get_storage(); // Update upload ID $this->jobdata_set('upload_id_'.$this->current_file_hash, $uploadid); $this->jobdata_set('upload_offset_'.$this->current_file_hash, $offset); $time_now = microtime(true); $time_since_last_tick = $time_now - $this->upload_tick; $data_since_last_tick = $offset - $this->uploaded_offset; $this->upload_tick = $time_now; $this->uploaded_offset = $offset; // Here we use job-wide data, because we don't expect wildly different performance for different Dropbox accounts $chunk_size = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('dropbox_chunk_size', 1048576); // Don't go beyond 10MB, or change the chunk size after the last segment if ($chunk_size < 10485760 && $this->current_file_size > 0 && $offset < $this->current_file_size) { $job_run_time = $time_now - $updraftplus->job_time_ms; if ($time_since_last_tick < 10) { $upload_rate = $data_since_last_tick / max($time_since_last_tick, 1); $upload_secs = min(floor($job_run_time), 10); if ($job_run_time < 15) $upload_secs = max(6, $job_run_time*0.6); $new_chunk = max(min($upload_secs * $upload_rate * 0.9, 10485760), 1048576); $new_chunk = $new_chunk - ($new_chunk % 524288); $chunk_size = (int) $new_chunk; $storage->setChunkSize($chunk_size); $updraftplus->jobdata_set('dropbox_chunk_size', $chunk_size); } } if ($this->current_file_size > 0) { $percent = round(100*($offset/$this->current_file_size), 1); $updraftplus->record_uploaded_chunk($percent, "$uploadid, $offset, ".round($chunk_size/1024, 1)." KB", $fullpath); } else { $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: Chunked Upload: $offset bytes uploaded"); // This act is done by record_uploaded_chunk, and helps prevent overlapping runs if ($fullpath) touch($fullpath); } } public function get_supported_features() { // This options format is handled via only accessing options via $this->get_options() return array('multi_options', 'config_templates', 'multi_storage'); } public function get_default_options() { return array( 'appkey' => '', 'secret' => '', 'folder' => '', 'tk_access_token' => '', ); } /** * Acts as a WordPress options filter * * @param Array $dropbox - An array of Dropbox options * @return Array - the returned array can either be the set of updated Dropbox settings or a WordPress error array */ public function options_filter($dropbox) { global $updraftplus; // Get the current options (and possibly update them to the new format) $opts = $updraftplus->update_remote_storage_options_format('dropbox'); if (is_wp_error($opts)) { if ('recursion' !== $opts->get_error_code()) { $msg = "Dropbox (".$opts->get_error_code()."): ".$opts->get_error_message(); $updraftplus->log($msg); error_log("UpdraftPlus: $msg"); } // The saved options had a problem; so, return the new ones return $dropbox; } // If the input is not as expected, then return the current options if (!is_array($dropbox)) return $opts; // Remove instances that no longer exist foreach ($opts['settings'] as $instance_id => $storage_options) { if (!isset($dropbox['settings'][$instance_id])) unset($opts['settings'][$instance_id]); } // Dropbox has a special case where the settings could be empty so we should check for this before if (!empty($dropbox['settings'])) { foreach ($dropbox['settings'] as $instance_id => $storage_options) { if (!empty($opts['settings'][$instance_id]['tk_access_token'])) { $current_app_key = empty($opts['settings'][$instance_id]['appkey']) ? false : $opts['settings'][$instance_id]['appkey']; $new_app_key = empty($storage_options['appkey']) ? false : $storage_options['appkey']; // If a different app key is being used, then wipe the stored token as it cannot belong to the new app if ($current_app_key !== $new_app_key) { unset($opts['settings'][$instance_id]['tk_access_token']); unset($opts['settings'][$instance_id]['ownername']); unset($opts['settings'][$instance_id]['CSRF']); } } // Now loop over the new options, and replace old options with them foreach ($storage_options as $key => $value) { if (null === $value) { unset($opts['settings'][$instance_id][$key]); } else { if (!isset($opts['settings'][$instance_id])) $opts['settings'][$instance_id] = array(); $opts['settings'][$instance_id][$key] = $value; } } if (!empty($opts['settings'][$instance_id]['folder']) && preg_match('#^https?://(www.)dropbox\.com/home/Apps/UpdraftPlus(.Com)?([^/]*)/(.*)$#i', $opts['settings'][$instance_id]['folder'], $matches)) $opts['settings'][$instance_id]['folder'] = $matches[3]; } } return $opts; } public function backup($backup_array) { global $updraftplus; $opts = $this->get_options(); if (empty($opts['tk_access_token'])) { $updraftplus->log('You do not appear to be authenticated with Dropbox (1)'); $updraftplus->log(__('You do not appear to be authenticated with Dropbox', 'updraftplus'), 'error'); return false; } // 28 September 2017: APIv1 is gone. We'll keep the variable to make life easier if there's ever an APIv3. $use_api_ver = 2; if (empty($opts['tk_request_token'])) { $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: begin cloud upload (using API version $use_api_ver with OAuth v2 token)"); } else { $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: begin cloud upload (using API version $use_api_ver with OAuth v1 token)"); } $chunk_size = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('dropbox_chunk_size', 1048576); try { $dropbox = $this->bootstrap(); if (false === $dropbox) throw new Exception(__('You do not appear to be authenticated with Dropbox', 'updraftplus')); $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: access gained; setting chunk size to: ".round($chunk_size/1024, 1)." KB"); $dropbox->setChunkSize($chunk_size); } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error when trying to gain access: '.