/*! * LABELAUTY jQuery Plugin * * @file: jquery-labelauty.js * @author: Francisco Neves (@fntneves) * @site: www.francisconeves.com * @license: MIT License */ (function( $ ){ $.fn.labelauty = function( options ) { /* * Our default settings * Hope you don't need to change anything, with these settings */ var settings = $.extend( { // Development Mode // This will activate console debug messages development: false, // Trigger Class // This class will be used to apply styles class: "labelauty", // Use text label ? // If false, then only an icon represents the input label: true, // Separator between labels' messages // If you use this separator for anything, choose a new one separator: "|", // Default Checked Message // This message will be visible when input is checked checked_label: "Checked", // Default UnChecked Message // This message will be visible when input is unchecked unchecked_label: "Unchecked", // Force random ID's // Replace original ID's with random ID's, force_random_id: false, // Minimum Label Width // This value will be used to apply a minimum width to the text labels minimum_width: false, // Use the greatest width between two text labels ? // If this has a true value, then label width will be the greatest between labels same_width: true }, options); /* * Let's create the core function * It will try to cover all settings and mistakes of using */ return this.each(function() { var $object = $( this ); var selected = $object.is(':checked'); var type = $object.attr('type'); var use_labels = true; var labels; var labels_object; var input_id; //Get the aria label from the input element var aria_label = $object.attr( "aria-label" ); // Hide the object form screen readers $object.attr( "aria-hidden", true ); // Test if object is a check input // Don't mess me up, come on if( $object.is( ":checkbox" ) === false && $object.is( ":radio" ) === false ) return this; // Add "labelauty" class to all checkboxes // So you can apply some custom styles $object.addClass( settings.class ); // Get the value of "data-labelauty" attribute // Then, we have the labels for each case (or not, as we will see) labels = $object.attr( "data-labelauty" ); use_labels = settings.label; // It's time to check if it's going to the right way // Null values, more labels than expected or no labels will be handled here if( use_labels === true ) { if( labels == null || labels.length === 0 ) { // If attribute has no label and we want to use, then use the default labels labels_object = new Array(); labels_object[0] = settings.unchecked_label; labels_object[1] = settings.checked_label; } else { // Ok, ok, it's time to split Checked and Unchecked labels // We split, by the "settings.separator" option labels_object = labels.split( settings.separator ); // Now, let's check if exist _only_ two labels // If there's more than two, then we do not use labels :( // Else, do some additional tests if( labels_object.length > 2 ) { use_labels = false; debug( settings.development, "There's more than two labels. LABELAUTY will not use labels." ); } else { // If there's just one label (no split by "settings.separator"), it will be used for both cases // Here, we have the possibility of use the same label for both cases if( labels_object.length === 1 ) debug( settings.development, "There's just one label. LABELAUTY will use this one for both cases." ); } } } /* * Let's begin the beauty */ // Start hiding ugly checkboxes // Obviously, we don't need native checkboxes :O $object.css({ display : "none" }); // We don't need more data-labelauty attributes! // Ok, ok, it's just for beauty improvement $object.removeAttr( "data-labelauty" ); // Now, grab checkbox ID Attribute for "label" tag use // If there's no ID Attribute, then generate a new one input_id = $object.attr( "id" ); if( settings.force_random_id || input_id == null || input_id.trim() === "") { var input_id_number = 1 + Math.floor( Math.random() * 1024000 ); input_id = "labelauty-" + input_id_number; // Is there any element with this random ID ? // If exists, then increment until get an unused ID while( $( input_id ).length !== 0 ) { input_id_number++; input_id = "labelauty-" + input_id_number; debug( settings.development, "Holy crap, between 1024 thousand numbers, one raised a conflict. Trying again." ); } $object.attr( "id", input_id ); } // Now, add necessary tags to make this work // Here, we're going to test some control variables and act properly var element = jQuery(create( input_id, aria_label, selected, type, labels_object, use_labels )) element.click(function(){ if($object.is(':checked')){ $(element).attr('aria-checked', false); }else{ $(element).attr('aria-checked', true); } }); element.keypress(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); if(event.keyCode === 32 || event.keyCode === 13){ if($object.is(':checked')){ $object.prop('checked', false); $(element).attr('aria-checked',false); }else{ $object.prop('checked', true); $(element).attr('aria-checked', true); } } }) $object.after(element); // Now, add "min-width" to label // Let's say the truth, a fixed width is more beautiful than a variable width if( settings.minimum_width !== false ) $object.next( "label[for=" + input_id + "]" ).css({ "min-width": settings.minimum_width }); // Now, add "min-width" to label // Let's say the truth, a fixed width is more beautiful than a variable width if( settings.same_width != false && settings.label == true ) { var label_object = $object.next( "label[for=" + input_id + "]" ); var unchecked_width = getRealWidth(label_object.find( "span.labelauty-unchecked" )); var checked_width = getRealWidth(label_object.find( "span.labelauty-checked" )); if( unchecked_width > checked_width ) label_object.find( "span.labelauty-checked" ).width( unchecked_width ); else label_object.find( "span.labelauty-unchecked" ).width( checked_width ); } }); }; /* * Tricky code to work with hidden elements, like tabs. * Note: This code is based on jquery.actual plugin. * https://github.com/dreamerslab/jquery.actual */ function getRealWidth( element ) { var width = 0; var $target = element; var style = 'position: absolute !important; top: -1000 !important; '; $target = $target.clone().attr('style', style).appendTo('body'); width = $target.width(true); $target.remove(); return width; } function debug( debug, message ) { if( debug && window.console && window.console.log ) window.console.log( "jQuery-LABELAUTY: " + message ); }; function create( input_id, aria_label, selected, type, messages_object, label ) { var block; var unchecked_message; var checked_message; var aria = ""; if( messages_object == null ) unchecked_message = checked_message = ""; else { unchecked_message = messages_object[0]; // If checked message is null, then put the same text of unchecked message if( messages_object[1] == null ) checked_message = unchecked_message; else checked_message = messages_object[1]; } if(aria_label == null) aria = ""; else aria = 'tabindex="0" role="' + type + '" aria-checked="' + selected + '" aria-label="' + aria_label + '"'; if( label == true ) { block = ''; } else { block = ''; } return block; }; }( jQuery ));