get_option( 'manage_capability', 'manage_options' ) ); if ( current_user_can( $manage_cap ) ) { $WP_Statistics->update_option( 'disable_donation_nag', true ); } wp_die(); // this is required to terminate immediately and return a proper response } /** * Setup an AJAX action to delete an agent in the optimization page. */ static function delete_agents_action_callback() { GLOBAL $WP_Statistics, $wpdb; // this is how you get access to the database $manage_cap = wp_statistics_validate_capability( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'manage_capability', 'manage_options' ) ); if ( current_user_can( $manage_cap ) ) { $agent = $_POST['agent-name']; if ( $agent ) { $result = $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visitor WHERE `agent` = %s", $agent ) ); if ( $result ) { echo sprintf( __( '%s agent data deleted successfully.', 'wp-statistics' ), '' . $agent . '' ); } else { _e( 'No agent data found to remove!', 'wp-statistics' ); } } else { _e( 'Please select the desired items.', 'wp-statistics' ); } } else { _e( 'Access denied!', 'wp-statistics' ); } wp_die(); // this is required to terminate immediately and return a proper response } /** * Setup an AJAX action to delete a platform in the optimization page. */ static function delete_platforms_action_callback() { GLOBAL $WP_Statistics, $wpdb; // this is how you get access to the database $manage_cap = wp_statistics_validate_capability( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'manage_capability', 'manage_options' ) ); if ( current_user_can( $manage_cap ) ) { $platform = $_POST['platform-name']; if ( $platform ) { $result = $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM {$wpdb->prefix}statistics_visitor WHERE `platform` = %s", $platform ) ); if ( $result ) { echo sprintf( __( '%s platform data deleted successfully.', 'wp-statistics' ), '' . htmlentities( $platform, ENT_QUOTES ) . '' ); } else { _e( 'No platform data found to remove!', 'wp-statistics' ); } } else { _e( 'Please select the desired items.', 'wp-statistics' ); } } else { _e( 'Access denied!', 'wp-statistics' ); } wp_die(); // this is required to terminate immediately and return a proper response } /** * Setup an AJAX action to empty a table in the optimization page. */ static function empty_table_action_callback() { GLOBAL $WP_Statistics, $wpdb; // this is how you get access to the database $manage_cap = wp_statistics_validate_capability( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'manage_capability', 'manage_options' ) ); if ( current_user_can( $manage_cap ) ) { $table_name = $_POST['table-name']; if ( $table_name ) { switch ( $table_name ) { case 'useronline': echo wp_statitiscs_empty_table( $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_useronline' ); break; case 'visit': echo wp_statitiscs_empty_table( $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_visit' ); break; case 'visitors': echo wp_statitiscs_empty_table( $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_visitor' ); break; case 'exclusions': echo wp_statitiscs_empty_table( $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_exclusions' ); break; case 'pages': echo wp_statitiscs_empty_table( $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_pages' ); break; case 'search': echo wp_statitiscs_empty_table( $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_search' ); break; case 'all': $result_string = wp_statitiscs_empty_table( $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_useronline' ); $result_string .= '
' . wp_statitiscs_empty_table( $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_visit' ); $result_string .= '
' . wp_statitiscs_empty_table( $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_visitor' ); $result_string .= '
' . wp_statitiscs_empty_table( $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_exclusions' ); $result_string .= '
' . wp_statitiscs_empty_table( $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_pages' ); $result_string .= '
