* @link http://www.themepunch.com/ * @copyright 2015 ThemePunch */ if( !defined( 'ABSPATH') ) exit(); class RevSliderFunctions{ public static function throwError($message,$code=null){ if(!empty($code)){ throw new Exception($message,$code); }else{ throw new Exception($message); } } /* Provider: - * * set output for download */ public static function downloadFile($str,$filename="output.txt"){ //output for download header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$filename.";"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: ".strlen($str)); echo $str; exit(); } /* Provider: - * * turn boolean to string */ public static function boolToStr($bool){ if(gettype($bool) == "string") return($bool); if($bool == true) return("true"); else return("false"); } /* Provider: - * * convert string to boolean */ public static function strToBool($str){ if(is_bool($str)) return($str); if(empty($str)) return(false); if(is_numeric($str)) return($str != 0); $str = strtolower($str); if($str == "true") return(true); return(false); } /* Provider: - * * get value from array. if not - return alternative */ public static function getVal($arr,$key,$altVal=""){ if(is_array($arr)){ if(isset($arr[$key])){ return($arr[$key]); } }elseif(is_object($arr)){ if(isset($arr->$key)){ return($arr->$key); } } return($altVal); } //------------------------------------------------------------ // get variable from post or from get. get wins. public static function getPostGetVariable($name,$initVar = ""){ $var = $initVar; if(isset($_POST[$name])) $var = $_POST[$name]; else if(isset($_GET[$name])) $var = $_GET[$name]; return($var); } //------------------------------------------------------------ public static function getPostVariable($name,$initVar = ""){ $var = $initVar; if(isset($_POST[$name])) $var = $_POST[$name]; return($var); } //------------------------------------------------------------ public static function getGetVar($name,$initVar = ""){ $var = $initVar; if(isset($_GET[$name])) $var = $_GET[$name]; return($var); } /* Provider: - * * validate that some file exists, if not - throw error */ public static function validateFilepath($filepath,$errorPrefix=null){ if(file_exists($filepath) == true) return(false); if($errorPrefix == null) $errorPrefix = "File"; $message = $errorPrefix." ".esc_attr($filepath)." not exists!"; self::throwError($message); } /* Provider: - * * validate that some value is numeric */ public static function validateNumeric($val,$fieldName=""){ self::validateNotEmpty($val,$fieldName); if(empty($fieldName)) $fieldName = "Field"; if(!is_numeric($val)) self::throwError("$fieldName should be numeric "); } /* Provider: - * * validate that some variable not empty */ public static function validateNotEmpty($val,$fieldName=""){ if(empty($fieldName)) $fieldName = "Field"; if(empty($val) && is_numeric($val) == false) self::throwError("Field $fieldName should not be empty"); } //------------------------------------------------------------ //get path info of certain path with all needed fields public static function getPathInfo($filepath){ $info = pathinfo($filepath); //fix the filename problem if(!isset($info["filename"])){ $filename = $info["basename"]; if(isset($info["extension"])) $filename = substr($info["basename"],0,(-strlen($info["extension"])-1)); $info["filename"] = $filename; } return($info); } /* Provider: - * * Convert std class to array, with all sons * @param unknown_type $arr */ public static function convertStdClassToArray($arr){ $arr = (array)$arr; $arrNew = array(); foreach($arr as $key=>$item){ $item = (array)$item; $arrNew[$key] = $item; } return($arrNew); } public static function cleanStdClassToArray($arr){ $arr = (array)$arr; $arrNew = array(); foreach($arr as $key=>$item){ $arrNew[$key] = $item; } return($arrNew); } /* Provider: - * * encode array into json for client side */ public static function jsonEncodeForClientSide($arr){ $json = ""; if(!empty($arr)){ $json = json_encode($arr); $json = addslashes($json); } $json = "'".