------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for downloading Fruitful theme! ------------------------------------------------------- We have created a theme based on our necessities and experience, we will be glad if you like our work. Our code is hand-made, so if you find a bug or have a wish to modify something, feel free to send us your feedback. We want to make our product even better and better and we need users support and feedbacks. Works perfect with WooCommerce till version 3.0. Fruitful PRO – WordPress responsive theme contains all the options of FREE version plus more options like ability to change width for container grid and support latest WooCommerce version. Find all the details by link https://fruitfulcode.com/product/fruitful-pro Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------- Copyright ------------------------------------------------------- Fruitful is a free WordPress responsive theme with theme options panel, designed and developed in Fruitful Code Feel free to use and modify this theme as you like. Fruitful is distributed under the GPLv2 license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) ------------------------------------------------------- Demo ------------------------------------------------------- If you want to get demo content pages like on demo website 1. Install plugin WordPress Importer 2. Visit Tools -> Import in the WordPress dashboard and select dummy_data.xml from "demo-content" folder from . 3. Push "Upload file and import" button ------------------------------------------------------- Installation ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Upload the "Fruitful" folder to the "/wp-content/themes/" directory or find in Appearance > Themes > Install theme, type “Fruitful” in search field. 2. Activate the Theme through the 'Themes' menu in WordPress 3. Go to "Appearance" > Theme options 4. Config theme as you need. ------------------------------------------------------- User Guide and theme features ------------------------------------------------------- === Documentation === https://github.com/Fruitfulcode/Fruitful/wiki === WP Version === As this theme uses the WordPress customizer feature for most options, it requires at least version 3.4 to work properly. Please make sure your WP version is at least 3.4. === Page layouts === Theme supported 2 types of html layout. Default responsive setting which adapt for mobile devices and static page with fixed width. Uncheck arrow below if you need static website display. === Theme options === Fruitful has custom theme options panel, for easy setup and config theme setting for your needs. === Upload logo, backgroud, favicon === Go to the customizer screen in the logo and favicon section and upload your images. For best results, try uploading a logo with the following maximum dimensions => max-height :100px, max-width ; 250px === Color customization === Configure colors as you need. === Fonts === Choose web-safe fonts and 20 popular Google fonts. === 2 Jquery slider included === - Nivoslider - Flex slide === Social links === Easy add your links to your social profiles, which will be display in footer or header as icons. ------------------------------------------------------- Translation ------------------------------------------------------- The themes is ready for translation and already translated in Russian. We are open for users translations, translation can be included in new theme versions. Files: .pot, ru_Ru.po, ru_Ru.mo icluded. Default language is english. ------------------------------------------------------- Credits ------------------------------------------------------- * Underscores starter theme http://underscores.me/ Licensed under GPL licenses * Skeleton responsive grid http://www.getskeleton.com/ Licensed under MIT * FlexSlider by WooThemes under the GPLv2 license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) * Nivo Slider jQuery script by dev7studios under the MIT license. http://dev7studios.com/plugins/nivo-slider/ * Fancybox jQuery script http://fancybox.net/ Licensed under both MIT and GPL licenses * Html5shiv jQuery script https://code.google.com/p/html5shiv/ under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses * Mousewheel jQuery script http://adomas.org/javascript-mouse-wheel/ Licensed under the MIT License. * SyntaxHighlighter jQuery script http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/ Licensed under the MIT License * Easy Responsive Tabs to Accordion https://github.com/samsono/Easy-Responsive-Tabs-to-Accordion MIT and GPL licenses * Fonts by Google fonts http://www.google.com/fonts licensed under Apache License Version 2 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html) * Font Awesome licensed under the MIT License http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/ * Dialogbox by Trent Richardson, http://trentrichardson.com/Impromptu/ Licensed under the MIT License ------------------------------------------------------- Changelog ------------------------------------------------------- = 3.5 = 19.10.2017 * Bug fix: Woocommerce lightbox function error * Bug fix: Updating WooCommerce templates version * Update: ELEMENTOR_PARTNER_ID * New: add Elementor support * Bug fix: Woccommerce update problem * Bug fix: Theme check errors * Update: Dummy Data update * Bug fix: Fixed back-top icon = 3.4 = 21.07.2017 * Added: Social icon Ello.co * Bug fix: Mobile menu * Bug fix: Empty Favicon Tags * Bug fix: Menu conflict with the plugin Woocommerce Catalog Enquiry * Bug fix: Menu conflict with the plugin Woocommerce Catalog Enquiry * Bug fix: Button doesn't change