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synced 2025-02-23 16:21:07 +00:00
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224 lines
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// All of the js needed to run the advanced layouts TinyMCE popup
var gca_popup;
( function($) {
var editor, selected, layout, output,
inputs = {},
firstColumnText = gca_localize_scripts.first_column,
secondColumnText = gca_localize_scripts.second_column,
thirdColumnText = gca_localize_scripts.third_column,
fourthColumnText = gca_localize_scripts.fourth_column,
fifthColumnText = gca_localize_scripts.fifth_column,
sixthColumnText = gca_localize_scripts.sixth_column,
missingLayout = gca_localize_scripts.missing_layout,
hideTitles = gca_localize_scripts.hide_titles,
showTitles = gca_localize_scripts.show_titles;
gca_popup = {
init: function() {
inputs.wrap = $( '#gca_popup_wrap' );
inputs.backdrop = $( '#gca_popup_backdrop' );
inputs.insert = $( '#gca_popup_insert' );
inputs.reset = $( '#gca_popup_reset' );
inputs.close = $( '#gca_popup_close' );
inputs.columnSelect = $( '#gca_column_select' );
inputs.toggleTitles = $( '#gca_toggle_titles' );
inputs.layoutSelect = $( '.gca-column-layouts input[type="radio"]' );
inputs.classes = $( '.gca-column-classes input' );
// Insert shortcodes
inputs.insert.click( function( event ) {
// Reset all selection and classes in popup
inputs.reset.click( function( event ) {
// Close the popup
inputs.close.add( inputs.backdrop ).add( '#gca_popup_cancel button' ).click( function( event ) {
// Toggle different column layouts
inputs.columnSelect.change( function() {
var layouts = $(this).parent().siblings( '.gca-column-layouts' );
if ( $(this).val() == 'all' ) {
} else {
if ( $(this).val() == 'two-columns' ) {
layouts.children( '.two-columns' ).show();
} else if ( $(this).val() == 'three-columns' ) {
layouts.children( '.three-columns' ).show();
} else if ( $(this).val() == 'four-columns' ) {
layouts.children( '.four-columns' ).show();
} else if ( $(this).val() == 'five-columns' ) {
layouts.children( '.five-columns' ).show();
} else if ( $(this).val() == 'six-columns' ) {
layouts.children( '.six-columns' ).show();
// Toggle the layout titles
inputs.toggleTitles.click( function( event ) {
$( '.layout-title' ).toggleClass( 'show-title' );
$(this).toggleClass( 'show-title' );
if ( $(this).hasClass( 'show-title' ) ) {
$(this).text( hideTitles );
} else {
$(this).text( showTitles );
// Generates colored border on selected layout and adds classes
inputs.layoutSelect.click( function( event ) {
// Remove selected class from all, then add to the selected layout
$( '.gca-column-layouts label.layout' ).removeClass( 'selected' );
$( event.target ).parent( 'label.layout' ).addClass( 'selected' );
// Get all the classes from the selected layout
var selectedColumnType = $( event.target ).parent( 'label.layout' ).prop( 'class' );
// Reset the class on the gca-column-classes div and add the selected column layout class
$( '.gca-column-classes' ).prop( 'class', 'gca-column-classes' );
$( '.gca-column-classes' ).addClass( selectedColumnType ).removeClass( 'layout selected' );
// Make sure custom classes are actually custom classes
inputs.classes.change( function() {
var input = $(this).val();
input = input.replace(/[^\w\-\s]/g, ''); // remove all characters that are not allowed
input = input.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' '); // trim all excess whitepace
$(this).val( input );
open: function( editorId ) {
// Use the builtin WP class that prevents background from scrolling when modal is open
$( document.body ).addClass( 'modal-open' );
if ( editorId ) {
window.gcaActiveEditor = editorId;
if ( ! window.gcaActiveEditor ) {
if ( typeof window.tinymce !== 'undefined' ) {
// Make sure the link wrapper is the last element in the body,
// or the inline editor toolbar may show above the backdrop.
$( document.body ).append( inputs.backdrop, inputs.wrap );
editor = window.tinymce.get( window.gcaActiveEditor );
if ( editor ) {
selected = editor.selection.getContent();
insert: function() {
var columns, columnIndex, classes, classIndex, text,
first = '',
// Reset output
output = '';
// Get the selected column layout
layout = $( '.gca-column-layouts label.selected input' ).val();
if ( layout != null ) {
// Form the column classes array from the values provided
classes = [
$( '#gca_column_one_class' ).val(),
$( '#gca_column_two_class' ).val(),
$( '#gca_column_three_class' ).val(),
$( '#gca_column_four_class' ).val(),
$( '#gca_column_five_class' ).val(),
$( '#gca_column_six_class' ).val(),
classIndex = 0;
for ( classIndex = 0; classIndex < classes.length; ++classIndex ) {
classes[classIndex] = ( classes[classIndex] != '' ? ( ' class="' + classes[classIndex] + '"' ) : '' );
// Form the column text array
text = [ firstColumnText, secondColumnText, thirdColumnText, fourthColumnText, fifthColumnText, sixthColumnText ];
// If content was highlighted, use that for the first column's text over default content
text[0] = ( selected != '' ? selected : text[0] );
// Form the column layout array
columns = layout.split('_'),
columnIndex = 0;
for ( columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columns.length; ++columnIndex ) {
first = columnIndex == 0 ? '-first' : '';
output += '[' + columns[columnIndex] + first + classes[columnIndex] + ']' + text[columnIndex] + '[/' + columns[columnIndex] + first + ']<br>';
// Insert shortcodes and close popup
editor.insertContent( output );
} else {
// Throw alert if no layout was selected
alert( missingLayout );
reset: function() {
// Deselect any selected column layout
inputs.layoutSelect.parent().removeClass( 'selected' );
inputs.layoutSelect.prop( 'checked', false );
// Reset the class on the gca-column-classes div
$( '.gca-column-classes' ).prop( 'class', 'gca-column-classes' );
// Clear all classes
$( '.gca-column-classes input' ).val( '' );
close: function() {
$( document.body ).removeClass( 'modal-open' );
$( document ).ready( gca_popup.init );
})( jQuery );