' .  __( 'Reloading...', 'wp_statistics' ) . ''; $nag_html = ''; if( ! $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'disable_donation_nag', false ) ) { $nag_html = '
'; } // WP Statistics 10.0 had a bug which could corrupt the metabox display if the user re-ordered the widgets. Check to see if the meta data is corrupt and if so delete it. $widget_order = get_user_meta($WP_Statistics->user_id, 'meta-box-order_toplevel_page_wps_overview_page', true); if( is_array( $widget_order ) && count( $widget_order ) > 2 ) { delete_user_meta( $WP_Statistics->user_id, 'meta-box-order_toplevel_page_wps_overview_page'); } // Add the about box here as metaboxes added on the actual page load cannot be closed. add_meta_box( 'wps_about_postbox', sprintf(__('About WP Statistics Version %s', 'wp_statistics'), WP_STATISTICS_VERSION), 'wp_statistics_generate_overview_postbox_contents', $WP_Statistics->menu_slugs['overview'], 'side', null, array( 'widget' =>'about' ) ); function wp_statistics_generate_overview_postbox_contents( $post, $args ) { $loading_img = '
' .  __( 'Loading...', 'wp_statistics' ) . '
'; $widget = $args['args']['widget']; $container_id = str_replace( '.', '_', $widget . '_postbox' ); echo '
' . $loading_img .'
'; wp_statistics_generate_widget_load_javascript( $widget, $container_id ); } ?>

menu_slugs['overview'], 'side', '' ); ?>
menu_slugs['overview'], 'normal', '' ); ?>
'; $new_button = ''; $admin_url = get_admin_url() . "/admin.php?page="; $page_urls = array(); $page_urls['wps_browsers_more_button'] = $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_BROWSERS_PAGE; $page_urls['wps_countries_more_button'] = $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_COUNTRIES_PAGE; $page_urls['wps_exclusions_more_button'] = $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_EXCLUSIONS_PAGE; $page_urls['wps_hits_more_button'] = $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_HITS_PAGE; $page_urls['wps_online_more_button'] = $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_ONLINE_PAGE; $page_urls['wps_pages_more_button'] = $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_PAGES_PAGE; $page_urls['wps_referring_more_button'] = $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_REFERRERS_PAGE; $page_urls['wps_search_more_button'] = $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_SEARCHES_PAGE; $page_urls['wps_words_more_button'] = $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_WORDS_PAGE; $page_urls['wps_top_visitors_more_button'] = $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_TOP_VISITORS_PAGE; $page_urls['wps_recent_more_button'] = $admin_url . WP_STATISTICS_VISITORS_PAGE; ?>