UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_dropbox_appkey'), 'secret' => UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_dropbox_secret'), 'folder' => UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_dropbox_folder'), 'tk_access_token' => UpdraftPlus_Options::get_updraft_option('updraft_dropboxtk_access_token'), ); if (serialize($opts) != 'a:5:{s:6:"appkey";N;s:6:"secret";N;s:6:"folder";N;s:15:"tk_access_token";N;}') { UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_dropbox', $opts); UpdraftPlus_Options::delete_updraft_option('updraft_dropbox_appkey'); UpdraftPlus_Options::delete_updraft_option('updraft_dropbox_secret'); UpdraftPlus_Options::delete_updraft_option('updraft_dropbox_folder'); UpdraftPlus_Options::delete_updraft_option('updraft_dropboxtk_access_token'); } } class UpdraftPlus_BackupModule_dropbox { private $current_file_hash; private $current_file_size; private $dropbox_object; private $uploaded_offset; private $upload_tick; public function chunked_callback($offset, $uploadid, $fullpath = false) { global $updraftplus; // Update upload ID $updraftplus->jobdata_set('updraf_dbid_'.$this->current_file_hash, $uploadid); $updraftplus->jobdata_set('updraf_dbof_'.$this->current_file_hash, $offset); $time_now = microtime(true); $time_since_last_tick = $time_now - $this->upload_tick; $data_since_last_tick = $offset - $this->uploaded_offset; $this->upload_tick = $time_now; $this->uploaded_offset = $offset; $chunk_size = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('dropbox_chunk_size', 1048576); // Don't go beyond 10MB, or change the chunk size after the last segment if ($chunk_size < 10485760 && $this->current_file_size > 0 && $offset < $this->current_file_size) { $job_run_time = $time_now - $updraftplus->job_time_ms; if ($time_since_last_tick < 10) { $upload_rate = $data_since_last_tick / max($time_since_last_tick, 1); $upload_secs = min(floor($job_run_time), 10); if ($job_run_time < 15) $upload_secs = max(6, $job_run_time*0.6); $new_chunk = max(min($upload_secs * $upload_rate * 0.9, 10485760), 1048576); $new_chunk = $new_chunk - ($new_chunk % 524288); $chunk_size = (int)$new_chunk; $this->dropbox_object->setChunkSize($chunk_size); $updraftplus->jobdata_set('dropbox_chunk_size', $chunk_size); } } if ($this->current_file_size > 0) { $percent = round(100*($offset/$this->current_file_size),1); $updraftplus->record_uploaded_chunk($percent, "$uploadid, $offset, ".round($chunk_size/1024, 1)." KB", $fullpath); } else { $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: Chunked Upload: $offset bytes uploaded"); // This act is done by record_uploaded_chunk, and helps prevent overlapping runs touch($fullpath); } } public function get_credentials() { return array('updraft_dropbox'); } public function get_opts() { global $updraftplus; $opts = $updraftplus->get_job_option('updraft_dropbox'); if (!is_array($opts)) $opts = array(); if (!isset($opts['folder'])) $opts['folder'] = ''; return $opts; } public function backup($backup_array) { global $updraftplus; $opts = $this->get_opts(); if (empty($opts['tk_access_token'])) { $updraftplus->log('You do not appear to be authenticated with Dropbox (1)'); $updraftplus->log(__('You do not appear to be authenticated with Dropbox','updraftplus'), 'error'); return false; } // 28 June 2017 $use_api_ver = (defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_DROPBOX_API_V1') && UPDRAFTPLUS_DROPBOX_API_V1 && time() < 1498608000) ? 1 : 2; if (empty($opts['tk_request_token'])) { $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: begin cloud upload (using API version $use_api_ver with OAuth v2 token)"); } else { $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: begin cloud upload (using API version $use_api_ver with OAuth v1 token)"); } $chunk_size = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('dropbox_chunk_size', 1048576); try { $dropbox = $this->bootstrap(); if (false === $dropbox) throw new Exception(__('You do not appear to be authenticated with Dropbox', 'updraftplus')); $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: access gained; setting chunk size to: ".round($chunk_size/1024, 1)." KB"); $dropbox->setChunkSize($chunk_size); } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error when trying to gain access: '.$e->getMessage().' