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This is the primary class for recording hits on the WordPress site. It extends the WP_Statistics class and is itself extended by the GEO_IP_Hits class.
This class handles; visits, visitors and pages.
use BrowscapPHP\Browscap;
use WurflCache\Adapter\File;
use IPTools\IP;
use IPTools\Network;
use IPTools\Range;
class WP_Statistics_Hits {
// Setup our public/private/protected variables.
public $result = null;
protected $location = '000';
protected $exclusion_match = false;
protected $exclusion_reason = '';
private $exclusion_record = false;
private $timestamp;
private $second;
private $current_page_id;
// Construction function.
public function __construct() {
global $wp_version, $WP_Statistics;
// Set the timestamp value.
$this->timestamp = $WP_Statistics->current_date( 'U' );
// Set the default seconds a user needs to visit the site before they are considered offline.
$this->second = 30;
// Get the user set value for seconds to check for users online.
if ( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'check_online' ) ) {
$this->second = $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'check_online' );
// Check to see if the user wants us to record why we're excluding hits.
if ( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'record_exclusions' ) ) {
$this->exclusion_record = true;
// Create a IP Tools instance from the current IP address for use later.
// Fall back to the localhost if it can't be parsed.
try {
$ip = new IP( $WP_Statistics->ip );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$ip = new IP( '' );
// Let's check to see if our subnet matches a private IP address range, if so go ahead and set the location information now.
if ( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'private_country_code' ) != '000' &&
$WP_Statistics->get_option( 'private_country_code' ) != ''
) {
$private_subnets = array( '', '', '', '', 'fc00::/7' );
foreach ( $private_subnets as $psub ) {
$contains_ip = false;
try {
$contains_ip = Range::parse( $psub )->contains( $ip );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$contains_ip = false;
if ( $contains_ip ) {
$this->location = $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'private_country_code' );
* The follow exclusion checks are done during the class construction so we don't have to execute them twice if we're tracking visits and visitors.
* Order of exclusion checks is:
* 1 - AJAX calls
* 2 - CronJob
* 3 - Robots
* 4 - IP/Subnets
* 5 - Self Referrals, Referrer Spam & login page
* 6 - User roles
* 7 - Host name list
* The GoeIP exclusions will be processed in the GeoIP hits class constructor.
* Note that we stop processing as soon as a match is made by executing a `return` from the function constructor.
// Detect if we're running an ajax request.
$page_uri = wp_statistics_get_uri();
$ajax_string = 'admin-ajax.php';
if ( strpos( $page_uri, $ajax_string ) !== false ) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = 'ajax';
if ( ( defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) && DOING_CRON === true ) || ( function_exists( 'wp_doing_cron' ) && wp_doing_cron() === true ) ) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = 'cronjob';
// Detect if the user is a crawler.
$crawler = false;
$ua_string = '';
if ( array_key_exists( 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', $_SERVER ) ) {
$ua_string = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
if ( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'last_browscap_dl' ) > 1 && $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'browscap' ) ) {
// Get the upload directory from WordPress.
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$adapter = new File( array( File::DIR => $upload_dir['basedir'] . '/wp-statistics' ) );
// Get the Browser Capabilities use Browscap.
try {
$browscap = new Browscap();
$current_browser = $browscap->getBrowser();
// Make sure we got an object back and it has the Crawler property before accessing it.
if ( isset( $current_browser->Crawler ) ) {
$crawler = $current_browser->Crawler;
} else {
$crawler = false;
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$crawler = false;
} else {
$WP_Statistics->update_option( 'update_browscap', true );
// If we're a crawler as per browscap, exclude us, otherwise double check based on the WP Statistics robot list.
if ( $crawler == true ) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = 'browscap';
} else {
// Pull the robots from the database.
$robots = explode( "\n", $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'robotlist' ) );
// Check to see if we match any of the robots.
foreach ( $robots as $robot ) {
$robot = trim( $robot );
// If the match case is less than 4 characters long, it might match too much so don't execute it.
if ( strlen( $robot ) > 3 ) {
if ( stripos( $ua_string, $robot ) !== false ) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = 'robot';
// Finally check to see if we have corrupt header information.
if ( ! $this->exclusion_match && $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'corrupt_browser_info' ) ) {
if ( $ua_string == '' || $WP_Statistics->ip == '' ) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = 'robot';
// If we didn't match a robot, check ip subnets.
// Pull the subnets from the database.
