', '' ); ?>

  1. A) For display the buttons below a content on every Posts or/and Pages, just check the checkbox "Show on Posts" or/and "Show on Pages" in the section "Display options", then click the "Save changes" button.', $text ); ?>

    B) For add the buttons inside a post from WP Post/Page Editor use the following shortcode:', $text ); ?>

    C) For add the buttons to the widget area (in sidebar, footer etc.) use the "Text" widget and add inside it the following shortcode:', $text ); ?>

    D) For add the buttons directly to a theme files, just add the following code to needed place (where you want to display the buttons) in your theme files:', $text ); ?>

    '); ?>

', '' ); ?>

'; } ?>

translation page', 'arthurgareginyan@gmail.com' ); ?>

', '' ); ?>
', '' ); ?>
', '' ); ?>
', '' ); ?>

Thanks! PayPal

', '', '', '' ); ?>