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')'); $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('Dropbox error: %s (see log file for more)','updraftplus'), $e->getMessage()), 'error'); return false; } $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); $dropbox_folder = trailingslashit($opts['folder']); foreach ($backup_array as $file) { $available_quota = -1; // If we experience any failures collecting account info, then carry on anyway try { /* Quota information is no longer provided with account information a new call to qoutaInfo must be made to get this information. */ if (1 == $use_api_ver) { $quotaInfo = $dropbox->accountInfo(); } else { $quotaInfo = $dropbox->quotaInfo(); } if ($quotaInfo['code'] != "200") { $message = "Dropbox account/info did not return HTTP 200; returned: ". $accountInfo['code']; } elseif (!isset($quotaInfo['body'])) { $message = "Dropbox account/info did not return the expected data"; } else { $body = $quotaInfo['body']; if (isset($body->quota_info)) { $quota_info = $body->quota_info; $total_quota = $quota_info->quota; $normal_quota = $quota_info->normal; $shared_quota = $quota_info->shared; $available_quota = $total_quota - ($normal_quota + $shared_quota); $message = "Dropbox quota usage: normal=".round($normal_quota/1048576,1)." MB, shared=".round($shared_quota/1048576,1)." MB, total=".round($total_quota/1048576,1)." MB, available=".round($available_quota/1048576,1)." MB"; } else { $total_quota = max($body->allocation->allocated, 1); $used = $body->used; $available_quota =$total_quota - $used; $message = "Dropbox quota usage: used=".round($used/1048576,1)." MB, total=".round($total_quota/1048576,1)." MB, available=".round($available_quota/1048576,1)." MB"; } } $updraftplus->log($message); } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log("Dropbox error: exception (".get_class($e).") occurred whilst getting account info: ".$e->getMessage()); //$updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("%s error: %s", 'updraftplus'), 'Dropbox', $e->getMessage()).' ('.$e->getCode().')', 'warning', md5($e->getMessage())); } $file_success = 1; $hash = md5($file); $this->current_file_hash = $hash; $filesize = filesize($updraft_dir.'/'.$file); $this->current_file_size = $filesize; // Into KB $filesize = $filesize/1024; $microtime = microtime(true); if ($upload_id = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('updraf_dbid_'.$hash)) { # Resume $offset = $updraftplus->jobdata_get('updraf_dbof_'.$hash); $updraftplus->log("This is a resumption: $offset bytes had already been uploaded"); } else { $offset = 0; $upload_id = null; } // We don't actually abort now - there's no harm in letting it try and then fail if ($available_quota != -1 && $available_quota < ($filesize-$offset)) { $updraftplus->log("File upload expected to fail: file data remaining to upload ($file) size is ".($filesize-$offset)." b (overall file size; .".($filesize*1024)." b), whereas available quota is only $available_quota b"); // $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("Account full: your %s account has only %d bytes left, but the file to be uploaded has %d bytes remaining (total size: %d bytes)",'updraftplus'),'Dropbox', $available_quota, $filesize-$offset, $filesize), 'warning'); } // Old-style, single file put: $put = $dropbox->putFile($updraft_dir.'/'.$file, $dropbox_folder.$file); $ufile = apply_filters('updraftplus_dropbox_modpath', $file); $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: Attempt to upload: $file to: $ufile"); $this->upload_tick = microtime(true); $this->uploaded_offset = $offset; try { $response = $dropbox->chunkedUpload($updraft_dir.'/'.$file, '', $ufile, true, $offset, $upload_id, array($this, 'chunked_callback')); if (empty($response['code']) || "200" != $response['code']) { $updraftplus->log('Unexpected HTTP code returned from Dropbox: '.$response['code']." (".serialize($response).")"); if ($response['code'] >= 400) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox '.sprintf(__('error: failed to upload file to %s (see log file for more)','updraftplus'), $file), 'error'); } else { $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('%s did not return the expected response - check your log file for more details', 'updraftplus'), 'Dropbox'), 'warning'); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log("Dropbox chunked upload exception (".get_class($e)."): ".