2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
< ? php
if ( ! defined ( 'UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR' )) die ( 'No direct access allowed.' );
require_once ( UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR . '/methods/s3.php' );
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Converted to multi - options ( Feb 2017 - ) and previous options conversion removed : Yes
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
class UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_dreamobjects extends UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_s3 {
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// When new endpoint introduced in future, Please add it here and also add it as hard coded option for endpoint dropdown in self::get_partial_configuration_template_for_endpoint()
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
private $dreamobjects_endpoints = array ( 'objects-us-west-1.dream.io' );
protected function set_region ( $obj , $region = '' , $bucket_name = '' ) {
$config = $this -> get_config ();
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$endpoint = ( '' != $region && 'n/a' != $region ) ? $region : $config [ 'endpoint' ];
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
global $updraftplus ;
if ( $updraftplus -> backup_time ) $updraftplus -> log ( " Set endpoint: $endpoint " );
$obj -> setEndpoint ( $endpoint );
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* This method overrides the parent method and lists the supported features of this remote storage option .
* @ return Array - an array of supported features ( any features not mentioned are asuumed to not be supported )
public function get_supported_features () {
// This options format is handled via only accessing options via $this->get_options()
return array ( 'multi_options' , 'config_templates' , 'multi_storage' );
* Retrieve default options for this remote storage module .
* @ return Array - an array of options
public function get_default_options () {
return array (
'accesskey' => '' ,
'secretkey' => '' ,
'path' => '' ,
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Retrieve specific options for this remote storage module
* @ return Array - an array of options
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
protected function get_config () {
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$opts = $this -> get_options ();
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$opts [ 'whoweare' ] = 'DreamObjects' ;
$opts [ 'whoweare_long' ] = 'DreamObjects' ;
$opts [ 'key' ] = 'dreamobjects' ;
if ( empty ( $opts [ 'endpoint' ])) $opts [ 'endpoint' ] = $this -> dreamobjects_endpoints [ 0 ];
return $opts ;
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Get the pre configuration template
* @ return String - the template
public function get_pre_configuration_template () {
$this -> get_pre_configuration_template_engine ( 'dreamobjects' , 'DreamObjects' , 'DreamObjects' , 'DreamObjects' , 'https://panel.dreamhost.com/index.cgi?tree=storage.dreamhostobjects' , '<a href="https://dreamhost.com/cloud/dreamobjects/"><img alt="DreamObjects" src="' . UPDRAFTPLUS_URL . '/images/dreamobjects_logo-horiz-2013.png"></a>' );
* Get the configuration template
* @ return String - the template , ready for substitutions to be carried out
public function get_configuration_template () {
return $this -> get_configuration_template_engine ( 'dreamobjects' , 'DreamObjects' , 'DreamObjects' , 'DreamObjects' , 'https://panel.dreamhost.com/index.cgi?tree=storage.dreamhostobjects' , '<a href="https://dreamhost.com/cloud/dreamobjects/"><img alt="DreamObjects" src="' . UPDRAFTPLUS_URL . '/images/dreamobjects_logo-horiz-2013.png"></a>' );
* Get handlebar partial template string for endpoint of s3 compatible remote storage method . Other child class can extend it .
* @ return string the partial template string
protected function get_partial_configuration_template_for_endpoint () {
// When new endpoint introduced in future, Please add it as hard coded option for below endpoint dropdown and also add as array value in private $dreamobjects_endpoints variable
return '<tr class="' . $this -> get_css_classes () . ' " >
< th > '.sprintf(__(' % s end - point ', ' updraftplus '), ' DreamObjects ').' </ th >
< td >
< select data - updraft_settings_test = " endpoint " '.$this->output_settings_field_name_and_id(' endpoint ', true).' style = " width: 360px " >
{{ #each dreamobjects_endpoints}}
< option value = " { { this}} " {{ #ifeq ../endpoint this}}selected="selected"{{/ifeq}}>{{this}}</option>
{{ / each }}
</ select >
</ td >
</ tr > ' ;
* Modifies handerbar template options
* @ param array $opts
* @ return array - Modified handerbar template options
public function transform_options_for_template ( $opts ) {
$opts [ 'endpoint' ] = ! empty ( $opts [ 'endpoint' ]) ? $opts [ 'endpoint' ] : '' ;
$opts [ 'dreamobjects_endpoints' ] = $this -> dreamobjects_endpoints ;
return $opts ;
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function credentials_test ( $posted_settings ) {
$this -> credentials_test_engine ( $this -> get_config (), $posted_settings );