get_option( 'record_exclusions' ) != 1 ) { echo "

" . __( 'Attention: Exclusion are not currently set to be recorded, the results below may not reflect current statistics!', 'wp-statistics' ) . "

"; } $daysToDisplay = 20; if ( array_key_exists( 'hitdays', $_GET ) ) { $daysToDisplay = intval( $_GET['hitdays'] ); } if ( array_key_exists( 'rangestart', $_GET ) ) { $rangestart = $_GET['rangestart']; } else { $rangestart = ''; } if ( array_key_exists( 'rangeend', $_GET ) ) { $rangeend = $_GET['rangeend']; } else { $rangeend = ''; } list( $daysToDisplay, $rangestart_utime, $rangeend_utime ) = wp_statistics_date_range_calculator( $daysToDisplay, $rangestart, $rangeend ); $total_stats = $WP_Statistics->get_option( 'chart_totals' ); $excluded_reasons = array( 'Robot', 'Browscap', 'IP Match', 'Self Referral', 'Login Page', 'User Role', 'GeoIP', 'Hostname', 'Robot Threshold', 'Honey Pot', 'Feeds', 'Excluded URL', '404 Pages', 'Referrer Spam', 'AJAX Request', 'CronJob', ); $excluded_reason_tags = array( 'Robot' => 'robot', 'Browscap' => 'browscap', 'IP Match' => 'ipmatch', 'Self Referral' => 'selfreferral', 'Login Page' => 'loginpage', 'User Role' => 'userrole', 'Total' => 'total', 'GeoIP' => 'geoip', 'Hostname' => 'hostname', 'Robot Threshold' => 'robot_threshold', 'Honey Pot' => 'honeypot', 'Feeds' => 'feed', 'Excluded URL' => 'excluded_url', '404 Pages' => 'excluded_404s', 'Referrer Spam' => 'referrer_spam', 'AJAX Request' => 'ajax', 'CronJob' => 'cronjob', ); $excluded_reason_db = array( 'Robot' => 'robot', 'Browscap' => 'browscap', 'IP Match' => 'ip match', 'Self Referral' => 'self referral', 'Login Page' => 'login page', 'User Role' => 'user role', 'Total' => 'total', 'GeoIP' => 'geoip', 'Hostname' => 'hostname', 'Robot Threshold' => 'robot_threshold', 'Honey Pot' => 'honeypot', 'Feeds' => 'feed', 'Excluded URL' => 'excluded url', '404 Pages' => '404', 'Referrer Spam' => 'referrer_spam', 'AJAX Request' => 'ajax', 'CronJob' => 'cronjob', ); $excluded_reason_translate = array( 'Robot' => json_encode( __( 'Robot', 'wp-statistics' ) ), 'Browscap' => json_encode( __( 'Browscap', 'wp-statistics' ) ), 'IP Match' => json_encode( __( 'IP Match', 'wp-statistics' ) ), 'Self Referral' => json_encode( __( 'Self Referral', 'wp-statistics' ) ), 'Login Page' => json_encode( __( 'Login Page', 'wp-statistics' ) ), 'User Role' => json_encode( __( 'User Role', 'wp-statistics' ) ), 'Total' => json_encode( __( 'Total', 'wp-statistics' ) ), 'GeoIP' => json_encode( __( 'GeoIP', 'wp-statistics' ) ), 'Hostname' => json_encode( __( 'Hostname', 'wp-statistics' ) ), 'Robot Threshold' => json_encode( __( 'Robot Threshold', 'wp-statistics' ) ), 'Honey Pot' => json_encode( __( 'Honey Pot', 'wp-statistics' ) ), 'Feeds' => json_encode( __( 'Feeds', 'wp-statistics' ) ), 'Excluded URL' => json_encode( __( 'Excluded URL', 'wp-statistics' ) ), '404 Pages' => json_encode( __( '404 Pages', 'wp-statistics' ) ), 'Referrer Spam' => json_encode( __( 'Referrer Spam', 'wp-statistics' ) ), 'AJAX Request' => json_encode( __( 'AJAX Request', 'wp-statistics' ) ), 'CronJob' => json_encode( __( 'CronJob', 'wp-statistics' ) ), ); $excluded_results = array( 'Total' => array() ); $excluded_total = 0; foreach ( $excluded_reasons as $reason ) { // The reasons array above is used both for display and internal purposes. Internally the values are all lower case but the array // is created with mixed case so it looks nice to the user. Therefore we have to convert it to lower case here. $thisreason = $excluded_reason_db[ $reason ]; for ( $i = $daysToDisplay; $i >= 0; $i -- ) { // We're looping through the days backwards, so let's fine out what date we want to look at. $thisdate = $WP_Statistics->real_current_date( 'Y-m-d', '-' . $i, $rangeend_utime ); // Create the SQL query string to get the data. $query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT count FROM {$wpdb->prefix}statistics_exclusions WHERE reason = %s AND date = %s", $thisreason, $thisdate ); // Execute the query. $excluded_results[ $reason ][ $i ] = $wpdb->get_var( $query ); // If we're returned an error or a FALSE value, then let's make sure it's set to a numerical 0. if ( $excluded_results[ $reason ][ $i ] < 1 ) { $excluded_results[ $reason ][ $i ] = 0; } // Make sure to initialize the results so we don't get warnings when WP_DEBUG is enabled. if ( ! array_key_exists( $i, $excluded_results['Total'] ) ) { $excluded_results['Total'][ $i ] = 0; } // We're totalling things up here for use later. $excluded_results['Total'][ $i ] += $excluded_results[ $reason ][ $i ]; $excluded_total += $excluded_results[ $reason ][ $i ]; } } $excuded_all_time = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT SUM(count) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}statistics_exclusions" ); // If the chart totals is enabled, cheat a little and just add another reason category to the list so it gets generated later. if ( $total_stats == 1 ) { $excluded_reasons[] = 'Total'; } for ( $i = $daysToDisplay; $i >= 0; $i -- ) { $date[] = "'" . $WP_Statistics->Real_Current_Date( 'M j', '-' . $i, $rangeend_utime ) . "'"; } $stats = array(); foreach ( $excluded_reasons as $reason ) { for ( $i = $daysToDisplay; $i >= 0; $i -- ) { $stats[ $reason ][] = $excluded_results[ $reason ][ $i ]; } } ?>