$e->getMessage().' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')'); $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('Dropbox error: %s (see log file for more)', 'updraftplus'), $e->getMessage()), 'error'); return false; } $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); $dropbox_folder = trailingslashit($opts['folder']); foreach ($backup_array as $file) { $available_quota = -1; // If we experience any failures collecting account info, then carry on anyway try { /* Quota information is no longer provided with account information a new call to quotaInfo must be made to get this information. */ $quota_info = $dropbox->quotaInfo(); if ("200" != $quota_info['code']) { $message = "Dropbox account/info did not return HTTP 200; returned: ". $quota_info['code']; } elseif (!isset($quota_info['body'])) { $message = "Dropbox account/info did not return the expected data"; } else { $body = $quota_info['body']; if (isset($body->quota_info)) { $quota_info = $body->quota_info; $total_quota = $quota_info->quota; $normal_quota = $quota_info->normal; $shared_quota = $quota_info->shared; $available_quota = $total_quota - ($normal_quota + $shared_quota); $message = "Dropbox quota usage: normal=".round($normal_quota/1048576, 1)." MB, shared=".round($shared_quota/1048576, 1)." MB, total=".round($total_quota/1048576, 1)." MB, available=".round($available_quota/1048576, 1)." MB"; } else { $total_quota = max($body->allocation->allocated, 1); $used = $body->used; /* check here to see if the account is a team account and if so use the other used value This will give us their total usage including their individual account and team account */ if (isset($body->allocation->used)) $used = $body->allocation->used; $available_quota = $total_quota - $used; $message = "Dropbox quota usage: used=".round($used/1048576, 1)." MB, total=".round($total_quota/1048576, 1)." MB, available=".round($available_quota/1048576, 1)." MB"; } } $updraftplus->log($message); } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log("Dropbox error: exception (".get_class($e).") occurred whilst getting account info: ".$e->getMessage()); // $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("%s error: %s", 'updraftplus'), 'Dropbox', $e->getMessage()).' ('.$e->getCode().')', 'warning', md5($e->getMessage())); } $file_success = 1; $hash = md5($file); $this->current_file_hash = $hash; $filesize = filesize($updraft_dir.'/'.$file); $this->current_file_size = $filesize; // Into KB $filesize = $filesize/1024; $microtime = microtime(true); if ($upload_id = $this->jobdata_get('upload_id_'.$hash, null, 'updraf_dbid_'.$hash)) { // Resume $offset = $this->jobdata_get('upload_offset_'.$hash, null, 'updraf_dbof_'.$hash); $updraftplus->log("This is a resumption: $offset bytes had already been uploaded"); } else { $offset = 0; $upload_id = null; } // We don't actually abort now - there's no harm in letting it try and then fail if (-1 != $available_quota && $available_quota < ($filesize-$offset)) { $updraftplus->log("File upload expected to fail: file data remaining to upload ($file) size is ".($filesize-$offset)." b (overall file size; .".($filesize*1024)." b), whereas available quota is only $available_quota b"); // $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("Account full: your %s account has only %d bytes left, but the file to be uploaded has %d bytes remaining (total size: %d bytes)",'updraftplus'),'Dropbox', $available_quota, $filesize-$offset, $filesize), 'warning'); } // Old-style, single file put: $put = $dropbox->putFile($updraft_dir.'/'.$file, $dropbox_folder.$file); $ufile = apply_filters('updraftplus_dropbox_modpath', $file, $this); $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: Attempt to upload: $file to: $ufile"); $this->upload_tick = microtime(true); $this->uploaded_offset = $offset; try { $response = $dropbox->chunkedUpload($updraft_dir.'/'.$file, '', $ufile, true, $offset, $upload_id, array($this, 'chunked_callback')); if (empty($response['code']) || "200" != $response['code']) { $updraftplus->log('Unexpected HTTP code returned from Dropbox: '.