$subnets = explode( "\n", $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'exclude_ip' ) );
// Check to see if we match any of the excluded addresses.
foreach ( $subnets as $subnet ) {
$subnet = trim( $subnet );
// The shortest ip address is, anything less must be a malformed entry.
if ( strlen( $subnet ) > 6 ) {
$range_prased = false;
try {
$range_prased = Range::parse( $subnet )->contains( $ip );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$range_parased = false;
if ( $range_prased ) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = 'ip match';
// Check to see if we are being referred to ourselves.
if ( $ua_string == 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . get_home_url( null, '/' ) ||
$ua_string == 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . get_home_url()
) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = 'self referral';
// Check to see if we're excluding the login page.
if ( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'exclude_loginpage' ) ) {
$protocol = strpos( strtolower( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ), 'https' ) === false ? 'http' : 'https';
$host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$script = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
$currentURL = $protocol . '://' . $host . $script;
$loginURL = wp_login_url();
if ( $currentURL == $loginURL ) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = 'login page';
// Check to see if we're excluding referrer spam.
if ( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'referrerspam' ) ) {
$referrer = $WP_Statistics->get_Referred();
// Pull the referrer spam list from the database.
$referrerspamlist = explode( "\n", $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'referrerspamlist' ) );
// Check to see if we match any of the robots.
foreach ( $referrerspamlist as $item ) {
$item = trim( $item );
// If the match case is less than 4 characters long, it might match too much so don't execute it.
if ( strlen( $item ) > 3 ) {
if ( stripos( $referrer, $item ) !== false ) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = 'referrer_spam';
// Check to see if we're excluding RSS feeds.
if ( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'exclude_feeds' ) ) {
if ( is_feed() ) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = 'feed';
// Check to see if we're excluding 404 pages.
if ( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'exclude_404s' ) ) {
if ( is_404() ) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = '404';
// Check to see if we're excluding the current page url.
if ( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'excluded_urls' ) ) {
$script = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$delimiter = strpos( $script, '?' );
if ( $delimiter > 0 ) {
$script = substr( $script, 0, $delimiter );
$excluded_urls = explode( "\n", $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'excluded_urls' ) );
foreach ( $excluded_urls as $url ) {
$this_url = trim( $url );
if ( strlen( $this_url ) > 2 ) {
if ( stripos( $script, $this_url ) === 0 ) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = 'excluded url';
// Check to see if we are excluding based on the user role.
if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
foreach ( $current_user->roles as $role ) {
$option_name = 'exclude_' . str_replace( ' ', '_', strtolower( $role ) );
if ( $WP_Statistics->get_option( $option_name ) == true ) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = 'user role';
// Check to see if we are excluded by the host name.
if ( ! $this->exclusion_match ) {
$excluded_host = explode( "\n", $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'excluded_hosts' ) );
// If there's nothing in the excluded host list, don't do anything.
if ( count( $excluded_host ) > 0 ) {
$transient_name = 'wps_excluded_hostname_to_ip_cache';
// Get the transient with the hostname cache.
$hostname_cache = get_transient( $transient_name );
// If the transient has expired (or has never been set), create one now.
if ( $hostname_cache === false ) {
// Flush the failed cache variable.
$hostname_cache = array();
// Loop through the list of hosts and look them up.
foreach ( $excluded_host as $host ) {
if ( strpos( $host, '.' ) > 0 ) {
// We add the extra period to the end of the host name to make sure we don't append the local dns suffix to the resolution cycle.
$hostname_cache[ $host ] = gethostbyname( $host . '.' );
// Set the transient and store it for 1 hour.
set_transient( $transient_name, $hostname_cache, 360 );
// Check if the current IP address matches one of the ones in the excluded hosts list.
if ( in_array( $WP_Statistics->ip, $hostname_cache ) ) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = 'hostname';
// This function records visits to the site.
public function Visits() {
global $wpdb, $WP_Statistics;
// If we're a webcrawler or referral from ourselves or an excluded address don't record the visit.
if ( ! $this->exclusion_match ) {
// Check to see if we're a returning visitor.
$this->result = $wpdb->get_row(
"SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visit ORDER BY `{$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visit`.`ID` DESC"
// If we're a returning visitor, update the current record in the database, otherwise, create a new one.
if ( $this->result->last_counter != $WP_Statistics->Current_Date( 'Y-m-d' ) ) {
// We'd normally use the WordPress insert function, but since we may run in to a race condition where another hit to the site has already created a new entry in the database
// for this IP address we want to do an "INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY" which WordPress doesn't support.
$sqlstring = $wpdb->prepare(
$wpdb->prefix .
'statistics_visit (last_visit, last_counter, visit) VALUES ( %s, %s, %d) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE visit = visit + ' .
$WP_Statistics->Current_date( 'Y-m-d' ),
$wpdb->query( $sqlstring );
} else {
$sqlstring = $wpdb->prepare(
$wpdb->prefix .
