595 lines
25 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
if (!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR')) die('No access.');
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
if (defined('UPDRAFTCENTRAL_CLIENT_DIR')) return;
define('UPDRAFTCENTRAL_CLIENT_DIR', dirname(__FILE__));
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
// This file is included during plugins_loaded
// Load the listener class that we rely on to pick up messages
if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_UpdraftCentral_Listener')) require_once('listener.php');
class UpdraftPlus_UpdraftCentral_Main {
public function __construct() {
// Add the section to the 'advanced tools' page
add_action('updraftplus_debugtools_dashboard', array($this, 'debugtools_dashboard'), 20);
add_action('udrpc_log', array($this, 'udrpc_log'), 10, 3);
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
add_action('wp_ajax_updraftcentral_receivepublickey', array($this, 'wp_ajax_updraftcentral_receivepublickey'));
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_updraftcentral_receivepublickey', array($this, 'wp_ajax_updraftcentral_receivepublickey'));
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// The 'updraftplus' commands are registered in UpdraftPlus::plugins_loaded()
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$command_classes = apply_filters('updraftplus_remotecontrol_command_classes', array(
'core' => 'UpdraftCentral_Core_Commands',
'updates' => 'UpdraftCentral_Updates_Commands',
'users' => 'UpdraftCentral_Users_Commands',
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
'comments' => 'UpdraftCentral_Comments_Commands',
'analytics' => 'UpdraftCentral_Analytics_Commands',
'plugin' => 'UpdraftCentral_Plugin_Commands'
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// If nothing was sent, then there is no incoming message, so no need to set up a listener (or CORS request, etc.). This avoids a DB SELECT query on the option below in the case where it didn't get autoloaded, which is the case when there are no keys.
if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && ('GET' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] || 'POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && (empty($_REQUEST['action']) || 'updraft_central' !== $_REQUEST['action']) && empty($_REQUEST['udcentral_action']) && empty($_REQUEST['udrpc_message'])) return;
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
// Remote control keys
// These are different from the remote send keys, which are set up in the Migrator add-on
$our_keys = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_central_localkeys');
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
if (is_array($our_keys) && !empty($our_keys)) {
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$remote_control = new UpdraftPlus_UpdraftCentral_Listener($our_keys, $command_classes);
public function wp_ajax_updraftcentral_receivepublickey() {
// The actual nonce check is done in the method below
if (empty($_GET['_wpnonce']) || empty($_GET['public_key']) || !isset($_GET['updraft_key_index'])) die;
$result = $this->receive_public_key();
if (!is_array($result) || empty($result['responsetype'])) die;
echo '<html><head><title>UpdraftCentral</title></head><body><h1>'.__('UpdraftCentral Connection', 'updraftplus').'</h1><h2>'.htmlspecialchars(network_site_url()).'</h2><p>';
if ('ok' == $result['responsetype']) {
echo __('An UpdraftCentral connection has been made successfully.', 'updraftplus');
} else {
echo '<strong>'.__('A new UpdraftCentral connection has not been made.', 'updraftplus').'</strong><br>';
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
switch ($result['code']) {
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
case 'unknown_key':
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
echo __('The key referred to was unknown.', 'updraftplus');
case 'not_logged_in':
echo __('You are not logged into this WordPress site in your web browser.', 'updraftplus').' '.__('You must visit this URL in the same browser and login session as you created the key in.', 'updraftplus');
case 'nonce_failure':
echo 'Security check. ';
_e('You must visit this link in the same browser and login session as you created the key in.', 'updraftplus');
case 'already_have':
echo __('This connection appears to already have been made.', 'updraftplus');
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
echo htmlspecialchars(print_r($result, true));
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
echo '</p><p><a href="#" onclick="window.close();">'.__('Close...', 'updraftplus').'</a></p>';