$e->getMessage().' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')'); if (preg_match("/Submitted input out of alignment: got \[(\d+)\] expected \[(\d+)\]/i", $e->getMessage(), $matches)) { // Try the indicated offset $we_tried = $matches[1]; $dropbox_wanted = $matches[2]; $updraftplus->log("Dropbox not yet aligned: tried=$we_tried, wanted=$dropbox_wanted; will attempt recovery"); $this->uploaded_offset = $dropbox_wanted; try { $dropbox->chunkedUpload($updraft_dir.'/'.$file, '', $ufile, true, $dropbox_wanted, $upload_id, array($this, 'chunked_callback')); } catch (Exception $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); if (preg_match('/Upload with upload_id .* already completed/', $msg)) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox returned an error, but apparently indicating previous success: '.$msg); } else { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error: '.$msg.' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')'); $updraftplus->log('Dropbox '.sprintf(__('error: failed to upload file to %s (see log file for more)','updraftplus'), $ufile), 'error'); $file_success = 0; if (strpos($msg, 'select/poll returned error') !== false && $this->upload_tick > 0 && time() - $this->upload_tick > 800) { $updraftplus->reschedule(60); $updraftplus->log("Select/poll returned after a long time: scheduling a resumption and terminating for now"); $updraftplus->record_still_alive(); die; } } } } else { $msg = $e->getMessage(); if (preg_match('/Upload with upload_id .* already completed/', $msg)) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox returned an error, but apparently indicating previous success: '.$msg); } else { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error: '.$msg); $updraftplus->log('Dropbox '.sprintf(__('error: failed to upload file to %s (see log file for more)','updraftplus'), $ufile), 'error'); $file_success = 0; if (strpos($msg, 'select/poll returned error') !== false && $this->upload_tick > 0 && time() - $this->upload_tick > 800) { $updraftplus->reschedule(60); $updraftplus->log("Select/poll returned after a long time: scheduling a resumption and terminating for now"); $updraftplus->record_still_alive(); die; } } } } if ($file_success) { $updraftplus->uploaded_file($file); $microtime_elapsed = microtime(true)-$microtime; $speedps = $filesize/$microtime_elapsed; $speed = sprintf("%.2d",$filesize)." KB in ".sprintf("%.2d",$microtime_elapsed)."s (".sprintf("%.2d", $speedps)." KB/s)"; $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: File upload success (".$file."): $speed"); $updraftplus->jobdata_delete('updraft_duido_'.$hash); $updraftplus->jobdata_delete('updraft_duidi_'.$hash); } } return null; } # $match: a substring to require (tested via strpos() !== false) public function listfiles($match = 'backup_') { $opts = $this->get_opts(); if (empty($opts['tk_access_token'])) return new WP_Error('no_settings', __('No settings were found', 'updraftplus').' (dropbox)'); global $updraftplus; try { $dropbox = $this->bootstrap(); } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox access error: '.$e->getMessage().' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')'); return new WP_Error('access_error', $e->getMessage()); } $searchpath = '/'.untrailingslashit(apply_filters('updraftplus_dropbox_modpath', '')); try { $search = $dropbox->search($match, $searchpath); } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error: '.$e->getMessage().' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')'); // The most likely cause of a search_error is specifying a non-existent path, which should just result in an empty result set. // return new WP_Error('search_error', $e->getMessage()); return array(); } if (empty($search['code']) || 200 != $search['code']) return new WP_Error('response_error', sprintf(__('%s returned an unexpected HTTP response: %s', 'updraftplus'), 'Dropbox', $search['code']), $search['body']); if (empty($search['body'])) return array(); if (isset($search['body']->matches) && is_array($search['body']->matches)) { $matches = $search['body']->matches; } elseif (is_array($search['body'])) { $matches = $search['body']; } else { return array(); } $results = array(); foreach ($matches as $item) { // 28 June 2017 - https://blogs.dropbox.com/developers/2016/06/api-v1-deprecated/ if (defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_DROPBOX_API_V1') && UPDRAFTPLUS_DROPBOX_API_V1 && time() < 1498608000) { if (!is_object($item)) continue; if ((!isset($item->bytes) || $item->bytes > 0) && empty($item->is_dir) && !empty($item->path) && 0 === strpos($item->path, $searchpath)) { $path = substr($item->path, strlen($searchpath)); if ('/' == substr($path, 0, 1)) $path=substr($path, 1); # Ones in subfolders are not wanted if (false !