' . wp_statitiscs_empty_table( $wpdb->prefix . 'statistics_search' ); echo $result_string; break; default: _e( 'Please select the desired items.', 'wp-statistics' ); } $WP_Statistics->Primary_Values(); } else { _e( 'Please select the desired items.', 'wp-statistics' ); } } else { _e( 'Access denied!', 'wp-statistics' ); } wp_die(); // this is required to terminate immediately and return a proper response } /** * Setup an AJAX action to purge old data in the optimization page. */ static function purge_data_action_callback() { GLOBAL $WP_Statistics; // this is how you get access to the database require( WP_Statistics::$reg['plugin-dir'] . 'includes/functions/purge.php' ); $manage_cap = wp_statistics_validate_capability( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'manage_capability', 'manage_options' ) ); if ( current_user_can( $manage_cap ) ) { $purge_days = 0; if ( array_key_exists( 'purge-days', $_POST ) ) { // Get the number of days to purge data before. $purge_days = intval( $_POST['purge-days'] ); } echo wp_statistics_purge_data( $purge_days ); } else { _e( 'Access denied!', 'wp-statistics' ); } wp_die(); // this is required to terminate immediately and return a proper response } /** * Setup an AJAX action to purge visitors with more than a defined number of hits. */ static function purge_visitor_hits_action_callback() { GLOBAL $WP_Statistics; // this is how you get access to the database require( WP_Statistics::$reg['plugin-dir'] . 'includes/functions/purge-hits.php' ); $manage_cap = wp_statistics_validate_capability( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'manage_capability', 'manage_options' ) ); if ( current_user_can( $manage_cap ) ) { $purge_hits = 10; if ( array_key_exists( 'purge-hits', $_POST ) ) { // Get the number of days to purge data before. $purge_hits = intval( $_POST['purge-hits'] ); } if ( $purge_hits < 10 ) { _e( 'Number of hits must be greater than or equal to 10!', 'wp-statistics' ); } else { echo wp_statistics_purge_visitor_hits( $purge_hits ); } } else { _e( 'Access denied!', 'wp-statistics' ); } wp_die(); // this is required to terminate immediately and return a proper response } /** * Setup an AJAX action to purge visitors with more than a defined number of hits. */ static function get_widget_contents_callback() { GLOBAL $WP_Statistics; // this is how you get access to the database $widgets = array( 'about', 'browsers', 'map', 'countries', 'hits', 'hitsmap', 'page', 'pages', 'quickstats', 'recent', 'referring', 'search', 'summary', 'top.visitors', 'words', 'searched.phrases', ); if ( array_key_exists( 'format', $_POST ) and $_POST['format'] == 'dashboard' ) { $size = 220; $days = 10; } else { $size = 110; $days = 20; } $view_cap = wp_statistics_validate_capability( $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'read_capability', 'manage_options' ) ); if ( current_user_can( $view_cap ) ) { $widget = ''; if ( array_key_exists( 'widget', $_POST ) ) { // Get the widget we're going to display. if ( in_array( $_POST['widget'], $widgets ) ) { $widget = $_POST['widget']; } } if ( 'map' == $widget || 'hitsmap' == $widget ) { $widget = ''; } if ( '' == $widget ) { _e( 'No matching widget found!', 'wp-statistics' ); wp_die(); } $ISOCountryCode = $WP_Statistics->get_country_codes(); $search_engines = wp_statistics_searchengine_list(); require( WP_Statistics::$reg['plugin-dir'] . 'includes/log/widgets/' . $widget . '.php' ); switch ( $widget ) { case 'summary': wp_statistics_generate_summary_postbox_content( $search_engines ); break; case 'quickstats': wp_statistics_generate_quickstats_postbox_content( $search_engines ); break; case 'browsers': wp_statistics_generate_browsers_postbox_content(); break; case 'referring': wp_statistics_generate_referring_postbox_content(); break; case 'searched.phrases': wp_statistics_generate_searched_phrases_postbox_content(); break; case 'countries': wp_statistics_generate_countries_postbox_content( $ISOCountryCode ); break; case '': wp_statistics_generate_map_postbox_content( $ISOCountryCode ); break; case 'hits': wp_statistics_generate_hits_postbox_content( $size, $days ); break; case 'search': wp_statistics_generate_search_postbox_content( $search_engines, $size, $days ); break; case 'words': wp_statistics_generate_words_postbox_content( $ISOCountryCode ); break; case 'page': _e( 'This feature temporarily disabled.', 'wp-statistics' ); if ( array_key_exists( 'page-id', $_POST ) ) { $pageid = (int) $_POST['page-id']; echo ' '; echo sprintf( __( 'Click here to see page stats.', 'wp-statistics' ), 'admin.php?page=wps_pages_page&page-id=' . $pageid ); // This feature temporarily disabled because there is conflicts. //wp_statistics_generate_page_postbox_content( null, $pageid ); } break; case 'pages': wp_statistics_generate_pages_postbox_content(); break; case 'recent': wp_statistics_generate_recent_postbox_content( $ISOCountryCode ); break; case 'top.visitors': $format = null; if ( array_key_exists( 'format', $_POST ) ) { $format = 'compact'; } wp_statistics_generate_top_visitors_postbox_content( $ISOCountryCode, 'today', 10, $format ); break; case 'about': wp_statistics_generate_about_postbox_content( $ISOCountryCode ); break; default: _e( 'ERROR: Widget not found!', 'wp-statistics' ); } } else { _e( 'Access denied!', 'wp-statistics' ); } wp_die(); // this is required to terminate immediately and return a proper response } }