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Checks _wpnonce, and if successful, saves the public key found in $_GET
* @return Array - with keys responsetype (can be 'error' or 'ok') and code, indicating whether the parse was successful
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
private function receive_public_key() {
if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
return array('responsetype' => 'error', 'code' => 'not_logged_in');
if (!wp_verify_nonce($_GET['_wpnonce'], 'updraftcentral_receivepublickey')) return array('responsetype' => 'error', 'code' => 'nonce_failure');
$updraft_key_index = $_GET['updraft_key_index'];
$our_keys = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_central_localkeys');
if (!is_array($our_keys)) $our_keys = array();
if (!isset($our_keys[$updraft_key_index])) {
return array('responsetype' => 'error', 'code' => 'unknown_key');
if (!empty($our_keys[$updraft_key_index]['publickey_remote'])) {
return array('responsetype' => 'error', 'code' => 'already_have');
$our_keys[$updraft_key_index]['publickey_remote'] = base64_decode($_GET['public_key']);
UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_central_localkeys', $our_keys);
return array('responsetype' => 'ok', 'code' => 'ok');
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
* Action parameters, from udrpc: $message, $level, $this->key_name_indicator, $this->debug, $this
* @param string $message The log message
* @param string $level Log level
* @param string $key_name_indicator This indicates the key name
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
public function udrpc_log($message, $level, $key_name_indicator) {
$udrpc_log = get_site_option('updraftcentral_client_log');
if (!is_array($udrpc_log)) $udrpc_log = array();
$new_item = array(
'time' => time(),
'level' => $level,
'message' => $message,
'key_name_indicator' => $key_name_indicator
if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
$new_item['remote_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
$new_item['http_user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$new_item['http_secondary_user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_SECONDARY_USER_AGENT'];
$udrpc_log[] = $new_item;
if (count($udrpc_log) > 50) array_shift($udrpc_log);
update_site_option('updraftcentral_client_log', $udrpc_log);
public function delete_key($key_id) {
$our_keys = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_central_localkeys');
if (!is_array($our_keys)) $our_keys = array();
if (isset($our_keys[$key_id])) {
UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_central_localkeys', $our_keys);
return array('deleted' => 1, 'keys_table' => $this->get_keys_table());
public function get_log($params) {
$udrpc_log = get_site_option('updraftcentral_client_log');
if (!is_array($udrpc_log)) $udrpc_log = array();
$log_contents = '';
// Events are appended to the array in the order they happen. So, reversing the order gets them into most-recent-first order.
if (empty($udrpc_log)) {
$log_contents = '<em>'.__('(Nothing yet logged)', 'updraftplus').'</em>';
foreach ($udrpc_log as $m) {
// Skip invalid data
if (!isset($m['time'])) continue;
$time = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s O', $m['time']);
// $level is not used yet. We could put the message in different colours for different levels, if/when it becomes used.
$key_name_indicator = empty($m['key_name_indicator']) ? '' : $m['key_name_indicator'];
$log_contents .= '<span title="'.esc_attr(print_r($m, true)).'">'."$time ";
if (!empty($m['remote_ip'])) $log_contents .= '['.htmlspecialchars($m['remote_ip']).'] ';
$log_contents .= "[".htmlspecialchars($key_name_indicator)."] ".htmlspecialchars($m['message'])."</span>\n";
return array('log_contents' => $log_contents);
public function create_key($params) {
// Use the site URL - this means that if the site URL changes, communication ends; which is the case anyway
$user = wp_get_current_user();
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$where_send = empty($params['where_send']) ? '' : (string) $params['where_send'];
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
if ('__updraftpluscom' != $where_send) {
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$purl = parse_url($where_send);
if (empty($purl) || !array($purl) || empty($purl['scheme']) || empty($purl['host'])) return array('error' => __('An invalid URL was entered', 'updraftplus'));
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// ENT_HTML5 exists only on PHP 5.4+
// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$flags = defined('ENT_HTML5') ? ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5 : ENT_QUOTES;
$extra_info = array(
'user_id' => $user->ID,