the color on cart page * Bug fix: Add menu item - bug fix css * Bug fix: Add slider images to xml, fix css h3 font-size * Bug fix: Viewport content and fix bug on Ipad * Bug fix: Customizer capability fix * Bug fix: Not sizing properly in landscape view on iPad * Bug fix: Woocommerce 3.0.0 select2.js * Bug fix: Sprintf() bug on install plugins * Improvement: Thumbnails for fullwidth posts * Improvement: Outdated copies of WooCommerce template file * Update: Timeout for page reload * Update: Mobile dropdowm menu * Update: Demo content * Update: Proceed to checkout button styles * Update: Slider layout settings update = 3.3.1 = 26.04.2016 * Improvements: Close menu in mobile and tablet after click * Update: Infinite scroll support * Bug fix: Mobile dropdown menu double click * Bug fix: display of comments using the Jetpack plugin = 3.3 = 29.03.2016 * Update: FontAwesome 4.5.0 * Update: Credits and links * Bug fix: Menu display for IE9 * Bug fix: Search button * Bug fix: Header height for mobiles with hamburger menu = 3.2 = 18.02.2016 * Improvements: Header background with hamburger menu * Improvements: FontAwesome icon in search form * Update: TGM plugin activation 2.5.2 * Bug fix: WooCommerce, cross sell products, add to cart * Bug fix: WooCommerce, 5 products per row * Bug fix: Link in cart /" * Bug fix: Sidebar position for tags template * Bug fix: Slider, remove button duplicated * Removed: class from image type( field options) = 3.1 = 10.01.2016 * New: Color for WooCommerce cart icon * Improvements: "Default theme styles". option disabled * Improvements: Header background image, added image crop in customizer. * Bug fix: Menu icon color * Bug fix: WooCommerce tabs position * Bug fix: Check if variable not empty, checkbox value on save * Bug fix: The 4th level of dropdown menu color * Bug fix: Menu position center, after update * Bug fix: The slider images are distored (width) in landscape mode * Bug fix: Stripslashes - textarea theme options * Bug fix: microsoft lumia support = 3.0 = 11.01.2016 * New: Customizer support * New: Ability to add fields in theme options with child theme * New: Color for hamburger menu * New: WooCommerce product, tabs position * New: Page templates by default > Blog * Update: FontAwesome * Update: Translation files * Update: WordPress 4.4.1 support * Update: WooCommerce 2.4.12 ready * Bug fix: Enable touch swipe on Flexslider * Bug fix: If retina logo field is epmty, display regular logo * Bug fix: When turn off the Sticky header option, the mobile optimized screen wont show the slider = 2.7 = 05.08.2015 * New: WooCoomerce product sidebar options * Update: WooCommerce 2.3.13 ready * Update: FlexSlider.js 2.5.0 * Update: ru_Ru translations * Bug fix: Retina logo * Bug fix: Social media icons = 2.6 = 21.05.15 * New: Retina logo * New: Retina favicons * New: French translations * Improvements: Theme options > General > Custom wordpress pages layout * Improvements: Code optimizations * Update: WordPress 4.2.2 ready * Update: WooCommerce 2.3.9 ready * Update: TGM plugin Activation 2.4.1 * Bug fix: TGM Notice duplicated on Yoast admin page = 2.5 = 17.03.15 * New: Default layouts for single post and default pages * New: Arabic translations * Update: TGM plugin activation * Update: WooCommerce 2.3.6 support * Bug fix: Google fonts load only if you have selected = 2.4.1 = 12.01.15 * Bug fix: Full width slider for home page * Improvements: header.php = 2.4.0 = 30.12.14 * New: Ability to choose slider for pages. * New: Theme options > Colors, Woocommerce styles * New: Theme options > General, added layout switcher for additional pages * New: Social icon "Vimeo" * Bug fix: WooCommerce layouts for pages * Improvements: Change entry title tag h1 -> h2 for loop pages * Improvements: Reorganize code * Improvements: Translation updates = 2.3.1 = 08.12.14 * Bug fix: Slider z-index * Bug fix: WooCommerce "add setting method" * Bug fix: WooCommerce price width * Bug fix: Remove deprecated function * Bug fix: Remove get blog info from theme backend = 2.3 = 28.11.14 * Improvement: Custom menu widget, RTL support * Improvement: WooCommerce CSS * Improvement: WooCommerce 4 products per row, by default * Improvement: FontAwesome script activation with Fruitful shortcodes * Improvement: Ability to translate navigation labels * Improvement: Sticky header now with background image * Bug fix: WooCommerce Related products * Bug fix: Youtube iframe fullscreen * Bug fix: WooCommerce Product with empty content * Bug fix: WooCommerce Child Category fix * Bug fix: conflict with Fancybox * Bug fix: Extra margin removed = 2.2.1 = 23.09.14 * New: Custom menu css styles * Improvement: css changes * Improvement: Adding the subset=latin-ext to the Open Sans font * Bug fix: BuddyPress textarea css styles * Bug fix: WooCommerce my account page, labels display * Bug fix: Content Image size * Bug fix: Slider display after version 2.2 = 2.2 = 19.09.14 * New option: Display Featured image on single post page * New: Social tab, tumblr icon * New: Social tab, soundcloud icon * New: Print CSS * New: bbPress support * Improvements: Slider js only for home page * Improvements: Facebook Comments support * Improvements: Author and Updated correction * Bug fix: Slider options * Bug fix: Responsive menu, on resize window * Bug fix: WooCommerce edit profile, drop down * Bug fix: WooCommerce checkout styles = 2.1.1= 08.08.14 * New option: Colors tab, social icon color * New option: Colors tab, social icon background color * New: Social tab, github social icon * Css improvements = 2.1 = 06.08.14 * New: Social icons changed to the Font Awesome (CSS) * Improvements: