backups_dir_location()); $email = $updraftplus->just_one_email(UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_email'), true); if (!is_array($email)) $email = array($email); foreach ($backup_array as $type => $file) { $descrip_type = (preg_match('/^(.*)\d+$/', $type, $matches)) ? $matches[1] : $type; $fullpath = $updraft_dir.$file; if (file_exists($fullpath) && filesize($fullpath) > UPDRAFTPLUS_WARN_EMAIL_SIZE) { $size_in_mb_of_big_file = round(filesize($fullpath)/1048576, 1); $toobig_hash = md5($file); $updraftplus->log($file.': '.sprintf(__('This backup archive is %s MB in size - the attempt to send this via email is likely to fail (few email servers allow attachments of this size). If so, you should switch to using a different remote storage method.', 'updraftplus'), $size_in_mb_of_big_file), 'warning', 'toobigforemail_'.$toobig_hash); } $any_attempted = false; $any_sent = false; foreach ($email as $ind => $addr) { if (!apply_filters('updraftplus_email_wholebackup', true, $addr, $ind, $type)) continue; foreach (explode(',', $addr) as $sendmail_addr) { $send_short = (strlen($sendmail_addr)>5) ? substr($sendmail_addr, 0, 5).'...' : $sendmail_addr; $updraftplus->log("$file: email to: $send_short"); $any_attempted = true; $subject = __("WordPress Backup", 'updraftplus').': '.get_bloginfo('name').' (UpdraftPlus '.$updraftplus->version.') '.get_date_from_gmt(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $updraftplus->backup_time), 'Y-m-d H:i'); $sent = wp_mail(trim($sendmail_addr), $subject, sprintf(__("Backup is of: %s.", 'updraftplus'), site_url().' ('.$descrip_type.')'), null, array($fullpath)); if ($sent) $any_sent = true; } } if ($any_sent) { if (isset($toobig_hash)) { $updraftplus->log_remove_warning('toobigforemail_'.$toobig_hash); // Don't leave it still set for the next archive unset($toobig_hash); } $updraftplus->uploaded_file($file); } elseif ($any_attempted) { $updraftplus->log('Mails were not sent successfully'); $updraftplus->log(__('The attempt to send the backup via email failed (probably the backup was too large for this method)', 'updraftplus'), 'error'); } else { $updraftplus->log('No email addresses were configured to send to'); } } return null; } /** * Acts as a WordPress options filter * * @param Array $options - An array of options * * @return Array - the returned array can either be the set of updated settings or a WordPress error array */ public function options_filter($options) { global $updraftplus; return $updraftplus->just_one_email($options); } public function config_print() { ?>