#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Social Media Buttons Toolbar\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-01-20 14:28+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-17 02:16+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
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"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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#: inc/php/core.php:23 inc/php/page.php:43
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/core.php:37
msgid "Donate"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/core.php:52
msgid "Social Media Follow Buttons"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/list.php:1
#, php-format
msgid "Enter the link to your %s profile page"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/list.php:1
msgid ""
"Enter your Skype name with prefix skype: and suffix ?call, or ?add, or ?chat, or ?"
"userinfo for view profile"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/list.php:1
msgid "Enter the link to your personal website"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/list.php:1
msgid "Enter your email address with prefix mailto:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/list.php:1
msgid "Enter your telephone number with prefix tel://"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/list.php:1
msgid "Enter the link to your RSS Feed"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/messages.php:26
msgid "Hello. We are the team of Space X-Chimp."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/messages.php:28
#, php-format
msgid "Thank you for installing our plugin! We hope you will love it! %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/messages.php:68
msgid "You have installed an old version of this plugin."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/messages.php:69
msgid "Please update the plugin to the latest version, and all will be fine."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:30
#, php-format
msgid "by %s Space X-Chimp %s"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:36
msgid "Version"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:44
msgid "Usage"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:45
msgid "F.A.Q."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:46 inc/php/settings.php:97 inc/php/sidebar.php:30
msgid "Support"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:47
msgid "Store"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:63
msgid "Usage Instructions"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:65
msgid "To display the social media follow buttons bar on the front end of your website, simply follow these steps:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:67
msgid "Go to the \"Settings\" tab."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:68
msgid "Fill in the required fields."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:69
msgid "Select the desired settings."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:70
msgid "Click the \"Save changes\" button."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:71
msgid ""
"Now you have several methods for display the social media follow buttons bar (further just \"buttons\"). Just choose "
"the one that is more suitable for your case."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:72
msgid ""
"A) For display the buttons below a content on every Posts or/and Pages, just check the checkbox \"Show on "
"Posts\" or/and \"Show on Pages\" in the section \"Display options\", then click the \"Save changes\" button."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:73
msgid "B) For add the buttons inside a post from WP Post/Page Editor use the following shortcode:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:75
msgid ""
"C) For add the buttons to the widget area (in sidebar, footer etc.) use the \"Text\" widget and add inside it "
"the following shortcode:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:77
msgid ""
"D) For add the buttons directly to a theme files, just add the following code to needed place (where you want "
"to display the buttons) in your theme files:"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:80
msgid "Enjoy your fancy social media follow buttons."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:80
msgid "It's that simple!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:82
msgid "Note!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:83
#, php-format
msgid "If you want more options then %s tell us %s and we will be happy to add it."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:97
msgid "Frequently Asked Questions"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:101
msgid "If you have a question, please read the Frequently Asked Questions below to see if the answer is here."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:123
msgid "Will this plugin work on my WordPress.COM website?"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:124
msgid "Sorry, this plugin is available for use only on self-hosted (WordPress.ORG) websites."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:126
msgid "Can I use this plugin on my language?"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:127
msgid "Yes. This plugin is ready for translation and has already been translated into several languages."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:129
#, php-format
msgid ""
"If you want to help translate this plugin then please visit the %s. You can also use the POT file, that is included "
"and placed in the \"languages\" folder, in order to create a translation PO file. Just send the PO file to us at the "
"%s and we will include this translation within the next plugin update."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:134
msgid "Maybe not all existed translations are up to date. You are welcome to contribute corrections!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:135
msgid ""
"Many of plugin users would be delighted if you share your translation with the community. Thanks for your "
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:137
msgid "How does it work?"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:138
msgid ""
"On the \"Settings\" tab, select the desired settings and click the \"Save changes\" button. Enjoy your fancy social "
"media follow buttons. It's that simple!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:140
msgid "Does this plugin requires any modification of the theme?"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:141
msgid "Absolutely not. This plugin is configurable entirely from the plugin settings page."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:143
msgid "Does this require any knowledge of HTML or CSS?"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:144
msgid ""
"Absolutely not. This plugin can be configured with no knowledge of HTML or CSS, using an easy-to-use plugin settings "
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:146
msgid "What I need to do if the Google PageSpeed test says that this plugin images must be compressed?"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:147
msgid ""
"The images that uses in this plugin are already compressed, but I will do my best to find out what else can be done "
"with the images in order to compress them even better."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:149
msgid "It's not working. What could be wrong?"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:150
msgid ""
"As with every plugin, it's possible that things don't work. The most common reason for this is a web browser's "
"cache. Every web browser stores a cache of the websites you visit (pages, images, and etc.) to reduce bandwidth "
"usage and server load. This is called the browser's cache. Clearing your browser's cache may solve the problem."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:151
