_uc_helper = $uc_helper; } /** * Get the Advanced Tools HTMl and return to Central * * @param string $options Options for advanced settings * @return string */ public function get_advanced_settings($options) { // load global updraftplus and admin if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (false === ($updraftplus = $this->_load_ud())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); $html = $updraftplus_admin->settings_advanced_tools(true, array('options' => $options)); return $html; } public function get_download_status($items) { // load global updraftplus and admin if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); if (!is_array($items)) $items = array(); return $updraftplus_admin->get_download_statuses($items); } public function downloader($downloader_params) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); $findex = $downloader_params['findex']; $type = $downloader_params['type']; $timestamp = $downloader_params['timestamp']; // Valid stages: 2='spool the data'|'delete'='delete local copy'|anything else='make sure it is present' $stage = empty($downloader_params['stage']) ? false : $downloader_params['stage']; // This may, or may not, return, depending upon whether the files are already downloaded // The response is usually an array with key 'result', and values deleted|downloaded|needs_download|download_failed $response = $updraftplus_admin->do_updraft_download_backup($findex, $type, $timestamp, $stage, array($this->_uc_helper, '_updraftplus_background_operation_started')); if (is_array($response)) { $response['request'] = $downloader_params; } return $response; } public function delete_downloaded($set_info) { $set_info['stage'] = 'delete'; return $this->downloader($set_info); } public function backup_progress($params) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); $request = array( 'thisjobonly' => $params['job_id'] ); $activejobs_list = $updraftplus_admin->get_activejobs_list($request); return $activejobs_list; } public function backupnow($params) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); $updraftplus_admin->request_backupnow($params, array($this->_uc_helper, '_updraftplus_background_operation_started')); // Control returns when the backup finished; but, the browser connection should have been closed before die; } private function _load_ud() { global $updraftplus; return is_a($updraftplus, 'UpdraftPlus') ? $updraftplus : false; } private function _load_ud_admin() { if (!defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR') || !is_file(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/admin.php')) return false; include_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/admin.php'); global $updraftplus_admin; return $updraftplus_admin; } public function get_log($job_id = '') { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); if ('' != $job_id && !preg_match("/^[0-9a-f]{12}$/", $job_id)) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_invalid_jobid'); return $updraftplus_admin->fetch_log($job_id); } public function activejobs_delete($job_id) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); return $updraftplus_admin->activejobs_delete((string) $job_id); } public function deleteset($what) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin()) || false === ($updraftplus = $this->_load_ud())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); $results = $updraftplus_admin->delete_set($what); $get_history_opts = isset($what['get_history_opts']) ? $what['get_history_opts'] : array(); $backup_history = UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::get_history(); $results['history'] = $updraftplus_admin->settings_downloading_and_restoring($backup_history, true, $get_history_opts); $results['count_backups'] = count($backup_history); return $results; } /** * Slightly misnamed - this doesn't always rescan, but it does always return the history status (possibly after a rescan) * * @param string $what speific string to scan * @return array retuns an array of history statuses */ public function rescan($what) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); $remotescan = ('remotescan' == $what); $rescan = ($remotescan || 'rescan' == $what); $history_status = $updraftplus_admin->get_history_status($rescan, $remotescan); return $history_status; } public function get_settings($options) { global $updraftplus; if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin()) || false === ($updraftplus = $this->_load_ud())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); ob_start(); $updraftplus_admin->settings_formcontents($options); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $remote_storage_options_and_templates = $updraftplus->get_remote_storage_options_and_templates(); return array( 