'statistics_visit SET `visit` = `visit` + %d, `last_visit` = %s WHERE `last_counter` = %s',
$wpdb->query( $sqlstring );
// This function records unique visitors to the site.
public function Visitors() {
global $wpdb, $wp_query, $WP_Statistics;
// Get the pages or posts ID if it exists.
if ( is_object( $wp_query ) ) {
$this->current_page_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
if ( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'use_honeypot' ) &&
$WP_Statistics->get_option( 'honeypot_postid' ) > 0 &&
$WP_Statistics->get_option( 'honeypot_postid' ) == $this->current_page_id &&
$this->current_page_id > 0
) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = 'honeypot';
// If we're a webcrawler or referral from ourselves or an excluded address don't record the visit.
// The exception here is if we've matched a honey page, we want to lookup the user and flag them
// as having been trapped in the honey pot for later exclusions.
if ( $this->exclusion_reason == 'honeypot' || ! $this->exclusion_match ) {
// Check to see if we already have an entry in the database.
if ( $WP_Statistics->ip_hash != false ) {
$this->result = $wpdb->get_row(
"SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visitor WHERE `last_counter` = '{$WP_Statistics->Current_Date('Y-m-d')}' AND `ip` = '{$WP_Statistics->ip_hash}'"
} else {
$this->result = $wpdb->get_row(
"SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visitor WHERE `last_counter` = '{$WP_Statistics->Current_Date('Y-m-d')}' AND `ip` = '{$WP_Statistics->ip}' AND `agent` = '{$WP_Statistics->agent['browser']}' AND `platform` = '{$WP_Statistics->agent['platform']}' AND `version` = '{$WP_Statistics->agent['version']}'"
// Check to see if this is a visit to the honey pot page, flag it when we create the new entry.
$honeypot = 0;
if ( $this->exclusion_reason == 'honeypot' ) {
$honeypot = 1;
// If we don't create a new one, otherwise update the old one.
if ( ! $this->result ) {
// If we've been told to store the entire user agent, do so.
if ( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'store_ua' ) == true ) {
} else {
$ua = '';
// Store the result.
// We'd normally use the WordPress insert function, but since we may run in to a race condition where another hit to the site has already created a new entry in the database
// for this IP address we want to do an "INSERT IGNORE" which WordPress doesn't support.
$sqlstring = $wpdb->prepare(
$wpdb->prefix .
'statistics_visitor (last_counter, referred, agent, platform, version, ip, location, UAString, hits, honeypot) VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, 1, %s )',
$WP_Statistics->Current_date( 'Y-m-d' ),
$WP_Statistics->ip_hash ? $WP_Statistics->ip_hash : $WP_Statistics->ip,
$wpdb->query( $sqlstring );
// Now parse the referrer and store the results in the search table if the database has been converted.
// Also make sure we actually inserted a row on the INSERT IGNORE above or we'll create duplicate entries.
if ( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'search_converted' ) && $wpdb->insert_id ) {
$search_engines = wp_statistics_searchengine_list();
$referred = $WP_Statistics->get_Referred();
// Parse the URL in to it's component parts.
$parts = parse_url( $referred );
// Loop through the SE list until we find which search engine matches.
foreach ( $search_engines as $key => $value ) {
$search_regex = wp_statistics_searchengine_regex( $key );
preg_match( '/' . $search_regex . '/', $parts['host'], $matches );
if ( isset( $matches[1] ) ) {
$data['last_counter'] = $WP_Statistics->Current_date( 'Y-m-d' );
$data['engine'] = $key;
$data['words'] = $WP_Statistics->Search_Engine_QueryString( $referred );
$data['host'] = $parts['host'];
$data['visitor'] = $wpdb->insert_id;
if ( $data['words'] == 'No search query found!' ) {
$data['words'] = '';
$wpdb->insert( $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_search', $data );
} else {
// Normally we've done all of our exclusion matching during the class creation, however for the robot threshold is calculated here to avoid another call the database.
if ( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'robot_threshold' ) > 0 &&
$this->result->hits + 1 > $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'robot_threshold' )
) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = 'robot_threshold';
} else if ( $this->result->honeypot ) {
$this->exclusion_match = true;
$this->exclusion_reason = 'honeypot';
} else {
$sqlstring = $wpdb->prepare(
$wpdb->prefix .