== strpos($path, '/')) continue; $result = array('name' => $path); if (!empty($item->bytes)) $result['size'] = $item->bytes; $results[] = $result; } } else { $item = $item->metadata; if (!is_object($item)) continue; if ((!isset($item->size) || $item->size > 0) && $item->{'.tag'} != 'folder' && !empty($item->path_display) && 0 === strpos($item->path_display, $searchpath)) { $path = substr($item->path_display, strlen($searchpath)); if ('/' == substr($path, 0, 1)) $path=substr($path, 1); # Ones in subfolders are not wanted if (false !== strpos($path, '/')) continue; $result = array('name' => $path); if (!empty($item->size)) $result['size'] = $item->size; $results[] = $result; } } } return $results; } public function defaults() { return apply_filters('updraftplus_dropbox_defaults', array('Z3Q3ZmkwbnplNHA0Zzlx', 'bTY0bm9iNmY4eWhjODRt')); } public function delete($files, $data = null, $sizeinfo = array()) { global $updraftplus; if (is_string($files)) $files=array($files); $opts = $this->get_opts(); if (empty($opts['tk_access_token'])) { $updraftplus->log('You do not appear to be authenticated with Dropbox (3)'); $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('You do not appear to be authenticated with %s (whilst deleting)', 'updraftplus'), 'Dropbox'), 'warning'); return false; } try { $dropbox = $this->bootstrap(); } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error: '.$e->getMessage().' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')'); $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('Failed to access %s when deleting (see log file for more)', 'updraftplus'), 'Dropbox'), 'warning'); return false; } if (false === $dropbox) return false; foreach ($files as $file) { $ufile = apply_filters('updraftplus_dropbox_modpath', $file); $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: request deletion: $ufile"); try { $dropbox->delete($ufile); $file_success = 1; } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error: '.$e->getMessage().' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')'); } if (isset($file_success)) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox: delete succeeded'); } else { return false; } } } public function download($file) { global $updraftplus; $opts = $this->get_opts(); if (empty($opts['tk_access_token'])) { $updraftplus->log('You do not appear to be authenticated with Dropbox (4)'); $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__('You do not appear to be authenticated with %s','updraftplus'), 'Dropbox'), 'error'); return false; } try { $dropbox = $this->bootstrap(); } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error: '.$e->getMessage().' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')'); $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error: '.$e->getMessage().' (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile().')', 'error'); return false; } if (false === $dropbox) return false; $updraft_dir = $updraftplus->backups_dir_location(); $microtime = microtime(true); $try_the_other_one = false; $ufile = apply_filters('updraftplus_dropbox_modpath', $file); try { $get = $dropbox->getFile($ufile, $updraft_dir.'/'.$file, null, true); } catch (Exception $e) { // TODO: Remove this October 2013 (we stored in the wrong place for a while...) $try_the_other_one = true; $possible_error = $e->getMessage(); $updraftplus->log('Dropbox error: '.$e); $get = false; } // TODO: Remove this October 2013 (we stored files in the wrong place for a while...) if ($try_the_other_one) { $dropbox_folder = trailingslashit($opts['folder']); try { $get = $dropbox->getFile($dropbox_folder.'/'.$file, $updraft_dir.'/'.$file, null, true); if (isset($get['response']['body'])) { $updraftplus->log("Dropbox: downloaded ".round(strlen($get['response']['body'])/1024,1).' KB'); } } catch (Exception $e) { $updraftplus->log($possible_error, 'error'); $updraftplus->log($e->getMessage(), 'error'); $get = false; } } return $get; } public function config_print() { $opts = $this->get_opts(); ?> <?php _e(sprintf(__('%s logo', 'updraftplus'), 'Dropbox')); ?>