'settings' => $output, 'remote_storage_options' => $remote_storage_options_and_templates['options'], 'remote_storage_templates' => $remote_storage_options_and_templates['templates'], 'meta' => apply_filters('updraftplus_get_settings_meta', array()), 'updraftplus_version' => $updraftplus->version, ); } public function test_storage_settings($test_data) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin()) || false === ($updraftplus = $this->_load_ud())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); ob_start(); $updraftplus_admin->do_credentials_test($test_data); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return array( 'output' => $output, ); } public function extradb_testconnection($info) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin()) || false === ($updraftplus = $this->_load_ud())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); $results = apply_filters('updraft_extradb_testconnection_go', array(), $info); return $results; } /** * This method will make a call to the methods responsible for recounting the quota in the UpdraftVault account * * @param array $params - an array of parameters such as a instance_id * @return string - the result of the call */ public function vault_recountquota($params = array()) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); $instance_id = empty($params['instance_id']) ? '' : $params['instance_id']; $vault = $updraftplus_admin->get_updraftvault($instance_id); return $vault->ajax_vault_recountquota(false); } /** * This method will make a call to the methods responsible for creating a connection to UpdraftVault * * @param array $credentials - an array of parameters such as the user credentials and instance_id * @return string - the result of the call */ public function vault_connect($credentials) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); $instance_id = empty($credentials['instance_id']) ? '' : $credentials['instance_id']; return $updraftplus_admin->get_updraftvault($instance_id)->ajax_vault_connect(false, $credentials); } /** * This method will make a call to the methods responsible for removing a connection to UpdraftVault * * @param array $params - an array of parameters such as a instance_id * @return string - the result of the call */ public function vault_disconnect($params = array()) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin()) || false === ($updraftplus = $this->_load_ud())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); $echo_results = empty($params['immediate_echo']) ? false : true; $instance_id = empty($params['instance_id']) ? '' : $params['instance_id']; $results = (array) $updraftplus_admin->get_updraftvault($instance_id)->ajax_vault_disconnect($echo_results); return $results; } /** * A handler method to call the UpdraftPlus admin save settings method. It will check if the settings passed to it are in the format of a string if so it converts it to an array otherwise just pass the array * * @param String/Array $settings Settings to be saved to UpdraftPlus either in the form of a string ready to be converted to an array or already an array ready to be passed to the save settings function in UpdraftPlus. * @return Array An Array response to be sent back */ public function save_settings($settings) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin()) || false === ($updraftplus = $this->_load_ud())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); if (!empty($settings)) { if (is_string($settings)) { parse_str($settings, $settings_as_array); } elseif (is_array($settings)) { $settings_as_array = $settings; } else { return new WP_Error('invalid_settings'); } } $results = $updraftplus_admin->save_settings($settings_as_array); return $results; } public function s3_newuser($data) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin()) || false === ($updraftplus = $this->_load_ud())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); $results = apply_filters('updraft_s3_newuser_go', array(), $data); return $results; } public function cloudfiles_newuser($data) { global $updraftplus_addon_cloudfilesenhanced; if (!is_a($updraftplus_addon_cloudfilesenhanced, 'UpdraftPlus_Addon_CloudFilesEnhanced')) { $data = array('e' => 1, 'm' => sprintf(__('%s add-on not found', 'updraftplus'), 'Rackspace Cloud Files')); } else { $data = $updraftplus_addon_cloudfilesenhanced->create_api_user($data); } if (0 === $data["e"]) { return $data; } else { return new WP_Error('error', '', $data); } } public function get_fragment($fragment) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin()) || false === ($updraftplus = $this->_load_ud())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); if (is_array($fragment)) { $data = $fragment['data']; $fragment = $fragment['fragment']; } $error = false; switch ($fragment) { case 'last_backup_html': $output = $updraftplus_admin->last_backup_html(); break; case 's3_new_api_user_form': ob_start(); do_action('updraft_s3_print_new_api_user_form', false); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); break; case 'cloudfiles_new_api_user_form': global $updraftplus_addon_cloudfilesenhanced; if (!is_a($updraftplus_addon_cloudfilesenhanced, 'UpdraftPlus_Addon_CloudFilesEnhanced')) { $error = true; $output = 'cloudfiles_addon_not_found'; } else { $output = array( 'accounts' => $updraftplus_addon_cloudfilesenhanced->account_options(), 'regions' => $updraftplus_addon_cloudfilesenhanced->region_options(), ); } break; case 'backupnow_modal_contents': $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); if (!$updraftplus->really_is_writable($updraft_dir)) { $output = array('error' => true, 'html' => __("The 'Backup Now' button is disabled as your backup directory is not writable (go to the 'Settings' tab and find the relevant option).", 'updraftplus')); } else { $output = array('html' => $updraftplus_admin->backupnow_modal_contents()); } break; case 'panel_download_and_restore': $backup_history = UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::get_history(); if (empty($backup_history)) { UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::rebuild_backup_history(); $backup_history = UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::get_history(); } $output = $updraftplus_admin->settings_downloading_and_restoring($backup_history, true, $data); break; case 'disk_usage': $output = $updraftplus_admin->get_disk_space_used($data); break; default: // We just return a code - translation is done on the other side $output = 'ud_get_fragment_could_not_return'; $error = true; break; } if (!$error) { return array( 'output' => $output, ); } else { return new WP_Error('get_fragment_error', '', $output); } } /** * This gets the http_get function from admin to grab information on a url * * @param string $uri URL to be used * @return array returns response from specific URL */ public function http_get($uri) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (empty($uri)) { return new WP_Error('error', '', 'no_uri'); } $response = $updraftplus_admin->http_get($uri, false); $response_decode = json_decode($response); if (isset($response_decode->e)) { return new WP_Error('error', '', htmlspecialchars($response_decode->e)); } return array('status' => $response_decode->code, 'response' => $response_decode->html_response); } /** * This gets the http_get function from admin to grab cURL information on a url * * @param string $uri URL to be used * @return array */ public function http_get_curl($uri) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (empty($uri)) { return new WP_Error('error', '', 'no_uri'); } if (!function_exists('curl_exec')) { return new WP_Error('error', '', 'no_curl'); } $response_encode = $updraftplus_admin->http_get($uri, true); $response_decode = json_decode($response_encode); $response = 'Curl Info: ' . $response_decode->verb .'Response: ' . $response_decode->response; if (false === $response_decode->response) { return new WP_Error('error', '', array( 'error' => htmlspecialchars($response_decode->e), "status" => $response_decode->status, "log" => htmlspecialchars($response_decode->verb) )); } return array( 'response'=> htmlspecialchars(substr($response, 0, 2048)), 'status'=> $response_decode->status, 'log'=> htmlspecialchars($response_decode->verb) ); } /** * Display raw backup and file list * * @return string */ public function show_raw_backup_and_file_list() { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); /* Need to remove the pre tags as the modal assumes a
is for a new box. This cause issues specifically with fetch log events. Do this by passing true to the method show_raw_backups */ $response = $updraftplus_admin->show_raw_backups(true); return $response['html']; } public function reset_site_id() { if (false === ($updraftplus = $this->_load_ud())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); delete_site_option('updraftplus-addons_siteid'); return $updraftplus->siteid(); } public function search_replace($query) { if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Addons_Migrator')) { return new WP_Error('error', '', 'no_class_found'); } global $updraftplus_addons_migrator; if (!is_a($updraftplus_addons_migrator, 'UpdraftPlus_Addons_Migrator')) { return new WP_Error('error', 'no_object_found'); } $_POST = $query; ob_start(); do_action('updraftplus_adminaction_searchreplace', $query); $response = array('log' => ob_get_clean()); return $response; } public function change_lock_settings($data) { global $updraftplus_addon_lockadmin; if (!class_exists('UpdraftPlus_Addon_LockAdmin')) { return new WP_Error('error', '', 