$json."'"; return($json); } /* Provider: - * * decode json from the client side */ public static function jsonDecodeFromClientSide($data){ $data = stripslashes($data); $data = str_replace('\"','\"',$data); $data = json_decode($data); $data = (array)$data; return($data); } /* Provider: - * * do "trim" operation on all array items. */ public static function trimArrayItems($arr){ if(gettype($arr) != "array") RevSliderFunctions::throwError("trimArrayItems error: The type must be array"); foreach ($arr as $key=>$item){ if(is_array($item)){ foreach($item as $key => $value){ $arr[$key][$key] = trim($value); } }else{ $arr[$key] = trim($item); } } return($arr); } /* Provider: - * * get link html */ public static function getHtmlLink($link,$text,$id="",$class=""){ if(!empty($class)) $class = " class='$class'"; if(!empty($id)) $id = " id='$id'"; $html = "$text"; return($html); } /* Provider: - * * get select from array */ public static function getHTMLSelect($arr,$default="",$htmlParams="",$assoc = false){ $html = ""; return($html); } /* Provider: - * * convert assoc array to array */ public static function assocToArray($assoc){ $arr = array(); foreach($assoc as $item) $arr[] = $item; return($arr); } /* Provider: - * * * strip slashes from textarea content after ajax request to server */ public static function normalizeTextareaContent($content){ if(empty($content)) return($content); $content = stripslashes($content); $content = trim($content); return($content); } /* Provider: - * * get text intro, limit by number of words */ public static function getTextIntro($text, $limit){ $arrIntro = explode(' ', $text, $limit); if (count($arrIntro)>=$limit) { array_pop($arrIntro); $intro = implode(" ",$arrIntro); $intro = trim($intro); if(!empty($intro)) $intro .= '...'; } else { $intro = implode(" ",$arrIntro); } $intro = preg_replace('`\[[^\]]*\]`','',$intro); return($intro); } /* Provider: - * * add missing px/% to value, do also for object and array * @since: 5.0 **/ public static function add_missing_val($obj, $set_to = 'px'){ if(is_array($obj)){ foreach($obj as $key => $value){ if(strpos($value, $set_to) === false){ $obj[$key] = $value.$set_to; } } }elseif(is_object($obj)){ foreach($obj as $key => $value){ if(strpos($value, $set_to) === false){ $obj->$key = $value.$set_to; } } }else{ if(strpos($obj, $set_to) === false){ $obj .= $set_to; } } return $obj; } /* Provider: - * * normalize object with device informations depending on what is enabled for the Slider * @since: 5.0 **/ public static function normalize_device_settings($obj, $enabled_devices, $return = 'obj', $set_to_if = array()){ //array -> from -> to /* Provider: - desktop notebook tablet mobile*/ if(!empty($set_to_if)){ foreach($obj as $key => $value) { foreach($set_to_if as $from => $to){ if(trim($value) == $from) $obj->$key = $to; } } } $inherit_size = self::get_biggest_device_setting($obj, $enabled_devices); if($enabled_devices['desktop'] == 'on'){ if(!isset($obj->desktop) || $obj->desktop === ''){ $obj->desktop = $inherit_size; }else{ $inherit_size = $obj->desktop; } }else{ $obj->desktop = $inherit_size; } if($enabled_devices['notebook'] == 'on'){ if(!isset($obj->notebook) || $obj->notebook === ''){ $obj->notebook = $inherit_size; }else{ $inherit_size = $obj->notebook; } }else{ $obj->notebook = $inherit_size; } if($enabled_devices['tablet'] == 'on'){ if(!isset($obj->tablet) || $obj->tablet === ''){ $obj->tablet = $inherit_size; }else{ $inherit_size = $obj->tablet; } }else{ $obj->tablet = $inherit_size; } if($enabled_devices['mobile'] == 'on'){ if(!isset($obj->mobile) || $obj->mobile === ''){ $obj->mobile = $inherit_size; }else{ $inherit_size = $obj->mobile; } }else{ $obj->mobile = $inherit_size; } switch($return){ case 'obj': //order according to: desktop, notebook, tablet, mobile $new_obj = new stdClass(); $new_obj->desktop = $obj->desktop; $new_obj->notebook = $obj->notebook; $new_obj->tablet = $obj->tablet; $new_obj->mobile = $obj->mobile; return $new_obj; break; case 'html-array': if($obj->desktop === $obj->notebook && $obj->desktop === $obj->mobile && $obj->desktop === $obj->tablet){ return $obj->desktop; }else{ return "['".@$obj->desktop."','".@$obj->notebook."','".@$obj->tablet."','".@$obj->mobile."']"; } break; } return $obj; } /* Provider: - * * return biggest value of object depending on which devices are enabled * @since: 5.0 **/ public static function get_biggest_device_setting($obj, $enabled_devices){ if($enabled_devices['desktop'] == 'on'){ if(isset($obj->desktop) && $obj->desktop != ''){ return $obj->desktop; } } if($enabled_devices['notebook'] == 'on'){ if(isset($obj->notebook) && $obj->notebook != ''){ return $obj->notebook; } } if($enabled_devices['tablet'] == 'on'){ if(isset($obj->tablet) && $obj->tablet != ''){ return $obj->tablet; } } if($enabled_devices['mobile'] == 'on'){ if(isset($obj->mobile) && $obj->mobile != ''){ return $obj->mobile; } } return ''; } /* Provider: - * * change hex to rgba */ public static function hex2rgba($hex, $transparency = false) { if($transparency !