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2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') {
Object.create = function(obj) {
function F() {}
F.prototype = obj;
return new F();
(function($, window, document, undefined) {
$.fn.socialfeed = function(_options) {
var defaults = {
plugin_folder: '', // a folder in which the plugin is located (with a slash in the end)
template: 'template.html', // a path to the template file
show_media: false, // show images of attachments if available
media_min_width: 300,
length: 500, // maximum length of post message shown
date_format: 'll',
date_locale: 'en'
var options = $.extend(defaults, _options),
container = $(this),
social_networks = ['facebook', 'instagram', 'vk', 'google', 'blogspot', 'twitter', 'pinterest', 'rss'],
posts_to_load_count = 0,
loaded_post_count = 0;
// container.empty().css('display', 'block');
// This function performs consequent data loading from all of the sources by calling corresponding functions
function calculatePostsToLoadCount() {
social_networks.forEach(function(network) {
if (options[network]) {
if (options[network].accounts) {
posts_to_load_count += options[network].limit * options[network].accounts.length;
} else if (options[network].urls ){
posts_to_load_count += options[network].limit * options[network].urls.length;
} else {
posts_to_load_count += options[network].limit;
function fireCallback() {
var fire = true;
/*$.each(Object.keys(loaded), function() {
if (loaded[this] > 0)
fire = false;
if (fire && options.callback) {
var Utility = {
request: function(url, callback) {
url: url,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: callback
get_request: function(url, callback) {
$.get(url, callback, 'json');
wrapLinks: function(string, social_network) {
var exp = /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/ig;
if (social_network === 'google-plus') {
string = string.replace(/(@|#)([a-z0-9_]+['])/ig, Utility.wrapGoogleplusTagTemplate);
} else {
string = string.replace(exp, Utility.wrapLinkTemplate);
return string;
wrapLinkTemplate: function(string) {
return '<a target="_blank" href="' + string + '">' + string + '<\/a>';
wrapGoogleplusTagTemplate: function(string) {
return '<a target="_blank" href="https://plus.google.com/s/' + string + '" >' + string + '<\/a>';
shorten: function(string) {
string = $.trim(string);
if (string.length > options.length) {
return jQuery.trim(string).substring(0, options.length).split(" ").slice(0, -1).join(" ") + "...";
} else {
return string;
stripHTML: function(string) {
if (typeof string === "undefined" || string === null) {
return '';
return string.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)|nbsp;|\s{2,}|/ig, "");
function SocialFeedPost(social_network, data) {
this.content = data;
this.content.social_network = social_network;
this.content.attachment = (this.content.attachment === undefined) ? '' : this.content.attachment;
this.content.time_ago = data.dt_create.locale(options.date_locale).fromNow();
this.content.date = data.dt_create.locale(options.date_locale).format(options.date_format);
this.content.dt_create = this.content.dt_create.valueOf();
this.content.text = Utility.wrapLinks(Utility.shorten(data.message + ' ' + data.description), data.social_network);
this.content.moderation_passed = (options.moderation) ? options.moderation(this.content) : true;
SocialFeedPost.prototype = {
render: function() {
var rendered_html = Feed.template(this.content);
var data = this.content;
if ($(container).children('[social-feed-id=' + data.id + ']').length !== 0) {
return false;
if ($(container).children().length === 0) {
} else {
var i = 0,
insert_index = -1;
$.each($(container).children(), function() {
if ($(this).attr('dt-create') < data.dt_create) {
insert_index = i;
return false;
if (insert_index >= 0) {
var before = $(container).children('div:nth-child(' + insert_index + ')'),
current = $(container).children('div:last-child');
if (options.media_min_width) {
var query = '[social-feed-id=' + data.id + '] img.attachment';
var image = $(query);
// preload the image
var height, width = '';
var img = new Image();
var imgSrc = image.attr("src");
$(img).load(function() {
if (img.width < options.media_min_width) {
// garbage collect img
delete img;
}).error(function() {
// image couldnt be loaded
src: imgSrc
if (loaded_post_count == posts_to_load_count) {
var Feed = {
template: false,
init: function() {
Feed.getTemplate(function() {
social_networks.forEach(function(network) {
if (options[network]) {
if ( options[network].accounts ) {
//loaded[network] = 0;
options[network].accounts.forEach(function(account) {
} else if ( options[network].urls ) {
options[network].urls.forEach(function(url) {
} else {
getTemplate: function(callback) {
if (Feed.template)
return callback();
else {
if (options.template_html) {
Feed.template = doT.template(options.template_html);
return callback();
} else {
$.get(options.template, function(template_html) {
Feed.template = doT.template(template_html);
return callback();
twitter: {
posts: [],
loaded: false,
api: 'http://api.tweecool.com/',
getData: function(account) {
var cb = new Codebird();
cb.setConsumerKey(options.twitter.consumer_key, options.twitter.consumer_secret);
// Allow setting your own proxy with Codebird
if (options.twitter.proxy !== undefined) {
switch (account[0]) {
case '@':
var userid = account.substr(1);
"id=" + userid + "&count=" + options.twitter.limit,
true // this parameter required
case '#':
var hashtag = account.substr(1);
"q=" + hashtag + "&count=" + options.twitter.limit,
function(reply) {
true // this parameter required
utility: {
getPosts: function(json) {
if (json) {
$.each(json, function() {
var element = this;
var post = new SocialFeedPost('twitter', Feed.twitter.utility.unifyPostData(element));
unifyPostData: function(element) {
var post = {};
if (element.id) {
post.id = element.id_str;
//prevent a moment.js console warning due to Twitter's poor date format.
post.dt_create = moment(element.created_at, 'dd MMM DD HH:mm:ss ZZ YYYY');
post.author_link = 'http://twitter.com/' + element.user.screen_name;
post.author_picture = element.user.profile_image_url_https;
post.post_url = post.author_link + '/status/' + element.id_str;
post.author_name = element.user.name;
post.message = element.text;
post.description = '';
post.link = 'http://twitter.com/' + element.user.screen_name + '/status/' + element.id_str;
if (options.show_media === true) {
if (element.entities.media && element.entities.media.length > 0) {
var image_url = element.entities.media[0].media_url_https;
if (image_url) {
post.attachment = '<img class="attachment" src="' + image_url + '" />';
return post;
facebook: {
posts: [],
graph: 'https://graph.facebook.com/',
loaded: false,
getData: function(account) {
var proceed = function(request_url){
Utility.request(request_url, Feed.facebook.utility.getPosts);
var fields = '?fields=id,from,name,message,created_time,story,description,link';
fields += (options.show_media === true)?',picture,object_id':'';
var request_url, limit = '&limit=' + options.facebook.limit,
query_extention = '&access_token=' + options.facebook.access_token + '&callback=?';
switch (account[0]) {
case '@':
var username = account.substr(1);
Feed.facebook.utility.getUserId(username, function(userdata) {
if (userdata.id !== '') {
request_url = Feed.facebook.graph + 'v2.4/' + userdata.id + '/posts'+ fields + limit + query_extention;
case '!':
var page = account.substr(1);
request_url = Feed.facebook.graph + 'v2.4/' + page + '/feed'+ fields + limit + query_extention;
utility: {
getUserId: function(username, callback) {
var query_extention = '&access_token=' + options.facebook.access_token + '&callback=?';
var url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' + username + '?' + query_extention;
var result = '';
$.get(url, callback, 'json');
prepareAttachment: function(element) {
var image_url = element.picture;
if (image_url.indexOf('_b.') !== -1) {
//do nothing it is already big
} else if (image_url.indexOf('safe_image.php') !== -1) {
image_url = Feed.facebook.utility.getExternalImageURL(image_url, 'url');
} else if (image_url.indexOf('app_full_proxy.php') !== -1) {
image_url = Feed.facebook.utility.getExternalImageURL(image_url, 'src');
} else if (element.object_id) {
image_url = Feed.facebook.graph + element.object_id + '/picture/?type=normal';
return '<img class="attachment" src="' + image_url + '" />';
getExternalImageURL: function(image_url, parameter) {
image_url = decodeURIComponent(image_url).split(parameter + '=')[1];
if (image_url.indexOf('fbcdn-sphotos') === -1) {
return image_url.split('&')[0];
} else {
return image_url;
getPosts: function(json) {
if (json['data']) {
json['data'].forEach(function(element) {
var post = new SocialFeedPost('facebook', Feed.facebook.utility.unifyPostData(element));
unifyPostData: function(element) {
var post = {},
text = (element.message) ? element.message : element.story;
post.id = element.id;
post.dt_create = moment(element.created_time);
post.author_link = 'http://facebook.com/' + element.from.id;
post.author_picture = Feed.facebook.graph + element.from.id + '/picture';
post.author_name = element.from.name;
post.name = element.name || "";
post.message = (text) ? text : '';
post.description = (element.description) ? element.description : '';
post.link = (element.link) ? element.link : 'http://facebook.com/' + element.from.id;
if (options.show_media === true) {
if (element.picture) {
var attachment = Feed.facebook.utility.prepareAttachment(element);
if (attachment) {
post.attachment = attachment;
return post;
google: {
posts: [],
loaded: false,
api: 'https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/',
getData: function(account) {
var request_url;
switch (account[0]) {
case '#':
var hashtag = account.substr(1);
request_url = Feed.google.api + 'activities?query=' + hashtag + '&key=' + options.google.access_token + '&maxResults=' + options.google.limit;
Utility.get_request(request_url, Feed.google.utility.getPosts);
case '@':
var username = account.substr(1);
request_url = Feed.google.api + 'people/' + username + '/activities/public?key=' + options.google.access_token + '&maxResults=' + options.google.limit;
Utility.get_request(request_url, Feed.google.utility.getPosts);
utility: {
getPosts: function(json) {
if (json.items) {
$.each(json.items, function(i) {
var post = new SocialFeedPost('google', Feed.google.utility.unifyPostData(json.items[i]));
unifyPostData: function(element) {
var post = {};
post.id = element.id;
post.attachment = '';
post.description = '';
post.dt_create = moment(element.published);
post.author_link = element.actor.url;
post.author_picture = element.actor.image.url;
post.author_name = element.actor.displayName;
if (options.show_media === true) {
if (element.object.attachments) {
$.each(element.object.attachments, function() {
var image = '';
if (this.fullImage) {
image = this.fullImage.url;
} else {
if (this.objectType === 'album') {
if (this.thumbnails && this.thumbnails.length > 0) {
if (this.thumbnails[0].image) {
image = this.thumbnails[0].image.url;
post.attachment = '<img class="attachment" src="' + image + '"/>';
post.message = element.title;
post.link = element.url;
return post;
instagram: {
posts: [],
api: 'https://api.instagram.com/v1/',
loaded: false,
accessType: function() {
// If we have both the client_id and access_token set in options,
// use access_token for authentication. If client_id is not set
// then use access_token. If neither are set, log an error to console.
if (typeof options.instagram.access_token === 'undefined' && typeof options.instagram.client_id === 'undefined') {
console.log('You need to define a client_id or access_token to authenticate with Instagram\'s API.');
return undefined;
if (options.instagram.access_token) { options.instagram.client_id = undefined; }
options.instagram.access_type = (typeof options.instagram.client_id === 'undefined' ? 'access_token' : 'client_id');
return options.instagram.access_type;
getData: function(account) {
var url;
// API endpoint URL depends on which authentication type we're using.
if (this.accessType() !== 'undefined') {
var authTokenParams = options.instagram.access_type + '=' + options.instagram[options.instagram.access_type];
switch (account[0]) {
case '@':
var username = account.substr(1);
url = Feed.instagram.api + 'users/search/?q=' + username + '&' + authTokenParams + '&count=1' + '&callback=?';
Utility.request(url, Feed.instagram.utility.getUsers);
case '#':
var hashtag = account.substr(1);
url = Feed.instagram.api + 'tags/' + hashtag + '/media/recent/?' + authTokenParams + '&' + 'count=' + options.instagram.limit + '&callback=?';
Utility.request(url, Feed.instagram.utility.getImages);
case '&':
var id = account.substr(1);
url = Feed.instagram.api + 'users/' + id + '/?' + authTokenParams + '&' + 'count=' + options.instagram.limit + '&callback=?';
Utility.request(url, Feed.instagram.utility.getUsers);
utility: {
getImages: function(json) {
if (json.data) {
json.data.forEach(function(element) {
var post = new SocialFeedPost('instagram', Feed.instagram.utility.unifyPostData(element));
getUsers: function(json) {
// API endpoint URL depends on which authentication type we're using.