curl_check('Dropbox', false, 'dropbox'); ?> '.__('Need to use sub-folders?','updraftplus').' '.__('Backups are saved in','updraftplus').' apps/UpdraftPlus. '.__('If you back up several sites into the same Dropbox and want to organise with sub-folders, then ','updraftplus').''.__("there's an add-on for that.",'updraftplus').''; $defmsg = ''.__('Need to use sub-folders?','updraftplus').' '.__('Backups are saved in','updraftplus').' apps/UpdraftPlus. '.__('If you back up several sites into the same Dropbox and want to organise with sub-folders, then ','updraftplus').''.__("there's an add-on for that.",'updraftplus').''; echo apply_filters('updraftplus_dropbox_extra_config', $defmsg); ?> :

".__('(You appear to be already authenticated).','updraftplus').""; echo ' '; echo sprintf(__('Follow this link to deauthenticate with %s.','updraftplus'), __('Dropbox', 'updraftplus'));echo '

'; } echo '

'; echo sprintf(__('After you have saved your settings (by clicking \'Save Changes\' below), then come back here once and click this link to complete authentication with %s.','updraftplus'), __('Dropbox', 'updraftplus'));echo '

'; ?>

'.sprintf(__("Account holder's name: %s.", 'updraftplus'), htmlspecialchars($opts['ownername'])).' '; } } ?> '.htmlspecialchars(__('You must add the following as the authorised redirect URI in your Dropbox console (under "API Settings") when asked','updraftplus')).': '.UpdraftPlus_Options::admin_page_url().'?page=updraftplus&action=updraftmethod-dropbox-auth

'; ?> Your Dropbox App Key: Your Dropbox App Secret: get_opts(); $opts['tk_access_token'] = ''; unset($opts['tk_request_token']); $opts['ownername'] = ''; UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_dropbox', $opts); } elseif ('deauth' == $_GET['updraftplus_dropboxauth']) { try { $this->bootstrap(true); } catch (Exception $e) { global $updraftplus; $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("%s error: %s", 'updraftplus'), sprintf(__("%s de-authentication", 'updraftplus'), 'Dropbox'), $e->getMessage()), 'error'); } return; } } elseif (isset($_GET['state'])) { //Get the CSRF from setting and check it matches the one returned if it does no CSRF attack has happened $opts = $this->get_opts(); $CSRF = $opts['CSRF']; $state = stripslashes($_GET['state']); if (strcmp($CSRF, $state) == 0) { $opts['CSRF'] = ''; if (isset($_GET['code'])) { //set code so it can be accessed in the next authentication step $opts['code'] = stripslashes($_GET['code']); UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_dropbox', $opts); $this->auth_token(); } } else { error_log("UpdraftPlus: CSRF comparison failure: $CSRF != $state"); } } try { $this->auth_request(); } catch (Exception $e) { global $updraftplus; $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("%s error: %s", 'updraftplus'), sprintf(__("%s authentication", 'updraftplus'), 'Dropbox'), $e->getMessage()), 'error'); } } public function show_authed_admin_warning() { global $updraftplus_admin, $updraftplus; $dropbox = $this->bootstrap(); if (false === $dropbox) return false; try { $accountInfo = $dropbox->accountInfo(); } catch (Exception $e) { $accountinfo_err = sprintf(__("%s error: %s", 'updraftplus'), 'Dropbox', $e->getMessage()).' ('.$e->getCode().')'; } $message = "".__('Success:','updraftplus').' '.sprintf(__('you have authenticated your %s account','updraftplus'),'Dropbox'); # We log, because otherwise people get confused by the most recent log message of 'Parameter not found: oauth_token' and raise support requests $updraftplus->log(__('Success:','updraftplus').' '.sprintf(__('you have authenticated your %s account','updraftplus'),'Dropbox')); if (empty($accountInfo['code']) || "200" != $accountInfo['code']) { $message .= " (".__('though part of the returned information was not as expected - your mileage may vary','updraftplus').") ". $accountInfo['code']; if (!empty($accountinfo_err)) $message .= "
".htmlspecialchars($accountinfo_err); } else { $body = $accountInfo['body']; $name = ''; if (isset($body->display_name)) { $name = $body->display_name; } else { $name = $body->name->display_name; } $message .= ".
