new Exception ( 'No signing key has been set' );
$use_key = $this -> key_local ;
$this -> ensure_crypto_loaded ();
$rsa = new Crypt_RSA ();
$rsa -> loadKey ( $use_key );
// This is the older signature mode; phpseclib's default is the preferred CRYPT_RSA_SIGNATURE_PSS; however, Forge JS doesn't yet support this. More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PKCS_1
$rsa -> setSignatureMode ( CRYPT_RSA_SIGNATURE_PKCS1 );
// Don't do this: Crypt_RSA::sign() already calculates the digest of the hash
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// $hash = new Crypt_Hash($hash_algorithm);
// $hashed = $hash->hash($message);
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// if ($this->debug) $this->log("Message hash (hash=$hash_algorithm) (hex): ".bin2hex($hashed));
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
// phpseclib defaults to SHA1
$rsa -> setHash ( $hash_algorithm );
$encrypted = $rsa -> sign ( $message );
if ( $this -> debug ) $this -> log ( 'Signed hash (mode=' . CRYPT_RSA_SIGNATURE_PKCS1 . ') (hex): ' . bin2hex ( $encrypted ));
$signature = base64_encode ( $encrypted );
if ( $this -> debug ) $this -> log ( " Message signature (base64): $signature " );
return $signature ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Log description
* @ param string $message
* @ param string $level $level is not yet used much
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
private function log ( $message , $level = 'notice' ) {
// Allow other plugins to do something with the message
do_action ( 'udrpc_log' , $message , $level , $this -> key_name_indicator , $this -> debug , $this );
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
if ( 'info' != $level ) error_log ( 'UDRPC (' . $this -> key_name_indicator . " , $level ): $message " );
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Encrypt the message , using the local key ( which needs to exist )
* @ param string $plaintext
* @ param boolean $use_key
* @ param integer $key_length
* @ return array
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function encrypt_message ( $plaintext , $use_key = false , $key_length = 32 ) {
if ( ! $use_key ) {
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
if ( 1 == $this -> format ) {
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
if ( ! $this -> key_local ) throw new Exception ( 'No encryption key has been set' );
$use_key = $this -> key_local ;
} else {
if ( ! $this -> key_remote ) throw new Exception ( 'No encryption key has been set' );
$use_key = $this -> key_remote ;
$this -> ensure_crypto_loaded ();
$rsa = new Crypt_RSA ();
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$rij = new Crypt_Rijndael ();
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// Generate Random Symmetric Key
$sym_key = crypt_random_string ( $key_length );
if ( $this -> debug ) $this -> log ( 'Unencrypted symmetric key (hex): ' . bin2hex ( $sym_key ));
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// Encrypt Message with new Symmetric Key
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$rij -> setKey ( $sym_key );
$ciphertext = $rij -> encrypt ( $plaintext );
if ( $this -> debug ) $this -> log ( 'Encrypted ciphertext (hex): ' . bin2hex ( $ciphertext ));
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$ciphertext = base64_encode ( $ciphertext );
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2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// Encrypt the Symmetric Key with the Asymmetric Key
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$rsa -> loadKey ( $use_key );
$sym_key = $rsa -> encrypt ( $sym_key );
if ( $this -> debug ) $this -> log ( 'Encrypted symmetric key (hex): ' . bin2hex ( $sym_key ));
// Base 64 encode the symmetric key for transport
$sym_key = base64_encode ( $sym_key );
if ( $this -> debug ) $this -> log ( 'Encrypted symmetric key (b64): ' . $sym_key );
$len = str_pad ( dechex ( strlen ( $sym_key )), 3 , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT ); // Zero pad to be sure.