$response['code']." (".serialize($response).")"); if ($response['code'] >= 400) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox '.sprintf(__('error: failed to upload file to %s (see log file for more)', 'updraftplus'), $file), 'error'); } else { $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('%s did not return the expected response - check your log file for more details', 'updraftplus'), 'Dropbox'), 'warning'); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log("Dropbox chunked upload exception (".get_class($e)."): ".$e->getMessage().' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')'); if (preg_match("/Submitted input out of alignment: got \[(\d+)\] expected \[(\d+)\]/i", $e->getMessage(), $matches)) { // Try the indicated offset $we_tried = $matches[1]; $dropbox_wanted = (int) $matches[2]; $updraftplus->log("Dropbox not yet aligned: tried=$we_tried, wanted=$dropbox_wanted; will attempt recovery"); $this->uploaded_offset = $dropbox_wanted; try { $dropbox->chunkedUpload($updraft_dir.'/'.$file, '', $ufile, true, $dropbox_wanted, $upload_id, array($this, 'chunked_callback')); } catch (Exception $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); if (preg_match('/Upload with upload_id .* already completed/', $msg)) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox returned an error, but apparently indicating previous success: '.$msg); } else { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error: '.$msg.' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')'); $updraftplus->log('Dropbox '.sprintf(__('error: failed to upload file to %s (see log file for more)', 'updraftplus'), $ufile), 'error'); $file_success = 0; if (strpos($msg, 'select/poll returned error') !== false && $this->upload_tick > 0 && time() - $this->upload_tick > 800) { $updraftplus->reschedule(60); $updraftplus->log("Select/poll returned after a long time: scheduling a resumption and terminating for now"); $updraftplus->record_still_alive(); die; } } } } else { $msg = $e->getMessage(); if (preg_match('/Upload with upload_id .* already completed/', $msg)) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox returned an error, but apparently indicating previous success: '.$msg); } else { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error: '.$msg); $updraftplus->log('Dropbox '.sprintf(__('error: failed to upload file to %s (see log file for more)', 'updraftplus'), $ufile), 'error'); $file_success = 0; if (strpos($msg, 'select/poll returned error') !== false && $this->upload_tick > 0 && time() - $this->upload_tick > 800) { $updraftplus->reschedule(60); $updraftplus->log("Select/poll returned after a long time: scheduling a resumption and terminating for now"); $updraftplus->record_still_alive(); die; } } } } if ($file_success) { $updraftplus->uploaded_file($file); $microtime_elapsed = microtime(true)-$microtime; $speedps = ($microtime_elapsed > 0) ? $filesize/$microtime_elapsed : 0; $speed = sprintf("%.2d", $filesize)." KB in ".sprintf("%.2d", $microtime_elapsed)."s (".sprintf("%.2d", $speedps)." KB/s)"; $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: File upload success (".$file."): $speed"); $this->jobdata_delete('upload_id_'.$hash, 'updraf_dbid_'.$hash); $this->jobdata_delete('upload_offset_'.$hash, 'updraf_dbof_'.$hash); } } return null; } /** * This method gets a list of files from the remote stoage that match the string passed in and returns an array of backups * * @param string $match a substring to require (tested via strpos() !== false) * @return array */ public function listfiles($match = 'backup_') { $opts = $this->get_options(); if (empty($opts['tk_access_token'])) return new WP_Error('no_settings', __('No settings were found', 'updraftplus').' (dropbox)'); global $updraftplus; try { $dropbox = $this->bootstrap(); } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox access error: '.$e->getMessage().' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')'); return new WP_Error('access_error', $e->getMessage()); } $searchpath = '/'.untrailingslashit(apply_filters('updraftplus_dropbox_modpath', '', $this)); try { /* Some users could have a large amount of backups, the max search is 1000 entries we should continue to search until there are no more entries to bring back. */ $start = 0; $matches = array(); while (true) { $search = $dropbox->search($match, $searchpath, 1000, $start); if (empty($search['code']) || 200 != $search['code']) return new WP_Error('response_error', sprintf(__('%s returned an unexpected HTTP response: %s', 'updraftplus'), 'Dropbox', $search['code']), $search['body']); if (empty($search['body'])) return array(); if (isset($search['body']->matches) && is_array($search['body']->matches)) { $matches = array_merge($matches, $search['body']->matches); } elseif (is_array($search['body'])) { $matches = $search['body']; } else { break; } if (isset($search['body']->more) && true == $search['body']->more && isset($search['body']->start)) { $start = $search['body']->start; } else { break; } } } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error: '.$e->getMessage().' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')'); // The most likely cause of a search_error is specifying a non-existent path, which should just result in an empty result set. // return new WP_Error('search_error', $e->getMessage()); return array(); } $results = array(); foreach ($matches as $item) { $item = $item->metadata; if (!is_object($item)) continue; if ((!isset($item->size) || $item->size > 0) && 'folder' != $item->{'.tag'} && !empty($item->path_display) && 0 === strpos($item->path_display, $searchpath)) { $path = substr($item->path_display, strlen($searchpath)); if ('/' == substr($path, 0, 1)) $path = substr($path, 1); // Ones in subfolders are not wanted if (false !== strpos($path, '/')) continue; $result = array('name' => $path); if (!empty($item->size)) $result['size'] = $item->size; $results[] = $result; } } return $results; } public function defaults() { return apply_filters('updraftplus_dropbox_defaults', array('Z3Q3ZmkwbnplNHA0Zzlx', 'bTY0bm9iNmY4eWhjODRt')); } public function delete($files, $data = null, $sizeinfo = array()) { global $updraftplus; if (is_string($files)) $files = array($files); $opts = $this->get_options(); if (empty($opts['tk_access_token'])) { $updraftplus->log('You do not appear to be authenticated with Dropbox (3)'); $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('You do not appear to be authenticated with %s (whilst deleting)', 'updraftplus'), 'Dropbox'), 'warning'); return false; } try { $dropbox = $this->bootstrap(); } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error: '.$e->getMessage().' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')'); $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('Failed to access %s when deleting (see log file for more)', 'updraftplus'), 'Dropbox'), 'warning'); return false; } if (false === $dropbox) return false; foreach ($files as $file) { $ufile = apply_filters('updraftplus_dropbox_modpath', $file, $this); $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: request deletion: $ufile"); try { $dropbox->delete($ufile); $file_success = 1; } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error: '.$e->getMessage().' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')'); } if (isset($file_success)) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox: delete succeeded'); } else { return false; } } } public function download($file) { global $updraftplus; $opts = $this->get_options(); if (empty($opts['tk_access_token'])) { $updraftplus->log('You do not appear to be authenticated with Dropbox (4)'); $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('You do not appear to be authenticated with %s', 'updraftplus'), 'Dropbox'), 'error'); return false; } try { $dropbox = $this->bootstrap(); } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error: '.$e->getMessage().' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')'); $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error: '.$e->getMessage().' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')', 'error'); return false; } if (false === $dropbox) return false; $remote_files = $this->listfiles($file); foreach ($remote_files as $file_info) { if ($file_info['name'] == $file) { return $updraftplus->chunked_download($file, $this, $file_info['size'], true, null, 2*1048576); } } $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: $file: file not found in listing of remote directory"); return false; } /** * Callback used by by chunked downloading API * * @param String $file - the file (basename) to be downloaded * @param Array $headers - supplied headers * @param Mixed $data - pass-back from our call to the API (which we don't use) * @param resource $fh - the local file handle * * @return String - the data downloaded */ public function chunked_download($file, $headers, $data, $fh) { global $updraftplus; $opts = $this->get_options(); $storage = $this->get_storage(); $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); $microtime = microtime(true); $try_the_other_one = false; $ufile = apply_filters('updraftplus_dropbox_modpath', $file, $this); if (!empty($headers)) $options['headers'] = $headers; try { $get = $storage->download($ufile, $fh, $options); } catch (Exception $e) { // TODO: Remove this October 2013 (we stored in the wrong place for a while...) $try_the_other_one = true; $possible_error = $e->getMessage(); $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error: '.$e); $get = false; } // TODO: Remove this October 2013 (we stored files in the wrong place for a while...) if ($try_the_other_one) { $dropbox_folder = trailingslashit($opts['folder']); try { $get = $storage->download($dropbox_folder.'/'.$file, $fh, $options); if (isset($get['response']['body'])) { $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: downloaded ".round(strlen($get['response']['body'])/1024, 1).' KB'); } } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log($possible_error, 'error'); $updraftplus->log($e->getMessage(), 'error'); $get = false; } } return $get; } /** * Get the pre configuration template * * @return String - the template */ public function get_pre_configuration_template() { global $updraftplus_admin; $classes = $this->get_css_classes(false); ?>
curl_check('Dropbox', false, 'dropbox'); ?>