msgid ""
"It's impossible to tell what could be wrong exactly, but if you post a support request in the plugin's support forum "
"on WordPress.org, we'd be happy to give it a look and try to help out. Please include as much information as "
"possible, including a link to your website where the problem can be seen."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:153
msgid ""
"The last WordPress update is preventing me from editing the website of the creator that is using this plugin. Why is "
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:154
msgid ""
"This plugin can not cause such problem. More likely, the problem are related to the settings of the website. It "
"could just be a cache, so please try to clear your website's cache (may be you using a caching plugin, or some web "
"service such as the CloudFlare) and then the cache of your web browser. Also please try to re-login to the website, "
"this too can help."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:156
msgid "Where to report bug if found?"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:158
#, php-format
msgid "Please visit %s this page %s and report. Please do not forget to specify the name of the plugin. Thank you!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:164
msgid "Where to share any ideas or suggestions to make the plugin better?"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:166
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Any suggestions are very welcome! Just contact us %s here %s. Please do not forget to specify the name of the "
"plugin. Thank you!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:172
msgid "I love this plugin! Can I help somehow?"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:174
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Yes, any financial contributions are welcome! Just visit %s the website of the creator %s, click on the donate "
"button, and thank you!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:180
msgid "My question wasn't answered here."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:182
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You can ask your question on %s this page %s. But please keep in mind that this plugin is free, and there is no a "
"special support team, so we have no way to answer everyone."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:196
msgid "Support Me"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:204 inc/php/settings.php:104 inc/php/sidebar.php:37
msgid "Donate with PayPal"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:209
#, php-format
msgid "Hello! My name is %s Arthur Gareginyan %s and I'm the founder of %s Space X-Chimp %s."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:217
msgid ""
"My intention is to create projects that will make this world a better place. I'm really passionate about my work, I "
"like what I'm doing and hope that you will be enriched by my projects too."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:218
msgid ""
"I spend a lot of time and effort trying to make sure that the themes, plugins and other things I build are useful, "
"and the ultimate proof of that for me is that you actually want to use them. But, I’m an independent developer, "
"without a regular income, so every little contribution helps cover my costs and lets me spend more time building "
"things for people like you to enjoy."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:219
msgid "If you appreciate my work, you can buy me a coffee!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/page.php:220
msgid "Thank you for your support!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:21 inc/php/settings.php:86
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:25
msgid "Buttons"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:27
msgid ""
"Just fill in the required fields to make a buttons. The social networking buttons will lead directly to your profile "
"pages. If you don't want to use any of the following buttons, you can not fill them and then they do not appear."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:35
msgid "Display options"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:37
msgid "There you can configure this plugin."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:41
msgid "Show on Posts"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:42
msgid "Automatically display toolbar below content on Posts."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:45
msgid "Show on Pages"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:46
msgid "Automatically display toolbar below content on Pages."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:49
msgid "Open in new tab"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:50
msgid "Open link in a new tab/window."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:53
msgid "Tooltips"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:54
msgid "Enable a tooltips with name of the social media above every button."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:57
msgid "Icon size"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:58
msgid "Enter the size of icons (in pixels) in your social media follow buttons bar."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:62
msgid "Margin"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:63
msgid "Enter the size of space (in pixels) between icons in your social media follow buttons bar."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:68
msgid "Left"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:69
msgid "Center"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:70
msgid "Right"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:72
msgid "Alignment"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:73
msgid "You can choose the alignment of the buttons bar."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:77
msgid "Caption"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:78
msgid "Enter the caption to your social media follow buttons bar. It will be displays before the toolbar."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:89
msgid "Live Preview"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:91
msgid "Click the \"Save changes\" button to update this preview."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:99 inc/php/sidebar.php:32
msgid ""
"I'm an independent developer, without a regular income, so every little contribution helps cover my costs and lets "
"me spend more time building things for people like you to enjoy."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/settings.php:106 inc/php/sidebar.php:39
msgid "Thanks for your support!"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/sidebar.php:16
msgid "About"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/sidebar.php:18
msgid "This plugin allows you to easily add the social media follow buttons bar to any place of your website."
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/sidebar.php:23
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""
#: inc/php/sidebar.php:25
msgid "If you have a question, please read the information in the FAQ section."
msgstr ""
#. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
msgid "Social Media Follow Buttons Bar"
msgstr ""
#. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
msgid "https://github.com/ArthurGareginyan/social-media-buttons-toolbar"
msgstr ""
#. Description of the plugin/theme
msgid ""
"Easily add the smart bar with social media follow buttons (not share, only link to your profiles) to any place of "
"your WordPress website."
msgstr ""
#. Author of the plugin/theme
msgid "Arthur Gareginyan"
msgstr ""
#. Author URI of the plugin/theme
msgid "https://www.arthurgareginyan.com"
msgstr ""