== false){ $transparency = ($transparency > 0) ? number_format( ( $transparency / 100 ), 2, ".", "" ) : 0; }else{ $transparency = 1; } $hex = str_replace("#", "", $hex); if(strlen($hex) == 3) { $r = hexdec(substr($hex,0,1).substr($hex,0,1)); $g = hexdec(substr($hex,1,1).substr($hex,1,1)); $b = hexdec(substr($hex,2,1).substr($hex,2,1)); } else if(self::isrgb($hex)){ return $hex; } else { $r = hexdec(substr($hex,0,2)); $g = hexdec(substr($hex,2,2)); $b = hexdec(substr($hex,4,2)); } return 'rgba('.$r.', '.$g.', '.$b.', '.$transparency.')'; } public static function isrgb($rgba){ if(strpos($rgba, 'rgb') !== false) return true; return false; } /* Provider: - * * change rgba to hex * @since: 5.0 */ public static function rgba2hex($rgba){ if(strtolower($rgba) == 'transparent') return $rgba; $temp = explode(',', $rgba); $rgb = array(); if(count($temp) == 4) unset($temp[3]); foreach($temp as $val){ $t = dechex(preg_replace('/[^\d.]/', '', $val)); if(strlen($t) < 2) $t = '0'.$t; $rgb[] = $t; } return '#'.implode('', $rgb); } /* Provider: - * * get transparency from rgba * @since: 5.0 */ public static function get_trans_from_rgba($rgba, $in_percent = false){ if(strtolower($rgba) == 'transparent') return 100; $temp = explode(',', $rgba); if(count($temp) == 4){ return ($in_percent) ? preg_replace('/[^\d.]/', '', $temp[3]) : preg_replace('/[^\d.]/', "", $temp[3]) * 100; } return 100; } public static function get_responsive_size($slider){ $operations = new RevSliderOperations(); $arrValues = $operations->getGeneralSettingsValues(); $enable_custom_size_notebook = $slider->slider->getParam('enable_custom_size_notebook','off'); $enable_custom_size_tablet = $slider->slider->getParam('enable_custom_size_tablet','off'); $enable_custom_size_iphone = $slider->slider->getParam('enable_custom_size_iphone','off'); $adv_resp_sizes = ($enable_custom_size_notebook == 'on' || $enable_custom_size_tablet == 'on' || $enable_custom_size_iphone == 'on') ? true : false; if($adv_resp_sizes == true){ $width = $slider->slider->getParam("width", 1240, RevSlider::FORCE_NUMERIC); $width .= ','. $slider->slider->getParam("width_notebook", 1024, RevSlider::FORCE_NUMERIC); $width .= ','. $slider->slider->getParam("width_tablet", 778, RevSlider::FORCE_NUMERIC); $width .= ','. $slider->slider->getParam("width_mobile", 480, RevSlider::FORCE_NUMERIC); $height = $slider->slider->getParam("height", 868, RevSlider::FORCE_NUMERIC); $height .= ','. $slider->slider->getParam("height_notebook", 768, RevSlider::FORCE_NUMERIC); $height .= ','. intval($slider->slider->getParam("height_tablet", 960, RevSlider::FORCE_NUMERIC)); $height .= ','. intval($slider->slider->getParam("height_mobile", 720, RevSlider::FORCE_NUMERIC)); $responsive = (isset($arrValues['width'])) ? $arrValues['width'] : '1240'; $def = (isset($arrValues['width'])) ? $arrValues['width'] : '1240'; $responsive.= ','; if($enable_custom_size_notebook == 'on'){ $responsive.= (isset($arrValues['width_notebook'])) ? $arrValues['width_notebook'] : '1024'; $def = (isset($arrValues['width_notebook'])) ? $arrValues['width_notebook'] : '1024'; }else{ $responsive.= $def; } $responsive.= ','; if($enable_custom_size_tablet == 'on'){ $responsive.= (isset($arrValues['width_tablet'])) ? $arrValues['width_tablet'] : '778'; $def = (isset($arrValues['width_tablet'])) ? $arrValues['width_tablet'] : '778'; }else{ $responsive.= $def; } $responsive.= ','; if($enable_custom_size_iphone == 'on'){ $responsive.= (isset($arrValues['width_mobile'])) ? $arrValues['width_mobile'] : '480'; $def = (isset($arrValues['width_mobile'])) ? $arrValues['width_mobile'] : '480'; }else{ $responsive.= $def; } return array( 'level' => $responsive, 'height' => $height, 'width' => $width ); }else{ return array( 'height' => $slider->slider->getParam("height", "868", RevSlider::FORCE_NUMERIC), 'width' => $slider->slider->getParam("width", "1240", RevSlider::FORCE_NUMERIC) ); } } } if(!function_exists("dmp")){ function dmp($str){ echo "
"; echo "
		echo "
"; echo "
"; } } /* Provider: - * * old classname extends new one (old classnames will be obsolete soon) * @since: 5.0 **/ class UniteFunctionsRev extends RevSliderFunctions {} ?>