// 16 characters of hex is enough for the payload to be to 16 exabytes (giga < tera < peta < exa) of data
$cipherlen = str_pad ( dechex ( strlen ( $ciphertext )), 16 , '0' , STR_PAD_LEFT );
// Concatenate the length, the encrypted symmetric key, and the message
return $len . $sym_key . $cipherlen . $ciphertext ;
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* Decrypt the message , using the local key ( which needs to exist )
* @ param string $message
* @ return array
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function decrypt_message ( $message ) {
if ( ! $this -> key_local ) throw new Exception ( 'No decryption key has been set' );
$this -> ensure_crypto_loaded ();
$rsa = new Crypt_RSA ();
// Defaults to CRYPT_AES_MODE_CBC
$rij = new Crypt_Rijndael ();
// Extract the Symmetric Key
$len = substr ( $message , 0 , 3 );
$len = hexdec ( $len );
$sym_key = substr ( $message , 3 , $len );
// Extract the encrypted message
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$cipherlen = substr ( $message , ( $len + 3 ), 16 );
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$cipherlen = hexdec ( $cipherlen );
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$ciphertext = substr ( $message , ( $len + 19 ), $cipherlen );
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$ciphertext = base64_decode ( $ciphertext );
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// Decrypt the encrypted symmetric key
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$rsa -> loadKey ( $this -> key_local );
$sym_key = base64_decode ( $sym_key );
$sym_key = $rsa -> decrypt ( $sym_key );
// Decrypt the message
$rij -> setKey ( $sym_key );
return $rij -> decrypt ( $ciphertext );
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Creates a message
* @ param string $command
* @ param string $data
* @ param boolean $is_response
* @ param boolean $use_key_remote
* @ param boolean $use_key_local
* @ return array which the caller will then format as required ( e . g . use as body in post , or JSON - encode , etc . ) [ description ]
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public function create_message ( $command , $data = null , $is_response = false , $use_key_remote = false , $use_key_local = false ) {
if ( $is_response ) {
$send_array = array ( 'response' => $command );
} else {
$send_array = array ( 'command' => $command );
$send_array [ 'time' ] = time ();
// This goes in the encrypted portion as well to prevent replays with a different unencrypted name indicator
$send_array [ 'key_name' ] = $this -> key_name_indicator ;
// This random element means that if the site needs to send two identical commands or responses in the same second, then it can, and still use replay protection
// The value of PHP_INT_MAX on a 32-bit platform
$this -> message_random_number = rand ( 1 , 2147483647 );
$send_array [ 'rand' ] = $this -> message_random_number ;
if ( $this -> next_send_sequence_id ) {
$send_array [ 'sequence_id' ] = $this -> next_send_sequence_id ;
++ $this -> next_send_sequence_id ;
if ( $is_response && ! empty ( $this -> incoming_message ) && isset ( $this -> incoming_message [ 'rand' ])) {
$send_array [ 'incoming_rand' ] = $this -> incoming_message [ 'rand' ];
if ( null !== $data ) $send_array [ 'data' ] = $data ;
$send_data = $this -> encrypt_message ( json_encode ( $send_array ), $use_key_remote );
$message = array (
'format' => $this -> format ,
'key_name' => $this -> key_name_indicator ,
'udrpc_message' => $send_data ,
if ( $this -> format >= 2 ) {
$signature = $this -> signature_for_message ( $send_data , $use_key_local );
$message [ 'signature' ] = $signature ;
return $message ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* N . B . There ' s already some time - based replay protection . This can be turned on to beef it up .
* This is only for listeners . Replays can only be detection if transients are working on the WP site ( which by default only means that the option table is working ) .
* @ param boolean $activate
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function activate_replay_protection ( $activate = true ) {
$this -> extra_replay_protection = ( bool ) $activate ;
public function set_next_send_sequence_id ( $id ) {
$this -> next_send_sequence_id = $id ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Set_http_credentials
* @ param string $credentials should be an array with entries for 'username' and 'password'
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function set_http_credentials ( $credentials ) {
$this -> http_credentials = $credentials ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* This needs only to return an array with keys body and response - where response is also an array , with key 'code' ( the HTTP status code )
* The $post_options array support these keys : timeout , body ,
* Public , to allow short - circuiting of the library ' s own encoding / decoding ( e . g . for acting as a proxy for a message already encrypted elsewhere )
* @ param array $post_options
* @ return array
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function http_post ( $post_options ) {
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
@ include ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php' ;
$http_credentials = $this -> http_credentials ;
if ( is_a ( $this -> http_transport , 'GuzzleHttp\Client' )) {
// https://guzzle.readthedocs.org/en/5.3/clients.html
$client = $this -> http_transport ;
$guzzle_options = array (
'body' => $post_options [ 'body' ],
'headers' => array (
'User-Agent' => 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; class-udrpc.php-Guzzle/' . $this -> version . '; ' . get_bloginfo ( 'url' ),
'exceptions' => false ,
'timeout' => $post_options [ 'timeout' ],
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
if ( ! class_exists ( 'WP_HTTP_Proxy' )) include_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-http.php' ;
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$proxy = new WP_HTTP_Proxy ();
if ( $proxy -> is_enabled ()) {
$user = $proxy -> username ();
$pass = $proxy -> password ();
$host = $proxy -> host ();
$port = ( int ) $proxy -> port ();
if ( empty ( $port )) $port = 8080 ;
if ( ! empty ( $host ) && $proxy -> send_through_proxy ( $this -> destination_url )) {
$proxy_auth = '' ;
if ( ! empty ( $user )) {
$proxy_auth = $user ;
if ( ! empty ( $pass )) $proxy_auth .= ':' . $pass ;
$proxy_auth .= '@' ;
$guzzle_options [ 'proxy' ] = array (
'http' => " http:// ${ proxy_auth } $host : $port " ,
'https' => " http:// ${ proxy_auth } $host : $port " ,
if ( defined ( 'UDRPC_GUZZLE_SSL_VERIFY' )) {
} elseif ( file_exists ( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/certificates/ca-bundle.crt' )) {
$verify = ABSPATH . WPINC . '/certificates/ca-bundle.crt' ;
} else {
$verify = true ;
$guzzle_options [ 'verify' ] = apply_filters ( 'udrpc_guzzle_verify' , $verify );
if ( ! empty ( $http_credentials [ 'username' ])) {
$authentication_method = empty ( $http_credentials [ 'authentication_method' ]) ? 'basic' : $http_credentials [ 'authentication_method' ];
$password = empty ( $http_credentials [ 'password' ]) ? '' : $http_credentials [ 'password' ];
$guzzle_options [ 'auth' ] = array (
$http_credentials [ 'username' ],
$password ,
$authentication_method ,
$response = $client -> post ( $this -> destination_url , apply_filters ( 'udrpc_guzzle_options' , $guzzle_options , $this ));
$formatted_response = array (
'response' => array (
'code' => $response -> getStatusCode (),
'body' => $response -> getBody (),
return $formatted_response ;
} else {
$post_options [ 'user-agent' ] = 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; class-udrpc.php/' . $this -> version . '; ' . get_bloginfo ( 'url' );
if ( ! empty ( $http_credentials [ 'username' ])) {
$authentication_type = empty ( $http_credentials [ 'authentication_type' ]) ? 'basic' : $http_credentials [ 'authentication_type' ];
if ( 'basic' != $authentication_type ) {
return new WP_Error ( 'unsupported_http_authentication_type' , 'Only HTTP basic authentication is supported (for other types, use Guzzle)' );
$password = empty ( $http_credentials [ 'password' ]) ? '' : $http_credentials [ 'password' ];
$post_options [ 'headers' ] = array (
'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode ( $http_credentials [ 'username' ] . ':' . $password ),
return wp_remote_post (
$this -> destination_url ,
public function send_message ( $command , $data = null , $timeout = 20 ) {
if ( empty ( $this -> destination_url )) return new WP_Error ( 'not_initialised' , 'RPC error: URL not initialised' );
$message = $this -> create_message ( $command , $data );
$post_options = array (
'timeout' => $timeout ,
'body' => $message ,
$post_options = apply_filters ( 'udrpc_post_options' , $post_options , $command , $data , $timeout , $this );
try {
$post = $this -> http_post ( $post_options );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
// Curl can return an error code 0, which causes WP_Error to return early, without recording the message. So, we prefix the code.