if (options.instagram.access_type !== 'undefined') {
var authTokenParams = options.instagram.access_type + '=' + options.instagram[options.instagram.access_type];
if (!jQuery.isArray(json.data)) json.data = [json.data]
json.data.forEach(function(user) {
var url = Feed.instagram.api + 'users/' + user.id + '/media/recent/?' + authTokenParams + '&' + 'count=' + options.instagram.limit + '&callback=?';
Utility.request(url, Feed.instagram.utility.getImages);
unifyPostData: function(element) {
var post = {};
post.id = element.id;
post.dt_create = moment(element.created_time * 1000);
post.author_link = 'http://instagram.com/' + element.user.username;
post.author_picture = element.user.profile_picture;
post.author_name = element.user.full_name || element.user.username;
post.message = (element.caption && element.caption) ? element.caption.text : '';
post.description = '';
post.link = element.link;
if (options.show_media) {
post.attachment = '<img class="attachment" src="' + element.images.standard_resolution.url + '' + '" />';
return post;
vk: {
posts: [],
loaded: false,
base: 'http://vk.com/',
api: 'https://api.vk.com/method/',
user_json_template: 'https://api.vk.com/method/' + 'users.get?fields=first_name,%20last_name,%20screen_name,%20photo&uid=',
group_json_template: 'https://api.vk.com/method/' + 'groups.getById?fields=first_name,%20last_name,%20screen_name,%20photo&gid=',
getData: function(account) {
var request_url;
switch (account[0]) {
case '@':
var username = account.substr(1);
request_url = Feed.vk.api + 'wall.get?owner_id=' + username + '&filter=' + options.vk.source + '&count=' + options.vk.limit + '&callback=?';
Utility.get_request(request_url, Feed.vk.utility.getPosts);
case '#':
var hashtag = account.substr(1);
request_url = Feed.vk.api + 'newsfeed.search?q=' + hashtag + '&count=' + options.vk.limit + '&callback=?';
Utility.get_request(request_url, Feed.vk.utility.getPosts);
utility: {
getPosts: function(json) {
if (json.response) {
$.each(json.response, function() {
if (this != parseInt(this) && this.post_type === 'post') {
var owner_id = (this.owner_id) ? this.owner_id : this.from_id,
vk_wall_owner_url = (owner_id > 0) ? (Feed.vk.user_json_template + owner_id + '&callback=?') : (Feed.vk.group_json_template + (-1) * owner_id + '&callback=?'),
element = this;
Utility.get_request(vk_wall_owner_url, function(wall_owner) {
Feed.vk.utility.unifyPostData(wall_owner, element, json);
unifyPostData: function(wall_owner, element, json) {
var post = {};
post.id = element.id;
post.dt_create = moment.unix(element.date);
post.description = ' ';
post.message = Utility.stripHTML(element.text);
if (options.show_media) {
if (element.attachment) {
if (element.attachment.type === 'link')
post.attachment = '<img class="attachment" src="' + element.attachment.link.image_src + '" />';
if (element.attachment.type === 'video')
post.attachment = '<img class="attachment" src="' + element.attachment.video.image_big + '" />';
if (element.attachment.type === 'photo')
post.attachment = '<img class="attachment" src="' + element.attachment.photo.src_big + '" />';
if (element.from_id > 0) {
var vk_user_json = Feed.vk.user_json_template + element.from_id + '&callback=?';
Utility.get_request(vk_user_json, function(user_json) {
var vk_post = new SocialFeedPost('vk', Feed.vk.utility.getUser(user_json, post, element, json));
} else {
var vk_group_json = Feed.vk.group_json_template + (-1) * element.from_id + '&callback=?';
Utility.get_request(vk_group_json, function(user_json) {
var vk_post = new SocialFeedPost('vk', Feed.vk.utility.getGroup(user_json, post, element, json));
getUser: function(user_json, post, element, json) {
post.author_name = user_json.response[0].first_name + ' ' + user_json.response[0].last_name;
post.author_picture = user_json.response[0].photo;
post.author_link = Feed.vk.base + user_json.response[0].screen_name;
post.link = Feed.vk.base + user_json.response[0].screen_name + '?w=wall' + element.from_id + '_' + element.id;
return post;
getGroup: function(user_json, post, element, json) {
post.author_name = user_json.response[0].name;
post.author_picture = user_json.response[0].photo;
post.author_link = Feed.vk.base + user_json.response[0].screen_name;