'user_login' => $user->user_login,
'ms_id' => get_current_blog_id(),
'site_title' => html_entity_decode(get_bloginfo('name'), $flags),
if ($where_send) {
$extra_info['mothership'] = $where_send;
if (!empty($params['mothership_firewalled'])) {
$extra_info['mothership_firewalled'] = true;
if (!empty($params['key_description'])) {
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$extra_info['name'] = (string) $params['key_description'];
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$key_size = (empty($params['key_size']) || !is_numeric($params['key_size']) || $params['key_size'] < 512) ? 2048 : (int) $params['key_size'];
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$extra_info['key_size'] = $key_size;
$created = $this->create_remote_control_key(false, $extra_info, $where_send);
if (is_array($created)) {
$created['keys_table'] = $this->get_keys_table();
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$created['keys_guide'] = '<h2 class="updraftcentral_wizard_success">'. __('UpdraftCentral key created successfully') .'</h2>';
if ('__updraftpluscom' != $where_send) {
$created['keys_guide'] .= '<div class="updraftcentral_wizard_success"><p>'.sprintf(__('You now need to copy the key below and enter it at your %s.', 'updraftplus'), '<a href="'.$where_send.'" target="_blank">UpdraftCentral dashboard</a>').'</p><p>'.__('At your UpdraftCentral dashboard you should press the "Add Site" button then paste the key in the input box.', 'updraftplus').'</p><p>'.sprintf(__('Detailed instructions for this can be found at %s', 'updraftplus'), '<a target="_blank" href="https://updraftplus.com/updraftcentral-how-to-add-a-site/">UpdraftPlus.com</a>').'</p></div>';
} else {
$created['keys_guide'] .= '<div class="updraftcentral_wizard_success"><p>'. sprintf(__('You can now control this site via your UpdraftCentral dashboard at %s.', 'updraftplus'), '<a target="_blank" href="http://updraftplus.com/my-account/remote-control/">UpdraftPlus.com</a>').'</p></div>';
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
return $created;
private function indicator_name_from_index($index) {
return $index.'.central.updraftplus.com';
private function create_remote_control_key($index = false, $extra_info = array(), $post_it = false) {
global $updraftplus;
$our_keys = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_central_localkeys');
if (!is_array($our_keys)) $our_keys = array();
if (false === $index) {
if (empty($our_keys)) {
$index = 0;
} else {
$index = max(array_keys($our_keys))+1;
$name_hash = $index;
if (isset($our_keys[$name_hash])) {
$indicator_name = $this->indicator_name_from_index($name_hash);
$ud_rpc = $updraftplus->get_udrpc($indicator_name);
$send_to_updraftpluscom = false;
if ('__updraftpluscom' == $post_it) {
$send_to_updraftpluscom = true;
$post_it = defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_OVERRIDE_UDCOM_DESTINATION') ? UPDRAFTPLUS_OVERRIDE_UDCOM_DESTINATION : 'https://updraftplus.com/?updraftcentral_action=receive_key';
$post_it_description = 'UpdraftPlus.Com';
} else {
$post_it_description = $post_it;
// Normally, key generation takes seconds, even on a slow machine. However, some Windows machines appear to have a setup in which it takes a minute or more. And then, if you're on a double-localhost setup on slow hardware - even worse. It doesn't hurt to just raise the maximum execution time.
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$key_size = (empty($extra_info['key_size']) || !is_numeric($extra_info['key_size']) || $extra_info['key_size'] < 512) ? 2048 : (int) $extra_info['key_size'];
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
if (is_object($ud_rpc) && $ud_rpc->generate_new_keypair($key_size)) {
if ($post_it && empty($extra_info['mothership_firewalled'])) {
$p_url = parse_url($post_it);
if (is_array($p_url) && !empty($p_url['user'])) {
$http_username = $p_url['user'];
$http_password = empty($p_url['pass']) ? '' : $p_url['pass'];
$post_it = $p_url['scheme'].'://'.$p_url['host'];
if (!empty($p_url['port'])) $post_it .= ':'.$p_url['port'];
$post_it .= $p_url['path'];
if (!empty($p_url['query'])) $post_it .= '?'.$p_url['query'];
$post_options = array(
'timeout' => 90,
'body' => array(
'updraftcentral_action' => 'receive_key',
'key' => $ud_rpc->get_key_remote()
if (!empty($http_username)) {
$post_options['headers'] = array(
'Authorization' => 'Basic '.base64_encode($http_username.':'.$http_password)
// This option allows the key to be sent to the other side via a known-secure channel (e.g. http over SSL), rather than potentially allowing it to travel over an unencrypted channel (e.g. http back to the user's browser). As such, if specified, it is compulsory for it to work.