return new WP_Error ( 'http_post_' . $e -> getCode (), $e -> getMessage ());
if ( is_wp_error ( $post )) return $post ;
$response_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code ( $post );
if ( empty ( $response_code )) return new WP_Error ( 'empty_http_code' , 'Unexpected HTTP response code' );
if ( $response_code < 200 || $response_code >= 300 ) return new WP_Error ( 'unexpected_http_code' , 'Unexpected HTTP response code (' . $response_code . ')' , $post );
$response_body = wp_remote_retrieve_body ( $post );
if ( empty ( $response_body )) return new WP_Error ( 'empty_response' , 'Empty response from remote site' );
$decoded = json_decode ( $response_body , true );
if ( empty ( $decoded )) {
if ( false != ( $found_at = strpos ( $response_body , '{"format":' ))) {
$new_body = substr ( $response_body , $found_at );
$decoded = json_decode ( $new_body , true );
if ( empty ( $decoded )) {
$this -> log ( 'response from remote site could not be understood: ' . substr ( $response_body , 0 , 100 ) . ' ... ' );
return new WP_Error ( 'response_not_understood' , 'Response from remote site could not be understood' , $response_body );
if ( ! is_array ( $decoded ) || empty ( $decoded [ 'udrpc_message' ])) return new WP_Error ( 'response_not_understood' , 'Response from remote site was not in the expected format (' . $post [ 'body' ] . ')' , $decoded );
if ( $this -> format >= 2 ) {
if ( empty ( $decoded [ 'signature' ])) {
$this -> log ( 'No message signature found' );
die ;
if ( ! $this -> key_remote ) {
$this -> log ( 'No signature verification key has been set' );
die ;
if ( ! $this -> verify_signature ( $decoded [ 'udrpc_message' ], $decoded [ 'signature' ], $this -> key_remote )) {
$this -> log ( 'Signature verification failed; discarding' );
die ;
$decoded = $this -> decrypt_message ( $decoded [ 'udrpc_message' ]);
if ( ! is_string ( $decoded )) return new WP_Error ( 'not_decrypted' , 'Response from remote site was not successfully decrypted' , $decoded [ 'udrpc_message' ]);
$json_decoded = json_decode ( $decoded , true );
if ( ! is_array ( $json_decoded ) || empty ( $json_decoded [ 'response' ]) || empty ( $json_decoded [ 'time' ]) || ! is_numeric ( $json_decoded [ 'time' ])) return new WP_Error ( 'response_corrupt' , 'Response from remote site was not in the expected format' , $decoded );
// Don't do the reply detection until now, because $post['body'] may not be a message that originated from the remote component at all (e.g. an HTTP error)
if ( $this -> extra_replay_protection ) {
$message_hash = $this -> calculate_message_hash (( string ) $post [ 'body' ]);
if ( $this -> message_hash_seen ( $message_hash )) {
return new WP_Error ( 'replay_detected' , 'Message refused: replay detected' , $message_hash );
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$time_difference = absint (( time () - $json_decoded [ 'time' ]));
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
if ( $time_difference > $this -> maximum_replay_time_difference ) return new WP_Error ( 'window_error' , 'Message refused: maxium replay time difference exceeded' , $time_difference );
if ( isset ( $json_decoded [ 'incoming_rand' ]) && ! empty ( $this -> message_random_number ) && $json_decoded [ 'incoming_rand' ] != $this -> message_random_number ) {
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$this -> log ( 'UDRPC: Message mismatch (possibly MITM) (sent_rand=' + $this -> message_random_number + ', returned_rand=' . $json_decoded [ 'incoming_rand' ] . '): dropping' , 'error' );
return new WP_Error ( 'message_mismatch_error' , 'Message refused: message mismatch (possible MITM)' );
// Should be an array with keys including 'response' and (if relevant) 'data'
return $json_decoded ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Returns a boolean indicating whether a listener was created - which depends on whether one was needed ( so , false does not necessarily indicate an error condition )
* @ return boolean
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function create_listener () {
$http_origin = function_exists ( 'get_http_origin' ) ? get_http_origin () : ( empty ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_ORIGIN' ]) ? '' : $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_ORIGIN' ]);
// Create the WP actions to handle incoming commands, handle built-in commands (e.g. ping, create_keys (authenticate with admin creds)), dispatch them to the right place, and die
if (( ! empty ( $_POST ) && ! empty ( $_POST [ 'udrpc_message' ]) && ! empty ( $_POST [ 'format' ])) || ( ! empty ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ]) && 'OPTIONS' == $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] && $http_origin )) {
add_action ( 'wp_loaded' , array ( $this , 'wp_loaded' ));
add_action ( 'wp_loaded' , array ( $this , 'wp_loaded_final' ), 10000 );
return true ;
return false ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
public function wp_loaded_final () {
if ( empty ( $this -> require_message_to_be_understood )) return ;
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$message_for = empty ( $_POST [ 'key_name' ]) ? '' : ( string ) $_POST [ 'key_name' ];
$this -> log ( " Message was received, but not understood by local site (for: $message_for ) " );
die ;
public function wp_loaded () {
// What if something else already set some response headers?
if ( function_exists ( 'apache_response_headers' )) {
$apache_response_headers = apache_response_headers ();
// Do something...
