. * * ███████╗███████╗██████╗ ██╗ ██╗███╗ ███╗ █████╗ ███████╗██╗ ██╗ * ██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗██║ ██║████╗ ████║██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║ ██╔╝ * ███████╗█████╗ ██████╔╝██║ ██║██╔████╔██║███████║███████╗█████╔╝ * ╚════██║██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗╚██╗ ██╔╝██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██║╚════██║██╔═██╗ * ███████║███████╗██║ ██║ ╚████╔╝ ██║ ╚═╝ ██║██║ ██║███████║██║ ██╗ * ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ */ class Ai1wm_Import_Content { public static function execute( $params ) { // Read blogs.json file $handle = ai1wm_open( ai1wm_blogs_path( $params ), 'r' ); // Parse blogs.json file $blogs = ai1wm_read( $handle, filesize( ai1wm_blogs_path( $params ) ) ); $blogs = json_decode( $blogs, true ); // Close handle ai1wm_close( $handle ); // Set file bytes offset if ( isset( $params['file_bytes_offset'] ) ) { $file_bytes_offset = (int) $params['file_bytes_offset']; } else { $file_bytes_offset = 0; } // Set archive bytes offset if ( isset( $params['archive_bytes_offset'] ) ) { $archive_bytes_offset = (int) $params['archive_bytes_offset']; } else { $archive_bytes_offset = 0; } // Get total files count if ( isset( $params['total_files_count'] ) ) { $total_files_count = (int) $params['total_files_count']; } else { $total_files_count = 1; } // Get total files size if ( isset( $params['total_files_size'] ) ) { $total_files_size = (int) $params['total_files_size']; } else { $total_files_size = 1; } // Get processed files size if ( isset( $params['processed_files_size'] ) ) { $processed_files_size = (int) $params['processed_files_size']; } else { $processed_files_size = 0; } // What percent of files have we processed? $progress = (int) min( ( $processed_files_size / $total_files_size ) * 100, 100 ); // Set progress Ai1wm_Status::info( sprintf( __( 'Restoring %d files...
%d%% complete', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME ), $total_files_count, $progress ) ); // Flag to hold if file data has been processed $completed = true; // Start time $start = microtime( true ); // Open the archive file for reading $archive = new Ai1wm_Extractor( ai1wm_archive_path( $params ) ); // Set the file pointer to the one that we have saved $archive->set_file_pointer( $archive_bytes_offset ); $old_paths = array(); $new_paths = array(); // Set extract paths foreach ( $blogs as $blog ) { if ( ai1wm_main_site( $blog['Old']['BlogID'] ) === false ) { if ( defined( 'UPLOADBLOGSDIR' ) ) { // Old sites dir style $old_paths[] = ai1wm_files_path( $blog['Old']['BlogID'] ); $new_paths[] = ai1wm_files_path( $blog['New']['BlogID'] ); // New sites dir style $old_paths[] = ai1wm_sites_path( $blog['Old']['BlogID'] ); $new_paths[] = ai1wm_files_path( $blog['New']['BlogID'] ); } else { // Old sites dir style $old_paths[] = ai1wm_files_path( $blog['Old']['BlogID'] ); $new_paths[] = ai1wm_sites_path( $blog['New']['BlogID'] ); // New sites dir style $old_paths[] = ai1wm_sites_path( $blog['Old']['BlogID'] ); $new_paths[] = ai1wm_sites_path( $blog['New']['BlogID'] ); } } } // Set base site extract paths (should be added at the end of arrays) foreach ( $blogs as $blog ) { if ( ai1wm_main_site( $blog['Old']['BlogID'] ) === true ) { if ( defined( 'UPLOADBLOGSDIR' ) ) { // Old sites dir style $old_paths[] = ai1wm_files_path( $blog['Old']['BlogID'] ); $new_paths[] = ai1wm_files_path( $blog['New']['BlogID'] ); // New sites dir style $old_paths[] = ai1wm_sites_path( $blog['Old']['BlogID'] ); $new_paths[] = ai1wm_files_path( $blog['New']['BlogID'] ); } else { // Old sites dir style $old_paths[] = ai1wm_files_path( $blog['Old']['BlogID'] ); $new_paths[] = ai1wm_sites_path( $blog['New']['BlogID'] ); // New sites dir style $old_paths[] = ai1wm_sites_path( $blog['Old']['BlogID'] ); $new_paths[] = ai1wm_sites_path( $blog['New']['BlogID'] ); } } } while ( $archive->has_not_reached_eof() ) { $file_bytes_written = 0; // Exclude WordPress files $exclude_files = array_keys( _get_dropins() ); // Exclude plugin files $exclude_files = array_merge( $exclude_files, array( AI1WM_PACKAGE_NAME, AI1WM_MULTISITE_NAME, AI1WM_DATABASE_NAME, AI1WM_MUPLUGINS_NAME, ) ); // Extract a file from archive to WP_CONTENT_DIR if ( ( $completed = $archive->extract_one_file_to( WP_CONTENT_DIR, $exclude_files, $old_paths, $new_paths, $file_bytes_written, $file_bytes_offset, 10 ) ) ) { $file_bytes_offset = 0; } // Set archive bytes offset $archive_bytes_offset = $archive->get_file_pointer(); // Increment processed files size $processed_files_size += $file_bytes_written; // What percent of files have we processed? $progress = (int) min( ( $processed_files_size / $total_files_size ) * 100, 100 ); // Set progress Ai1wm_Status::info( sprintf( __( 'Restoring %d files...
%d%% complete', AI1WM_PLUGIN_NAME ), $total_files_count, $progress ) ); // More than 10 seconds have passed, break and do another request if ( ( microtime( true ) - $start ) > 10 ) { $completed = false; break; } } // End of the archive? if ( $archive->has_reached_eof() ) { // Unset file bytes offset unset( $params['file_bytes_offset'] ); // Unset archive bytes offset unset( $params['archive_bytes_offset'] ); // Unset processed files size unset( $params['processed_files_size'] ); // Unset completed flag unset( $params['completed'] ); } else { // Set file bytes offset $params['file_bytes_offset'] = $file_bytes_offset; // Set archive bytes offset $params['archive_bytes_offset'] = $archive_bytes_offset; // Set processed files size $params['processed_files_size'] = $processed_files_size; // Set completed flag $params['completed'] = $completed; } // Close the archive file $archive->close(); return $params; } }