".sprintf(__('Your %s account name: %s','updraftplus'),'Dropbox', htmlspecialchars($name)); $opts = $this->get_opts(); $opts['ownername'] = $name; UpdraftPlus_Options::update_updraft_option('updraft_dropbox', $opts); try { /* Quota information is no longer provided with account information a new call to qoutaInfo must be made to get this information. */ // 28 June 2017 - https://blogs.dropbox.com/developers/2016/06/api-v1-deprecated/ if (defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_DROPBOX_API_V1') && UPDRAFTPLUS_DROPBOX_API_V1 && time() < 1498608000) { $quotaInfo = $accountInfo; } else { $quotaInfo = $dropbox->quotaInfo(); } if (empty($quotaInfo['code']) || "200" != $quotaInfo['code']) { $message .= " (".__('though part of the returned information was not as expected - your mileage may vary','updraftplus').")". $quotaInfo['code']; if (!empty($accountinfo_err)) $message .= "
".htmlspecialchars($accountinfo_err); } else { $body = $quotaInfo['body']; if (isset($body->quota_info)){ $quota_info = $body->quota_info; $total_quota = max($quota_info->quota, 1); $normal_quota = $quota_info->normal; $shared_quota = $quota_info->shared; $available_quota =$total_quota - ($normal_quota + $shared_quota); $used_perc = round(($normal_quota + $shared_quota)*100/$total_quota, 1); $message .= '
'.sprintf(__('Your %s quota usage: %s %% used, %s available','updraftplus'), 'Dropbox', $used_perc, round($available_quota/1048576, 1).' MB'); } else { $total_quota = max($body->allocation->allocated, 1); $used = $body->used; $available_quota =$total_quota - $used; $used_perc = round($used*100/$total_quota, 1); $message .= '
'.sprintf(__('Your %s quota usage: %s %% used, %s available','updraftplus'), 'Dropbox', $used_perc, round($available_quota/1048576, 1).' MB'); } } } catch (Exception $e) { } } $updraftplus_admin->show_admin_warning($message); } public function auth_token() { $this->bootstrap(); $opts = $this->get_opts(); if (!empty($opts['tk_access_token'])) { add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'show_authed_admin_warning') ); } } // Acquire single-use authorization code public function auth_request() { $this->bootstrap(); } // This basically reproduces the relevant bits of bootstrap.php from the SDK public function bootstrap($deauthenticate = false) { if (!empty($this->dropbox_object) && !is_wp_error($this->dropbox_object)) return $this->dropbox_object; /* Use Old Dropbox API constant is used to force bootstrap to use the old API this is for users having problems. By default we will use the new Dropbox API v2 as the old version will be deprecated as of June 2017 */ $dropbox_api = (defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_DROPBOX_API_V1') && UPDRAFTPLUS_DROPBOX_API_V1 && time() < 1498608000) ? 'Dropbox' : 'Dropbox2'; require_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/'.$dropbox_api.'/API.php'); require_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/'.$dropbox_api.'/Exception.php'); require_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/'.$dropbox_api.'/OAuth/Consumer/ConsumerAbstract.php'); require_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/'.$dropbox_api.'/OAuth/Storage/StorageInterface.php'); require_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/'.$dropbox_api.'/OAuth/Storage/Encrypter.php'); require_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/'.$dropbox_api.'/OAuth/Storage/WordPress.php'); require_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/'.$dropbox_api.'/OAuth/Consumer/Curl.php'); // require_once(UPDRAFTPLUS_DIR.'/includes/'.$dropbox_api.'/OAuth/Consumer/WordPress.php'); $opts = $this->get_opts(); $key = empty($opts['secret']) ? '' : $opts['secret']; $sec = empty($opts['appkey']) ? '' : $opts['appkey']; $oauth2_id = base64_decode('aXA3NGR2Zm1sOHFteTA5'); // Set the callback URL $callbackhome = UpdraftPlus_Options::admin_page_url().'?page=updraftplus&action=updraftmethod-dropbox-auth'; $callback = defined('UPDRAFTPLUS_DROPBOX_AUTH_RETURN_URL') ? UPDRAFTPLUS_DROPBOX_AUTH_RETURN_URL : 'https://auth.updraftplus.com/auth/dropbox/'; // Instantiate the Encrypter and storage objects $encrypter = new Dropbox_Encrypter('ThisOneDoesNotMatterBeyondLength'); // Instantiate the storage $storage = new Dropbox_WordPress($encrypter, "tk_", 'updraft_dropbox'); // WordPress consumer does not yet work // $OAuth = new Dropbox_ConsumerWordPress($sec, $key, $storage, $callback); // Get the DropBox API access details list($d2, $d1) = $this->defaults(); if (empty($sec)) { $sec = base64_decode($d1); }; if (empty($key)) { $key = base64_decode($d2); } $root = 'sandbox'; if ('dropbox:' == substr($sec, 0, 8)) { $sec = substr($sec, 8); $root = 'dropbox'; } try { $OAuth = new Dropbox_Curl($sec, $oauth2_id, $key, $storage, $callback, $callbackhome, $deauthenticate); } catch (Exception $e) { global $updraftplus; $updraftplus->log("Dropbox Curl error: ".$e->getMessage()); $updraftplus->log(sprintf(__("%s error: %s", 'updraftplus'), "Dropbox/Curl", $e->getMessage().' ('.get_class($e).') (line: '.$e->getLine().', file: '.$e->getFile()).')', 'error'); return false; } if ($deauthenticate) return true; $this->dropbox_object = new UpdraftPlus_Dropbox_API($OAuth, $root); return $this->dropbox_object; } }