// CORS: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS
// get_http_origin() : since WP 3.4
$http_origin = function_exists ( 'get_http_origin' ) ? get_http_origin () : ( empty ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_ORIGIN' ]) ? '' : $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_ORIGIN' ]);
if ( ! empty ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ]) && 'OPTIONS' == $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] && $http_origin ) {
if ( in_array ( $http_origin , $this -> allow_cors_from )) {
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
if ( !@ constant ( 'UDRPC_DO_NOT_SEND_CORS_HEADERS' )) {
header ( " Access-Control-Allow-Origin: $http_origin " );
header ( 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true' );
if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD' ])) header ( 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, OPTIONS' );
if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS' ])) header ( 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers: ' . $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS' ]);
die ;
} elseif ( $this -> debug ) {
$this -> log ( 'Non-allowed CORS from: ' . $http_origin );
// Having detected that this is a CORS request, there's nothing more to do. We return, because a different listener might pick it up, even though we didn't.
return ;
// Silently return, rather than dying, in case another instance is able to handle this
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'format' ]) || ( 1 != $_POST [ 'format' ] && 2 != $_POST [ 'format' ])) return ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$this -> require_message_to_be_understood = true ;
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$format = $_POST [ 'format' ];
In format 1 ( legacy / obsolete ), the one encrypts ( the shared AES key ) using one half of the key - pair , and decrypts with the other ; whereas the other side of the conversation does the reverse when replying ( and uses a different shared AES key ) . Though this is possible in RSA , this is the wrong thing to do - see https :// crypto . stackexchange . com / questions / 2123 / rsa - encryption - with - private - key - and - decryption - with - a - public - key
In format 2 , both sides have their own private and public key . The sender encrypts using the other side ' s public key , and decrypts using its own private key . Messages are signed ( the message digest is SHA - 256 ) .
// Is this for us?
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'key_name' ]) || $_POST [ 'key_name' ] != $this -> key_name_indicator ) {
return ;
// wp_unslash() does not exist until after WP 3.5
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// $udrpc_message = function_exists('wp_unslash') ? wp_unslash($_POST['udrpc_message']) : stripslashes_deep($_POST['udrpc_message']);
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
// Data should not have any slashes - it is base64-encoded
$udrpc_message = ( string ) $_POST [ 'udrpc_message' ];
// Check this now, rather than allow the decrypt method to thrown an Exception
if ( empty ( $this -> key_local )) {
$this -> log ( 'no local key (format 1): cannot decrypt' , 'error' );
die ;
if ( $format >= 2 ) {
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'signature' ])) {
$this -> log ( 'No message signature found' , 'error' );
die ;
if ( ! $this -> key_remote ) {
$this -> log ( 'No signature verification key has been set' , 'error' );
die ;
if ( ! $this -> verify_signature ( $udrpc_message , $_POST [ 'signature' ], $this -> key_remote )) {
$this -> log ( 'Signature verification failed; discarding' , 'error' );
die ;
try {
$udrpc_message = $this -> decrypt_message ( $udrpc_message );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$this -> log ( 'Exception (' . get_class ( $e ) . '): ' . $e -> getMessage (), 'error' );
die ;
$udrpc_message = json_decode ( $udrpc_message , true );
if ( empty ( $udrpc_message ) || ! is_array ( $udrpc_message ) || empty ( $udrpc_message [ 'command' ]) || ! is_string ( $udrpc_message [ 'command' ])) {
$this -> log ( 'Could not decode JSON on incoming message' , 'error' );
die ;
if ( empty ( $udrpc_message [ 'time' ])) {
$this -> log ( 'No time set in incoming message' , 'error' );
die ;
// Mismatch indicating a replay of the message with a different key name in the unencrypted portion?
if ( empty ( $udrpc_message [ 'key_name' ]) || $_POST [ 'key_name' ] != $udrpc_message [ 'key_name' ]) {
$this -> log ( 'key_name mismatch between encrypted and unencrypted portions' , 'error' );
die ;
if ( $this -> extra_replay_protection ) {
$message_hash = $this -> calculate_message_hash (( string ) $_POST [ 'udrpc_message' ]);
if ( $this -> message_hash_seen ( $message_hash )) {
$this -> log ( " Message dropped: apparently a replay (hash: $message_hash ) " , 'error' );
die ;
// Do this after the extra replay protection, as that checks hashes within the maximum time window - so don't check the maximum time window until afterwards, to avoid a tiny window (race) in between.
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$time_difference = absint (( $udrpc_message [ 'time' ] - time ()));
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
if ( $time_difference > $this -> maximum_replay_time_difference ) {
$this -> log ( " Time in incoming message is outside of allowed window ( $time_difference > " . $this -> maximum_replay_time_difference . ')' , 'error' );
die ;
// The sequence number should always be larger than any previously-sent sequence number
if ( $this -> sequence_protection_tolerance ) {
if ( $this -> debug ) $this -> log ( 'Sequence protection is active; tolerance: ' . $this -> sequence_protection_tolerance );
global $wpdb ;
if ( ! isset ( $udrpc_message [ 'sequence_id' ]) || ! is_numeric ( $udrpc_message [ 'sequence_id' ])) {
$this -> log ( 'a numerical sequence number is required, but none was included in the message - dropping' , 'error' );
die ;
$message_sequence_id = ( int ) $udrpc_message [ 'sequence_id' ];
$recently_seen_sequences_ids = $wpdb -> get_var ( $wpdb -> prepare ( 'SELECT %s FROM %s LIMIT 1 WHERE ' . $this -> sequence_protection_where_sql , $this -> sequence_protection_column , $this -> sequence_protection_table ));
if ( '' === $recently_seen_sequences_ids ) $recently_seen_sequences_ids = '0' ;
$recently_seen_sequences_ids_as_array = explode ( $recently_seen_sequences_ids , ',' );
sort ( $recently_seen_sequences_ids_as_array );
// Seen before?
if ( in_array ( $message_sequence_id , $recently_seen_sequences_ids_as_array )) {
$this -> log ( " message with duplicate sequence number received - dropping (received= $message_sequence_id , seen= $recently_seen_sequences_ids ) " );
die ;
// Within the tolerance threshold? That means: a) either bigger than the max, or b) no more than <tolerance> lower than the least
if ( $message_sequence_id > max ( $recently_seen_sequences_ids )) {
if ( $this -> debug ) $this -> log ( " Sequence id ( $message_sequence_id ) is greater than any previous ( " . max ( $recently_seen_sequences_ids ) . ') - message is thus OK' );
// All is well
$recently_seen_sequences_ids_as_array [] = $message_sequence_id ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
} elseif (( max ( $recently_seen_sequences_ids ) - $message_sequence_id ) <= $this -> sequence_protection_tolerance ) {
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
// All is well - was one of those 'missing' in the sequence
if ( $this -> debug ) $this -> log ( " Sequence id ( $message_sequence_id ) is within tolerance range of previous maximum ( " . max ( $recently_seen_sequences_ids ) . ') - message is thus OK' );
$recently_seen_sequences_ids_as_array [] = $message_sequence_id ;
} else {
$this -> log ( " message received outside of allowed sequence window - dropping (received= $message_sequence_id , seen= $recently_seen_sequences_ids , tolerance= " . $this -> sequence_protection_tolerance . ')' , 'error' );
die ;
// Remove out-of-bounds seen IDs
$max_sequence_id_seen = max ( $recently_seen_sequences_ids_as_array );
foreach ( $recently_seen_sequences_ids_as_array as $k => $id ) {
if ( $max_sequence_id_seen - $id > $this -> sequence_protection_tolerance ) {
if ( $this -> debug ) $this -> log ( " Removing no-longer-relevant sequence from list of those recently seen: $id " );
unset ( $recently_seen_sequences_ids_as_array [ $k ]);
// Allow reset
if ( $current_sequence_id > PHP_INT_MAX - 10 ) {
$recently_seen_sequences_ids_as_array = array ( 0 );
// Write them back to the database
