* @link http://www.themepunch.com/ * @copyright 2015 ThemePunch */ if( !defined( 'ABSPATH') ) exit(); class RevSliderWpml{ /* Provider: - * * * true / false if the wpml plugin exists */ public static function isWpmlExists(){ if(class_exists("SitePress")) return(true); else return(false); } /* Provider: - * * * valdiate that wpml exists */ private static function validateWpmlExists(){ if(!self::isWpmlExists()) RevSliderFunctions::throwError("The wpml plugin is not activated"); } /* Provider: - * * * get languages array */ public static function getArrLanguages($getAllCode = true){ self::validateWpmlExists(); $wpml = new SitePress(); $arrLangs = $wpml->get_active_languages(); $response = array(); if($getAllCode == true) $response["all"] = __("All Languages",REVSLIDER_TEXTDOMAIN); foreach($arrLangs as $code=>$arrLang){ $name = $arrLang["native_name"]; $response[$code] = $name; } return($response); } /* Provider: - * * * get assoc array of lang codes */ public static function getArrLangCodes($getAllCode = true){ $arrCodes = array(); if($getAllCode == true) $arrCodes["all"] = "all"; self::validateWpmlExists(); $wpml = new SitePress(); $arrLangs = $wpml->get_active_languages(); foreach($arrLangs as $code=>$arr){ $arrCodes[$code] = $code; } return($arrCodes); } /* Provider: - * * * check if all languages exists in the given langs array */ public static function isAllLangsInArray($arrCodes){ $arrAllCodes = self::getArrLangCodes(); $diff = array_diff($arrAllCodes, $arrCodes); return(empty($diff)); } /* Provider: - * * * get langs with flags menu list * @param $props */ public static function getLangsWithFlagsHtmlList($props = "",$htmlBefore = ""){ $arrLangs = self::getArrLanguages(); if(!empty($props)) $props = " ".$props; $html = "