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
$sent_key = wp_remote_post(
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
if (is_wp_error($sent_key) || empty($sent_key)) {
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$err_msg = sprintf(__('A key was created, but the attempt to register it with %s was unsuccessful - please try again later.', 'updraftplus'), (string) $post_it_description);
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
if (is_wp_error($sent_key)) $err_msg .= ' '.$sent_key->get_error_message().' ('.$sent_key->get_error_code().')';
return array(
'r' => $err_msg
$response = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($sent_key), true);
if (!is_array($response) || !isset($response['key_id']) || !isset($response['key_public'])) {
return array(
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
'r' => sprintf(__('A key was created, but the attempt to register it with %s was unsuccessful - please try again later.', 'updraftplus'), (string) $post_it_description),
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
'raw' => wp_remote_retrieve_body($sent_key)
$key_hash = hash('sha256', $ud_rpc->get_key_remote());
$local_bundle = $ud_rpc->get_portable_bundle('base64_with_count', $extra_info, array('key' => array('key_hash' => $key_hash, 'key_id' => $response['key_id'])));
} elseif ($post_it) {
// Don't send; instead, include in the bundle info that the mothership is firewalled; this will then tell the mothership to try the reverse connection instead
if (is_array($extra_info)) {
$extra_info['mothership_firewalled_callback_url'] = wp_nonce_url(admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'updraftcentral_receivepublickey');
$extra_info['updraft_key_index'] = $index;
$local_bundle = $ud_rpc->get_portable_bundle('base64_with_count', $extra_info, array('key' => $ud_rpc->get_key_remote()));
if (isset($extra_info['name'])) {
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$name = (string) $extra_info['name'];
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
} else {
$name = 'UpdraftCentral Remote Control';
$our_keys[$name_hash] = array(
'name' => $name,
'key' => $ud_rpc->get_key_local(),
'extra_info' => $extra_info,
'created' => time(),
// Store the other side's public key
if (!empty($response) && is_array($response) && !empty($response['key_public'])) {
$our_keys[$name_hash]['publickey_remote'] = $response['key_public'];
UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_central_localkeys', $our_keys);
return array(
'bundle' => $local_bundle,
'r' => __('Key created successfully.', 'updraftplus').' '.__('You must copy and paste this key now - it cannot be shown again.', 'updraftplus'),
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
// 'selector' => $this->get_remotesites_selector(array()),
// 'ourkeys' => $this->list_our_keys($our_keys),
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
return false;
public function get_keys_table() {
$ret = '';
$our_keys = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_central_localkeys');
if (!is_array($our_keys)) $our_keys = array();
if (empty($our_keys)) {
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
$ret .= '<tr><td colspan="2"><em>'.__('There are no UpdraftCentral dashboards that can currently control this site.', 'updraftplus').'</em></td></tr>';
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
foreach ($our_keys as $i => $key) {
if (empty($key['extra_info'])) continue;
$user_id = $key['extra_info']['user_id'];
if (!empty($key['extra_info']['mothership'])) {
$mothership_url = $key['extra_info']['mothership'];
if ('__updraftpluscom' == $mothership_url) {
$reconstructed_url = 'https://updraftplus.com';
} else {
$purl = parse_url($mothership_url);
$path = empty($purl['path']) ? '' : $purl['path'];
$reconstructed_url = $purl['scheme'].'://'.$purl['host'].(!empty($purl['port']) ? ':'.$purl['port'] : '').$path;