'statistics_visitor SET `hits` = `hits` + %d, `honeypot` = %d WHERE `ID` = %d',
1 - $honeypot,
$wpdb->query( $sqlstring );
if ( $this->exclusion_match ) {
private function RecordExclusion() {
global $wpdb, $WP_Statistics;
// If we're not storing exclusions, just return.
if ( $this->exclusion_record != true ) {
$this->result = $wpdb->query(
"UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}statistics_exclusions SET `count` = `count` + 1 WHERE `date` = '{$WP_Statistics->Current_Date( 'Y-m-d' )}' AND `reason` = '{$this->exclusion_reason}'"
if ( ! $this->result ) {
$wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_exclusions',
'date' => $WP_Statistics->Current_date( 'Y-m-d' ),
'reason' => $this->exclusion_reason,
'count' => 1,
// This function records page hits.
public function Pages() {
global $wpdb, $wp_query, $WP_Statistics;
// If we're a web crawler or referral from ourselves or an excluded address don't record the page hit.
if ( ! $this->exclusion_match ) {
// Don't track anything but actual pages and posts, unless we've been told to.
if ( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'track_all_pages' ) || is_page() || is_single() || is_front_page() ) {
// Get the pages or posts ID if it exists and we haven't set it in the visitors code.
if ( ! $this->current_page_id && is_object( $wp_query ) ) {
$this->current_page_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
// If we didn't find a page id, we don't have anything else to do.
if ( ! $this->current_page_id ) {
// Get the current page URI.
$page_uri = wp_statistics_get_uri();
if ( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'strip_uri_parameters' ) ) {
$temp = explode( '?', $page_uri );
if ( $temp !== false ) {
$page_uri = $temp[0];
// Limit the URI length to 255 characters, otherwise we may overrun the SQL field size.
$page_uri = substr( $page_uri, 0, 255 );
// If we have already been to this page today (a likely scenario), just update the count on the record.
$sql = $wpdb->prepare(
"UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}statistics_pages SET `count` = `count` + 1 WHERE `date` = '{$WP_Statistics->Current_Date( 'Y-m-d' )}' AND `uri` = %s",
$this->result = $wpdb->query( $sql );
// If the update failed (aka the record doesn't exist), insert a new one. Note this may drop a page hit if a race condition
// exists where two people load the same page a the roughly the same time. In that case two inserts would be attempted but
// there is a unique index requirement on the database and one of them would fail.
if ( ! $this->result ) {
$wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_pages',
'uri' => $page_uri,
'date' => $WP_Statistics->Current_date( 'Y-m-d' ),
'count' => 1,
'id' => $this->current_page_id,
// This function checks to see if the current user (as defined by their IP address) has an entry in the database.
// Note we set the $this->result variable so we don't have to re-execute the query when we do the user update.
public function Is_user() {
global $wpdb, $WP_Statistics;
if ( $WP_Statistics->ip_hash != false ) {
$this->result = $wpdb->query(
"SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}statistics_useronline WHERE `ip` = '{$WP_Statistics->ip_hash}'"
} else {
$this->result = $wpdb->query(
"SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}statistics_useronline WHERE `ip` = '{$WP_Statistics->ip}' AND `agent` = '{$WP_Statistics->agent['browser']}' AND `platform` = '{$WP_Statistics->agent['platform']}' AND `version` = '{$WP_Statistics->agent['version']}'"
if ( $this->result ) {
return true;
// This function add/update/delete the online users in the database.
public function Check_online() {
global $WP_Statistics;
// If we're a webcrawler or referral from ourselves or an excluded address don't record the user as online, unless we've been told to anyway.
if ( ! $this->exclusion_match || $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'all_online' ) ) {
// If the current user exists in the database already,
// Just update them, otherwise add them
if ( $this->Is_user() ) {
} else {
// Remove users that have gone offline since the last check.
// This function adds a user to the database.
public function Add_user() {
global $wpdb, $WP_Statistics;
if ( ! $this->Is_user() ) {
// Insert the user in to the database.
$wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_useronline',
'ip' => $WP_Statistics->ip_hash ? $WP_Statistics->ip_hash : $WP_Statistics->ip,
'timestamp' => $this->timestamp,
'created' => $this->timestamp,
'date' => $WP_Statistics->Current_Date(),
'referred' => $WP_Statistics->get_Referred(),
'agent' => $WP_Statistics->agent['browser'],
'platform' => $WP_Statistics->agent['platform'],
'version' => $WP_Statistics->agent['version'],
'location' => $this->location,
// This function updates a user in the database.
public function Update_user() {
global $wpdb, $WP_Statistics;
// Make sure we found the user earlier when we called Is_user().
if ( $this->result ) {
// Update the database with the new information.
$wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_useronline',
'timestamp' => $this->timestamp,
'date' => $WP_Statistics->Current_Date(),
'referred' => $WP_Statistics->get_Referred(),
'ip' => $WP_Statistics->ip_hash ? $WP_Statistics->ip_hash : $WP_Statistics->ip,
'agent' => $WP_Statistics->agent['browser'],
'platform' => $WP_Statistics->agent['platform'],
'version' => $WP_Statistics->agent['version'],
'location' => $this->location,
// This function removes expired users.
public function Delete_user() {
global $wpdb;
// We want to delete users that are over the number of seconds set by the admin.
$timediff = $this->timestamp - $this->second;
// Call the deletion query.
$wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}statistics_useronline WHERE timestamp < '{$timediff}'" );