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'target="_blank"' : ''; $nofollow = $settings['eael_cta_btn_link']['nofollow'] ? 'rel="nofollow"' : ''; if( 'cta-bg-color' == $settings['eael_cta_color_type'] ) { $cta_class = 'bg-lite'; }else if( 'cta-bg-img' == $settings['eael_cta_color_type'] ) { $cta_class = 'bg-img'; }else if( 'cta-bg-img-fixed' == $settings['eael_cta_color_type'] ) { $cta_class = 'bg-img bg-fixed'; }else { $cta_class = ''; } // Is Basic Cta Content Center or Not if( 'cta-center' === $settings['eael_cta_content_type'] ) { $cta_alignment = 'cta-center'; }elseif( 'cta-right' === $settings['eael_cta_content_type'] ) { $cta_alignment = 'cta-right'; }else { $cta_alignment = 'cta-left'; } // Button Effect if( 'left-to-right' == $settings['eael_cta_btn_effect_type'] ) { $cta_btn_effect = 'effect-2'; }elseif( 'top-to-bottom' == $settings['eael_cta_btn_effect_type'] ) { $cta_btn_effect = 'effect-1'; }else { $cta_btn_effect = ''; } ?>
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