* <# } #>
* @since 1.0.0
* @param string $label Optional. The label that appears above of the
* field. Default is empty.
* @param string $description Optional. The description that appears below the
* field. Default is empty.
* @param array $default Optional. Default repeater values. An array of
* arrays containing fields as keys and default
* values for each key as values:
* `[ [ 'title' => '', 'content' => '' ], [ 'title' => '', 'content' => '' ], ... ]`
* Default is an empty array.
* @param array $fields Optional. An array of arrays contaning the repeter
* fields. Default is an empty array.
* @param string $title_field Optional. Field that will be used as the repeater
* title in the fields list when the item is mnimized.
* Default is empty.
* @param string $separator Optional. Set the position of the control separator.
* Available values are 'default', 'before', 'after'
* and 'none'. 'default' will position the separator
* depending on the control type. 'before' / 'after'
* will position the separator before/after the
* control. 'none' will hide the separator. Default
* is 'default'.
* @param bool $show_label Optional. Whether to display the label. Default is
* true.
* @param bool $label_block Optional. Whether to display the label in a
* separate line. Default is false.
class Control_Repeater extends Base_Data_Control {
* Retrieve repeater control type.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @return string Control type.
public function get_type() {
return 'repeater';
* Retrieve repeater control default settings.
* Get the default settings of the repeater control. Used to return the
* default settings while initializing the repeater control.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access protected
* @return array Control default settings.
protected function get_default_settings() {
return [
'prevent_empty' => true,
'is_repeater' => true,
* Retrieve repeater control value.
* Get the value of the repeater control from a specific widget.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
* @param array $control Control
* @param array $widget Widget
* @return mixed Control values.
public function get_value( $control, $widget ) {
$value = parent::get_value( $control, $widget );
if ( ! empty( $value ) ) {
foreach ( $value as &$item ) {
foreach ( $control['fields'] as $field ) {
$control_obj = Plugin::$instance->controls_manager->get_control( $field['type'] );
// Prior to 1.5.0 the fields may contains non-data controls.
if ( ! $control_obj instanceof Base_Data_Control ) {
$item[ $field['name'] ] = $control_obj->get_value( $field, $item );
return $value;
* Import repeater.
* Used as a wrapper method for inner controls while importing Elementor
* template JSON file, and replacing the old data.
* @since 1.8.0
* @access public
* @param array $settings Control settings.
* @param array $control_data Optional. Control data. Default is an empty array.
* @return array Control settings.
public function on_import( $settings, $control_data = [] ) {
if ( empty( $settings ) || empty( $control_data['fields'] ) ) {
return $settings;
$method = 'on_import';
foreach ( $settings as &$item ) {
foreach ( $control_data['fields'] as $field ) {
if ( empty( $field['name'] ) || empty( $item[ $field['name'] ] ) ) {
$control_obj = Plugin::$instance->controls_manager->get_control( $field['type'] );
if ( ! $control_obj ) {
if ( method_exists( $control_obj, $method ) ) {
$item[ $field['name'] ] = $control_obj->{$method}( $item[ $field['name'] ], $field );
return $settings;
* Render repeater control output in the editor.
* Used to generate the control HTML in the editor using Underscore JS
* template. The variables for the class are available using `data` JS
* object.
* @since 1.0.0
* @access public
public function content_template() {