post.link = Feed.vk.base + user_json.response[0].screen_name + '?w=wall-' + user_json.response[0].gid + '_' + element.id;
return post;
blogspot: {
loaded: false,
getData: function(account) {
var url;
switch (account[0]) {
case '@':
var username = account.substr(1);
url = 'http://' + username + '.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&callback=?';
request(url, getPosts);
utility: {
getPosts: function(json) {
$.each(json.feed.entry, function() {
var post = {},
element = this;
post.id = element.id['$t'].replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '');
post.dt_create = moment((element.published['$t']));
post.author_link = element.author[0]['uri']['$t'];
post.author_picture = 'http:' + element.author[0]['gd$image']['src'];
post.author_name = element.author[0]['name']['$t'];
post.message = element.title['$t'] + '</br></br>' + stripHTML(element.content['$t']);
post.description = '';
post.link = element.link.pop().href;
if (options.show_media) {
if (element['media$thumbnail']) {
post.attachment = '<img class="attachment" src="' + element['media$thumbnail']['url'] + '" />';
pinterest: {
posts: [],
loaded: false,
apiv1: 'https://api.pinterest.com/v1/',
getData: function(account) {
var request_url,
limit = 'limit=' + options.pinterest.limit,
fields = 'fields=id,created_at,link,note,creator(url,first_name,last_name,image),image',
query_extention = fields + '&access_token=' + options.pinterest.access_token + '&' + limit + '&callback=?';
switch (account[0]) {
case '@':
var username = account.substr(1);
if (username === 'me') {
request_url = Feed.pinterest.apiv1 + 'me/pins/?' + query_extention;
} else {
request_url = Feed.pinterest.apiv1 + 'boards/' + username + '/pins?' + query_extention;
Utility.request(request_url, Feed.pinterest.utility.getPosts);
utility: {
getPosts: function(json) {
json.data.forEach(function(element) {
var post = new SocialFeedPost('pinterest', Feed.pinterest.utility.unifyPostData(element));
unifyPostData: function(element){
var post = {};
post.id = element.id;
post.dt_create= moment(element.created_at);
post.author_link = element.creator.url;
post.author_picture = element.creator.image['60x60' ].url;
post.author_name = element.creator.first_name + element.creator.last_name;
post.message = element.note;
post.description = '';
post.social_network = 'pinterest';
post.link = element.link ? element.link : 'https://www.pinterest.com/pin/' + element.id;
if (options.show_media) {
post.attachment = '<img class="attachment" src="' + element.image['original'].url + '" />';
return post;
rss : {
posts: [],
loaded: false,
api : 'https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=',
datatype: 'json',
getData: function(url) {
var limit = options.rss.limit,
yql = encodeURIComponent('select entry FROM feednormalizer where url=\'' + url + '\' AND output=\'atom_1.0\' | truncate(count=' + limit + ')' ),
request_url = Feed.rss.api + yql + '&format=json&callback=?';
Utility.request(request_url, Feed.rss.utility.getPosts, Feed.rss.datatype);
utility: {
getPosts: function(json) {
if (json.query.count > 0 ){
$.each(json.query.results.feed, function(index, element) {
var post = new SocialFeedPost('rss', Feed.rss.utility.unifyPostData(index, element));
unifyPostData: function(index, element){
var item = element;
if ( element.entry !== undefined ){
item = element.entry;
var post = {};
post.id = '"' + item.id + '"';
post.dt_create= moment(item.published, 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ', 'en');
post.author_link = '';
post.author_picture = '';
post.author_name = '';
if( item.creator !== undefined ){
post.author_name = item.creator;
post.message = item.title;
post.description = '';
if( item.summary !== undefined ){
post.description = Utility.stripHTML(item.summary.content);
post.social_network = 'rss';
post.link = item.link.href;
if (options.show_media && item.thumbnail !== undefined ) {
post.attachment = '<img class="attachment" src="' + item.thumbnail.url + '" />';
return post;
//make the plugin chainable
return this.each(function() {
// Initialization
if (options.update_period) {
setInterval(function() {
return Feed.init();
}, options.update_period);