$sql = $wpdb -> prepare ( 'UPDATE %s SET %s=%s WHERE ' . $this -> sequence_protection_where_sql , $this -> sequence_protection_table , $this -> sequence_protection_column , implode ( ',' , $recently_seen_sequences_ids_as_array ));
if ( $this -> debug ) $this -> log ( " SQL to send recent sequence IDs back to the database: $sql " );
$wpdb -> query ( $sql );
$this -> incoming_message = $udrpc_message ;
$command = ( string ) $udrpc_message [ 'command' ];
$data = empty ( $udrpc_message [ 'data' ]) ? null : $udrpc_message [ 'data' ];
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
if ( $http_origin && ! empty ( $udrpc_message [ 'cors_headers_wanted' ]) && !@ constant ( 'UDRPC_DO_NOT_SEND_CORS_HEADERS' )) {
header ( " Access-Control-Allow-Origin: $http_origin " );
header ( 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true' );
$this -> log ( 'Command received: ' . $command , 'info' );
if ( 'ping' == $command ) {
echo json_encode ( $this -> create_message ( 'pong' , null , true ));
} else {
if ( has_filter ( 'udrpc_command_' . $command )) {
$command_action_hooked = true ;
$response = apply_filters ( 'udrpc_command_' . $command , null , $data , $this -> key_name_indicator );
} else {
$response = array ( 'response' => 'rpcerror' , 'data' => array ( 'code' => 'unknown_rpc_command' , 'data' => $command ));
$response = apply_filters ( 'udrpc_action' , $response , $command , $data , $this -> key_name_indicator , $this );
if ( is_array ( $response )) {
if ( $this -> debug ) {
$this -> log ( 'UDRPC response (pre-encoding/encryption): ' . serialize ( $response ));
$data = isset ( $response [ 'data' ]) ? $response [ 'data' ] : null ;
echo json_encode ( $this -> create_message ( $response [ 'response' ], $data , true ));
die ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* The hash needs to be in a format that phpseclib likes . phpseclib uses lower case .
* Pass in a base64 - encoded signature ( i . e . just as signature_for_message creates )
* @ param string $message
* @ param string $signature
* @ param string $key
* @ param string $hash_algorithm
* @ return boolean
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function verify_signature ( $message , $signature , $key , $hash_algorithm = 'sha256' ) {
$this -> ensure_crypto_loaded ();
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$rsa = new Crypt_RSA ();
$rsa -> setHash ( strtolower ( $hash_algorithm ));
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
// This is not the default, but is what we use
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$rsa -> setSignatureMode ( CRYPT_RSA_SIGNATURE_PKCS1 );
$rsa -> loadKey ( $key );
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
// Don't hash it - Crypt_RSA::verify() already does that
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// $hash = new Crypt_Hash($hash_algorithm);
// $hashed = $hash->hash($message);
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$verified = $rsa -> verify ( $message , base64_decode ( $signature ));
if ( $this -> debug ) $this -> log ( 'Signature verification result: ' . serialize ( $verified ));
return $verified ;
private function calculate_message_hash ( $message ) {
return hash ( 'sha256' , $message );
private function message_hash_seen ( $message_hash ) {
// 39 characters - less than the WP site transient name limit (40). Though, we use a normal transient, as these don't auto-load at all times.
$transient_name = 'udrpch_' . md5 ( $this -> key_name_indicator );
$seen_hashes = get_transient ( $transient_name );
if ( ! is_array ( $seen_hashes )) $seen_hashes = array ();
$time_now = time ();
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// $any_changes = false;
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
// Prune the old hashes
foreach ( $seen_hashes as $hash => $last_seen ) {
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
if ( $last_seen < ( $time_now - $this -> maximum_replay_time_difference )) {
// $any_changes = true;
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
unset ( $seen_hashes [ $hash ]);
if ( isset ( $seen_hashes [ $message_hash ])) {
return true ;
$seen_hashes [ $message_hash ] = $time_now ;
set_transient ( $transient_name , $seen_hashes , $this -> maximum_replay_time_difference );
return false ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
endif ;