'no_class_found'); } if (!is_a($updraftplus_addon_lockadmin, "UpdraftPlus_Addon_LockAdmin")) { return new WP_Error('error', '', 'no_object_found'); } $session_length = empty($data["session_length"]) ? '' : $data["session_length"]; $password = empty($data["password"]) ? '' : $data["password"]; $old_password = empty($data["old_password"]) ? '' : $data["old_password"]; $support_url = $data["support_url"]; $user = wp_get_current_user(); if (0 == $user->ID) { return new WP_Error('no_user_found'); } $options = $updraftplus_addon_lockadmin->return_opts(); if ($old_password == $options['password']) { $options['password'] = (string) $password; $options['support_url'] = (string) $support_url; $options['session_length'] = (int) $session_length; UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_adminlocking', $options); return "lock_changed"; } else { return new WP_Error('error', '', 'wrong_old_password'); } } public function delete_key($key_id) { global $updraftplus_updraftcentral_main; if (!is_a($updraftplus_updraftcentral_main, 'UpdraftPlus_UpdraftCentral_Main')) { return new WP_Error('error', '', 'UpdraftPlus_UpdraftCentral_Main object not found'); } $response = $updraftplus_updraftcentral_main->delete_key($key_id); return $response; } public function create_key($data) { global $updraftplus_updraftcentral_main; if (!is_a($updraftplus_updraftcentral_main, 'UpdraftPlus_UpdraftCentral_Main')) { return new WP_Error('error', '', 'UpdraftPlus_UpdraftCentral_Main object not found'); } $response = call_user_func(array($updraftplus_updraftcentral_main, 'create_key'), $data); return $response; } public function fetch_log($data) { global $updraftplus_updraftcentral_main; if (!is_a($updraftplus_updraftcentral_main, 'UpdraftPlus_UpdraftCentral_Main')) { return new WP_Error('error', '', 'UpdraftPlus_UpdraftCentral_Main object not found'); } $response = call_user_func(array($updraftplus_updraftcentral_main, 'get_log'), $data); return $response; } /** * A handler method to call the UpdraftPlus admin auth_remote_method * * @param Array - $data It consists of below key elements: * $remote_method - Remote storage service * $instance_id - Remote storage instance id * @return Array An Array response to be sent back */ public function auth_remote_method($data) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin()) || false === ($updraftplus = $this->_load_ud())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); $response = $updraftplus_admin->auth_remote_method($data); return $response; } /** * A handler method to call the UpdraftPlus admin deauth_remote_method * * @param Array - $data It consists of below key elements: * $remote_method - Remote storage service * $instance_id - Remote storage instance id * @return Array An Array response to be sent back */ public function deauth_remote_method($data) { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin()) || false === ($updraftplus = $this->_load_ud())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); $response = $updraftplus_admin->deauth_remote_method($data); return $response; } /** * A handler method to call the UpdraftPlus admin wipe settings method * * @return Array An Array response to be sent back */ public function wipe_settings() { if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); if (!UpdraftPlus_Options::user_can_manage()) return new WP_Error('updraftplus_permission_denied'); // pass false to this method so that it does not remove the UpdraftCentral key $response = $updraftplus_admin->updraft_wipe_settings(false); return $response; } /** * Retrieves backup information (next scheduled backups, last backup jobs and last log message) * for UpdraftCentral consumption * * @return Array An array containing the results of the backup information retrieval */ public function get_backup_info() { try { // load global updraftplus admin if (false === ($updraftplus_admin = $this->_load_ud_admin())) return new WP_Error('no_updraftplus'); ob_start(); $updraftplus_admin->next_scheduled_backups_output(); $next_scheduled_backups = ob_get_clean(); $response = array( 'next_scheduled_backups' => $next_scheduled_backups, 'last_backup_job' => $updraftplus_admin->last_backup_html(), 'last_log_message' => UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_lastmessage() ); $updraft_last_backup = UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_last_backup', false); $backup_history = UpdraftPlus_Backup_History::get_history(); if (false !== $updraft_last_backup && !empty($backup_history)) { $backup_nonce = $updraft_last_backup['backup_nonce']; $response['backup_nonce'] = $backup_nonce; $response['log'] = $this->get_log($backup_nonce); } } catch (Exception $e) { $response = array('error' => true, 'message' => $e->getMessage()); } return $response; } }