} else {
$reconstructed_url = __('Unknown', 'updraftplus');
$name = $key['name'];
$user = get_user_by('id', $user_id);
$user_display = is_a($user, 'WP_User') ? $user->user_login.' ('.$user->user_email.')' : __('Unknown', 'updraftplus');
$ret .= '<tr class="updraft_debugrow"><td style="vertical-align:top;">'.htmlspecialchars($name).' ('.htmlspecialchars($i).')</td><td>'.__("Access this site as user:", 'updraftplus')." ".htmlspecialchars($user_display)."<br>".__('Public key was sent to:', 'updraftplus').' '.htmlspecialchars($reconstructed_url).'<br>';
if (!empty($key['created'])) {
$ret .= __('Created:', 'updraftplus').' '.date_i18n(get_option('date_format').' '.get_option('time_format'), $key['created']).'.';
if (!empty($key['extra_info']['key_size'])) {
$ret .= ' '.sprintf(__('Key size: %d bits', 'updraftplus'), $key['extra_info']['key_size']).'.';
$ret .= '<br>';
$ret .= '<a href="#" data-key_id="'.esc_attr($i).'" class="updraftcentral_key_delete">'.__('Delete...', 'updraftplus').'</a></td></tr>';
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
<div id="updraftcentral_keys_content" style="margin: 10px 0;">
<?php if (!empty($our_keys)) { ?>
<a href="#" class="updraftcentral_keys_show hidden-in-updraftcentral"><?php printf(__('Manage existing keys (%d)...', 'updraftplus'), count($our_keys)); ?></a>
<?php } ?>
<table id="updraftcentral_keys_table">
<th style="text-align:left;"><?php _e('Key description', 'updraftplus'); ?></th>
<th style="text-align:left;"><?php _e('Details', 'updraftplus'); ?></th>
echo $ret;
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
return ob_get_clean();
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
private function create_key_markup() {
<div class="create_key_container">
<h4 class="updraftcentral_wizard_stage1"> <?php _e('Connect this site to an UpdraftCentral dashboard found at...', 'updraftplus'); ?></h4>
<table style="width: 100%; table-layout:fixed;">
<tr class="updraftcentral_wizard_stage1">
<div class="updraftcentral_wizard_mothership updraftcentral_wizard_option">
<label class="button-primary">
<input checked="checked" type="radio" name="updraftcentral_mothership" id="updraftcentral_mothership_updraftpluscom" style="display: none;">
<?php _e('UpdraftPlus.Com', 'updraftplus');?>
<div><?php printf(__('i.e. if you have %s there', 'updraftplus'), '<a target="_blank" href="https://updraftplus.com/my-account/">'.__('an account', 'updraftplus').'</a>'); ?></div>
<div class="updraftcentral_wizard_self_hosted_stage1 updraftcentral_wizard_option">
<label class="button-primary">
<input type="radio" name="updraftcentral_mothership" id="updraftcentral_mothership_other" style="display: none;">
<?php _e('Self-hosted dashboard', 'updraftplus');?>
<div><?php printf(__('A website where you have installed %s', 'updraftplus'), '<a target="_blank" href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/updraftcentral/">UpdraftCentral</a>'); ?></div>
<div class="updraftcentral_wizard_self_hosted_stage2" style="float:left; clear:left;display:none;">
<p style="font-size: 13px;"><?php echo __('Enter the URL where your self-hosted install of UpdraftCentral is located:', 'updraftplus');?></p>
<p style="font-size: 13px;" id="updraftcentral_wizard_stage1_error"></p>
<input disabled="disabled" id="updraftcentral_keycreate_mothership" type="text" size="40" placeholder="<?php _e('URL for the site of your UpdraftCentral dashboard', 'updraftplus'); ?>" value="">
<button type="button" class="button button-primary" id="updraftcentral_stage2_go"><?php _e('Next', 'updraftplus'); ?></button>
<tr class="updraft_debugrow updraftcentral_wizard_stage2" style="display: none;">
<h4 class="updraftcentral_wizard_stage2" style="display: none;"><?php _e('UpdraftCentral dashboard connection details', 'updraftplus'); ?></h4>
<td class="updraftcentral_keycreate_description">
<?php _e('Description', 'updraftplus'); ?>:
<input id="updraftcentral_keycreate_description" type="text" size="20" placeholder="<?php _e('Enter any description', 'updraftplus'); ?>" value="" >
<tr class="updraft_debugrow updraftcentral_wizard_stage2" style="display: none;">
<?php _e('Encryption key size:', 'updraftplus'); ?>
<select style="" id="updraftcentral_keycreate_keysize">
<option value="512"><?php echo sprintf(__('%s bits', 'updraftplus').' - '.__('easy to break, fastest', 'updraftplus'), '512'); ?></option>
<option value="1024"><?php echo sprintf(__('%s bits', 'updraftplus').' - '.__('faster (possibility for slow PHP installs)', 'updraftplus'), '1024'); ?></option>
<option value="2048" selected="selected"><?php echo sprintf(__('%s bytes', 'updraftplus').' - '.__('recommended', 'updraftplus'), '2048'); ?></option>
<option value="4096"><?php echo sprintf(__('%s bits', 'updraftplus').' - '.__('slower, strongest', 'updraftplus'), '4096'); ?></option>
<div id="updraftcentral_keycreate_mothership_firewalled_container">
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
<input id="updraftcentral_keycreate_mothership_firewalled" type="checkbox">
<?php _e('Use the alternative method for making a connection with the dashboard.', 'updraftplus'); ?>
<a href="#" id="updraftcentral_keycreate_altmethod_moreinfo_get">
<?php _e('More information...', 'updraftplus'); ?>
<p id="updraftcentral_keycreate_altmethod_moreinfo" style="display:none; border: 1px dotted; padding: 3px; margin: 2px 10px 2px 24px;">
<em><?php _e('This is useful if the dashboard webserver cannot be contacted with incoming traffic by this website (for example, this is the case if this website is hosted on the public Internet, but the UpdraftCentral dashboard is on localhost, or on an Intranet, or if this website has an outgoing firewall), or if the dashboard website does not have a SSL certificate.');?></em>
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
<tr class="updraft_debugrow updraftcentral_wizard_stage2" style="display: none;">
<button style="margin-top: 5px;" type="button" class="button button-primary" id="updraftcentral_keycreate_go"><?php _e('Create', 'updraftplus'); ?></button>
<tr class="updraft_debugrow updraftcentral_wizard_stage2" style="display: none;">
<a id="updraftcentral_stage1_go"><?php _e('Back...', 'updraftplus'); ?></a>
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
return ob_get_clean();
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
private function create_log_markup() {
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
<div id="updraftcentral_view_log_container" style="margin: 10px 0;">
<a href="#" id="updraftcentral_view_log"><?php _e('View recent UpdraftCentral log events', 'updraftplus'); ?>...</a><br>
<pre id="updraftcentral_view_log_contents" style="min-height: 110px; padding: 0 4px;">
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
return ob_get_clean();
public function debugtools_dashboard() {
<div class="advanced_tools updraft_central">
<h3><?php _e('UpdraftCentral (Remote Control)', 'updraftplus'); ?></h3>
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
<?php echo __('UpdraftCentral enables control of your WordPress sites (including management of backups and updates) from a central dashboard.', 'updraftplus').' <a target="_blank" href="https://updraftcentral.com">'.__('Read more about it here.', 'updraftplus').'</a>'; ?>
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
2018-01-26 15:50:15 +01:00
<div style="min-height: 310px;" id="updraftcentral_keys">
<?php echo $this->create_key_markup(); ?>
<?php echo $this->get_keys_table(); ?>
<button style="display: none;" type="button" class="button button-primary" id="updraftcentral_wizard_go"><?php _e('Create another key', 'updraftplus'); ?></button>
<?php echo $this->create_log_markup(); ?>
2016-11-28 21:52:15 -08:00
global $updraftplus_updraftcentral_main;
$updraftplus_updraftcentral_main = new UpdraftPlus_UpdraftCentral_Main();